04/26/1939, � �. .��..�._, _ . .m.;.. �_.�.�., e�...,, �,,,..s ��.-.,...... . r-..�.,,..��..:.-.,.,�-,...__.�,.. T .,..,.m:,-�4.�,: � � � . . . W . . . . � . . . . � � ... , MiNUTL�S OF TFIE MELTING OF THE CITY COMMISSION � Apri1 26th, 1939. i � The City Comm3.ssion of the City of Clearwater met in session at 7:p0 fl+clock P. Pd. at the City Ha11 on ' � � y .A�ril 26th, 1939, with the Pollowing member3 przsent: � �• B. Casler, Jr., �ayor-�ommission.er ' , R. L. Baker � . � R. A. Demusey � . W. i+�'. Peeler �' Herbert Grice Mr. Zeo Butle�= presented P]PA Projecsts totalling � 16,000.00. Moved by Mr. Dempgey' seconded by Mr, • Baker and unanimously carried that the Projeots be applied �'or. . : Mo�ed t�y Mr. �aker, seconded by Mr. Dempsey aud unanimously carried that transPer oP Punds Prom the G�.s & Water Fund to the GenerAl Fund, totalling ocO o� v� : 0 on April 26th �� be approved, Moved by 1Jtr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and � unanimously carried that Dan Beck be promote� to Class . � " "A" Fireman and that Paul Agnew be placed in probation- . . . ary class Prom Pday lst, 1939 Por a period of three months, at the end of which period he will go into • Class "A" with proper salary. ���� ����� �-�-r��r� � �foved bg Mr. Peeler, seconded by 1�2r, Baker and • , unanimously carried that the salary oP Mr. Peter Treola - be i'ixed at � 145.00 per month. There being no further business, the m�eting was . adjourned. , � I�iayor- ommissione Attest: • , i ' �' ty,Audi�or Fc Clerk r i. k...._ .. ..�.u.. .. . . . . . . � 0 � RESOT,UTION AtiVAI2DING CONTRr�CT ON IINIT PRIGL� BASxS WHIItEAS, I,. M. Butler, Designa.ng �n�ineer� pursuant to a Resolution heretofore adopted, has tabulated and con- sidered all Uid:� heretofora received for the construction o� Sanitary Sewer �xtensi�n•s Doaket Number 1106-F and has duly made his reoomLnendation� to the City Gommission, and it appearing from said recommendations and report that the Boyce Company of Clearwater, Florida the lowes� and best Bidder Por the construction of Sev�age F�rce Mains under Division Number 3, Contract Number 2, at the unit prioe.specified in such 'bid after deducting alternates NumUsrs 4, 6, 89 10 and l2, the amount being � 41,05L 85, and that this City Commission, after considering said report anci recommendations and all bids heretofore filed, finds that the bid of the Boyce Company is the lowest and best bid in the amount oi � 41,O1p1.85 a�'ter deducLing said alterna�es: NOW, TIIEREF'OR'E, �� :C'� RESOLVED by the City Commission of Clearwaterr Florida AS FOZLOWS; Sectioi; 1: That the bid of the Boyce Company Yor the Construcicion of Division Number 3„ Contract Number 2, Sewerage Force Mains, at the prices specified in such bid, is hereby accepted, dsterr,iined and decTa�etl to be the Iowest ard best bid; and that a contr�ct for the construct- ion of said work, as heretofore prescribed b,y the plans, specifi.cations, and contract documents, shall be forth�with executed for such construction. Section 2: That F. Z. Hendrig, City Managex, is hereby authorized and diiectecl to egecute said contract for and on behalf of the City Gommission. � Section 3: This contract shall not be effective until the successi'u� bid.der' is notified in writing by the Czty Manager. PASSED AND ADOP`�'ED by the City Commission of ths City o� Clearwater, Flori da, this 26th day oi April, l,'�39. ' � � � Mayor- issioner Attest: yy G �za;��S� City Auditor & Glerk ; ` i � � {; , �.,.�......�..� _ �,,. .. � �-, �..,��� _ . , ' �� $�SOLUTION AV�ARDING CONTRACT OId LU�i' S�IVi BAS2S V�I�EAS, Z. M. Butler,:Designing Engineer, pursuant tn a Resolution heret�fore adopted, has taliii7;atad and ' considered all bids heretofore received Por the co�struct- ion o.f Sanitarq Sewer E�ctensions Doe�ced Num�er 1106-F and ��� �. x has duly made his recommendations to the City Commission, F and it appearing Prom said recorrmendations and report that J. B. McCrary Conpany, Inc., Atlanta, Ueorgia, ia the lowest and best Bidder for the consi:ruction of Division Num.ber l, Con�ract Number 11, Sewer Di�gosal Plant, at the lump sum price speciPisd in such bid after deducting Deduetable Alternates Ni:mber One �nd Number Two; and that this City Commission, after considering said report and recommendations and all bids heretoiore filed, finds that the bid of J. B, NlcCrary Company, Inc,, is the lowest and best bid in the amount of � 74,200.00 after deducting said Alternates: NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT Rr,SOLVID by �the City �o�ission of Clearwater, Florida, AS FOZLOI�"7S:` Section 1: Thati the bid of J'. B. McCrary Company, Inc., for the construction o� Divisio� of'Nuniber l, Contraet Number 11, Sewer Disposal:Plant, at the prices specified in such bid, is herel�y accepted, determined and declared to be the lowest and best bid; and that a contract for the construction of said work; as heretofore prescrit�ed by the plans, specifications, and eontract docuTnents, sha11 be forth�rith executed ior such construction. Se�tion 2: That F„ I,. Hendrix, City P.Zanager, is hereby authorized and directed to execute said contract for and on behalf of the City Commission. Seci;ion 3: This contract sha11 not be effective until the successful bidder is notified in v�riting by the Gity Manager. PASSED AND.ADOPT�D by the City Commis.�ion of the Citg of'Clearwater, Florida, this 26th dag of April, 1939. � � .� `>�,C/V .r. . / � . Ma3To ommis s ' ner �� A�test: � �" �� ���,/f ty AL1d�toT & f�`;Le?'k. � ■ �9 � , RESOLIITION A�VARDZNG C ONTRAC�' O1V L� SUPd BAS�S WI�REAS, L. M. Butler, Designing �ngineer, pursuant �o a Resc�lution heretoiore aciopted, has tabulated and ; considered �1Z bida Yieretofore received ior the construat- ion o� Sanitary Sewer Extensions Docicet Numbex^ 1106-F and has duly made his recommendations to the City Commission, and it appearing from said reaommendations �r�d report that J. P. �larkson Company oi Clearwater, Florida, the lowest and best Bidder for the construction of Sewage Pumping Stations w.ider Division Num.ber 2, Contract Number 2, after the price bid of � 22,;55Q.00, after deductir�g r alternates Numbers 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11; and that this City . � �ommission, after considering said report an� re�ommendations and all }�ids heretofore filed, finds that �he bid oP J'� F, Clarkson Company, is the lowest and best bid in. the amount of � 2ti,550.00 after deductin� said alternates; NOVi', Tf�R�F'QRE, BE 2T RESOLVED by the City Commission �f Clearwater, Florida, AS FOLLOWS, � Section l: That the bid of J. Ps Clarl�son Company for the construction of Division Number 2, Contract Number 2, sewerage pumping stations, at the prices specified in such bid, is hereby aecepted, determined and declared to be the lowest and best bid; and that a contract for the construct- I! ion oP said work, as heretoiore prescribed by the plans, specifications, and contraet documents, shali. bs torwith �Aecuted for such construc�tion. Sewtion 2: That F. Z. Hendrig, Gity Managex, is hereby authorized and d�rected to execute said contract for and on behalf of tihe City Connnission. Section 3: This contract shali not be effective until the successful bidder is notified in writing bythe City M�nager, PASSED 9ND ADOP2'�'33 by ths City Commission of the City oP Clearwater, Florida this 26th dap oP April, 19390 / ' Mayor9Commission Attest: � c � ��� ity Auditor & Clerk. �» .. :, � ; � � � s �, - �i _ � IJlINU�S 0�' TfI� l� ++TIP�G 0� TI� CI�i'i' COMMISSIQN � Tday lst, 193:9. f � The City Commission of the C�.ty oi'.Clearwater met in re�u.lar meetin� assembled in the Gitf �Iall at �::OQ , , � P. M., 1�1[ay lst, 1939, with the following members presentt h �. , J�. B. C�.sler, Jr., Mayor-Gommissioner � R. L. Baker R. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice ' W. VT. Peeler , i � Minutes of the laet two meeti:n�s v�ere read ancl ' aPproved. � A delegation of propert� owners from the 700 , Block on North Fort Harrison Avenue ��as present to discuss the proposed Fish r.2arket on North Fort Harrison Avenue. ' Th� City Attorney addressed the Commission and ;` read part af the Zoning Ordinance and ga4e his opinion in favor of the Building Inspector being within his � rights in issuing a building permit for the Fish Pdarket. PIIr. George VYilsc,n of � 709` nTorth Fort Harrison I Avenue, clmimed it would have a tendsncy to reduce the t �alue of property at least fifty percent. It4rs. Bassett said the Fish T�ark would work a r . hardship on residents in the neighborhood �-zn.d cited some of the exception.s in the Zoning Ordinance and referred to Section 18 0� the Urdinance. i' F Mr. �dgar Jobn Phillips disagz°eed with the ;;, Git� fi ttorney's interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance and explained his ideas in detail. , i�ir. Joseph Nichols, representing Mr. Anderson, stated that this particular part of Fort Harrison Avenue . .ur�w wa:s zoned as a business section and that there�no.le�al grounds for an appeal to the City Commission. The B�,iildi�g Insper,tor stated that Mr. Anderson �,said the building would be used as a retail. fish market / �he m�tter was deferred until the citizens eould � get together and see if some settlement plan could be ' worxed out between themselves. Mr. J'. �. Satterfield, representing Mr. Clement, ; operator of a tourist camp, who has paid a liconse of 1'� ' �' � 125.00 annually ior the last several years, addressed �, ��' the Gommission and xequested that since Mr. Clement's business is no longer operated as a trailer camp, the � City refund � 75.00 of the license fee. I�oved by Mr, P . � Pe�lsr, seconded by Ntr. Dempseg and unanimously carried �_ ,. -�:.,,.,�,. , � � � '� ��, :� . �U that the matter be referred to the Cit3r Mana�er with power to act. The City 14lanager read a letter from the Broolclyn Base Ball Club and presented a:renewal contract For the next three training seasonse 112oved by I�r. G�rioe, secondpd by Mr. Dempsey and unrznimously carried �chat t;he contract be ea.ecuted. A letter from Mrs. 1. B. �Flilliams protesting change of street names in Suburb Beautiful was read. No street names have been changed in Suburb Besutiful and Mrs. V7illiams is to be so notified. Objections to the new Budget were cr:�.'s�d i'or and since there tvere no objeetions the Budget tivas adopted. Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by I�Sr. Dempsey and unanimouslg carried that the City accept ll�ir. Fuuderburk�'s offer of � 125.00 in settlement of delinquent taxes on Zot l of Tennessee Terrace and Lot 18 of Carolina Terrace nnex. b2oved by Pdr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that a transfer of funds amounting to � 5,000.00 Prom t��• �as & Water Fun3 to the General Fund on April 27th be �pproved. There being no furthex business, the meetir� was adjourned. /ld / � Mayor-Commissi : er Attest; � G ���/� ty Auditor & Clerk � 4pril 26, 1939. AGREE�ENT BETWEEN' T$E CITY' OI' CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, AND THE BROOKL�1`d NATIO�TL�I, LEAGUE B:�S�;BALI, CLIIB, IL7C. , QE' BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. l. The City agrees to pay to the Brookl.gn Baseba.11 Club, which shall. train its play3rs in Clearwater c�uring the training seasons oY 1940, 1941 and 1942, the sum of Two Thousand (� 2,000.00) Dollars ior each o� the aforementioned years, the sum �o oe paid in two installments each ear; � 1,000.00 ��b the end of the first week and � 1,000.00 at the end of the Pourth tveek, ' 2. The Club shalT retain all oY the gate receipts from its games, hom.e and abroad„ and shall also retain all receipts from cancessions and advertising. 3. The City agrees that the C�ub shall have exclusive use of the Clearwater Baseball Park for its practzse and games and agrees to put the Park and Buildings in first class shape and to so maintain them during the life of this agreement. 4. The City agrees that no other Major Zeague Club shall train i?z Clear�vater during the life of this agreemente CITY OI+' GT., t,ARt�ti'ATER BY �� � � ayor BROOKLYN NATIGNAL LE�IGUE BASEBALL GLUB INC. BY ixecutive Vice-President ;