07/17/1939► . � ] � � . . . . . . � . . . � � � ._ . . . . . .. � � . . . . � . � . V�� . Mn�r�r�s oF � r�TzrrG oF � cz� cor�rnazsszor� The City Commission of' the City oP Clearwater mpt in regular mee�ting assembled at the i:itp Hall on the evening oP Ju].y 17, 193g vrlth the following members present: E, B. Ca�ler, Jr., Mayor-Cos�issioner R. L. Baker R. A. Dezupsey W. W. Peeler Absents Herbert Grice Minutes of the previous meeting were read and anproged. Move3 by Ivtr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanit,�ously carried that the recommerYdations of H. M. Turnburke oP July 12th ss to destroying old records be approved anci the old reoords destroyed after aompletion o� the Quinn audit. The C3ty �anager presented a petition�o the Board of . Count;� Commissioners with �ePerence to opening of %Iissouri Avenue. Mr. Bras�ield r,'equested that the Oity sign the �etition as an owner of property 6u Missc�uri Avenue. �foved by Mr. Dempsey, secon3ed by b4r. Peeler and unanimously ca�ri��3 �that the petition be �igned. The City Manager read an ,c,�f'er from the Clearvaater Yanh�- Glub to lease the Fish P].ant at ,� 25.00 per month. St was decided to take no action until other ofiers may be obtainsdv Th� City Attorney presented Ordinance # 451a AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO HEALTH AND SANITATIQN, REQUIRI�TG ALL DWELZINGS T0 HAVE SINKS AND WA'I�ER-FLUSH TOILETS, REQUIRING SE�NER CONNECTIOIVS UNDER CERTALN CONDITI01V5, REGUI,ATING THE USE OF SEPTIC TANPS, AND pROVTD ING PIIVAI�TIES FOR VIOLATI('_T OF THE TERMS `t'H�REO�'. M�ved bg Mr. Baker, seconded by b4r. Pesler and unanimously carried ��-- ,y� that the Ordinanc � passiits �irst xeading. �+rtoved b3* Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr.. Dempsey and unani�tously aarried that the rules be waived and the Ordinance be passed on �ts socond reading by title only. 1Moved by Mr, Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carxied that the �itg Manager be instruated �o pay State and County tages:on property reoommexided by the City Attorney. `' � _ . ._ _. . _..._.___ . � _ . __..___._ � _.._..:_____._.__..._ � � �� . . �` b. - . . ' � � I�ovc,d by Mr. Peelex, seconrled by Mr. Demgsey and unanimously oarried that Amended Ordinance # 450: ArI ORDINANCE ADOPTING AN ELECTRICAI, CONTRACTORS CODE: DEFINING, REGIII�ATING ,4ND GOVERNING ALL ELECTRICAL WORK IN THE CTTY OF CLE.4RIY,ATEft FZORIDA: CREATING A BOARD OF I�ASTER EI�ECTRIGAL EXAMINERS, Dr:FINIIVG Tf� I7UTIES AND THE POwLRS OF THE BOARD, RE�,UIRING EXA�RINATION AND I,ICIlVSInTG OF ALL PERSONS D�82RING TO IlVGAGE IN TIiE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS BIISINESS--SPECIFYING AND FIXIIVG THE FEF FOR SIICH EKAMINATIGN--SPLCIFYIN'G AND PROVIDIlVG PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THTS ORDINANCE, be pansed on its f'irst r6ad�ug. I�Ioved by Air. Peeler, seoonded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimnusly csarried that according to agreement the sa7.ary of the City lt�aaegar;, , after August 1, 1939, shall be � 250.00 pex month. There being no further business, the meeting was adjournede � / Mayor-Commission Attests ���` / %��p�/ G�y A�and Clerk � . . . � . � . . � ��. , . . . . . � .. . li . . . . . . . � . . � . . � l . . � � � � . , � . . �, � . � ( . ( . t... . . . � . , � . 0 � � - MINTJTES OF TAE 1vI�T.Ti�IG OF TF� CITY CO�P1fISSION r The City Cormnission oP the Citp of Cl.earti��ater met in a special meet3ng assembled at the City Hall on the evenin� oP July 31 1939 with the iol].�Ning members present; � E.B,Casler, J'r., Mayor-Commissioner R.L.Baker R.A.Dempsey Herbert Grice 6^l. W.Peeler � Minutes of the previous meeting wzre read and approvad. Robext Witter introduced Mr Leuerick who addressed the City Commissioners w�.th referenee to the use o� the Fish Plant by the Qlearwater Beach Progressive Assuciatio�. as a ,recreational center. He discussed ths proposition very - thoroughly and stated that the building would serve a greater number oP people and would be t4 a greater advantage to the Beach and to the City of Clear;�ate� iP used i.n this capacity. Ae stated that the Beach Association �aa �.n mina installing volley ball, ping pong, danc� hall and other devices oi' amusement and wi�h very little expense this ouilding could be prepared for a good recreational center. He also stated the _ B e�ch Assaciation would �sk the �ecreationaZ �oard to coopera�e with them in this matter that �hey might makz this entertaixtiment more attra.tive t� all. He stated that he had learned that the machinery �`-+ fihis plant could be very easily disposed of for a very satisPactory sum oP:money. The Mayor ask if the Association ' could work with the YacYit Club and Sea Seouts that it might be benePicial to all of th�:m. Mr I,e�rerick stated that he didn't think it advisable to have anp �ther organization associsted . with them in this buildir�e Mr Cyril Pogue addressed ti�e Commissioner;3 with referenee to the Yaeht Club lees:Ln;; the P1ant. They could pay ' Z'wenty-five Dollars per month for the use of the building, and � they would work in conjunetion witr the Sea Scou'�s and other � organizatia�%. He stated that the Yacht C1ub had ou,tgrown thsir Quarters and were�unable to accomadate their memb ers, also Yach�s • that were ooming in. He stated that the Clearwater Yacht Glub is the most butstanding club on the 4�Test Coast including the Sarasota Club. He said that at the time the Fish Plant was M , �......_w__.:.,.�.;� � � �,.._ . a - '` � ■ conteinplated, the Yaaht Club very readily released their rigl�ts to the track of land where the Fish P1ant is nqw built. He stated that they would be glad to xent from month to month oi year to year $na �,ouza t�e �laa t� meet with the Beach Association and Recreational Board o�Ly any o�her Board that would be interested. Mr Peters a�ked l�x Pague how mang memlosrs laelonged 'to the Yacht C�.ub. Mr Pogue replied about 300 . After a b�ief discussion the City Commissioners raquested the� the Clearwater Beach Associat3.on•call a meeting with the Yaoht 41ub BoaTd of Directors and the �t�ercationaZ Board and trq to work out same plan that would be acceptable to aIl organi�ations and re�ort back at the next meet:;.ng. Mr C.�.Ware representin� the �lectricaZ Contractors with reference to the Electrical Ordinance pointed. out sorne objection� to secti.on 7 and 13 oi the Ordinance and ask t�at they be ammended. Some of the Contraetors objected to section + 8 0� the Ordinance and after. thorough discussi�n b3T tre Coffinissioners and Electricians, Mr Grias mo;�ed arrd seconded by Yvlr Baker and unami.�ous].y carried tha:t the amendea: Orciinance �j�/.1�D be passed on its second reading. Mr Brumby ed�ressed tue Gommissioners witlz reference to the rene•xing of his Iease on ihe'Marine Ways. A:fter several suggested changes in the lease ?t was referred ta the City Attorney for exeeution. City Manager read a letter irom C.Raymond Zee, Secretarp of the Ci�ri1 Service Board "This is to advise you that at the request of' F�.re ChieP Luke Martin, the Civi1 Service Board recorrnnends the promotion of Mr Paul Agnew from his preseiit position, probationary farem�.n, to that of grade "A" fireman." City Manager read a letter from the Municipal Tax Servic� with reference to collection �elinquent license. Moved by P�ir Ba.ker and seeonded by Mr Peeler and unanimously car�ied that the Cit� I+danager by ins'tructed to en�er into an agreement with the Municipal Tax Service for �their services. Moved by Mr Baker, seconded by Mr Dempsey and carried that a transfer oP Five tho�sand 1�o]:lars irom the Gas and Water fund to the general fund, be approved> r ; ' �.. . _ � , C � Gity Manager stated tha� the sewer c�argos were supposed to start this month r3nd the classificatipn of houses in some casea were Y�ar�1 ta determine and ask that a Committee b� appointed to determine theae c3.assiYication,. The Mayor appointed the City Manager, Mr Dempsey, an.a pauZ Ficht �o act on this Corrmiittee. ' Moved by IvTr Baker and seconded by Mr �'eeler �� � n offer of Twenty-fiqe Dollars fox the sett3.ement of a11 delinquent City Taxps on I,ots 13 and 14 BZoek J$e]�nont Seoond Addition by Mr Mande4.i11e be acaepted.. A].so to aceep� the of'fer of one hundred ten dollars by I�rs Gxace A.�,GrifPin for the purchase of all outstanding City�CertiPicates on Zot S h�fatlack Place ... _ , .. , ;. There being no Purther business the meeting ,adjourned. i � z� / Mayor �ommissioner. :4ttest: �_��/��� C�y Auditor and Clerk. a � . .. k . . . . . � � � � �� �