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- The City Commission oF the City of Clearwatnr m,et in: regu3,ar
meeting assembled at t�:e City Fiall on. the evening of August
7, 1939 with the follo•,�ring m�mbers present:
• ` �. B. Ca.s].er, J'r. , Mayor-Commissioner
- R. L. Baker
R• �. Dempsey
Herbert Grice
Absent• S'1. VJ. Pesler
' Minutes of the previous mee-�ing v!�ere read and approver�.
Moved by Mr. Dempsey and second by Mr. Baker and
�.ananimously carried that the amendEd ordinance no. 450 be passed
on its �third and final reading. An Ordinance ada�ting an
Eleotrical code for the City of Cleax��rat�r, C'! earivater, Fla.
Sectian l. That the �olloyving rul.es and regu3ation be and
� the same herebg adopted far the instaZlation, maintena.�cz an�
repa3.rs oP eleetrical wiring, apparatus or equipment for light,
heat or power wit�in the limits oi the City of C].earv�atEr, as '.
theg are na�v or may hereafter be established. '
Saction 2. A permit will be requi�ed to do any eleetrical �
ccnstructio�, of any character, insta]:1 any elEctricFsl wi.ring,
app,qratus or equipmen:t, or make any extensions or chr�nges �o egis�-
ing wiring sys�tems, Por lights, heafs or �8wer, repa3ring�o�
damaged or broken Pixtures, apparatus or equipment and the ordinary
work necessary for thc� proper main�enance ofJ•same, These pe�,�s '
_ � shall be issued by the Chief �lectrical Inspector. �b such
permits shall be issu�d to anyone except a Master Electrician.
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Seat3on 3. Persuits shall not be �s�ued to anyone exae t
Master Ele�tricians by the Ch3.e� Eleotriael Inspeator unti,l th�
following inspection fee shall have been paid to the City Clerk.
.An inspe:.tion fee of On� Dollar ("��Q00) shall be chargesl,
and in addition to this there s'�a11 be added �ees as fallows:
For each outlet, including outlets for �rall switahas, five
aents ( 5¢' ) .
For each ligh�ting iixtures �r drop��.ght, five cents (5¢).
F�or each electric motor of less than l h.p., fifty oents
For eaeh electric heat�ng or cooking devioe con�umi�g more
than 660 watts of energy, fifty c�nts (50¢).
For e�ch neon or eleatric sign or system or awning or
out].�ne lights, one dollar (�1.00). Each �dditional sign under
same permit, fiit�y cents (50¢�.
For remodeling or repairing Prom one to twent� lignts,
one do7.lar (�1.00). Eaob, additional l�ght, iive cents �5¢).
For Delco nr other similar plants twA dollars (�2.00j.
Ohar.ging or aiteration of an existirg system, one doll�r
(�"1,00)9 �ar reinspection.
Each additional meter socket9 twen'Gy five cents (25�').
Bection 4. All elactrical construction, and all materials
and appliances use@ in connection with the :�.�stallation, maintenance
and operation of eleetrical apparatus or equipment for lights, hea:b
or power within the limits of Clearwater, shall confbrm to such
special rules ans't regulations as may be e�nbodied in this or other
ordinan.ces of the Cit� oP �lr�arwater, and to the rules, regulations
and recommendations oY the National Board of Fire Underwritars Por
the installation of wS.ring and apparatua for elect.riaal purposes as
they,are now established or may hereafter be amended, an�i such',rulesa
regu3ations and re�ommendations �?re hereby ad�pted and approved as
part of -cais qrdi;nance� 7'he ChieP Electrical Inspec�cor is hereby
empotvered to put into e�fect, subject with the appxoval of the
Board of Egaminers sucYi reasonable rules and regulatia:�s not in
conPliet with tY�is ordinance or the National Gode as he deems
necessary Por the purpose of more exfective control and construct-
ion oP eleetrical appliances and wiring. �
Section 5. On a�l conduit jobs in the �i�;y aP Clearwater
where conduits are to be aoneealed in earth, brick ar conorete,
rigid condui� must be of an approved galvanized type.
Section 6. All plumbing and other piping or_tube work must
bo in place on work to be aoncealed before the electrical wiring is
inspected, an.d no such ��iring shall be consider�d as compleie for
final i,nspection until �:11 such plumbing or pi�ing �s 3n place.
I't shall be ;a.nlawful ta lath, seal or in an.y manner conceal
any electrical wiring or equipment until same has been inspected
anr� notices posted that same is approved.
GiTh.en the electrical va�ork in an.y building for which a permit
has been obtained is ready for inspection, notice in writing
properly fil].ed in upon blanks furnished at the office of the Chief
Electrical Inspector stating the location of the worlc, the name oP ,
the owner, and the neme o� -he electrical contractor doing the workl�
sha].l be turned in to the Chief Electrical Inspector+s oPPice.
>fter the first visit �o a job or a written noiice to
inspect same, if it is ne�essary to return to reinapect any work,
whethzr �rom a deiect or the work nat being r.eady, the Inspector
will return only on another written notice, and shal.l requixe an
additional ii�spection fee of oue dol].ar (�1,00) to be paid to the
Cj_ty C1e'rk:
�:fter the entire completion of the work, a notice, the
same as �the foregoing, shall be given the Inspector i'or the final
inspection, and if he finds the work has been satis;factorily
done he shall issue a certiiicate of 3.nspee�ion.
This certificate does not relieve the electrician oP his
rresponsibility �or anp dei'ective woxk which map have escaped the
n�tice of th,e T_nspector.
It shall be unlawful for any person, firm_or corporation
��ti'nishing electric current for light, heat or power to conneet
the distributing system with any installatioa af wiring, apparatus
or Pistures 3n the City of Clearwater vaithout first ha�ing
received a copp o� oertificate oP final inspection issued by the
electrical inspector.
Section '7. Definii;ions: For the purpose of this Ordinanee
the following terms are dei'ined as Yollows:
"Master Electricians" sha11 r,�ean a�g person who has servc�d
as a jotirneyman eleetrician for a per.iod� of not less than two
years a�cd who has the necessary qualifications, training and
technical knowledge to contract, figure and supervise the installat-
ion of electrical wiring and electrical devices, said qual3fications
to be determ:ined by a Board of Electrical Examia�rs r�nd hereinaft�r
provided. �
Secta.on 8. Any person herea�ter engaging in or workin at
the business of electrician in the Ci�ty oP Clearwater as a
master electrir,isn sha1.1 first reoeive a CertiPicat�3 of Competenoy '
. . ' . . . . � � , � . . . � Y.
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3n aceordanae with the provisions of �th3s flx�dinanoe.
Section 9. Any parson desiring to engage or work in the
business or trade oP electrician as master e,lectrici�n 3.n the City
of Qlearwater shal]. make application to and be �xamined by a
Board ofEle�ctricians herb��af:,er provi3ed and at such ti�nes and
places as said B�ard may direet, Said examination may be made in
whole or in part in wxiting and sh�.11 be of a practical and
elementary charact�r, but sufficiently strict to t est the
qualiYications of �;he applicant.
Section 1.0. There is hereb9� �reated a�oard of Eleatrical
Examiners to consist of five (5) mezr.bers. The Ch3ef Electrical
Inspec�tor o� the City of -0learwater shall be one �enber, and ;Uhe
Bu31d3ng Ixispector of the City of` C�aarwater shall be one member�
Three members who shall be re�idents c�f t he City of Clearwater
shall re appointed by the City Covnnission, two qf whom shall "oe
ma.ster electricians and one of wh�m s�a11 ba a layman not engaged
in the electrical business. The CI'�y D+Ian.ager sha11 be an ex
officio menber of said Board. Not l�ss than iour menbers oP this
Board sha11 constitute a quorum. Vdithin ten (10) days aFter this
ordinance becomes effective, the City Gommisaion shall appaint
three members oi said �aard, one to be appointed Por a per3od o�
one year� nne for a period oY two years, and one for a period of
three years. Upon the axpiration of the term of o�fice of these
members, their successors shall be apgointed for a period of
three years. If vacancies occur in the Board for any caus�, the
same sha11 be Yilled by appointme�t as above stated, Eaoh member
shall hold over �Pter •i,he exp.iration of this term until his
successor has been appoi�ted and qualified. Ang member of the
Board may be removed from office for cause by the City Commis�ian.
Se�t�on 11. Each member of the Board shall, vefore entering
upon the discharge of his duties of oPfice, file �vith the CiT;�
Manager an oath 3n writing, to proper7.y perform the duties oi the
ofPice as � me�ber of said Board and +,o uphold the ordinance of
th� �ity of Cl.earwater and the Const3tution and laws oP the State
oP Florida and the Consti�tution and lalor3 of the U`nited St�.tes.
Section 12. (a) Within five (5) days after their ap�oin°t-
ment, the Board oi' Exa�iners shall convene Por �he purpose of
organizing said Baard, adopting rulss and regu,tation3t e2ecting
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offic�rs and auch other business aa may properly come vefore:it.
And within thirty days after the appointment, the Boa.�d oi'
Examinars shall meet Yor the purpose of �iving examinations
provided for in this ordinance. Thereafter the Hoaxd shall
meet at least twice each year, ance cluring the perioc� oY March
l�th to 31st and once during 'the period of September 15th to
3Qth Por the prupose of giving examinations ��e and transactin�
su�h other business f�s may properly come before it. The
Chairman, or the Secrotary-Treasurer oP thefBoard are hereby
• empowered to call meeting at an.y time to consider any viAlatio�
oP this ordinance. A].a. o„`ficers elected b� said Board shall ho1�
o��Pice �or one years provided the Pirst oPbicers elected under
this ordinance sh�ll serve until Soptember meeting and f rom that
date on, officers shall be elected Por a period oP one year.
Elective ofPicers shall consist oP a Chairman an� iiies-Chairman
and the Chi9f Ele�tric�l Inspector shall act as Secretary-
(b) The B�ard shsll have tne pov�ar to make .�p-laws,
rul�s and regulations governing its body� as it map deem �eeessary,
providing same do not conPlict tvith the laws of the City of.
Clearwater and the State of F�.oridae
Section 13. If application is na�e by any persa� for an
examination, it shall be tho duty o� the Chief �].eetri.cal Inspaetor
of the Ci.ty of Clearwater to call the examining Board into�
spseial session for �he purpose o� g3ving applicant an esaminata.on
tyithin a p'eriod of thirty da�s from the d ate of said application.
Said Board shall egamine applicants as to their praetical
lrnowledge of electricity, electrical wiring, eleetri�al xnstallat-�
ions and to all other matters that are properly connected wit.h
the business or tr�de of'eleetriei�ns and if satisiied oi' the
competency of the applicant shall thereupon 3.saue a aertificate
of com�eteney authorizing him to sngage in or work at tue trade
of master �lectrician. '
Sectzon 14. Every applicant who s*�a�1 make his appiication
as provided i'or in Section 0 s3i�Il pay a�ee of �lOvuU for the
privilege o� taking an. examination. The aforesaid fee shall
accompany the applicati�n as pragided for in Se�ti.on 9 and the '
said fee shall not be returned to the applicant. Every
journeyman electrinian shaZl be registered with the Secretary-
Treasurer of the Board of Examiners and shall pay a Pee of One
Dollar (�1.00) each year. A1.1 m�nies received hereunder shal7.
be used for the operation and maintenanca of tho Board af ;
Escaminers .
Secstion 15. Upon the �Jatisfactory completion of the
examinatian of titie appli.cant before the I�oard of Electriau:i
_ _ � I
`�xsminers as h�retofore pr•ovided, the Board shal.l isaue the
sucoessful appliQant a Certi�ioate of Compatenay. . The
Certii'icate of Competenc� so issued sha�.l xemain in full force
and effect as long as a license is paid �ear].y or unt3.l re�olced
or suspended in the manner provide�'by this Ordinance.
Section l6. No license as Master Electrioian shall be
�ssued by the City of Clearwater until the �.ppliaant for the
lioense has produced for examination to the Lieense Department
af the Gity of C�earwater his duly issued Cest3.ficate of
Section 17. The Board o.f El.ectriQians shall rave the power
in addition �o all other powers provided for in this Ordinance,
to revoke or suspsnd for a length of tima not to exceed one year
the Certiiicate of Competency of any Master Electriet�an who
shall be guilty oi any one or more of the fall�wing acts of
omissior,�, to-wit:
(aj Fraud or Deceit in obtaining license o_ certificate
of competency.
(b ) Negligence, zncompetency ar m�:sconduct ttn t�ie
practice o� contracting with the meaning of' this
(e) Abaudo�a.en.t oi any contract without legal excuse.
(d) Diversion oP'property or runds received under express
agreement fox proseciztion or completion of a speciPic
contract under this Ordinance.
(ej Obtaining mnney with intention to fraud or deceive
creditors or oVrn:ers.
�f) Eraudulent departure from ox disregard oi' pla�s: or
spec3Yica�ions in any material yespeet, without the
consent oi' the ovmer or his duly authorized represent-
ative. .
�g) The doing of an:y wilful or �raudulent act as a master
electrician in consequenoe of which another iss sub-
stantially in�ured.
(h� Yiilful and deli+�erate disregard and violation of the
Building Code of the City of Clearwater, and of the
Stat� oi Florida.
{;i) Allowing his name to be impxoperly used by any person
�or party di.rectly or indirectly either for the purpose
of obtaining a permit or to do any work un,der his
Any parson directly int�;rested, the owner, the Building or
Electrical Inspectox of th� City of Clearwa�er, the Architect or
Engineer of any building or coizstruction may prefer charges
against an electrici�n under this Ordinance. Such char�es must
be made in writing and sworn to be•tho complainant and sub-
m:ii;ted to the Board. 2t will then be the duty of the Board at the
earlies� possible date and not later �han thirty days thereaiter
to investigate the eharge and render their deaision withou� delay.
1. copy of the charges together V�ith the time and pZace of hearing
shall be legally served on the accused at least five davs before
the date fixed for �he hearing. At the hearing the aecuse�c shall
have the right �o appear personallp and b� coucil and cross-
examine witnessessa�sinst �im and t� produae witnesses and evidence
in his dePinse.
Section 18. �t shall be unlawPul for a�y master eleetrician
�o engage or work at the business or trade oi Master �lectrician
in the City oi �learwater when said Certificate of Coin.petene� has
been c�n.eelled and it shall be unlawful far any master electrician
to wor� in the trade or business during such time when his
Cortificate af Competency has been suspended.
Section 19. The provisions of this �rdinance shall not
(a) To an authorized represeniative oi' the United States
of America, or the State of Flarida, County of Pirellas
or C:tty of Clearwater doing work or construction in
`�heir oPficial capacity.
(h) The employees of Tsublic II�ilities l�ompanies or Coxp-
orations engaged in the manui'acturing or distribution
of electricity for t he 13ghting, heat or power, w}�en
sai@ �rror�C is done in the cours,e of their dut3e� as
employees of Public Utilities Companies and in
connection with t he manufacture or distribution when
work is done withthe supervision oP the duly
authorized officers�of the Pubi.ic Eftilities Company
or Corporation.
S.�ction 20. This Ordinance shall not be construed to
prevent the own.er of any property f rom doa.n� electrical work on
his own prngerty witYaout Pirst obtaining a license as a Master
Elactrician; but any work so done by the owner on his oti�ra proper�
shall be sul�.ject to 3nspection by the Electrical Tnspector an3
must be approved by hiun.
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Seation 2?. This ordinance shall not be oonstrued to
apply to the 3nstallation of any portabls electriaal applianoe
thai; may be installed by plugging in to an electrical outl.et already
installed in tho 'building.
Section 2^ua Any person or persons and the membors ot any
firm, oo-partnership, corporation, association or other organization
or an;y oombination thereo�, presenting or attempting to file or
use the cer�ifioa�e of competenay of another, or licenso af another
or who shall give false or forged evidence oP any kind to the
Board, or who shall falselv impersonat� another.s or who shall use.
an expired, suspended, or revoked lioense or Certificate of
Competency, or who shall viol�.te any one or more of the provisions
of any section oi th�s ordinanee, shall upon conviction in the
Mun.icipal Covrt be pun.ished by a fine not to ex,ceed ?�200.00 or by
im.prisonment not exeeeding 6�J days in the di9cretion of the Court.
Each and every d ay tha� a violation o�' this Ordinance
continues shall constitute a separate and distinet offerse.
Section 23. Every Master Elactric�.an w3.shing to engage in
business as an. electrieal contractar, shall, before engaging in
such business, execute .�, �c;�_d payalbe to the Cit� of Clearwater
in the sum of Five Hundrerl Dollars (�500.00), with a responsible
surety company authorized to do business in. the State oi' Florida
as surety oonditioned to proteet said Cit� against al]. loss or
damage accasioned by the negligence of the principal thereiu
�ailing to properly e�ecnte and protect all work done by him, or
his employees, or under his direction or supervision, ans� from
all loss or damage occasioned by or prising in any manner irom
�any such work 3one by said principals or his employees or under
direction or supervis�on, Said bond shall be approved by ti�e
City Manager of said City before it becomes effective, and may
be used by said City in any court of competent juxisdiciion. Ne
ibe exceo�uPb� those wh� have held anclelec�rical contrac�tors
lice�se in tb.e City of Clearwater for a period of two ye&rs or
more pre�ious to the passabe of this ordinanc:e may engage in
business as an Electrical Contractor without Pir�t securing a
Certificate oi Competency as a Master Electrician.
Section 24. Shoud any section, sub�section, sentencE,
clause or phrase oP this ordinance for any reason be �eld to be
unconstitutional such decisi�n shall not afPect the va].idity o�'
the remaining portions o� this ordinan�s. Any previous o�d.inanoe
coni'lietin� with }his ordinanco ig heretrrith repealed.
Section 25. This ordinanee shall become eP`fective inunediate-
lY upon passage by the City CouIInission oP the City of Clearwater.
� Passed on Pirst reading July 17, 1939
Passed on second reading J'ul�r 31, 1939
Passed on third reading A ust �1939
� �� ��a'���
� lerk
J'� o
1;�. Zeveriok read a prop�sal oP t he use of tthe Fish
Plant as a recreational center by the Clearwater Beach Pro-
gressive Association. ThPy are asking �or a hal.f of the bui�ding
and promenade privileges of the loading platfo�n on the Eas� side
for the Rdereation Association. They would pay one do7:lar per
xear for their lease. rdr. I,everici� stated that the Clearevater
Beach Progress,ive A�sdciation would ask the Recreation Board to
act as an ad�isory board to them. The City Manager read a letter
from the Clearwater Yacht Club stating that �they would like to
lease th� 5outh half o� the main part of the building rePerred
to as the '�Fish Plantt�. �17.so ofPered to lease Ra�arian r3;ghts
or the use of the water directlg East of the building for the
p�.irpose of erecting boat Sl�ps and a Gat GYaJ.k platform, Ti and
when the Yacht Club is in a financial position to erect said
�ps and cat wal.k. They stai;ed that the Yacht Glub would keep
'the porti�� o�' the building leas�d to them fully covered bp
i'ire insurance at the ex7aense of the Club and that they were
will3n� to pay i'ifteen dollars per manth rental payable on or
beYore the ten�h day of each monnth in advance and ask tha� their
lease run for a perioa of 15 years with privileges of renewing ..
at the espiration of this time. Their lease would begin September
1, 1939r Ma. Peters ask the Oommission i.i-a motion:would-be
entertaineds�i�a•tin� that the Clearweter Beaoh ProgressiveM
Aesociation and the �loarwater Yacht Club be allowed to have a
portion of the building a�k �or aiter disposi,tion oi' the equipment
dii the p1an�G, After some d3scussion bp the Commiss3ongrs they
decid.ed to gostpone �efinite aotion until they would have �ime
to oonsider these propositions,
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Moved by f�Sr. Baker and sdoond bY Mr. Dempsey and unanimously
carried that the C�.ty Manager be ins�ruated to ask for bids on
the machinerg in the ps�a'��t before disposing of �ame.
ThEodore Ceraol� appeared before the Commission asking them
to help h.im in his troubles as the State Health Depar�men� had
closed his tourist campr Mr. Ceraolo stated that he needed some
fatherly advice as.he didn't kno?n1 Axactly what to do in this
casa. '
Moved bp L2r. Dempsey, second by Mr. Baker, and unaniuiously
carried that a transfer of five thousand c�,�7_:Lars from the Gas
and Water Department to the General �und be approved.
CityI�anager read a lotter from the Chamber of �omnerce with
rePerence to rate eharge o� the Brooklyn Base Ball team at the
F'ort Harrison Hotel. Mr. Norton stated that the rate oi six
dollars per day was ii�eaclby Mr. Davis, U�Ianager of the Hotel.
And by� sseing Mr. Davis personally, he thought the same agreement
could be had for the coming season. Tha matter was referred
to the Cit� Ma�ager.
�doved by Mr. Grice, second by �r. Dempsey and unanimously
carrieci that the following resolution presanted by AIi'red
Marshall be adopted.
��'�HEFFA�, �as been called to our attention the fact that the
Internal Tmp�ovement Board oi Florida has secently acquired the
Ygal title to that certain tract oi' land commonly known as the
'TDu�edin Airport!', lyin� North �i' Cedar Creed, West of County
Highway �37, �ast of the channel in Ciearwater Bay, and South of
i<he North City Limits line in the City of Dunedin, Florida, and
T�Vf�REAS, the City Commissioners of the City �f Dunedin,
Florida, have e�pressed to us throught their City Attorney a
desire to acnuire t%tle to the said property for the purpose o:f
using the same as an airport, City Park or other 3imilar public
pur�oses, and
W�ER�AS, vr�.believe the acquisition and usa of said premises
as here�ofore set forth to be of benefit, not only to the citizens
of the City of Dunedin,. but to the citizens of the City of
Clearv�ater as v�ell;
NOW TSEREFOR�' be it resol�%ed that the City Qommissioners of
the Cit� of Clearwater, in regular meeting assembled on this the
?th day o� flug., A. D. 1939, do hereby request �nd urgz the
Tnternal Impro�ement Board of Florida to convey title to said lan'�s
to tha City oP Dunedin, �lorida, for the uses and purposes
herein set �orth.
�'��m n$d AD�P�.'F'.�D at a regular meeting of the Gitg
Commission of the City of Clearwater, Pinellas County, I'losida,
this 7'ch day of Aug., A. D. 1939«
�� �
M r-v^o�nmi ioner
. /"�/l .�-: .
� " � .��,�-�
City Clerk � `�`.—..
Alfred Marshall presented a pEtetion signed by nine
residents and property owners in the area adjaeent to the
�olf Drivin.g Range operated last 1�'Tinter near the Causeway,
sequesting t}�e City Comm�.ssioners to refuse to license or
perm�t the operation of t he Go1� Driving Range at ar�� future
'tin�e, ior the reason �at g�lf ba31s d•riven there cons�antly
come upon their private property and thus endangers their
lives �nd safety of the occupants and in�abitan�s in the joining
territory, Moved by IvIr. Grice, second by t�t�. Dempsey, and
unanimously carried that the nioney �Ghat had been paid in fc.r
rent since the Go7:f Drivi�n� Ran�e1was closed, be refunded and
the lease of the Ga1f Driving Range be csan.celled,
Captain I,owe presented plans he had in mind for building a
Yacht basin �ast of Marion Ruffs �lace on the South side of the
Causeway, The matter was deferred f�r iurther consideration b�
the Commissio�ers. '
The CityIt2anager presented the Brumb� lease, moved by Mr,
Halzer, second by I�r. Grice, and unani.mously carried that the
lease by executed.
City Attorney read a letter irosn A. R, Kingston with referen.ce
to right-avray across his propert3� by tb.e exteusion of Peares
Stroet to Causeway. Mr. I�insston si;ated that he would take
two thous�nd dollars for this right-away and would not consicler
any less anoumt. The matter was referred to the City Attornay,