06/20/1939■ � . / l � _ �� BdYN1,TTE8 OF Ti� EiEETINl3 OF THE OIR`Y COD�dIB'SION The City Qommisalon o� the Ct1ty ot' Cl+eax�r►�ter met ia regular meeting a3eembled at t�e C7,�q iiall on the �vening of June �Oth, 1939, w�th the iollawing member� �Sreeer�t: R. L. Baker Horbert 4r1oe 'N• W. Peeler Abaent; E. B. Caeler, Jr., Mayor-Commle�ioner • R. Ae Dempsey Mo�red by l�ir0 Peeler, seconded by LRr. Baker and uiaani,nouely oarried tlsat Mr. (�riae act ae Mayor-Commisaioner during tha abeenoe or Mr. �aeier. Minutea o� the previouH meeting were resd and, aSter oorreotlone, were approved. Mr. Edwr�rd Dillard addresaed the Commi�aion;�vith referenae to an Orcii.nanoe adopting �n eleotrical code �or , the City'�t CZearwater. Moved b9 Mr• Baker, eeaonded by bSr. Peeler and unaniu�ously oarrigd that AN ORDIIJANCE ADOPTIN4 AN �.LECTRICAL CC1tJTRi1CTOR5 GODE: DEFININt�, AE(3�UI�TINa AND (39qERNIIif4 ALL ELECTRICAL WORg IN fiHE CITY QF CLEAR�YATER, FLORIDAt CR�ATIV4 1� BOARD OF MASTER II,�CTRICAI, EXAMINER$, DEFINING THF DUTYES AND THE POWERS OF THE HOARD, AEQU2RIN(� EXAMII�ATION AND LICEN�ING OF ALL ' PERSONS DESIFiIhi4 TO EN4Ai�E IN THE ELECTRICAL CON'PRACTORS BUSINEg$- $PECIFYIN4 AND FIXIN(i� THE FEE FOR BUCH EXAMit INATIOI3 � SPECIF'YIN3 AND PROYiDL�?(} PENALTIE3 FOR TF� V20LATION OF THIB ORDINAIJCE, be pa�aaed on i�s tiret resding. The City Manager, City Bu17.ding In�peator and CiLy Attorn�y were appoin�efl ae a Conmittee to aonPer with a oommittee o� elee.,trioians, to make a�y a1t$ratione 3n the Orciinance whiah both oommitteea b�lieve n�cseasar;�, and to report to the Commieeion at the next meeting. Mrv Sumner Loae asked the Comniasion for permission t�o use� some o% the Oity property on Cleexvrater Beaoh9 ne�ar Everingham►e pavilion to hold the L�on�s Club Carnival on �he Fourth of 3u13r. The matt�r was referred �o the Ci�y , � �anager and �uperintendant of Parka. � T�e City Manager read a letter xrom Raserend MaClelland asking perm3eaion to ereot a ten'� and hold - r tent meetings. The matier was referred to the Ci�� B[anagea�. �. i I � � ; i , x � � .� ; __ ��,,,,�.. ..._. , �..- � f 1 � , � . � The Ci.ty Manager preaented AN ORAINAN(tE REI,ATIN(� TC1 � THE NdMEB OF �TF�EETB AND AVENUES IN THL CITY OF PLEARWATER. i ' 3�oved by Mr. Batcer, aeoondad by DHr. Peeler and, ananimouely� j , , oarr3ed that the Ordinattae b� paased on ito first reading. k 3�oved by 24r. P�eler,. seoondec� by �Ir. Baker �nd uns�n�.mously � carriad that tha rules be �aived and the Ordinm.,�ge be paseeci l � on ita e�eond reading b�r tStle or.ily�� Moved b�r Mr. Baker, ' seoon3ed 3�y Mx�. Peeler �nd�ce�xrie�t all ru�oa be aaived � and the Ordi.nanoe ba paseed on its t3alyd �nd final reading. � �l�e City Attorney preaented sn appraisa7. oY the Kingetan Prope�rty, aade by �ar. Hunnicutt. ::%ved by Mr. Peeler, eeoonded by Mr. Baker and unanimouely oarried that the Cit�r { Atta�rneg be inatruated to offer Mr. �iingaton $ 1a000400 for � that portion of property to be uaea ae etreet. , ' �doved b3� Mr. Baker, aeoondecl by Mr. Peel�r !and unanimou�iy � oarried that the following Resolution be sdop�ed: RE90F.,U2ION w'tiE£tF'� the Following desaribed property avas ori.ginaZ].y platted ao s part o� a puhl ia straet, to-wit: A tourteen toot (14) etrip lying b�t�¢oen Lot Thirt�y..ai�c (36j and, the street 1n Blook aAp of Hillarest $ubdivieion aoaording �o the m�p or plat thereoS ss recorded in P1at Hook e.tx (6) pagR fiity�six (56) o� the Publi� Reoords o� Pinellae County, �'lor2dam _ AND WiIF�AB' �he above deeoribed property was neerer usad as a publla atireet or for ar� ather pubZi.as purpoae, and the City of Ci�arwater has never a�auired and does not now olaim any righta in or to the said property; ANp CPHEREAB the said property ia no�r owned by Ra1pla Ri.eha�de who has request�d a quit-�laim deed fro� the City in order to cler�.r.r hie tit].a to s�id pro�erty; f � N�i4 THEREFORE be it resalved by �ha City Comm:lasion of the CSt� or G7,ear�a�er, Fiorida that the City has or claima na right �rhat�oever in or to the property hereinaboqe deaoribed, arid that a ouit-elaim deed eJ�asll be executed b3r the City in Pavor o;[ the present o�ner ofi ths property, Ralph Ri��ha�rde, - Th1e Reeolution paseed and adop�ed by the CTt� Gommieeion ot the Cit� ot' Cleaz�►ater„ FlorSclA., at� i�te mesting on the 20th day of dune, A. D. 1939. , Acting Mayor-Ccsmmleeioner Attest' ,-- � i r�'r�.�.� � �C C��t�' Auditor and C1erk / . �p . . . . . . . . . . . . � � � ,, � ., . . ._-_ . ,.__.,.._ _�_.._._W.� _ _,.... .. .,._.. ..,.....,. . � � .�_..,._..., . . . . . . . __ _ _.._... __.,. �,::.__. �� � � _ . . . __�. .._�..__.. ...... _.�,..,..w .�..,.�»... p r s Mr. J. E. Satterfleld�s offer oP � 4t)p.pp in aettlement ot' Ci��y taxee an property of Mr. H. (iz�unaly, wae acoepted. Ths r�ques� aS Mr. Oyril Pogue that 1938 4sucea on the C�ore property be settled on the 1939 valuation �se accepted. There being no furbher business, the meeting wse ad,� ourne da l�tteet• City Auditor and Clerk Acting �dayor-Go�nmiseioner � � ■ , �� TJtINUTES OF TlIE MEETTNG OF T_� G�TY CDr�QYSSION The City Commission of the Citf o�' Clearwater met in. ` regular meetir� asser�blpd at �he City Hall on July 3rd, 1939, with th6 follo�ving members presPnt: E. B, Casler, J'r. �4ayor-Commissioner ' � R. ,L-. Baker • R. A. �empsey Tierbert Griee V'�. W. Pee.ler Absent. IVone �.Sinutes of the previous meeting were read and �pproved. The City b4ana�er read � letter Pro� Captain B. �. Zo�ve offering to lease 150 ieet• of water-�ront bet�veen �.�arion Ruff's docl� and the Causeway Bridge on Clearv��ater Island. rioved by tifr. Peeler, seconded bp Tds. Dempsey and unanimously carried that a committee be named to investigate the proposition. Mr. Grir,e, IVIr. Peeler and rllr. �er.dxix were appoin�e3 to serve on the comraittee. Mr. C. E. U7are nrese�ted sn Qrdin�.nce amending Section 4 of Dairy Ordinance # 28�, The PJfayor asked ItSr, Ware what dairies he was represanting. idr. U7are said he was represent- ing all dairies in this seetion excep� the smaller dairies suc� as Albrittonts etc. and none from Tampa. h�iove3 Uy Mr, Peeler, secnnded �y iJlr. Baker and unanimously carried that Ordinance Number 449, AN ORDINANC� TO r��ID SECTION FOUR (4I OF THE DAIRP COD?� OF T13E CITY OF GI,�iRSYATER, ORDINANCE NUI�'IDr'�i a90, FNTITLT� s'AI>? ORDT_NAIdCv ESTA�L�ShING A DAIRY CODE; REGiTrATIi�IG THE Pfir,ODl'TCTION, HANDLri�iG, DISTRIBtT`1'?NG, I,.4'B�ING, GR�DIhIIG AND SALE OF i�ILK AND R4ILK PRODUC�S SOI,D , OR TO BE SOZD IN THE CZTY OF CI,LARWATER, FZORIDA; ALSO REGIILAT2NG• IN�ECTION AND P�2P'IITS FOR DAI:�IES II`T DZSTR:LBIIiING 1?LANTS pND PROV2DIIdG FCR THE PAYIVIEI�T QF C�TATN FEES AND CHARGES TO COVII3 A PART OF THE COSl Qr INS`�'ECTION OF �I�IRIES, � DAIRY FARI'1!S OR DISTRTBUTO_R.S SELLING OR DISTRI�3U'1-2NG MILK OR PJfILK PRODUCTS IN TH� CITY OF CLEAR�"7ATER, FIYING TSE AI:qOIINT ' Ti�REGF AND PRESCRIBINC� A, PII�?ALTY I'OR THE VIOI,ATION �F 'I'� �. TERMS TH�+".�E'2EOF" pass its first readin�. " ThE Citv �,7�a�er presented the Elect'rieal Code tt> be passed on its second reading, Mr. Dempsey requested that the uassa�e of,t� Cocle be po�tponed one week �or further consideration. � � � . h . �. _ .. ._ ... . . _ _ . ,,_�� _., _. _._. __ ._ . .� . - ._. __ ._. . __ _::.__. ._ .,�. _._.;.__�_.�. _ - 0 � �i The Ci�y Manager, repor�ing on the conc�ition o� the � i�aies* toii.et �n the Library, s�a�ed �liat the ventilators open in�o the Reading Room and su�;g4sted that th . be chan�ed to open e� the outside whieh would cost abou� ��00.00. I�ioved by Mr. Paeler, amended by Mr. Grice and seconded b'y Mr. Baker that the work be let aft�r receiving competitive bidss The City P�tanager reported on water on Mandalay Drive near the Pelioan Pavilion. The City Engineer presented a drawin� showing the proposed storm se�ver lines �vhich wauld take care of this situ�tion. NIr. Butler s�ated that Mr. Strickland� oi' the Mosquito Control Board had agreed sevzxal times to furnish the labor to put in stozm sewer which would take care of a majority of the cvater on the Island, but the City had never been able to get him to fu?fill his promise. 114oved by Pair. Peeler, seconded by �rir. Grice and �:nanimously carried that the �ityfurnish the material if the Mosquito Control Board will furnish the l:abor. r�oved by r�4r. Baker, seconc.ed by I,�r� Peeler and carried that t�r. v�T. D, Outman be paid fifty dollars on his County Tax Survey. NiovPd by I�ir. Baker, seconded by It7r. Dempsey and unanimously earried thai, a transfer of � 5,000.00 from the Gas and Water Fund to the Geaeral Fund on J'une 26th be approved. The City Manager suggested that a committee be appointed to make appraisals of City property. Mr. Peeler was appointed to serve on a coirmittee with the City �anager and Cit3r C1erk for making the appraisals, Mr. Lee Baker nresentied a petition for a reduction of taxes on Zots l to 5 inclusive oi Belleair Hi�hlands. 1�oved bv Pdr, Balsex, seconded by �rIr. Grice and unanimously carried that the sum o� � 141.98 be accepted in �ull settlement o£ City taxes and impro�ement liens on tliis propert�t I�oved by �/!r. Pee1Px, secondecl by tl4r. Baker and una�imously carried that the BPier of Fugazzi Brothers to settle aZl tax�s a.nd improvement liens amounting ta � 2,2�4.50 on certain Lots in Marymont i�r � 2,250s0� payable .� 750,00 cash and � 50Q.00 every 90 d�ys until paid, Ue accepted. P;ioved t�y tlir. Baker, seconded by t��r. Peeler and unanimously carried that Ordinance � 448, AN ORDIN_4NCE RELATING TO TFIE NAMES OF STREETS IN THE C�TY OF CZEAR'�FJATER, be passed on its third ancl final reading. 2Jloved by P�Ir. Peeler, seccndeci by T;Tr. Dempsey and ` unanim�usl3r carried that �axes oii property of Iiannah Dre;nr Estate, located on Drew Strezt, be settl.ed for ,'� 21'7, 73. _ .�. ,_. �. ,M _ _ , • �� There being no further busi'ess, the meeting was adjourned. ti. Pnayor-Commissioner Attest: City Auditor and Clerlt ORDIN.Ai�TCE rTQf,�BER 448 AN ORD2NANCE RELATING TO THE NAP,4ES OF STR�TS nND AVr.'NUES IN THE CITY �F GLEARtNATE�. BE IT ORDAINID BY 'PFiE GITY COPJlivIISSION OF TfiE CITY OF CT,�ARWATk33, FLORIDA: The nam.es oi rertain streets and avenues in the City oi Cl�arwater, be anfl they-are hereby cha��ed, as fallov��s: � Palmetto Street: From Clearwater Bay to center of Sec. 11, Township 29 S., Range 15 Fast, change to CIDAR STR�ET Peeler Road: One block North of P�aple S�reet fror,i • Glenwood Avenue East to Lake�vood Drive, change to ROS��ERE ROAD. Florida Avenue: Gulf' to Bay Boulev�rd to Druid Road, change to SKYVIE?"7 AV�,'UE. Blant�n Road: From Sunseu Drive to Fort Harrison Ave. ahange to SiNS�T DRI�. Apache Road and Apache Avenue: Change to APACT3E TR�L. TAlilliams Road: S. Fort Harrison Avenu� to A. G. L. R. R. change to y�dILD,"i00D ROAD, Cedar Street: One bloc� P7orth of Palmetto (Cedar) from A. C. L. R. R. East, chai�ige to PAL��TTO STRE�'1. I�oi�th Fort T�iarrisou Frpm Stevenson Creek Bridge North ta City I,imits, ehan�e to IDG�.'IAT�R DRIVE. Al1 ordinances in conflict rerewith are�hereby repealed. This ordinance shall becomE effecti�e im�nediately upon its passage and�$�� by the City Gommission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City oi Clearwater on tue 3rd day oi July, A. D. 1939. / i.:ayor-�ommissicai er Attest: 'I � � s��z�v1i , c �" C�ty _�uditor and lerk. � µ�r ■ a - � �� � ' f , , ' MINUTEB OF TkIE �[�'1�Nt} OF THE CITY CO�iI88IBN y. The City Commiaalan o;e t1�e City of Qlearaater met in rogtx]�r meeting aseembled on Ju7.y lOth, 1939, with the Yo11ow1ng membera preeent. • Ee H. Caaler' Jra, Mayor-Commieaioner �'e_ R. L. Baker R. A. D empsey • i Herber�t (�rioe ' W. N. Peeler ; Absent: NONE � The Electricsa3 Code aas pa�aented. I�r. R, C. Dobeon outiir.�d ahangee he thought ahptil.d be ma,de in the �ode and aftar disauesion it v►aa deaided to �oatpone passa�e of the Ordinanae unt�], el�otriciana aould hold a oonierence Ritb Mro D�baon and diecuee px�opoaed ohsngea to be tsrought up • at the next meeting. � The �isyor, City b[anager, Huilding Inepector, �qm.miasia,ner R. Am Dempae�' and the CiLy �ttorney eere � appointed ae a aommittae to meet with ths Plumber� at +. the City Hall on the evening oi July 13th to disauss � eanitmry aoncU.tian�a � , A request far l�asing Beach pr�perty for �he purpoiae of ereoting ferrie wheel� snd other amusement ; device� evas denied. Mro 4rice eent on reoord as i , opposizag lease oY any more City owned Beacsh prapert� � ' Yor ar�y pw�poae whataoever. � f The M11k;Ordinance wae presentsd by �Qr. C. E. Ware.: � �r� ''�an'-l�pgs7�. spoke in onpo�i.tion t�o th� pa�sage o2 thia Ordinanae, and stated that iP pasaed it vrould probably tse � t the cau�e a�.the Zoos1 branch a� the Tampa Stoca Farme, j operated �y Tom Brown, going out of businees. The Mqyor i , said I�e '�ad inve��tgated tne Ordinance and �ound it would I 18 181at@ � � � g against Tom Bro»�n, who handles rampa Stock F'arm � produot�. The Mayor asked Mr. Van A�sps'� �:. �Y in ca�e this ; Ordinanoe sht�uld be pasaed woulcl his �ompany inetali equipme:�t � � for E2r. Brorrn to pas�eurize the milk ao that he ooul�i aon�inue a in bu�inees. Mr. Van:Ap�e�i� said he would have to gi.�e th3� � eerious con.aideratian before de£in�te2y etating if he aoul�. � 1na�al]. eq�iipment or• �ot. Mr� Baker asked +P all �ccourats j ' � , were hanaled by t�.e corporatican. �H`r.'� �:'am��i.�'a"i.�:, etatea �hat i Tom Brawn handlea on3.y the retai3 aoeounts. Wholeeal,e aaoounta i ase handled by the Tampa 8toak Far�e. Tom Brown explained the po�itlon tuey are operating under and etated thst atook ia ownac� � by them. Equinment is avrned by Tampa Stossk Farms, The City �; _ Attorney etated that �he oginion of the $a,nitary Officer ahou3.d � be obtained as to the :saxx;�tax.3r/_a o?8 Lhis Oz�dinanc�, Mr. t�rice $uggested that the Commisaion and the Citg► Attorney oonfer �vit% i � { � { , _,._. __ y. ,� ' _ _ . -. . . . � , ..:. _ �.. , �,. � �. . �.;.:._._.. ____.�.... . — , . �� Mr. Ware and eee 1Y an Ordinanoe oould be drafteQ that �ou�.d oo�ply with a11 dairiee conoerned. Moved by I�r. Grier�, eeoonded by Mr. Baker and una:rimouvly oarried that the Sollowing Ff.Qeo3utlon be adopted: RE90LUTION REQiJE$TIN4 EMEfiC�ENCY WORK TO BE D�1� �Y THE , WORKS PI�O�CTS AD&iINI9TRATTON 1#T THE INTER9ECTION OF (�REEN{i0(iD AVENUE NORTH AND THE DRA�INA(�E DITCH WHERE�S, a�ery dangerous eituation hae ariean at tis� inLex�eotion of t�reenwood Avenue NQrih snd the drainsge ditah, due tc+ eaoeseive raine i.n the last Yew �ree?ss, and YYH�FiF,A3, the baziks of the said drainage ditah have eroded to such a point that there ie grad� �anger of the a,�Zlapse o2 an adjaaent building, and WHEREA�, the exi�ti.n� storm eewer 11nea undex (�reenwcod AYenue at the dZtch have Pailed, NOW, THEREFOREg BE IT RE30LVED by tl�e C1ty Commi.esion of Clearwater, Fiorida, that the City Engineer be empowered io reqvsst tk�e T�orka Projectis Adminiatratian to ffialre the necesaa�� repe,ira, it lbeing underatood t�hat t�e City ot' Clearwater is to furnish aZl m�teri�l� ior this wark. PA9SID �,Nll ADOPT�D by the City Co�ml�elon oY the City oi C].es.rwater, Floricla,y this 10�h day� oY July, ig39. � j' � B�ayor—Co 1aalonEfr Atteet: ,�r� � y Audito r anci C erk��, Maved bg Ma•. Bempsey, aeconded by �r, Baker and waanimouely oc�rried that the sale af Lot 10 Bloak 3 Count2*y � Club Add�,tion to N. Nf. Hopkina �n the,amount of � 525000 be apprav9d ae per contrac�t. rhere b41ng no fur�her businesa the meeting �►ar� ad j aurned. ✓C�/ _ � Mayo , ommiea oner Atteet° � f .�r�P-�� C�.�y" uditor and Clerk �,, � 0 �:�