05/09/1939, s MINUTES OF TF� r,�TING OF TFI� CTTX CO�,�SSIOAI The Cit� Qounuissinn. o� the City of Clearwater met ir. a Sbecial Pdeeting at the City Ha11 on the evening oi' May 9th, 1939, wi�h the following members present: E. B. Casler, Jx., I•Jlayor-Commissioner R. L. Aaker R. A. Dem�sey HerUert Grice Absent due to illness: W. VT, Peeler The purpose of the meeting was to hear- arguments on the proposed Fish TtIarket on North Fort Harrison �lvenue, whici� had been d.ePerred fram the last mee�ing to enable all interested persons to reach an a�reement with IJir. Anderson to purchase same fro7e him. They being unable to come �;o any agreement, and after considerable discussion and getting legal opi;�ion from the C�ty Attorney,, they decided that the City Commission had no right to considex• an appeal. i�ioved by P.�r. Baker, seconded by Iv�r. Dempsey and carried that the appeal be dismissed. IU�x, Grice voted "NO". There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. � �/ ( i r,'Iayo - ommissi er Attest; ���2�� ty Auditor and Clexk M,,,.�....,,� , .,�..� _ _ �_., . < � ■ rd:LNT7TES 0�' TfIE r1IEETII�7G OF TI-IE CZTY COI;'�RTSSION The City Commission of the Oity oP Clearwater mAt iri regular meeting assembled on r;lay 15th, 1339, wi�th the following members present: �• B. �asler, J'r., Mayor-Commiasioner R. I,. Baker R. A. Dempsey W. W. Peeler Absent: Herbert Grice Minutes of the previous me�ting were read and approved. Mr. George Frost presented a petition of property-owners protesting change oP name from Cadar Street to Pal.metto Street. The r.aa'tter was referred to the City 4t�torney and the C3ty �ugineer. Mr. C. A. Wilcox addressed the Commission representing the Elk�s Olub, esking for permission to use that portion �f the land north of the City �iuditorium and not occupied by the tennis courts for use as a children's piagground. Iti2r, Sidney Nelson also addressed the �onmission with referen.ce to a lease or definite understanding with the Couffa.ission about this property so that the Elk's Club would be safe in erecting playgxound,equipment on tne property. ��Ir. Thompson, Chairman of the Recreation Board, s�ated that they had gone into the matter very thoroughly and were very anxious to assist in arp tivay i� it v,rould be prope�ly suPervised. Mr. Nelson stated that it Kould be supervised by the National Youth Administration, Movesi by Mr. Dempsey,. seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carried that the follovring committee be appoin�ed to investigate the possibilities of this proposition: F. Z. Hendrix, Ralph Richards and W. Wo Peeler. PFr. Leo Rutler presented bic�s on a billing machine to be used in billing sewer charges. Moved by Ivire peeler, seconded by b�Ir. Bakex and unani:mously carried that the follo�ving resolution be adopted: R�SOLUTION AWARI)ING CONZRACT N0. 5 ZUP,'!P SIIRi' BASIS WI3�tEAS, L, M. Butler, Designing Engi�ee�, pursuant to a Resolution heretofore adopted, has tabulated a�3 considered � all bids heretofore recelved for the construction of one ' Utility Billing Machine under pocket Number FI.a. 1106-F and has duly mad.e his recommendatians to t�is City Commis�io�n, and it appear3.ng Prom said recommendations and report that s Remington-Rand, Incorporated of Buffalo, New York, is the � y �' , . � k .4Y.�. �.; . - � „ . . . . � ; i i J1 Jf ... . .. ,,.......� ....��.. �-.>-�w,...-...-.-a+.n+�es,..ea.:+mw:,.� .�.»......... .x f..�z+—_at .- ...... -.....�.„.k . .... � � � r _. ■ � lowest and p�st bidder for the construation of ona Public Utility Billing Machine at tho lump sum pxice specified in such bid; and that this City Commission, after considering said report and reoamm.er_dations and all bids heretofore fil.eda finds that the bid of Remington-Ranfl, Incorporated, is the loweat and beat bid: N04Y, THEEt�F'OR�; B3Z IT RESOT�VED BY 'I'FiE CITY COMMTSSION 0� CL�.�1R±flATER, FZORIDA, AS FOI,ZOWS: Section 1: That tn.e b3d of Remington-Rand, Incorporated, for the construction of one Public IItility Billing NIachine at tha lump sum price specified in such bid, is herebg aacepted, determined, and declared to be t�e lowest and be�t bid; and th�t a contract for the construction of said work, as heretofore prescribed by the s�ecifications and coutract documents, sha11 be forthwith eaeeuted f�r such construction. Section 2: That F. L. Hendrix, City Mauager, is hereby authorized and directed to e.cecute said contract far and on behali of`the City Commission. Sectiion 3: This contract ahall not be effective until the successiul bidder is �oti�fied in. writing by the Oity M�nag:;�. PASSID AND ADCPTID by the Citg Comraission of the City oP Clearwater, Florida, this 15th day of Mayy 1939. ✓ i Mayor-Comr¢3. s s ion Attest: G ,����,�c�� ty Auditor and Clerk , w. ... _ . _ � __ _ _ _ _ _ : --_.� �, �... �... ,. � � , « r:..�__.,.. _ _ �:.� . Mr. �JlcLean addressed the Commission with reference �to breaking hi.s wrist while working an a WPA Project and thought he should be comp,ensated for the injuries. He was rei'erred to the V�'PA Claims Department. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by b4r. Baker and unanimously carried that the offer of � 150.00 for settTe- ment of taxes on the 'dlinkleman Filling Station at the northeast corner of Fort Harrison Avenue and Sunset Point Drive be accepted. Moved by n�ir. ��psey� sea�nded by �re Peeler and unanimously ea.rried that �the offer aY �" 350,00 by Mr, George VJ. Watt in settlement of taxes and improvement assessments ag�zinst his properties in Boulevard Pines and Sunset Point be accepted. Movzd by T�ir, Saker, seconded by Ms. DEmpsey and unanimously carried that the offer of � 111.14 by 2�rir. Roy Ahlgrim for puz�chase of City tax certificates on the �ast one-half o� the YTest one-haTf of tr�e Southwest one-quar�er of the Southwest one-quartPr of Section 12-29-15 be a.ccepted. A letter fro� I�r; A1.Pred P. Marshall, Chairman o�' the Zoning Boaxd was read. The Zoning Bo�rd recommended that the act amending the Zoning Ordinance and pres�;nted to iche Legislat?ire be withdrawn. A letter from Mr. C. S. Holland to the Zoning Board, objecting to having a trailer-camp i� I,eona Smith's Subdivision was read and referred to the Sanitary Tnspector. A letter from the Glearwater Aifle Club requesting lease on land for a rifle and pistol range was read. Ii!Ioved by Mx. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and una�.imously carrie� that the matter be reYerred to the CitQ P,llana�er and Gity �hgineer for approvalo � Iuo Jed by Mr. Baker, seconded by b�ir. peeler and unanimously carried that a transfer of � 5,000.00 from the Gas and Water Fund to the General Fund on May 15th, be approved. There being no further business, the mesting was adjourned. --/�� �\ i Attest• Mayor ommis .oner G .r����- ty Auditor and Clerk. � , 0 � r ; � � � �° , , _ �� MTNUTES OF 'I''rIE r,QEETING OF TFIE CITY COL�IIISSION The C3.ty Commission, o�' the City oF Clearwater met 3n a Special tdeeting on rJiay 25th, 1939, wi�h the follorving memb�ers Present: �, R. L. Baker, Aeti� 4,4ayor-Cor�nissibner R, A. Dempsey Herbert Grice Absent: E. B. Casler, Jr. V�, W, Peeler After discussion with Mr. I,eo Butler it was moved by I�IIr, Grice, seconded by rlr, Dempsey and unanimously carried • that the �ollowing Resolutior be adopted: RESOLUTION A4YARDIi�TG CO NTR.A.CT 027 tTNIT �RICE BASIS WE3�REAS, L. L4. Butler, Pesignin� I+F�igineer, pursuant to a Resolution heretofore �do�te�., has tabulated and considered all bids heretofore reeeived for the construction of Sanitarg� Sewer Extensions and Iinproveraents, Docket Fla. 1106-F, and h�.s dulg made his recommendations to ths City Co�ission and it appearing from said recommendatiens and r eport that Ebersbach Construction Company of Tampa, Florida, the lowest anci bEst Biaaer for construction of Sanitary Se�ver Extensions and Improveraents, Contract Number 6, and that this City Gomm.ission, after considering said report and xecom.nendations 3nd all bids heretofore filed, iinds that the bid o:f Ebersbach Corstruction Company is t•he lowest and best bid: NOl^l, TFIER�'ORE, BE IT R'�SOLVED by the Gity Co�aaiss;ion of Clearrvater, Florida, AS FOI,LOtiVS: Section L That the bid of Ebersbach Construction Company for the constfuction of Contract Number 6, Sanitary Se�ver Extensions a�d Improvements, at the prices specifi:ed in such bid, is hereby acce�ted, determined, and dsclared to be the lowest and best bid; and that a contract for the consi;ruction of said�work, as heretofore prescribed by the plans,v specifications, and contract documentsr shall be forthvrith executed �or such construction. Sectian 2: That F. L. L�endrix, Gity IVIanager, is hereby authorized and directed ta execute said contract for and on behalf of the City Commission. Section 3c This contract shall not be effeeta:4e until the successful bidder is notified mn variting by the City n4anager. � � � � r. . .. �- ,...:.� , . .. . ...,., .. . . _ ._. . . . .. . ..... . . . . . . . . . � .. . . i . .. .� . . .� . . PASSED AND AAOPTED by the City �ommission of the Gity of Clearwater, F:iorida, this 25th day nf n4ay, 1939. � � Y ���'---' � Acting A2ayor-Commissioner. � .., 0 e Attest• � ����� 'ty Auditor and Clerk There being n� further business, the meeting was adjourned. � . �. 1���1._ '_ � Acting Mayor-Commissioner Attest• -�../ � /LGYi�'i%iG��/ ty Auditor and Clerk. �