04/24/1939_ �. _ �y MINIITES OF TF� MEETIPIG OF THE CITY COMMISSION Agril 24th, 1939. The City Commis9ion of the City oP Clearwater, met ' in regular meeting assembled on April 24th, 1939, with the %'ollowing members present: 4 , ' E. B. Cagler, J'r., Mayor-Comm3ssioner R. L. Baker R. A. Dempsey W. W. Peel.er Absent and not v�ting; Herbert Grice Minutes of the previous meeting were read an,d approved. Mr, P'rank Ha.�ris, representing the holder of an unrefunded City of Clearwater bond, offered to se�Z the bond to tJie C3ty for � 1,4-12¢00 less 7�. Movad by Mr. � Baker, seconded by Mr, Peeler and unani�ously carried, that the City Manager be instrueted to buy the bond at the lawest possible figure. Mr. Walter Thomas discussed widening Pierce S�reet, which might necessitate mov3ng a building on his property and asked that the City guarantee that any cost of moving be borne by the City and that the Ciiy replace the entire property in a condition as g�od as it now is. Actzc+n was deferred until more information could be obtained from the City �ngineer and will be presented at a mePting to be held at 7t00 P. a�., 1"J�dnesday April 26�h. Mr. MaEheany complained of a blinl�er trafiic light i.nterf�ring with his sleep and also complained of an . open drai.n not operating properly. The Fire Ghief tivas instructed to turn off the blinker and the matter o� the drain was reierrel to the City Manager, , A committee fr;>m North Fort Harrison Ave�ue, in opposition to �he proposed fish market, addressed the Coffinission,. The City Attorney stated that the Zoning , Ordin�nce does not prohibit the operation of a retail fish market at that location. Moved b�r Mr. Dempsey, seconded `py Mr. Peeler and unanimously� carried that a hearing be held at 7:30 P. M., Tuesday, May 2nd, in the City Hall. blr. H. H. Baskin spol�e about proposed chan�es in the Zoning Act and advised eg�inst delegating more authority to the Zoning Board without �irst puting it to a vote of tha people. _ , :. . . _ . . �. _.:_... . . ..� . _� �.: ..� _ __�_�.�...., _ , . _. _.. � , � , RESOLUTIaN OF TS� CITY COMMISSION OF TEE CITY QF CZF.ELRWATER ADOPTL,�TG A BIIDGET Al\TD P'IAiNG TH� RATE OF T_9XATION. WHr'�2�AS, the City Mana�er of the City o� Clearwater, Florida, has submitted an est3mate of the amount of money necessary to carry on the City government �or tha gear 1939; and, i4�r.AS, the City Commission has, in meetin�x duly assembled examined carefutly, considered, and approved th� same; and, WHF��AS, the ta� assessment roll has been submittied to the City Conmission bp t�:e �qualization Board in correct form; TH�REFORE, B'� IT RESO�VFD BY Tf� CITY COMNIISSION OF Tl� CITY OF CZEAR'N42�Et, �'LOSiIDA, in regular meeting assembled: First: That the followin� schedule be and it is hereby ad�ptad a. the operatin� budget for the City af Clearwater for the year 1939• D�2AR'I2J�+`NT APPROPRIATION G�RAL 1kCiPdINISTR4TI0N City Nlanager �p 3,500..00 City E`ngineer 3,200.00 J'anitor Service & Supplies 1,500p00 DEPA�Ti.�iT OF �'�dANC� Assessing 4,5�5an0 Collecting 7,640.00 Book�eeping Rc Disb. 3,335.00 Auditing 4,300.00 LEGaL & SU�ICL4Z Attorney 3,20G.00 Gourts 980.00 PUBLIC SAF�TY Police Department 25,045.00 �ire �epartment 17t000.00 TraYfic Indicators 2,0OO.OQ Bridge Tender 2,200.�0 INSPEGTION S�tVIG�S Build.ing, Plumbing, �].ec�trica? 2,395sOQ Sanitation a�p00o00 PITBLIC SERV2C� Garbage Collsction 10,500.00 Street Cleaning 6,-000.q0 Farbor �pense 600.00 Cemetery 2,400.,00 Librar �leetricity (Al1 Departments) 13,000.00 Charity 2,000.00 PUBI,ICITY Senior Chamber of Gommerce I5,000.00 J'uniar Chariber of Gom,�nerce 1,000.00 � D�P:ART!!�NT .�iPPROt R� TION 1'.ARI�S £r. RECR�ATION Parks � 8 , 880. 00 Recreation, Farks & Playgrounds �,928.00 Auditorium 1,00Q.00 T�/L4TNTEIVANC� Repair, main.tenance, City Buildings 2 072.00 Repair, m�intenance, City Streets 6�000.00 Repair, main.tenan.ce, Sewers 1,000.00 Repair, maintena.nce, Docks & Bridges 2 OOO.Od Insurance (All. DepartmentR) E�500.00 Miscellaneous 2,OOOo00 TOT.A.L OPEEtATING �?�Na� ,�`p '179,700.00 Second: Thc�t it is hereby determined that a taa of three mills upon all property v��i.thin the City, not exempt from taxation by la�v, shall be necessai�y to raise the s�id sums appropriated for operating purposes, and the s ai.d rate of millage is hereby asaessed on all. xeal and personal property upon said tax asssssment roll nnt exempted by law from taxation. Third: That it is hereby determined that the following rates of millage shall bs necessary to raise the ne'cessary sums for debt ser�3.ce on the �ity's outstanding bonded indebtedness, and said rates �i` millage are he'reby assessed against the property included in said tax assessment roll, as follows; 01d Territcry---------__e_17 mills �'irst �tension-----------16 mills Second �xtension-------___15 mi:lls BE IT FURTI�i RESOLV�D t�,at the foregoing sehedules and tax rates be puulished in the Clearwater Sun anct that the City Commission shall meet in the City Hall of Clearwater at 8:-00 P, M, on the lst day oi' May, 1939, for the purpose of holding a puUlic hear3ng upon said intended tax Ievy, and the City Auditor and C7.erk is hereby required to pu�lish a notice of such public hearing, setting forth the time and place s�ore- said for holding such meeting, toge�trer with the propoaed budget and tax levy as herein set forth, and unless suificient objections shall be �ade at the time and place stated in said. notice, said budget and tax levy sh�ll stand for t}� year 1939. P�.SSED AND ADOpTED By TH�, Clmy CQ1ViMISSION o� the City of �learwa�er, this 24th day of April, A. D. 1939. Attest: City Auditor and Cle-rk. Mayor-Commissioner � � S r� r � O�iD7.�`i��I`�C�; �dU'f;B�.'€� ��'� .. � � �i���,:°�ial`YiraN i�t'�Ei�`Zi��r `�{� �'�.�L'' i��,�'t`� i�j;' . �����m� .�an �. i��� �a �� cx� �� �':.5��` �.,xt�i.(1�!'�Ft. ��°' �7.' Q�a`i�Y� T..�'� �� �i�i,�l iiCii�:aZ�i���i'1''� 41r ��«� l"r`�'� �ix' t`.+Z;+�'ki�i;t��°�� i��Q xl�i'15 �hc� �z�nas a�' �ar��a�.tx �����,�n and �vonuz�� iaa �E;�� �i�� af �1eax�ve;t�x�, '�u �a� t3�ey aro herQisy� cs��r��Qd, ranc? rsar��a�n �t��a�z�g �G. �ve�u�a� laerc�.�a�'c��e ��ad �h�.11 br� �n:d t,�xey �:ra i�r�xoby �ar,„er�, �s �a? Io%.�; B�� �`i.e�a a�r�o�, S3ortIY Cit� ��i�.3.t� x e;��'n�e to Un�.r�n., ��G�oa�G. �Sa��.na :�ve�ua, ls� �31�,� �� o�' �i�:y^ �..�,rn3.t� �'rorQ �ip �`4m �ir�r�.eozz ' tn ;3xoa@�v�y, c�.��e tQ �ar3.�ze� ��r�e�o Anc3�ara�� �`tay, ao, �"rnm ��ar�ne �'�ve�m �o Ca�odorq ��., � �lo�ic u. af xtim ��ta ��rri�a� :A.v�eo� p���ra �o ��uchor��;�a �.v�n��. Grena�ta �lvd» . �n.d 3t« ub. o�' Git� i,itnits �roTM� i�. xt. �x�ri�pr� ��st �4 ACL, che�� �c� �r�naria S�reet: Char7.o� r�lvertue. i�ike 5�r. of G�t�:€�da Blvc�o �'�or,z �3� �'•Ga kie.rri�ou ��.si; to I3rtsadv,�a:3r� �h€�r►►�a �to �h�:r�.Qa ��r�s�+. 5a�.�evm Driva% 1st P�. ai` �t��.�et �p3.n� D�iv�s fro� �7. �`�. -�iAxT�&021 �� �i{��ae �+�J:c`�%I�Q '�"iQ ��E�.Sf3Y�i: �"e,J.'E36'�i. 9�dQev� Cire3.e . ��#„ o�' ��deava �ro fxa� r'���, 2'p7.k� �:,as�, Ghr�.I1�B `�o �aCleeva ��r@�tr ��deeva Cir �Im y fxn�, i*�terr�octia� of �oda�v'a i�ra , ww.: �Gh�s� �o �a �it� L3.tai�� s tsh�e i;o ��i� ���aa�., ::>u�sa� s oi�t �r�.vQ, i.� �e a u. S3a nP �t�vc�la�o�. ��e��, �'rc�;a k 9;�} �t. T�arrisan A:Y�. �a�� �o City Lirai�so Cl��.zz ;� to . �.�v=c Fnin�t �or�d. 3'ar� iJrive. trr�� �u�:�.A�� �03��, �aad r��r��� ����e�scrsxz Qxe�k La � ��sr n.� }t�rz�1Q C��e �o ��ovonnc�n �Lv��ua. I�Lir3� 1�7,�� lst �'G. L• Ok° �i.CI. �x�OTai �3liits0't I'O:I.T:'�, �i.''.r �011't-iIl t0 f�to�cn�vn ���ol�. G�~�tCe �ta 1��.rY �,v��+t�z�. O�rer'�roc�2� �aady 2nd �f�d �;, oi' �1,�5. �r�r!� we�.Qc�v� 5�a �r�» tq ����rans�a�. Cre�k�, eY:�n�,� �� t3v��bror�� .Av�n��;. ��ri�i���.�;, �rti St. �,� of x�.C�, �ra�nt �tevearzsa�. C�c�ak �.. �a x��ar 5edsova. ��. ,, chran.�e to ��ri�t� AvF�u�s� Uv�rbrat�l� y',�.v, �'ra.m Oc�rbraot� l��rQ, , ��; �o Spxi�� ��c�r � �'us� �7, o�' �1te�tdzz�on ��t�ok. �han�,t� tA Brook T�oa� o Lliii��iii�Q J�'ix$6'ti, 'Lr'��i1D$�.i��, 21,i-i iT}.tic3�`£�$Citii.�'iYl £��' zl�i�:r a.i1G� :?iid3�c7ai. ;a�rc�c�t, �.. o� .r?��,, runn5.z� �. ane �li�e to ba �.wmeici �`��tl�t �svas�t�et ' . • . ��'r � � . . . . � - , � " , .I Ls'�a a'�vor�ue 't:'eyt. � h��s» �. s�f ;i�.�?zl�.nd Avo��.e, f'rom �revr L7. 2 blks. �;3a���;e to R3.Ch�r�is 'Dr9,�r� �b.rk �r�.vv�s, � b�.i�s. , L, a�' 1ai. ;hJ.unci ,�.va�,ur�, �'raz� i�rew i�, � bl�r�, cka�z��a �Ga EiaT�er �31.�ra, 7.�ake f�vvnu�, Ei bik�, �;a oP �i�lala.�,� A��nue, �roa�, �,rczr ��, 2��.'kad Ctl�ii�E3 '�i� {'i88�.0i_ .Ca,'V'�TLtdf..'e ��rraets a.laar, A. �. �„ �.. �?; 3 �'caza�ss �t� ta Px�.°nh�sll, ahan�e �o �:ai1 %Zo��; �lven'ues. �t�i7.rt�a� Avo� p�'i.z�� bi. tp '�.'t:x�ner. Chmn�c� ta Ind�exia �s.venu„ _I�in�o �-�reoL• , 1 b�.�alc naz•�h of �en3.no]�a. :�yrt7.a ta 4. C. L„ R, Ai. Chen;rq �o ���.ehol�o�: :�tra�st�, sunss�t Dri.v�. 1s�G �t. �. a� ���vQ�ab� Creak f�°ar� �. Fta �inrri�nn t'l.VE3e i��,oe�. ��e��. cn�:��o ��x�� �o�: Ftio�aa A��,ch�a ��.il, ls� ;t. ��,, n�' <aixraant �'ran r�,yxtl:e ? �11€ �o �h��e� tc� ,�nao�a Ito�.da 1�.�7z3G�'LG �3'a�.�. � �, rh�,.�i• i"'l�s �}�" ��o F`j",� �$I'�"`:L8021 i2`f?� ,�L17cZfli18 �{t� p i.0 ��luxnet :�t. Ghan�e to ,t��eoha l�venuQ. I;tauhin�;;�on. �.s� St. a. oS' �i�sh.�l,�, �'xan ,+�yrt�.� A�ren�:a, �, �o GrQen�oode Ghan�o �o �rant �3treeis, b��tadi�on 2n.�. �t. a. c�f >;�r�hal], frflm :�yr�lo I�. to �ro�;n�mod. �n�� -ca �sah3n�te��: ��r�set�: '��n,.,�$ri��, o� �zr�eZ�.�s Pi.�ec�, i�. of �,'n�r��n fro� {�€isde?L �v�z��� ta 2.2y�rtl.�� Chr�.n�� �n �'�rmi�� �tr�at� Qe�.n:c �tres�, �ra� J3a;� to {.y�rtle .�va. G�a�n� � �o �ul.�a,e-�t� ��. �ooa�pr �.v��xue, �ro� �ec1�� 2,, �o ",.'�rshal� x 'b�.k. yJp of Cr�e��ood, (:�,�n�,� to 1�annsy7.v�st3.a �ivenue, 4yes� 5�.. ��. b7.�.g �. of �ra4n.mo3 i'ro;ri �alr!e-t�o to ��]s� 81,uf�. Cihf��� t� Z"�es$ lii�'�I1LtC3. p�n�ral. �te � ]: bl�:. :�. �� S;as� ��. 9 �zlxa�.;e to Gen-�,�c�:l .�renue. ��s�t ��G. . 1 b�.k. 'r`: a� tl�n�ra�.. �he�e to :a�-�_ r��c��.us. �I�rt a�e , 1. 'bl�, �. cs#: �;�a'� AYonue. Chr�i�,o tc� I�ax��4�.ell .�rvan.u�� T.Fic�Yi,�e�a ttven�„e, f�a� Taa���r3.�s� ��, ta �nz�y Gi�e? �. Ch€�n je �o I,Tarth I��'ad3.�on zlv�nue� T�akt�c�n r�1vd. 1 b1L, i1a l��r�tiu a�. ��o�. ��een��a$ �,.venuer �tt� �et�y� a��� . ��a;n�q to Sacl;son 2�oad. P,?iohi�r�.zi s1��nuea, f'ra;� il�e�r ��r�sat I�To tp �aI*:���C�o� �iz�n�e ta ��ori;i� Tuia; oizri Avsnue. H3.,�hl�d flav:ci;,, 1. b�.k. ts. o�' Ii3�hl�nd �i�en�u�, �ro� �`.:;:u3� u�C, �7« a�e t�lic. C:han�� to %,Jax^iv�. .�ve. Greanviav� ��rc�at. J, b13�. ;v. a� Zlr�w S�. �'rc�r� iiillcr. es� to i:",�ari�r�. �:ve. G3��nE e to T:ierS.va ��oad. ; V � "ir:�..��.v� �i.rt�3.�sd i`:� 1'z`��.�t Ti�,�;Ia7.and. x#.u�°nu�t. Gb.an.�;e �:€a tT� x.��x��.vt� �.n�. u. �0]7.e.VFi f,���,'C.'�.6Srt �'ar�i� i,an,�, �. ka�.�Co ��� cst� i,�,���.e �t���a�C �'s�c�r. G�,axi�:taod �v'�:�u� � I�. ��i �r�av�c��, ��ivee G�,a�b '�A �'eo1e� �ics�edm t�id�c��e,Qd �. B�.lc� �. oP �'�apl� ��Grc+a��� �'��,ara C�,�nr��ao�. �� C�rit�,�ua �:g i� ci�e�s�v4d :it� �'� �a �3.�y' ��-'a3:�so i�inegaaac�, �. �xora E�l�n�rood �o i�aif��s�cd �7�3ae. � ��c� �.� �in�v�ca�. :�t. {�r�'€�od��n+� �a��sv�od� mtcan�,pc� ta �?n�vi�,00��. ta�d i�o�e*�oa� �t;e, �wElt'C/C9'A '`��"�'ips�_� �n�«/yQ��sL {i�.�'t!°C-31.'k��1C3 �'Z'+w �`Cl?1`'.i � £`i�.Q'PEi�,ft�l '�iCT �3E;i'9`i'ti� L'<'iYll�f . 4"�Y..4+ �V .tl'1,'.V�� .��6. . � . T'1i%tia �LirFJZYt��, a. 11}.�i ,T�'.,« ca�' �si�i3zivSlCiaCi P�'47Ma Gl.�'SFi33»Qxlf3 t.la �}z'E2Cr0 �'Jl1%��'1�$ �C� No2t1�¢nli:ssouxi Avenue e� ... . . �'ad,v�� ��.,,� � �a�.�� ::@ a� :�att� �":�*a�a f�Za'v43.t�nd �c� �r�fzd ��?;'�';e �o ��or��`'"t���r�i�aon�,r.��- P�.�do�.��t w�� +� btk�c� ::� Of G��c�t^�so�t �'�tr!a. �J.es�reZ�:n.ei ;�. I. 'b�.2s� ��a��� �o ;3�;i9. s�ta�� �va�,�aa« , �:�sIE3IriE:Q._.,�i_4".a s �, b�.:;.. .�a p1"' �i�..EtVQ1:�xI�. �".:0;1 �'rI4QYlt�'�?C3C� Iaa 5,7�' :?fi4%��C�i �i£? . be T,��;*�oc% �'�eT'C€� �'G. ��re�� can�-b3,2� �o �� ��.�av��.�.nd ��. �'�a� �"�t�a.�on �;t� F..:�.��rau��.� �� �ae . .�Ec`%��f3,. �.�Qi+� t�7,'i'i�e � . . Eih���aut ::Y�ti�.y � �i,��, aq z�f ��.;�v��.anc� �'�°�� �r��i����ad �o ar�:�:srt�uri�. u��';R 'fii0 ��4C�`i1 5$LY:E�'�",� 1'-C.Q�ti'- �s'�..if4 �. t7��M 7:74 �� iJ.1..�.+�V;.�i dLY��.���.�f� Lr.�:+"#.. ��++r�.� ���' kY.O idi7 Y�I� �a�� � ch�nJd '�� aczu�� �,3.�:aa�:n A�*enue�. Sm:�.Za� uto , 1�sl.k. �, �a�' .�i�i���2atzt u`'�Ga „�"oza: a�3.�;iot�x'�. I�YT€��aik� �o Bq�+ty' �,�r�Q: t�l���;c� ��a F2or�rs ��r��t, G'i�� �t� � 1 YS7.� �`I. ia�' Druitl i�ia�,c�. �'z�am T`3.�.:�ouri t�,�ren,ua t� �3���y' i�4sz� e �3u���4 ��i �r. �r��r �t. �avall.e :�t� ia b�.�s it, Q� S�z{u�.c� 1�aad, fxar� �z5,�.�.or�a �t �r� �o to C�ul� `tC� s:;�. t1�ZEin�o tts Cbur� i,�reet. Ga�trt �t. , � b�,l�t�. Pi�, a.� �1�u3.c1 �cr�da '�xoai k�.],�.�.�c��?# 1��9.ve; �t� �u7:� 'GC? B��Te, �'i1Q%,�f: �'iLy {:�Ef;`�}�3L1�".. �"`e�;s �lxsiiOi' �fis e v3 �31,Y.E�e i'3N �� '�z`Ll�.U. .T�{as,�w+g �`i'cS� ii�.1.1.cr��'�i �7?; M �iE� t`.slil.� '�C� �3��0 �k���;e � ���s� S� 1i{`��4�� .f7�'{r(�6.e., +ri 4T,.t.:�:�'i .1�: QL JJZ.°ll,�i..t6 «4ki��t a..F�{il°sii. dl�d.�ii�1�w'+i� SA�.'o �l� V��J �..3.zn3:�s y tsti�€�+� ��a `�t��rer �t, eTFJ:£3:Ei.�.Y39 ;`�kl� �., 'il� .:r ��'7o ri� ��1k].C'i �C3 -G,'SC�.�. �'�'tSF� ".u�.£ltSUtl�*�.. r"z'S?`Us >a• '�d �fir'9'sj,'' ,t.��t'��v f,'�'1�;'i� 'h,0 ��i:�:7,��� �`......,....,,�r.i�'i�� �r�5.r� ��rar a �rt�x� �t. ��a��.��n, � "b1.�;.�. r:e:��e �"rs:�;es t;cr �z�i�., �c��1 �'�ss��.�e 't'��, 2 �r? x: �m o� I3ru�.r� �'��ac��. i'res� Siru3.c� :.v�nue � �„ �� G+x��n�- ��ooc�,. ���o �ci �"az�s�:�►� �a�a�i� A.��i�+'��•5.1�. L�a.�� :r'J U1i.wEi6 W'R �Y U���+.t li�Qclij i.J:�Q�XI".� �1f�u.LLL ��Q���� j!i• u� ""'�"�'��a�v�c�da C�Z�n�;c� t� rr€�t-noli.�c �toad�. � ��� �,O'i:tl� �#�'�11. ]. i�l� �j. Ci� �'�,'�'t'OX'(�? i`�`9,'f �`1''l2�('�, a'i"P0r '�fi �'rai3£�1YJ.YdAQ(�* �ilCi11,�".,,ti "%C) �CT`teL1L3 �4,pE1f�a �.�� ��FiT'�7EiVs "ur ��.�£8. "s`�r d� Ur �!''�r� �gL°��.sOi1Y �'Z'flTil Gti6"t`.�£�Ti� i�Gle '�'i0 �11a� �t, fPub��e �o I3�y ;.venue. 17r�tintn�a �st� � I311�s. ,�r. o�' �. �'�. F�arrison Tram. �in�I,�.as �t. ta - �"a �ord �t. , -�a ba x�r�raed n�� Ava�.��, Gr�nrl Centrt�l .A.ven�� Z bI� S: oi �a��'ards ��`ra,� :a �, TZt�rrison E� �a �� �. han{�o ta Granei Cen�xal �t. �'i�elJ.�s A�ro. � talI�s �« o� �'a�'�v�d�, Pra.ra. i�a�:e Ave. �� ta �reQn.�aod. L'}1t3I1t;F: 'Y',E7 if�i218�a.FxF3 �"`a'Es `i'u�kaw�.lia �:vt�r � b�.its .�p o� �'��'farcis, Y'z�o:�. iF�zr,�.7.�t �, to Gr�+mn�cd. Gl2ar�o ta Tu�,�ta'�ri2l.a ��, �rG„ �t. �;'rora t1�.�.�� 1'i. o;£ �. �'t� 13arri��n to �0�. �]YanUo to �'�3. a�Rr �cl. L€�2.ev�.et�� �r. �ro� �Q:� ?�� La �Q11o�3;� �h��I. �iam�:, ����:;� �`,�c� S,�.k�viaw Fd, �,akevi��.* �'i�r�. {He1,1.�ai� w3�e11 �c�ad } ��q;�. � �o��eat �.vr�,� �,g ai' t�ie C� �3'' �,xz,�i��. G�;a��e tc� ?'��?�c�vi�ew :�o�d. T�akeavieti�r �s�ive,�, 1 bl� a. 4�' �.�1:�yi�ev� i�d, ,�'�;�e�r,f. Graenv3oaci .r1�ce. to �' 1'.:i�oura. � MLhar��a �Ga ac�tzth ����o�. �.�.tcc��cic�s�z r��e. 1 b1k �l. esf �,n.�e�vza.�: ,�t�. , fr�r� the .�fiL' �� to ��ring, .,han�;e ta De�'Psev ��te 17�l.ZG+`�i.L1 .l.�1.44v .,L iJ��.L.,�ik .,�di QS S13A(�.�,�`icir�. c�U� �i��'iy�"�' t-aF1:.�i'j�Qii�.'1 .'�.�fiiZ�.Q l�i� ti�j�li1'�.i ^s1.LLl7 �iVQ211f��o �171tii1�4 �Q �'381.1#343.C•3tii S�i• S�toorc� il�. , �ra� �,sr�a �ra�dy �o Gre�n�ood r`�v�nu4, �ha�� �o %�ativa____ r__d 9�, . �oun'�xp Clttb �4v�. . 2 b2?:s ,�. a�' �3.�„:'�i7.ar�d A.ve» j i'rr�m I3zt�id; Rcad �de t�5 '-�ul� �Go I3��. Ghan�;e to �c�uth IiiJ.l�xes� Drive. lst .l�v�. , 3rd �.vo._, ard 5th kve., ,�. 07� �7��velsn� ��c. ,�'rom Gul�vied� to Garron�c�a Dx�. �h�.��� to S�ree��r f�,st, 3rd,� 5th � k�oinsa�tia St. , 1 b1�. �e of �enar�a.�y, �`�a� �€�.z� ��Q Y�'. to �ayrrto�� S1',. �i�aza�;e t�i Pain:�et�ia A�ra. i:Eii3C�.�A..ZA.i k[{7Af3� �"L`d37i �iAlll:3&YeQ37' i+To �.CI u3._A U,'�.' �S�.�i21Ci• {i1'ifiTl,�',y8 �'i0 �"kii2t3.8��+.¢l..V �:V 8 • hwta P�.�xc�� �o� Bruc� �va. t� �sya a�ian�;� �o ��tor Sta ��i� �'�.ace. ��caan �3r�a4 :�-Ga �;o T3c�;� ��g�,r�a�zc�ea. Gh��x„e �a iris ��. .•�t�r�loZ�� �`lav� �.tsz:x Ba�ucao l��e+ i, �`�o B�g, o�a��o �o v'or'ba€�� Sts �'uni»or ���a.y�, Pr�x� :��c�orad�� �a Lantari�. �.v��, �h�,rQ tc� �'un.ip�r t3�. �'ca'�: Pl.��e, l b1,l�.e �3. u�' Gar�.auo1. �a�hd., CI]�� to �al:rne� Si�rea�. �.anS3as����1a1,r�n ��osa s:��,ci�racio� ��i tt* �3�� �,upl.anacte» �aan�Q �Q � R �da, Ot�oetQla ,�.�re�ue. Ta b+a ah�n�ec� �o �d, 0�0@f��.Ei liV4: EtZJ::t'� S. �IIC38b1A �lva. �v3.�h r�la�t�.a�t tq Glevola�d �tre��G. Fort �i�,�r�.�on �iv�a ta be 41i���c� to �i. �t. Ilerrison Ave. raaid S� �`�. i�a�rison Ave, , �4� :th � olatiai� i;o ��.e�re,�t��d ��. � � � . .y.,�"j.r Ga���n �.vo. �,`o b� e�an��ac't '�o i�. ��c�on �ve. und �. C��.re�en hva. ; z�aith rela��.oz� ta Clr�va].anc� St� ��ot Ave� ,�n 'ba c�t����� 1�t� i�. ivnd 5. East ltv�. , ra��ea�Cives�.�, i�. ral�:tio�. to C1�va7.�u�, �t� i�vrtle �va,,� '�o L�o a�ntu,e� t� ?�. 2�?rxt�.e ansi a, i��le. ��.�3� ���.�'�ir�n to G1.�v�l�tr,tc� 5��aa'�. Gr�enbrac,�: .�vee_� �� �� al�.an��ci tq 2�9 �r�nn�rood �n4 �'. Crrnon���dod.� `w�,�Yt. ral�iqn to �13'val,and 3�x��aet. Unn�s�c�c� Stt (�;i�disan �tnar'G), 7��a.�,^, or.o 'b�,� u�:st o� �rQ�tn�v�crd� w�ari;�.n�; i'rc�m (:level�d. :�t» 3iar�t� tc� Cr�t�l.dp to ba a�a7.led �. �'iash�.nd��:oz� Ave. t'��: �int�tr�rs �"Lve. ,�rc�� �r�vr ��. �o Pa]_raqt�a a�c� Gi�:bort, to xinrvs�� Ax��'� � �s� �� c�.:7.ied ,`�,_,,,,. �'��.ahin; '�an �vtin�!a. �:ashin-,�o� ��:�o. , f`ra� �r��eviotir �d� �. to I3e7.lezix :�t. 'tc� bo c��.le�, v�`a if3`�1Y1�.Ylf�fi•€1xJ. �i.YEf. l�iorr�� 5�.. ��e�Ta �ha:�a�, ;I� nne 1a11.. 40 �. ,:'�wiaiz�;i:or� «ti�t�., �Co lao c�.a��d �o ;�. 1yss12fn�:tcan A�t�e T3�rv�v ��_ ,. �`s�'o� Ti�o�*,�ts, �'. ona b1.ii, flh�an;;� 'tsa T:to,sr€� f�ve;nt�e, :uQdi sc�n ��e. i�. a�' ����'�':la�sd } �uad �. o� Gl�ve�.arid � '�a %e n�rnc�c� ��. t`��ii�an. �nd 3. ���tl.isoaf ir.i.�h re��a�i.an �Y,o Clvv'��.�nci �t, :�ioh�.�?sn ��ve. , fz°o� ��ke�a.a�r to Bal7.ns�r ��Gs � �a b� nr�r+zed �d :i�.cYsi�;an hveb i�incol� ?�ve. , to t�e n1�an��d to Ta: T�ina_41�: i�va9 s a�t1 b> L3ncoln ,��rQ'. � �vi�h rc�latian '�c� Clevo�.ranc'� �t, IIil�.cra�� �r� to bo �r�m�:c3 �`3. fi�� Icrct�t �an.ci �. Friliaras�, �v�.�� r x�I.�.tion i;t� �%�.oveland a�. Fii�land__f.�_v�.,i, GZ�nv��oocl ��.vc��; a Cre�� �iveo L3ke �rive� �.�vsl;onca, �nd �1,�nean� �11 to ba ch�ea -G� ra. �nc� �. �ia.,�,hl�ana, e�ta., vri�2z ralatio�s �o �lcv�7.snd �t, �,�ko��rood 3?xivQ,_ �rt�ra �io4ni,�iady T�e �o �alr�r�tio at., �Y��a�,�c� tca �lood 17rivo. i�aderica �r�va I�ad i� �rive �nd �ver. r�an Drivo � to be �3��.n�eti to id. And 3, s�redarica �r va, e�tc. ,��, th xelr��io�; �q v].avel.�nd 5t. �:7.1. �rdl.�nce� ��. can�l3.ct �a�sxez�*3.�G� nxe �,oxdb��* re�,aa�l,ad. ih3.� ��din�n,ee �1?a�.1. '�c�eo�.� ��feativa �.r.���.�c�? �'�o�.� ga'�or� 3.�� �az;sm,�a an� ado„ntSu� 'b� �`�h� �it, �o�raissiox�. � w��a� �,nct ad.apte€1 b;� the C�ty Coi�i.s: ian c�ra �;�.e ���Ch da� oF �g�ril g 1'ti. �. 1�.�9, i�'L'�e��. Gi�; ��.ucl3.ta� �nd �1erk a � �1'.°a;�ar-Commis sionar , - ,___ . ..�.. _.,.�.. ._.. _ , � Moved by Mr. Pesler, se�onded by Phr. Dempsep and carried that the City Judge expenses be set at � 980.00 per year and that the salary oP the City J'udge_be fixed •at � 75.00 per month. " . . , Mr. Baker oFPered a resolution, secoiided by l+lfr. Dempsey and unr�nimousl, carried that the revised budget be acaepted and authorized publiGation oP same. Ordinance # 447: AN ORDINANC� Rr��TING T0 THE NAM'�S OF 52'REETS AND ATTEN[TES IN THE CIZ'Y` OF CLEARYJATER, was in�roduced by I�Ir. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carried that the Ordinance be passed on ita first readi:nge Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Peeler an.d un�.nimously carried that the rules be tvaived and the Ordinance be passed on its second reading bg title only. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by'Mr, Baker and unanimously carried that all rules be waiYed • and the Ordinance be passed on.its third and final reading. , A check Prom 1�ItIr. J. E. Hyman, in amount of � 75.00, for fu11 settlement of taxes amounting to � 163.10 was presented. Moved by �r, Dempsey, seconded by Pdr. Peeler a�d unani.mouslg carried that the o�fer be aceepted. A. letter �rom rrLr. J'oshua Couch, asking to be al� owed to pay i938 taxes on Lot 5 of Jef�ords and S�noper's Subdivision on the 1939 galuation, vzs.s read. AJloved by Mro Peeler, s��onded bp �dr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the of'fer be accepted. A letter Prom Mr. J'oiin PolhilY, representing Clearwater Zodge F. & A,'M. � 129, oi�'ering � 120.89 ia full settlement of a11 City taxes through 1937 on Lots in Court Square Subdivision. l�rioved by Ls. I7enpsey, seconded by I��r. Baker and unanimously carried that the offer be accopted. The City B4anager read a telegram from Mr. E. P. Owens, Jr., Secretary of the Florida League of Municipali�ties, requesting:additional Pinancial assistance in defraying expenses oP �h� Zegislative service of the League. Moved l�y Mr. Baker, seconded by Mre Peeler and unan.imously carried that a check in amount oi � 50�-0� be sent bir. Owens. The Covnnittee appointed by t;ne Ufayor t� meet with the Casado Club, report;eci that the City ovmed property on �learwater Beaeh should be reserved Por Park purposes. ■ 3�' � n , The Cxtg Attorney read a let�er frc� Mr. Ryeroft, asking pex�ission to use the I'3sh �lant Sor tv�ro months starting May lst,'at � 25.00 per month, after whiah time he a�reed to make a settlement satisfaatory to the City ar to �aca�e the property„ . '. "` ; mhe City Attarney asked permission to employ Nr. W� P. Hunnicutt to appraise the Kingston propex.ty.�, -- �" The request �v�s granted. There being no fiirther business, the meeting was adjourned. 111�EETING OF EQUAI�IZATION B�JARD APter the meeting of April 24th, the C3ty Commission sat as a Pinal meeting of the Tax Equalization Board. APter dne conaideration, the value of tre follo�ving described propexty was reduced to � 16,000.0�s North fiPteen feet of Lots One and �vo and all of Lots Three and Four in Block Eight and Lots One, Two and "A" in B1ock Nine of Turnerts T�ird Sub3ivision. Since there were no other roouests to consi3er, the f'inal meeting vras ad journed. ' � Mayo - ommission Attest• n � � ��i �=�l�i����i// ity Auditor & Clerk. � �� . � A 0