06/05/19391 � 0 S4 P�iTNUTE� OF THE �I�ETING OF THE CZTY COi�141I5BI0T� The 01•ty Gommieelon oP the 9ity of C1�arwater met in re�ulsr meeiing aesembled �,t tho City Hall on June 5th, 1939, With the Pollowing membera p_eaent• E. B. C�,sler, Jr., i�ayor-Commiseioner Ft. L. Baker R. .A.. Dempeey W. Y�� Peeler Abeerai,: Herbert Grioe Niinut�s of the precioue meeting were read and approved. A requeat from tre County Commiesionere for the City to jolu them in resurtaaing Belcner Road Prom Druid Roa,3 to Gu7.i �d Bay Boulevard, e,t a coet o� � 810..00, wae presenteda I�oved by iJir. Dempsey, seconded by t�6r. Balier and ur,enimously �arried that the requ,egt be granted. The City N�ane�er read a letter from F�tra. Ruil� Lee, with rePerence to children in need �P tonal�. ap�raticana. It wa:e s�ated tha� eleven children nee�c auc:� an operation very badl,y. i�oved by ivIr. Peeler, aeconded by �r. Aempsey and unanimously carried iriat these elevan child-r�n ba taken cars o#'e `�'�e ��•tY I+�anager etated that �he Parks Departnent 3e in need of e, 3z ton truck and tha� aYte. receivir.� bide fron all Clearwate� dealers, hiro Larry Di�i�t ie the low bidder a,t a priQe aP $� 888.70; Payable within 120 daye svii�ou� intereste &Yoved by IJire Peeler, ae�onded by �Gx, De�peey and unanimously Garried that the trucl� be purchaeed. i�r. PeelQr caatplalned about do�a being perm9.t�ed to a'un at large on the bsaehes and swim in �he Gu;;,f, Tr,e Ciiy A�torney w�,s instructed to prepare an Ordir��nce prohibiiing doge runnin� at large on the b�a,chee. Tvrc colored men appesred befcre the Commiasion asking Por the Qolored recreation Pield to be fenoad ea tnat admlaslon �Lo games migh� be chsrged. The City I�anager etated thet there era no �unde /available at preeent but he belie�ed that aome arran��mer,t could be worbesl out in the ner�r Pu�ure, A l�ttez� �'rom N1r. t�,aymand Les, Cha,lrman a#' the �ivil SE,rvice Aoard, requesting �h� L. Ro Q$rrieon be promoied td ', Roli.ef Sergaant and l�le sala��y inereaaed i'3.ve dollars pe� man�h, was read. Moved b�ri�,r. Baker, secanded by Mr, DempsEy and � unanimously carried that the recso�menua.tion be acoepted. ' ` �,a w:..�_.�.x_ ..�__,.._: ,--. �___ , _ _ _ e � � r � . I4iir. Pau1 Ra*zdolph preeented a sketoh of C].earwater Bea,ch Pari� F'irst Addi;ian which shoeved that i�x. ;Gusa Wilder� e garage waa built in the atr�eet ancl requested th�� the City Commisaion i.netruot �r. �'i1d�r to move his garage from the si;reet as it ia interfe�ing with ths eale of property aorose the street frqm the garage. The matter was referred to the City Engineer to determine the exact location of the ge�rage. Lzase of land in Marymont to the Ri�'le and Pistol Club v�as �.pgroved. The City A�turney presented a lease he had prepared for the Elk�s Club to have s, chiZdren's playground on City property north of the City 4uditorium an,d not occupied by the tennie courte. Moved by I�r. Dempsey, seconded by I�2r. Baker and unanimoualy carried that the lease be executed. The Commiasion apnroved a tranafer of funds on May 25th in amount n� � 3,OOO.AO from the Gas and ��ater Fund to the Gen�ra7. Fund. �ioved bv P��.=� Peel,er, seconded by Mro Demose� �,nd ur.animoualy ca�ried that the sale of 1938 delinquer�t taxes be l�eld on the first :donday in August. The Citq Pnan�,ger reported that the net� well just completed is saTty, After discussion, maved by Mr. Dempaey, seeonded by D6r. Baker and una.nimously c�,rried th�t a neev location be aelected s,nd a nFw �ve11 dug. �doved by �ir. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and unc�nimouflly car�ried that the Yollovring Rea01uti42a,;:�p adopted: WHERF.�18 the Gity of Clearev�,ter hae cert�in contrac'tual nbligatione on whiah it is legally obl].�ated to make e�rt�;in paymente durin�.!the currsnt fisc�,7. year as Yollorrs: Broo�].yn Baseball Contract...�.......... � 2,000.00 Mnrtgage and Tnterest on ChA.mber o� Commerce Building.,..e .................. 1,�10v00 WiedPman and Singleton C�ntra,ct Sevrer Projeci,, ..............�......, 1,OQQ.00 � Klemc2 Judgemeni.,...... ...... ,..o.... 3,500.00 � 7,710,00 I APID 'WHEREAS the welPa,re of' the City oi Clearwater require� that certain V5e P. A. prajects be carried on, eome j oP v+hich are now in pro�reea and eome o� �whioh are expeeted - tm be in progresa during the current fisc�,l year, the C�.ty�a contribution to ea;id projects during the current Piacal year � being eetimated ae iollows; � � Libz�ary project ... . . .... ..... � Z,OOO.OQ � f�roine ;oroject .............. ........... 1,000.00 � Ci�y Wlde nra;ject _ streete,,aidewalke, parkwaya, etorm and sanitary eawers..... 6,290.A0 Recreation.e.. .�..... ....o<.......... 1..00O,DO � 9,29C.00 f a J i � � j �� � , [ , � I j 1' au.__ __,,�.... .. 0 ��" N0�9 T'rIEREFORE be it reeolved by the City 9ommisaion oi tha Clty oY Cle�.ra�ater, ,Florid�,, that the sum oP � 17,000.00 be �nd it ie hereby appropr�ated �or the �urpo�e oP. taking eare oP the contr�,et,ual obli�atior.A and pl� p, A, projeet contrihutione hereina,bove outZined:, and the,t the Ci�y Pdanager and,City Auditor and Clerk t�e and they are heraby authorized and directed to dieburse seid funda for the purpoeea above deaignated when �.nd a� the same become p�,y�,ble. Thie Resolution oaesed and adopted by the City Comm� iesiqn oi`the City of Clearwater, Florida, at ite regular meeting on the 5th day of Jvne, A. D. 1939. / r�ayo_ mmiasioner Attea�: f !"' i��� � ��1.� � . it,y Au�.itor and lerl� , � ��. Pdoved by Mr. Peeler, second�d by A?r. Baker and unanimously carried that the iollo�ving resolu#ion be a.dopted: �'ViiEREAS, in �; resalution a;dopted on February 21ei, Z938, the City Commission authorized and directed thAt, effective February 28th, 1938, all taxes thereafter collected i'or 1936 and pr3or yeare fl.nd all improf�ement liens thereaiter collzeted be divided equ�lly between the General Fund and the Delinquent Tax No�e �'ui13,�which directions have been iollowed gince that � date, and WHEP.E�B it laas now cozne to the attention of the City Commieeion th�.t the dietribution of the funds above mentioned as authorized by the said Resolution is not in compliance vaith� the terms o� the modified contraet and refunding p1An entered in+.,o between the City �;nd the Committee representing the bondo holders and dated Au�ust 24th, 1936; and WHEREAS H. M. Turnburke, C. P. A., City Accountant, ha@ reoommended that ceriain changee be made on the Ci�y�a booka as of Anril 3oth, 1939, in order to comply with the terma of the said refund�.ng nlan; and WHEREAS it is the intention oi t�ae preaent C3ty Commisaion that the terms oi the refunding plan sha11 be follov�ed. in every nartiaular and aomplied with in every rsspect; � , NOPt, THEREFORE, BE TT RESOLVE�i BY THE CITY' COh�ItiIS8I0N OF THE CITY OF CLEAR'N�TER, rlorida, ae foZlows: 1. Thet the Re�olution adopted hy the City Commiesion on February 21st, 193f3, relative to the d3atribution of moniea received fxom ta�es Yor 19�6 and,prior years and from imprave_ mer�t liene, be and the same is hereby rescinded ana re�ealed. 2. That the Gity .�lccount�:nt, be an� he ia hereby ' �uthorized and direcbed to make certain adjustmenta or. Lhe City�s booke and reaords recommended by him in order to bring the booke into compliance with the r�fundin� plan, eaid ad,]ust-. ment to be r�ade as of April 30th, 1939, as �"allowe; (a). Sinking Fund cash to be increased by � 26,007a51. Cb). De].inquent Tqx No�e Fund to be increased by $� 1,175 . 07. {c). Gensra]. Fund to be decreased by � 8,468.91. (d). Bond iriterest fund to be decxeased by � 13,713�570 3e That all manies collected from taxes and improvement lieras f'rom and aPter Nay lst, 1939, ahall be distributed by the City Accountant �o the various �unds in accordance with the terma o� the bond re�unding plan. T�is Resoluti�n paQsed and adopted by the City Gommiasion o�?�the �itJ of Clearwa,ter; Florida, at ita regular meet3ng on the 5th day ai June, A. D. 1939= ,/ • May _Commias� ner Attest: ��:�c�� C y Auditor and Clerk The City BQanager read a.n applica�ion from the Guli Oi7. Gompeny xequesting $ pes�mi� to ereat ,d fill.ing et�t�on on '�he northweet corner oP Cleveland Street anri Oeceola. Avenue. Mr. S. E. Simmone, uepreaenting the Oil Company, addressed the . � � ., . � . .. . . . . . . a� PQoved by b1r. Baker, saconded by lyttr. Dempeey and unanimously carried that the followSng Reeolu�ion be adop'�edt R�$OLUTTON AtJTHORIZIN4 CERTAIN CITY OF`FT_�iIALB TO EORROPJ ON BEHEsLF OF THE CITY THE SUtJi OF � 2n,000.00 AND PLEDGE Ag COLLATEAAi FOFt SAID LOAtd MOPIIE6 COLLECPED FR02JI TH� DEBT bFRVICE PORTION OF THE 19�9 CtiiX TA}� Rpl,i„ ,-�HEREAB, an ins�allment of interzat on the bonded indebtadnees oi the C1ty oi Clearwate-r will become due and payable on July 1st, 1939; and _ � YVHEREliS, it ie necoasary and advieable �or the City oi Clear- water to borrow the eu-n oP � 20,000.00 ior the purpoae of pa.ying the eaid interest. NOYr THEREFOR� BE fiT RE$OLVED BY THE CITY CO2,�ISSION OF THE CITY 0� CLEARtiNATER. FLORIDA, IN REGVLAR F�IEETTIdG ASSEG�LED t lst: That the Wira,y�r-Aommi�siones�, Cit,y Manager and Ci�y AuditQr, and Clerk, be and;the�* a�e hereby au�horized and empoc�ered to borrcw on behalf of th2 City aP Clearv�ater the sw� oi ��O,OOO.OQ at a rat,. of intei:est �hereon no� in exceas of 5� per �,nnum. 2r.3; ?hat in consummating aaid loan the MayordCommiseioner, Cit� IvTanager and City ku�itor ani2 'Clerk a�e hereby gJ.ven PTall pov�er ancT authori�y to e�ecute on behal� of tne City any notea� napera or dacuments th�.� may be necessary or required in the pr�misee and to pl�dge �s callateraZ iar a�,ia io�z suc�a moniE� as may be eo�Iected Prom the Debt Ser�rice portion oP the 1939 City Ta.x Roll which ma.y be required to rep�y ihig 7.oana PA$SED AIQD ADOPTED BY THE CITY COA�IlI2IS$ION OF THE Glil' OF CLEARV7ATER, FLCRIDA, in Regular ivleetlr� asse�cbled t�ig 5th daY of June, Aa D. 1939e / 2da�or-Commiss ner � ' ATTEBT: `� %�r'C.� ��~ G��iCy Auditor and l.er� Commiseion with reierence to the permit being granted. Mr. C. E. Ware preeented petitions in oppesitian to the �ermit � and he and Mr. Guss Yiilder addresaed t�e Commiasion o*? +•ha k { � � same aubject. Pdr. Jaooba e,lso spoke in �pposition to the � � � filling st�,tion. Af:er diecaseion, movea by P.2r. Peoler, aeconded by� Mr. Dempse� and unanimously carried that the � ' app7ication be denied. � i � j i � �.._.._: . _. _. _ • _. _ _ _ . . _ _ .__,.,. . ,� 4. _.. . _ . . .� � � .. � _. .... . _.._.__ _ _. �, .. . _, .,__,._ _ . . . _ - i_ ��._ J 1 . _ _ , � v r � r , �y � �20 OOU.OQ Clearwater, Florida, ,Tune ].7, 1939. By authorlty of a Reaolution passed by �the Ci'ty Commiseionere Por the City oP Clearv�ater the 5th clay of June, a. A. 1939, a certified copy pf which ie e,ttached hereto and made a part of this Note, and for va.lue received the �ity af Clearwater, a municipal corporetion, by ite @uly authnrized o:f:l.oere, promieee to pay t,o the ordez� of the BANK OF CLEARi�ATER the aum of TiFttEI�ITY THOU�AND and No/100 ($� 20,000,00) Dollars, payable on demand with interest from da,te at the rate o� five per �enium per annum until paid; all payments to be made at the Bank of Clearvraier in ClearvratQr, r^lorida. It ie �, condition, hnwever, o� thie obligation tha.t the City of Cle�,rwater doea pled.ge as co].later� for said loan auch noneys as may be collectsd for the debt aervioe portion �f the 1939 City tax roll ae may be required to repay the sai�i loan; and auch moneye ahall be pa3d as collected tveekly and until ti�e total aum Y�as been paid together with intereat. And �hould it become necessary ta colleat this ATote through an attorney, t�e maker agrees to pay a11 cos'�s of colleetion, including a reasonable attarney�s fee. � Ma,�or_Commiasi.oner. � City I�anager �� YJ 1 ��z����� � /Cit,y Auditor and Clerk 0 Approved: i y A torney. � ' � . . .� �� . . � petition oppoeir.g the blowi.ng of trAin whiatl.ea nd uae of escesaive speed by traina c�hen within the it� Liinite tiaas �reeentec�t �.nd xeferred to the City Nianager. The follotiving property aales were �aproved. ots 37-38 &?;,9, Block A of }3assadena to G. (�1lmore �teynolds or � 202.00. o�s 21 & 22, B1,ock D of Base�dena to Ch�e H. Aeynolds �o� 190.00. ots 15--16_�7e1$_Z9 & 20, Block D of Bas�adena to (�. Gllmore eynoZds for � $00.00. ot 15 Bloak C of Greenwood Paxk to Ja �Y. '�+ilson for � 200.00. There being no further business, the meeting vrae djournedo � / h7a,yor- missione TTEST: ��/� i ' uditor ar.d Clerk v a . . . � . . � . . � . . � . � . � � . . � . � . . .. � . . 8 � . ��,, � . . . . � . . . . . t- � � . � � � .. �� � ' � � � . . . . S . . � . . . . . . � . f . . _ . � . . � . '� . . . . � � � . . . . . . . . . ,..;.:.... .,�...�1_ .,.. ..,�. .��....._ ... . . � . - �