08/14/1939� 1 � � �. �- _ ,. _ _ _ , _ �, _ . �a � ' �IN[TTES OF TfiL+' MEETIDiG OF THE CIR�Y COEI�d:LSStON The City Commission o�'the City oi Clearwater met in regnlar meeting asaemble� at $he City S-i�,ll on the evening p3 Aug�s�C 14�h� 19$9� v►itk� t�e �ollowing membere preeent; : E. B. Caaler, Jr., Mayor-Commissioaer � R. L. Balter R. A. Dempaey AbaenL: Herbert Gricse W. 4Yo Peeler Minutes oP the pr�vioas meeting were resd and approved. Mr. R. M. Thompson addressed the Cnmmisaion with re�erence to the Yavht Club leasing �art o�' the Fiah Plant and sta�ed that � the reason i'or asking �or such a long term leea� wae th� �aot that they would hava to apend consid.erable moneq in �iging up the buildin� as they wonld like to have it. The City Attbrney was inetruvted to eon�er with l�r. Cyr31 Pogne in draming np a I.ease which v�onl.d be acoeptable to the Clearovater Yacht Cl�b and the City Co�ission. The Commisaioners agreed to let the Clearwa�er Beach Progres$ive gsaooiation have a portion o� the bnilding without a lease. . Capt�.in B. A. Lon�e presented p?,.ans o� the propoaed ya�ht basin and bc+rv alips whieh he intends bui�.ding on the sonth aide o� �he Causeway and east o� i�arion Rui'f's. ��ter d3seuseion the City Attorne� was inatructed to draw a ten g►ear lease wi'th a rental o� � 25,00 per month and Mr. I,av�e agreed to �fll in a etrip on the w�st end. Dr. Raymond H. Center's o��er o� � 5,OOA.00 and �reotion of a� 10,000.00 building �or the remai�ing portion oY Bl�sit 4 o� Sarah MoMul.len�s Subdivision, payable � 1,000.00 eash and balanoe payable in �our nr �ive years was re�sed. Moved by Mr, B�ker, seoonded by Mr. Dempsey an�. nnanimons],y oarrieci that � 30.00 be donated to the Belmont Nursery Scshool. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, aeconded by Mr. Baker an@ unanimonsly ceerried that Ordinanoe � 452: AN OPDIN:9NCE REGIILATING AND RF.u�RICTING T$E IISE OF LAND �ND TSE I,pCATION AND iiSE OF BUILDINGS !�II) : TRUCfiiJRES T1,V THE CITY OF CL�ARRVATER, I+'LORIII)A, CRF�ATItJG DISTRICTS OR �ONE'S THERZFpl�, RE�Typ,TI1�JG g+gE ZNTENSITY OF IISE OF LAND :�,RFAS AND TH� ZOCATIO�T QF BUII�INGS AND wTRUCTURES TA�tL�N, ` ESTABLISHING BUILDING LINES, PROYIDING A METHOD OF ADMINISTRATIOIV, ' 1►I�TD i'ROVIDt1VG PII�L6�,TIES FC�R TiiE V�OLATIQN OF THE TERMS OF' TATS ' ORDINANCE be passed on ite �irst reading, whioh was done a�ter ' � having been raad in ft�7.1. • i k f 7 _ � , _ _ �.__:__,..__ _ ,. _._:..� . . __.�.;: � � . . J �''.. y. ��ii` ��G1•..:a��;d':c�,: �� �.r,,�� �� �t �Z .� ' �.. Y,,/.J' fi.i �t^, � � � ( � �" t�soz�rrzorr m� �"JORKS FROGRESS ADMINI3TRATION REQUEST2NG TAE O�ENIIvG OP CTTYVitIDE STFt��T IMPI?OVEIITII�" t ROJ'EQT AND LIESTGNATING SECQIvD ITEh2S FOR IPdPROVEf�;NT . � iF:.�es�rracti.�i:i':�':-;:ibi£ti:a,'%Es%:i- � � � . VYHEREAS, the Wor�s Frogre�ss 9tZministration �ias approvad V`d, P. A. State Projec� �52-30810� County Ser3.a1 #52-7 A-19�3, providing far grading, paving, ��e-paving, wiclening, dra3ning� beaut'�fy3.n� and otherPriso imp»oving Qar3ous streets �hroughou� the City of Clearwatex�� e.n.� 4iR3EREAS, it �vas stipula�ed in: the project that no work rvould be done on any s�ree't ex�ept on resol�t�or.. by t�e C3ty Council appraved by �cho Ares an.d State G�. Y. A. �i'fices, and t'tIHE:tEAS, it 3s the deaire oi the Gity Counci]. to begin v�ork 3mraedi- atel� on this px�oject, NOt4, TiiEREFORE, BE IT I�SO�VED that work be comm,ended on the follow- ing atreets: Item No. Description YVork to be donee 1• �o�r-oe �-from •Plashin t'on�'Ff�`�G'�' t Clean out vrl:den and dsepen 2. 3, 4. 5. Clean oat;, re-gradegd:itches r�' � stree� ditcb.; re-placo cu7.- vert and dr3voways and foot gaths. Total feet in length: 3b0� �'Eras�ington S+�reet, from Roose- C'lean out, v�iden and deepen ve].t Street, to Greenwood Age., street di�ch; re-place �u1- clean. out, re-gr�de ditches. vert and drivs�va.�rs and io�t path�. Tota]. feet 'in lerigth• 18�0� Lincoln Avenue, from 1Yashing- Olean, widen and deepen ditch �on to u•xant Strsete clean out, (street); r�-place cu].vert re-�rade d3teYiss, and driveways and �oot patlz�. To�a1 faot in length; 700t. Grani: S�ree'l;, f'.rom �Tonroe to Clean out, widen an.d. deepen Greenwood Avenue, ta Attichigan street di�ch; rep'•ace cul- Avenue; Clean out, re-grade vert anc7. drivew�.a,y�,� and foo� ditches, pa�ths. Tota�. fddt in Zen�th: 1400T 47ashing�on Street, from Green� Clean out, vr3.den and de�pen crood Avenue to Michigan A�enue. �txee� ditch: re�-place cu1- Cle�n out, re-grade d3.tches. vert an�. d.rivevrays and f'oot. pat}�s. Tota1 teet in ].ength; 1600� V, 02� � , 1�e� No. Dascri i:ion --------�---- � 1Vork to b e don.e. � �• �'�z I3luffy f�om G2'a�Y�WOOC� $O G"I.9Etri rnz-�, w3:dens and deep��i. Har� Streeta c,�;qa� csttts 2�e�ac�.p s�reet d3.tch; re-glace cu3.vex� ctitcY�,es� az2cl drivew�.ys anci :�oo� pathg, �'otal i'e�t in leag�h¢ 24�0� '7s Central Si;re��, irom �edax �t, Clean outa �v'!den, an.cl desuen ta Ps.1m �l�x��; cles.n , ragrade st�ee� d.��ch; re-plsce culver� ditckiea« and drave��zya an� �`oot pat�:s, Tota.� feet in len�ht 1400� a• �ar� Stra�t, �'rom Cedar Streat �le�zn. ou� tvidera and deepen �o Fel.m B1ufP• c1e � a � akts �'e- s�reet di�ch; re-plaae cul.ver� �r�.de clitchea. and dr��.ways and �"oot �c�.l ��et 3.xa �.en��h; 14��hs,.: �• Pennsylvan.ia �lvenue, �rom Gec�s.r C�ean out, �3.de� and deepen strae� �:o �6a.rsha?1 S�reet; s�re�et d9.�c�; re�plsce culvert C'? ea.rF. out, re-�y�ade di�ehes . and d�i�orra:ys and f oo� TotA1 i'est 3n 1ex��ha 3800$g 30� �"u.��ena, �n.�ersectin.g Vine Aite,� C7,ean outq rriden and deegen c�.exn: out� re-��de ciitches, stree� dtic�.; re-plaes culvert �rzc3. �,riveways ancl f`oo� pa-�hs, Tat�.3 �ee� 3.�i �.ength: Z0�0► Z�• Cedar ��rge�, �.n.�;ersee�in� V3.ne Clean c�u�, �.a�n �a aegp�n Avenue� cl�an out, re-grad� street ciitch; ra-place cu�:vert di�chns, anc�. dx*ivaways and itso� pa�hs, Total �'ee� 3n len.g�h: 1�00� 12, �'alm �1ui'f, .from Td���Ze gvenue ta �er�s�3.v�nia: c7.ean. oui; rs- ��-ean ou�, rv�.3en and da��en ��ac3e d�tehes ' gtr�9� diteh; replace eul- ver� �a ar�.ve��y�s and � oo � paths+ Tota1. i'eet 3.n �:angthp a.se� p �3• :�r�m�a.n Street, �'�4m Roosavalt G1ean ou�a �iden a�d deepen uo �r�en�oade G1.an. out, re- s��ee� ditch; re-P�ace cu1- grac�e d:L�che�. vex� anr3 drivsv�a.�s a;n� foo� p�.�hs t To�c�l fae� in 1eng�h: 184t3► l�a �t�.dison Avenu�, �rom Rooseveit to Green�r�nd: C1ea,n ou�, re� �rafle d3.�e$es� t3x'uid �`ioad� s�ox�ri ri�i,t�cx Belchnr Roacl� to Keqxys Road: � G�.eaxi ou�' widen, and deepan. s�reeic ditc3a.; re-�l.ace cuZv�r� enc� drivevra�s an.d �oot p�.�.hs �, Total �'oet in len�ht l8(3t1t �caVstixlg�, �rub� gha.Pe o�.d d:r�ainago d�.�ciz end pravids �ecoss�r3r s��u.etu.r.asf on) �'r�r drivQyva.gs, Tota�. feet �.n �sngth,• �500� � � ��GM. I�em No. �7es�r3.��lsn Wark to be �ione. 1S. B��.cho3� Road, starm d�.4ah an Ex�av�ti.ng„ �rub, aha�e aid ]3ruici Road to GuZ� �o Bey d�e.ina.�e ditch and �r�svide Baul�var�i� necossar� structures for driv�wags, To�al iee�G in ����th: �soo� 17. Clea� and arub Cer�etery Park� ��;a'b a�n.cl clor�r 1,500 sq. �'�� z�l� o� Pa�l€s �oaicl, Z3es be- t;ween S. A. L.: iiai].�tay,� s�A." . Si:xeet---�us�zt�.1�,a Arvonue# CZearw��e��Geme�es�-, . 18.. �ag sir3ev�a�.lks on i�es� s3:�e of Graae aad i3.11 an;� 1.a;� s3dew�lk tfresnwnqd �vanu�� narth �o �aken. �'ram Dc�l Ore Grovos,; f311 T�axm.�r Street. i.n �o3n�s �ith camen� �0 3�i00+ 3.n 3.c�n�t� es� 5�' �ic�ewsilk. 18; �,�.y �3dewal�: on thQ nor�iz �3.cle Cracle an�. f'3.17. a;nci �.�y a3.d.ervalk c�f' T.�akevie� Avenue� west o� �a.ker� i'rom Del 0�� Grove�;, �'il.�. Pro��sect Avenue. 3�; joinLs �rr�.th cem��.i; �a ���pp 3n 1en�YS ai' bn sidet�aik, 20. T;o�us Pa�iz, �'som �reenwaod Crub, �rAd�y a.nd i�11a,�et c'ur'bg AVenue, to I�yx�1e A�renua; 1300� mia: in p3.aee; double �sphei,� in leng�h, trQatmenu; 2iJe �.n v�id�h Tot;e.1 l�n��h:; 13Q0 � ' 21, Fleasant Streat, .f"rom For�t Grub, exc�.vato' �racley s�t aux=i�9 �srrison Ave., ta �sa� ��'� � litue-�o�i� �0► 3n wic3th; �50t in Zon��h.. 2Qp Gu3.i' �ts Eay B1vd. P'arl�ray G�tabi g�ade s.�d bee.u�3..�`ying 235QQ� ].ri 1,on��7.�, 23., �13den Hagen Strse�, fram Ft. Fiqr�toue I�riek, alo�aa,a '�3.den r�ad �arrisan Ave,� to Osceola, bed �0 4C1� g r����,doy �.ime�x��ck base 5�r t�.3c;k. �tep7.ace br3:ck axad eemcn�c �n��.�� sur�aaa, �ata�. i"ee� in lerag�h; �2Ut 2$. 4sceo3.a Avenue, from Haven O�caol.a 4ven�aQ�. fro�n I��,ven, to S�G., to Fiorce St, Syideri :��;� P3orce S�reat� ?��sma�b;. c?�an 'br3.��� reuxotre �ree�. Wt.3.cien ro�ci' bsd tro 36f ; regr�.de, le.y 5sr 1.ime-r�ck 'bsd� Reple.ce Y�rick � and �emun� ez��Lire �u��aee. Tb��,l i eet 9.n �.ex�gi�lz, 500� 2�4 Pieree �tr�at; �'rom Oseealtt Remove br�.ck, clean, �ri:d0n Pi��c� aloa� �'3�xee ���eets, �o water- 5tx�set 360�, �'�1�� �:�acYe, a.x�d; �c�,y #'ron�; a7.crn� �ater-Pron� to i.5.�emrock 'ba�e `�ha wid.th oi' 40�' Cleve3an$ Street� enbrat�ce to for 250t in l�ng�Yi„ Gr'r�.b, g�acie Galzaearay`: an,�1 sux�'acs w�:to��-f�on1; �ection .�ram P3ea�ce �p �1eve?�a.a ��ree�* Lixno=xo�k '�ase� Fi�o9: — - � . . i+L�.Si�.. . . . � � . xi;c�m Ri'o. �escr3���4z► V,'o�3z ta 'be desrs,e. �a. n�:�.a �����.� �x�a��, ��.� ����.��.t�;� �.s �u� ���a� �'e��ox+cls S��o€s�. Oo�.s w����� oi` �sz�h �nr� rack; inatal.�. ` �nt� x''cn.� ti�s� tv�.].��. � F�.].�ng� �rk�eat�.ags �.d ancharage ,�ox� �'our Ev3.ng v;a7.].s� e�,ela� Z2� in �.er�th. An��ua� �a pi13�.�, 3.aea�ed :in t� 7�uszn a#.` ��� be�.k; �aehox r�cis �t� be 3���t s�e�i� �ie-f�.17, tha rear a� v�3.�a� �a1? �; �� arsd a.°a-g�adbd �ata3. lon�,rth oi' �t�tar `a�isa� vra].la.: �8� (ST��L) ,r'� <� f ' t �' hTfiES'�x �iv' i'� ';:=, ,;. �. ;� �-�, wQS' 6 E1 ,Sj : t�i1TLC r � A�T'NUV:GI�g ' � �' ' orn��x --��. � ��� i��,; ` � Ll.1/i��:,,�: ; • �*"' 1;"� z m 0 T; �,� F`rank Hsmx>iok f do haz�oby cs�r�i�`gr thcat �� tb.e Cle�i� o�' �ha ��.�y ���urtail o�E uh� Ci�y af C1orx�ra�er, FZor�.d.r��, enz� s�s �1xeh o�f 3.cex� ha�rca ��ry au.s�ody � ha ari��.n��. ��.1e9 �nei r4cci��.s r�;E �a3.c� G���' nnc3 ���h�r cs�r�i�y t�.o fore�oing �Ga �Q ���ae fzr:ci corr�tic� cap� af �esa7.u�ion. sn�3.�].od RE�4?T,U9'IOP� T#� rot�.f�I£� .P.i�O��.`�a AbLTxI'dl��'J.�.M,i�t7t3 REC�iI�$�i'T�1'G '1yiiCs Q�'E�T2NG U�' �I"1'Y1rIT3�; �a"tl�k�'�' Ti1tT�OV�td`F�i�' t'HOJ�r'�T �I73 �?�;���NA�'Ti�G ��G'J�Fi� T�'FS�:3 F'OR iLiFiiOC�s''i,ira'AI'i wh3.eh wa.s �.dani�e3 by s�.id C�.�y Counoi� c�n ula.Q i�k�1a �.�z� o� Au�zs�q 1939, �h� dr3;�xu�1 c�opy of` ��,1d resz��u'�3ian �eing on. �'i�.a �nci oF ��aii��. 3.�, ra�' a��i�e,, G3^ven under my ha:rid and �he Of''P�.C%R7. �e�x3: of .�,h� C3�� o� Cle�wa��r� F'lor3.d�., the 3.4tia dA� ��' ,i�ug�zs�,, �, D.,. 1.939 , i" ` � �_ � /.._..� ',`O�' U 'y G�C�� ! �3'�� o�' C1s�a,'�rai;c�x��, F2��'i��. STATE OF FF,GRIDA ) C OUNTY OF PINE�,LAS } Befoxe methe under-signed authority personallg appeaz�ed J. Frank Aamricl�, City �lerk, of the City of �learv�ater, k'lorida, firs�t being duly svrorn, acl�owledges the execution of i;he i'oregoing inetrument . GJITI3ESS; My hand azd seal this .tY� day of Av�;ust, l�zoi A. D. � � ' . � Notar� Public Nutary p�blic, State of Florida af I.�rp,r, My Cammission Expires Apr. 23, 1��1 0 v � , �3 I Moved by Mr. Dempeay� seconcled by Mr. Baker`and unanimnusly oarrie�. that tho Pol].ov�in� Resfl].ution, ` pre�ented by Leo Bu�ler, be peased: , ' :� • �p .. � . .. .. ! y � . . . n,��� . f .� , . . 4 . +�- ' . . . . T � � � b • � � . 4 } � ; , 'k ; 'i i i ; � a i , ,,' � � 1 � � � �� �' r3 � � � �, , r�, � ; � � } � � . . � . . . � . � . . . . . � , , � . .. .. � � � . � � . . . ,a-. � .P'�, . .. ... . .. ... . . � . .. . . .. . . . . �! 4 . . .... .i . . � . . . �� ': � . . . . . .. . .. . ..... . � _.. .. . � . . ... . . , . . . . . ._._.�:. . .. ............. � t_-_:.... .. . _ . . . _ . . � d 1' '. ; � A lati�er �rom Mr. A1�red Marshall, relating to propoaed ohange� i.n the Zoning Ord3i:nanee, was read. Mo�ed by It7r. Dempaey, eaconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously earried that Crd3nanoo � 451: AN ORI?INAtJCE RELATING TO SEALTEi .AND S1�NITATION, 12EQIIIRING ALL �WIr' LINGS T� HAVE SII�ILS AND yVATER-FI,pSH'.I'OILETS� REQUIRING SEWF�.4 '� �s CONN.L�CTIONS IIND�t CERTAIN CONDiTIONS, REGiTI,ATIlVG THE IISE OF SEPTIC TANgB, 6ND PROVIDING PENAI�TIES FOR VIOLATION OF THE TF,RMS TF3EREOF, be passed on its third asad iina]. reading. A 2etter �rom VP. T. MaGowin a�ith re�Arenoe to leasing a�paa� �0 �eet by l00 �eet on ti�e north stde of the street �rom Etireringham's Pavil3on �ar an op�n air bawling al,ley was read and the oifer rejected. A letter trom VPilliam H. 4�o1�e �vas read. Mr. Wol�e agreed t� granting a right o�'way thro�agh hie propertg provided h3s honse and �arage are moved to another location, the lawn and shrtabs be replaeed to �rhere the house is moved and be pajd � 15.00 �or eaoh �Pru�t tree ramoved. Settlemeat o� a11 City tages on I60 lots in Greenwood Park�� 2�or � 900.00, by Martha L. Grant, was approved. The Gity ies tr �1�Pd �our oP these lota to Mrs, Grant. Settlement o� all City ta.ges and improvement lians sgainat Lote 34 ?� 35 Blook F o� Greer�ood Park � 2, b� W. M. Green, �or � 75.00 was approverle It was decided to o�ter Roy Fi3ngston � 2,000.00 ior a street rig��t o� wa�r and a strip o� land extending to the sea- wall. It was also decided ta se� asi@e one aare o� land on tY�e tract south oY the Sewege �iaposal plaut and north o� tx^aot known as Country View Eatatea �or nse as a oolored oemetery. There being no f,tirther business, the m�eting v�as adjourned. � Mayor � ssione Attest: �-��' ���'��.�/ � y AuditQr and Cl eri� � � � r w ORDINANCE NLMIBER 451 ' AN ORDINANCE RF.d,.k1TIP1G TO HEALTH :AND SANITA:TION, REQUIRING AT,L D4VELLINGS Tq H�VE SINKS AND 4YATIIt-I+'LUSH TOILLTS, REQUIR.Ni G SEWEFi COPdPTECTIONS UNDLa'R CLRTA1T�f CONDITIONS, REGULATING THD IISE OF SII'TIG TAP�'l�.S, AI� PiiOVIDING PENALTIF� FOR VIO?�ATION OF THE TERMS TfiERF�pF. BE IT ORDAINED 76Y THE CI'.PY COI�IfISSION OF TIiE CITY QF CLEAI2WATER, FLORIDA: 1. Eirery dwelling in the City o� Clearevater mas� be equipped with. �t least one sink, `vi,th running water pipe� �o the sink. 2. No outside toilet ahall be permitted caithin the limits o� the �ity oY C].earepater, Ei�ery dwelling in the Cit� ehal� be eq�.ipped with at Ieast one inaide water-�'Iuah toilet, 3nsts.11ed in aaoordanoe with the provisions oY the Plumbing Cade. Provided, however, that in cases where dvrellings are nova equipped �vith outside �vater-Plush toileta, the �se o3 sucsh outside wvater-f7.uah toile�s may continue as long as th ey remain in a sanitary oondition and �raper working order. 3• Every dwelZing shall oonneot with a saxii%arSr se�ver whenever such sew,er is available, escept in cases where a praper septio tank was installed beYore the sewer became available. In suah aeses the septics i;ank may ct�gtinue to be used as Iong as it ' remains in proper warking order.. When the septic tank is no longer ia proper worYing or�.er'it shall not be repaired or replaoed, but oonneotion shall then be made witn the sanitary sewex. � 4• �'very d�relling that doea not have a sanitary aewer avai,Zable ehall be equipped with a propes septic tank. 5. E�ery person, �irm, or corporation who shall'violate �ny e� the �erms o� this ardinanee shall, upon oonvietion t�ereo�, be pun.iahed by a�ine oi not zaore than one hundred dollars or l�y imprisonment �or not more -than thirty days, or by both suoix �ine and imprisonment, in the disor�tion of the Munieipa'i Judge. Passed on �irst reading July 17th, 1939, Passsd o� sec�ond reading July 17th, 1939. Passed on third reading Augti;,t 14th, 1939. �� � Mayor-Commisaio er — Atteat: y (. � . . � . . . . . . . . . �: C�ty Auditor� � C1erk ,j . � '' � _ _ . .. _. , _. _,. _ .__:� _._,_ ._._ _ .._:�j p �