03/20/1939. �� MTNiT'I'ES OF THE MEETING OF THI; CITY COM�iIISSI011T :� Niaroh 2Ath� 19890 The City Commis�ion o� the City o� Clearwater, Florida, met in regular meeti� asaemb].ed on Maroh 20�h, 1939, w�th the tollowing members preseat: E. B. Casler, Jr., Mayor-Cp:;amisaioner R. L. Baker R. A. Damps�y Herbert Griate P1. VP. Peeler Abeeni; • None . Minutes o� i;he previous meeting wexe read and appsoved. Letter �rom Mr. Ryoro�t, granting pa:rmission Por th e Sea Soouts to use the Fish �'Iant as headqnarters at tho annue,l Sea 3qout Regatta in .7une, was read. Letter �ran E�ir. �lebb Hopkins oY�ering � 60.00 to settle all liens and taxes on T�ot l4 Blc,ek 2 0� Brook.veood Terrae� Subdivision vuas read. The City �a,nager read a letter of resignation �rom 3qr. Donald itoebling as a member o:P the Park Board. Nr. Grioe suggested that the City Manager snd City Cleri� prepare a iist o� a11 property eaet o� Green�rood 9.vernie adjoining Cleveland S�reet (on both sicies) to Steveneon Creek, avaiiable �or oanoellation under the �nurphy .Aets The City Attorney repox�ed t�at preparation of Speeial Aots i;o be presented to the Legislatnre ha� �een eompl�ted a�d legal advertteing started. Moved by �ir. Grice, seconded by �o Baker and unanimously oarried that Mre ti. L. Grider�s oheck in amonnt o� � 150.GQ b� acseepted to cYear all Cit� aslaims against Lo$ 11 0� Bid�vellts t°� � Oakwood Subdivision. A1o�ed by� ll�r. B�,ker, seeonded by n+ir. Dempsey a.nd unanimonsly oarried that the ioll�wing resolution be asiogted� A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FqR DEPOSITS /JF CSTY FLTNDS TN GERT9IN BANKS. Moved by Mr, 1'eeler, seconded by iivirr. Dempsey and nnanimonsl� ePrried �hat Ordin�nce � 445: AN ORDINANCE R�TING TO'I,ICIIJSE TAgE3, IMPOSING LICENS� TAXES UN TOLI, BRIDGES .AND TOI,L CAUSL�WgYS, i�TD PROVIDING F�R TF.iE PAYM�TT ANA COLLECTION TfTEREDF, pass its �i,rst reading. Mo3�ed by 11Qra Demps�y, secan�ed by 1uir. Balflsr and unanimously ea�ried that th� rules be waived and urdinanee � 445 pass its eeoond r�ariing by title �nly. F�oved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Bc�ker and iananimoualy oarried tha,t � 15Q.�Cr be donated to tb,e Saiet� Leegue. ; . i _ -`-__ r..�. :: � .._. ... ._ , ._.. __ . _.�..� 6 • x'L r Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that all rules be vraived and Ordinance # 445 be passed on its th3.rc� and f�.nal readin�. NIoved by rJLr. Baker, seconded by Mr, Dempsegr and unanimouslS cti;cried that Ordinance #�46: AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FIitE HAZARDS, HEFINING FIRE HAZARDS, FORBIDDING THE MAINTENANCE OP'.ANY FIRE HAZARD WITAIN TAE CITY OF CLLrAR'NATEEt, AND PE20�DING A PIIVAI,TY I'OR THE PIOLATION THEREOF, pass its first reading. I�oved by Mr. Dempsey, saconded by Mr, Peeler and unanimously carried that tlie rules be waived and Ordinance � 446 pass its second reading by title only, r6oved by Mr. Peeler, secondecl by Mr. B�ker and unanimously carri2d that all rules be waived and Qrdinance # 446 be passed on its third and fisal r�ading. Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. t3aker and carried that the City be instructed �o avail it�:relf of the services of Wiedeman and Szngleton to OK all plans on. sewer system and �e jaintly responsible for proper f'unctioning of completed sewer� as per Section 12 oP contract dated J'uly l, 1938 between the Gity,oP Cleas�- water and Wiedeman and Singleton; Mr. Grice voted "NO!'. Moved by Mr. Grice, seco nded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that the following rasolution be adopted: f?ESOLIITION OF TFlE CITY COMMISSION, MARCH �a, 1939, AUTHORIZLh1G• THE CITY MANAGER TO REQIIEST PER�UIISST_ON OF TAE PUBLIC WORyS ADMINISTRATION TO DO CERTAIN PORTIONS OrI THE S�47ER COIQSTRUCTION IINDER �ROJ'ECT FLA.. 1106-F BY FORCE ACCOUNT WITH Tf� CITIES OtNN CRE+NS AND E9UIPn��NT. . The City I�ianager was instructed to issue a check in anount of �p 150,00 to help defray expenses of the Glearwater Eigh School Band. �Letter froia �. E. Green, Clerk of the Circuit Gcurt, in which the City'� attention was called to the prohability oP the Murph�r Ae� being discontinued and urging the �ity to • settle all delinquent S�ate an.d County taxes on a11 property , in. w�ich tl�e City is interested, was read. There bein� no further business, the meeting was adjourned. . / � Ma;�or-Commi sioner � �� � Attest: �� ' ity Auditor Fc Clerk. . . , ::..=.�,r.�..,_ , A aiE50�U'T�ON PROUIDING FOR DE�OSITB OF CITY &'[T��S IN CERTAIN BANKS. 'NHk�.EAS, the Cit;� Commission o3 the Cit,y o� Clearwater, Flori3a, deem it advisable, �or the proteetion o� the City Auditor and Clerk, that certain Banks be desibnateai as degasitories �or City Punds, � NAW THEREFORE BE IT RFSflZVED BY TIiE CIl'Y COMMISSION QF Tf� GITY QF CLEARP7ATN�t, in regutlar meeting assembled, that th3 Ba:nk o3 Clearwa�er, The First Ivati,onal Bank o� Clearwater a:nd the Pan.k o3` Duuedin, Flori@a, be and axe hereby designated as o��icial depositories oi �'unds o� the City o� Cleaxwater, Flori3a. PASSID bND ADOPTED by the City Commission o� the City oY Clearwater, Florida, this 20th day o� b2arefs, `� A. D. 19�9. Attest; , �! ty Au�itor an Clark v � Mayor-Commi sioner , 0 =� � , ORDINANCE �ER 445 APT ORDINAI��E REZS,TING TO I,ICENSE TAXE3, INIF?OSIlVG ZICEI�� TAXES ON TOLL BRIDGES AND TOLZ CAIISEWAYS, AND PROVIDING FOR THE PAYNIFNT AND CQT,LECTION TEEREOF'. ' BE IT QRDAINED BY THE CITY COAtMISSION OF TI� CITY OF CI,EARW�? TER, FLORlDA; Seetion l. No person, �irm or corporation, nor the agent, se�vvant or employee of sucsh, shall be allowed ta en�age in tne business of operating a toll bridge or to7.1. oausetnra� lotsated wholly or partially within the limits a� the Ci�y oi Clea3wa.ter without �irst having pai�. to the City tax oolleetor a�ee Qi OI16 HtiT1al'6Cl 'TN:�v,xity-�'ive {� 125.00 j Dollars and having received a lzcease to enga�e in such business. Seoti�n 2. No Iicense shall be issued �or more than Ane year, anc�,all licenses shall expire on the �irst day o� Octa�ber o� each year. All licenses shall be payable on or before the �irst day of Ootober o� each yea.r; and any pers�n. who was not eligible fox: a Iicense during the �irst hal� o� the license year may be issuecl a license durin� the seccana ha.l� o� the li:�ense year upon payment of the s�m oi � 62.5Q. Se�tion 3. Any person, �irm or corparation who s1�a11 rriolate any o� the provssions oi this ordinance shaJ,l, upau conviction in the rriur�ieipal Court of the City o�' Clearwater, be punished by a iine not exeseding One Hundred (� 100.00) Dollsrs or by imprisoument in the City Jail not exceeding one month, or by both such �ine and imprisonment, in the discrat,�.on o� the iiunicipal Judge. Seetion a� All Qrdinance� in con�liet herewith are hereby repealed. ��etion 5. This ordinance shall bec�me e�ieetive immed- iately upon its passage and adoption by the Gi�ty Commission. Passed and adopted by the City Commission on 'the 20th da�u, o� March, A. D. 1939. f � . �a.yor-Comm ssioner � Attest; � ' . ��� � c� ��c7�.�-N-�-�r ity Auditor and C1erk. j , � � 4. ; �� 'JI. � ORDINANC� NtAidBER 446 AN' ORDINA$TCE RELA.!CING T0 FIRE HA�ARDS DEFII�TING FIRE HAZARD3, 1� ORBZDDING THE biAINTIl�TANCE OF ANY FIRE HAZARD WTTI3IN THE CITY OF CZEARt+�IATER, ANL PR�VIDIN� A PE[�TAI,TY FOR THE VIOZ9.TION T�RE�F. BE IT ORDAINED BY TEiE CITY COTJ�,�IISSION OF THE CITY OF CZEARW�TER, �'ZORIDA; Seotzon 1. No �ire hazard shall be maintainad. or� permitted to exist within the limit� o� the City o� Clearwater. Section 2. Any atate o� �aets exirting on any property within �he City whic�. encourages, �acilitatea, or makes probable the staxting o� a:Pire on such property, shall be cansidered a �ire ha.zard. Seetion �. Whenever the City Ti�ianager �'inds that a�ire hazard exists on any property within the City, he sria,ll give the owner a� the propr�rty written aotice o� the existenee o� the Pire ha.zaxd. The owner to whom such noticse is given sha11 remove and eliminate the iire hazard within �ive (5) days a�ter suoh notiee is given, Any person who �ails or ref��.ses to remove and elimin.ate a�ire hazard within five (5) d�,ys af'ter reeeiving sueh notice �rom the City A�iana�er shall, upon convietion in `the Iviunieipal Court o� the Qity o� Cleaxwvater, be punished by a�ine` - not e�eeeding the sum oi Two Huxtdred Fi3ty {� 25U.00) Dol3ars. Seetion 4. In the �vent tha,t a property awrier ia.ils an@ re�uses to remove and eliminate a iire hazard wit�in ��ve (5) days aiter reoeiving written notiee �r� the City I�da,na,ger as her_zinabove provided, the City o� Clearwater sh�,11 havz the r��ht to ga upan s uch property and tas� vahatever st�ps are neee�sary �,� the removel and elimination a� the Yire hazard. Any c asts and expenses incurred by the City in takin� such action to remove or eliminate a iire hazard shall be borne by the otvner of the property, and shall �e a lien a��,inst said property until paid. Seotion 5. This ordinanoe shall becQme eY�ectiva immediately upon its passage and adoption by the C�ty Comniission. Pa��ed and adopt�d by the Ci.ty Gommission on the 20th da�r oi March, A. D, 1939. +�� ,� P� � ,, Nia.y or -�v ommzs si�'oner Attest; � .. .+ � � . . r yJ�a�fr/—. ty Auditor and C1erk �� �„ � � � ; � � RESOI,TTi'ION OF T� CITY COMMISSION, NiARCH 2Gr, 1939 , AHTH�RTZING TIIE CITY MANAGER TO REQUEST P£RZ�[ISSION OF THE PUBZ2C WOR�KS ADMINISTRAT IO1V TO DO CERTAIGTT PORTIONS ON TI� SEtNER CONSTRIICTION IINDER PROJECT FI,A. 1106-F BY FORCE LCCOLIDTT WITH Ti� CITIF� OWN CREWS AND E�UIPNtEp7T 8 BE IT RPSOZVED by the City Commission gsse�����d tha,t; WHEREAS it has proved to be entirely impraatical to oarry on the repair work �or existing sewers under a system of unit pric�s, and Wf�REAS the City is willing to oomply �vitI� all Publio Workg Administration requirements as to lab�r, �iage scales, et oetera, THEREFORE IiE IT RFSOLVED tha.t the City Manager be �.uthorzzed to request permissian oi the Public Works �dministration to do this work by Force Aecount with t�e Ci�ies o�vn crews and eq�.�ipment. PASSED AND AAOFTED by the City Commission oF'the Civy oi Clearwa�er, Florida, thi� 20th riay oi March, A. D. 1939 . ��,����// ,. �tfayor-C�omm�'ls ' ioner At-test : � �i r i�y Auclitor and �lerk. "Y � w �` � � � i� , �� MINIITES OF TIIE IUIEETING OF THE CITY COMPJIISSION Ap�il 3rd, 1935. The Gity Gommission oY the City o� Cl,earwater met in regular meeting assembled on April 3rd, 1939, with 'the follov�ring members presant; � E. B. Casler, Jr,, �Jlayor-Commissioner R. L. Baker R. A, Dempseg ZN. �J; Peeler Absent: Herbert Grice Minutes of the prsvious meeting were read and approned. , Mr. LeWris Homer presented a revised plan of the proposed Junior Cham.ber of'Commerce Building to be erected on Clearwater Beach and statad that it would cost � 500.00 less than the original plan. Mr. Robert ievison eaplained the construction of the building which it is proposed that the Citp endorse and be responsible for the bo�rowing o� � 4,000.00 by the Junior Chamber of Commerce and wh3ch wil.l be repaid at the rate of � 500.00 per year bp the Junior Cham.ber of Coffimerce. Moved by Llr. Pealer, seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carried that the proposi'tion be accepted ii approved by the following committee: R. A. Dempsey, . W. W. Peeler and Fe L. Hsndrix. - . L�r. Carroll Nall, representing the Casado C1ub, gsk�d for perr�aission to erect � club house on City property north oP Everingham's Pavilion. The matter vvas referred to the following commit�ee; R. A. Dempsey, 4V. W. Peeler and F. I,. Hendria. A telegram Prom Congressman J'. Hardi� Peterson, , stating that the Library Project in amoun.t of � 2,688.00 i is now r�ady Por allo�ation oP Punds, was read. '^ A letter from the Clearwster Insura�ce Association, ` eapressing satisPaction with t�e proposed project to rename , certain streets having duplicata namss, was read. A letter from the Florida Iaspection and Rating Bureau, maki�� recommendations for renaming streets, was read. The Gitv Manager read a letter Prom the Engineering � :r Dapartment(reporting on the condition of the drawbridga on �� the Csusevray and making certain recammendat3ons, was read. Moved by Mr, Dempsey, seconded by Mr. Peeler and i:nanimously carried tha� all necessary repairs be made. � A le�tter Prom the Ghamber of Co�ereso, recommending installation af eleatrically or manually operated traPPic arms at theC�nseway Bridge, was read. A letter fram the Civi1 Serv�ice Board, advising tha•t Avexy Houahard and Eddie Rodger-s ha�e passed the Civil Service examinat3on for Gr�de '�Btt policemen and �3re eligible for:appointmenty v�ras read. 4 � � , �.__.�LL__�:�:....._�_ _ . _ _ � � � 1�.:..,�.� _ �..._.r,. _,..� � � A letter from the Civi1 Service Board, recommending the promotion ot' Dan Becic to Grade "A" Fireman, Wa8 read. A letter from the Clearrvatar Yaoht Club, wi�h referance to renting of the Fish Plant, was xead. Mov�d by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and unanimously carried ttiat the Gity Attorney investigate the possibility of the present lessee of the Fish Plan.� continuing the lease. The Citg Manager recornmended that the assessed value of the ICingston property in Dav.ey's Subdi�vision be reduced to � 10,000.00 on the 1.938 tax roll. Moved by Mr. Peeler, secondod bg Mr. Baker and unanimousl3� carried that the City Manager's recommendation be accepted. A txansPer of � 5,000.00�from the Gas and i�later Fund to the General Fund on I�Iarch 28th, 1939, was approved. I�doved by Mr. Peeler, seconded b� Mr. Baker and unanimouslp carried that the saZary of the City Attorney be fixed at ,� 3,00�.00 per year. Moved by Mr, Peeler, seconded by Mr. Baker and u.nanimously carried that the City Attorney Ue instructed to draw a Bill amending the City Charter, iixing the salary oY the Mayor-Commissioner at � 1Q0.00 per month and the salary of �ac�a Counnissi�ner at � 50.00�per month; to become �ff'ective J'anuary l, 1941. Moved by IJIr. Baker, seconded by Ivir. Dempsey and unanimously carried that Mr. Edgar J'ohn Phillips' check in amount of �p 700.00 in full settlement oi all City claims against Lots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 oP Glenwood Estates Addition be aecepted. Pdoved by I�r. Peeler, seconded by Mr. Dempsey and unanimously carried that R2r. H, L. Grider's chack ior � 40000 in full se�tlement oP a11 taxes against a metes and bounds description in Section 15-29-15 owned by L„ E. Johnson Estate, be accepted. A list of property to be effectsd by the Murphy Act was presented. The Mayor appointed P�!'ir. Peeler chairman of a committee to be appointed by lt�r. Peeler, to in�restigate and select such parcels of proper�y as should be redeemed hy the Gity under the said Act. S�1.e of the following City owned properties was approved: The northeast one-quarter of the nartheast on�-quarter of the southeast one-quarter and the south one-haif oP �he northeast one-qu�.rter of the southeast one-quarter all in Section l3 Towns�iip 29 South, Ran:ge 15 Tast to J�HN He FaNA1'ERS and his wife, ROBERTA A, IIINNERS for the sum o�, � 604.00 I,ot 19 Blocsk A of Bel.leview Court Subdivision to Mrge Abbie DeForest Por � 50.00 Lots 22 and 23 Block B of Basgadana Subdivision to Mrs. Mary R. E. Egger for � 105.10 There baing no further business, the meeting wa3 adjourned. ME�TTNG OF THE EQIIALIZATIOI3 BOARD Immediately ai'ter the Co�is�ion Meeting of,April 3, 1939, tlie City Cozmnission sat as a Boarc� o� Equalization for the 1939 City tax roll. Since there were no persons present to seek equali2ation oF assessed values, �he meetin.g was adjourned until 1:00 p. m., Tuesday April 4th, 1939. Attest: , , -���r C y Auditor and Clerk � J Ma -Gomini: ioner I r � .W �.._._ � _�.._W.,. _, _ � I