02/06/1939� , ; _ ,. ; , _ � � . , . _.., : _ „_... :.,....�„-, � � � � � ' ' ;� ` . MINUTES OF THE 2�ETTNU �F THE CI't'Y' COMPtII�SIflN DF TFtE CI�FY 0�' C�Et?RPlAT�R, � . M � `�t ' i�� FLORTDA �LD F'FBRUAFtY 6, 193� . � `j'he membar3 of �he C�.ty� Co��ss5.on of the �: �ity of Cleari7a�er met in regular meeting asseml�led • � with the folloHing members preaer�t: ,::; , E. B, Casler J'r,, :dayor Co�uissioner r R. L,. Laker, Commissioner ' ; Iiex�be�t Grice, Cb�issioner �at H. A, Dempsey, Cormnissioner " 4l. �1. Peeler, Commissioner 44 ''' �'tinutes of the meeting of Jarivary 25 p�8re read �� and approved after correction was made concerning decis- �n ion of City Attornap that rosignation of Mr, J, E, S�tter- ' 'y, field as C3ty C1erk prould have no effeet on release of' BSr, �' Satteri'3.e1.d�s sure'�� bond.. Gc � Messrs, L. G, Abbett, r, J. Booth and R. L., . Rad�ers �:ppeared a;s a oammittee in ins-iu��nce oP City .., . , ormed proper�ies. Mr. P.bbett read a letter about valua�ioxis #� , ' of CitS ovrned build3ngs. Letter wras referrsd to Ci f,y � � �anager far reco�rnnendation, _ � � . � �fr� Herbert Bla.rzton pre�es�ted five petitions ; � signec7 by approximatel.g �io hw�dred and i'ift� c�tizens of � � GZeaiwa-�er and read a letter expressing dissatisfaction wi�h ; �,� � • ..� _� _` the manner in t�ich tla.e public3ty funds of the Gity of Cleare�a�er are being L�andled. I�oved by� Mr. G�riee, seco�td.ed by Mr. Dempsey and carr3ed that L�e le�ter be tabled for r� _.; present, �. �� Mr. Edwin A. Petersoa discussed the petitioris I � -,. r�nd made the suggestion th t t �� a he �a-rke of Clearwater be changed to �leary�ater Beach. Nir. Douglas Bo,yd spoke in oppositi on to ��1�.is suggeation. ' ; �e matter of Be1lPazr PoZiee patrn�I�was d3scussed and a lattsr read b� Ci.ty� blanager Nichols vri�h �efererzce to same, and recommend3.ng that the pafirol be con,tinuad to f'urther de�ermine the feasibility of the project. �lfovdd b� � rnr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Denpsey and r,arried that ths reconnnenda�ion o� the City Manaoer be carried out. Bui].d3.ng 7nspector• �'aul Fieht discussed �he re- , vised Bu3.ld,in�{ Cpde vrh3ch is be3ng drafted by a committee ' and inquired �as to the a�tt3tude of t]a.e p�esent Gity Cp�ss3on �;oncerning it `3.n order that the co�ittee might 'know hor� • to procead. After diacussion, mo�red bg Mr, Gr��'e� se&andad by Mr. Beker at�d cax�r3.ed that vrorl; qr� t17.e Code.be continued � vntil completed. > � a � �. . ,.��, �� i . r " � ' . � . - . � . .. � � . ' . . . . ��! •!M:..,,.�.�r''..o...�___.:�.:i_ �._ � .. _ .., . . . . 1 . . ...... ..�._..._ . � ._._.:. _. ._.:.1.. ..: . ..,.. . . . . . . . . ,..,..__.._._..._�,_ � .::.�..� - � • � .. ,� ___._...�__,. ,_._. �. . .�...�.�..._. . . . ... . . ..�..__w._��:.__...:,�� - �., . _ , _ t f i . r . �� ,�k� . ' :�.�;...........�L-,...�..:_�. _�.�_._ .__, •- -: ._.. ._ �.,_ -� v PPVA EYigineerin� Contracts were subm3ttea and questto� of amount of participation of nRr. Singleton in the sewer plans by Pv'tr, Butler was daferred until comp�.et3on of these p�ans. Moved by h�r. Baker, seconded by Mr. Dempse� and carried tliat police officers George MaClaunna and Charlea Newman oe advanced t� C1�ss A and their salary ra.ised from `��p105,�0 per month ta �"I25.00 per month. Chief o:f Polic e Joe Rus sel? cliseussed hav3ng a tolicements Ball. After suggestion by Mr. Pe�ler concernin� t3cket sales it was moved by I�r. Baker, seconded by Mr. Grice and carried that the Ball be held. Letter from the Sal�•ati,on Army requesting dunations from �he City v�as read and discussed. Moved by Mr. Baker, s�:�onded by nir. Peeler and carried that the annual donat3on oi' �?300.00 be continued ar�d that �150.00 be paid at once. ° letter from the Fiorida League of Municipal3ties inviting alI City c�fficials to attend a conference to be held a:� the Tampa Terraca Hotel in Tampa on Th'v.rsday, February 9th at 2:30 p, m. was read. City ESansger Nichol.s reported that he had appointed �,aaie �foore to head the Reereation Departmant at a salarg of �135.00 per month zor the f3rst two months. and y�375,�0 per month thereafter. �S4oVed by Mr. Peeler, seconded bg Mr. Bal�er and carried, that the appo�ntanent oi' Mr. Moore be , ; appro �ved . � 'j'he follo�ain� schedule of cla.aiges for use of the � C.ity Auditorium was presented by Mr. I�richols: ' I,ocal organizations where admission is cnarged or col?ection taken — �10,00 Out of town organizations where admission is , charged or collection tri7s�sn, �$25.00 evening, 5�20,00 other t3.mes. I,�cal organizations �rhere no colleetion taken or admission charged, from no charge up to y�5.00 ' depending upon the requirements of' th.e meeting. ��u.t of tovm organizations where no admission 3s charged or colleetion taken, �G10.00, but this charge v�i11 somevahat depend upor� �the public v� 3nterest of the program to be presen�ed. Supp�rs, w here theg can be cleared up before runnin� � into any conflict and use of the Aud3torium �or an ' evening or in the afternoon, �3.00 for an attendance i of not ovQr 100 �.ncl �;,AO for a larger number. If, � in this connec�ion, the Auditorium is t�� be uaeci for the enen3ng, t he charge w3ll need to bo sdjustied � ar� a basig of` use, interest, and their ovm ch�:rges, A cheek up on the number present is desired. Touris� club use f'or entertAinments, no charge. � i . � . <,'� ��_ _____�.._�-___._..._,_ �..�._....., -......_y:.�,�.r,:x:.�...:.�... ._,�_...� �._,...�.�..:.,�..:�,, ;:" � � 'r I � ;; Y � � { I I: R � � ! � f Vi, � 3 Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. De•mpsey and carried, that zhe schedule of charges be adopted, Mr. Nichols discussed the c�ndition of �� on Gree2��voocl Avenue and the need for �3,�J00 to make repairs under an existing WPA Project. PI[ov9d by hfr. Grice, secanded b� Mr. Baker ar�d c�.rriEd that the City IvI�tinager be ins�ructed �o go aheacl with the work. Nir. ATichols read a letter eancerning a p.roposed Federal Goverrnnent tax of three�l�(i�l� cent3 pc�r gallon on i'uel oil, fJir. Baker introduced the follo�ving resolu�ion: RESOLIITZON OF THE CZTY COh'�dISSION OF THE CT�Y OF CLEARVI�ATFR, FLORIDA, �EBRIT�RY 6,. 1939� PROTESTING THE SILLS liv'TRODIICFD IPTTO THE IIYdITE� ST4TES SENA�E A1�?D HOUSE OF REPRESEPtTATIVES PROPOSINC TO IIl!POSE A. TAX OF TFII3EE CENTS PF,R CALI,ORT OTd FI7EI� OII, At a regular rmeetin� of the City Counna.ssion of the City oi Clearwater, Florida, held this'F�tr day of Februas� 193�J, coimnissioner Baker introduced the follovaing resolution: BE IT RESQLVED by the City Comm3ssion assembled th.at: WHEREAS a certain biil, S.2$6, has boen introduced in the IInited States Senate and a companion bi11, ER12, has been introduced in the House oF Reprasen�a�ives, proposing to inpose a tax of three cents per gallon on fuel oil and, 4'IHEREAS such a bill is, in the apinion of this comnission, entirely out of all reason since it proposes to es•tablish a tax in the amount of approximately I00� of the sales and, WHEREAS, suc� a tax would represent an a dditional expenditure of the City of Clearr-�ater of approximately �12,000 per year tvhi.ch, in its present financial airciamstances, this City would `�e ��nable to pa5. T.E'•�EREFORE BE 2T RESOLVED, that this counnission urge the respec-tive members in Corxgress from the State of F';Lorida, to s xert all possible influence tozverd the disappr�val of t�sse bills. 'Fhe above resolution was dulg seconded a�a� unan3.mouslg adopted. Moved bg Mr. Baleer, seconded bg ll�r. Dempsey and carried., that the resolutionbe adopted. - `Letters from Congressmen Aridrev�s and Peterson requesting that some of the Ci�y OffiCials be present at the meeting of the R3vers and Harbor� Coimni�tee in V�ashin�ton on February l3, were read and discussed. �Soved by Irir, Peeler, seconded by P�r, Grice and carried that Mr, �ichols represent the Cit� at said meeting and that the sum of �1Q0 be given Ivir. Nichols for travelling expenses. ,� � � � � �!� ; , � �� � 1} .�,._�. _ ��._. _ ,. _ � � a �oved by Mr. �akex, se�onded bg Nr. Peel�r and � j carried, that ._taxea on all property obtained by the '�. � City on foreclosure proceeclin�s be sei.tled undsr Hou�e i B3.11 �396, q �'he City A�tornes, recom�nended thaic �he affidavit; of Mr. Nl. T, R�berts in regard to lcss of Ta�c Sale Certi- ficate:Number �6 dated Ju1g 6, 1936 against a me�e� and bounds description in Section 9 Toa�rnship 29 Range 15 and an application ior duplicate certzficate bo accepted. , 2doved by Mr. Grice, s e�ond"ed by 114r. Demp�ey and carried i;hai; the City At�orney's rec�xmnei�dation be adopted. a le�ter pertaining to the Zonin� �rdinance was read b9 Mr. Alfred Marshall. The Zoning L'oard reconnnends �'a possible revision of �hapter 15671, Acts of 1931," Moved by I�r. . Grica, se �onded by Iur. Baker and carried that the letter be referred to th� City Attorney with iizs�ruct- ions �o prepare an act to be presented to tae next Tegis- lature. P�r. Nichols asked for �n expression of the � - , Commissions� wishes about tlie Yacht Basin. `•I'he f oll�wing resolution was introduced by Mr. Cr3ce, RESOLIITION OF THE CLEAR�IVATER CIT� COMPJIISSION URGIIITG THE PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION TO USE EVERY EFFORT FOP. F[TPiDS FOR TI� PRQPO•SED YACFIT r BASIN (FLA,1412) FOR CLEARIh'ATER, PLORIDA. 2'he matter of the 9;pplication, for the Yacllt Basin Pro ject through t he Public Works :Sdministration having been bro-ught ' bei'ore the Cit� Commission at it�s re�ular meetin�, February o, 1939, the follovring resolution was offered and unanimously adopted. � i�JI3EREAS the City of Clearwater has applied to the �'u.blic V�orks Administration for a loan �cl grant oi ��45,454 for the aonstruction of a yaeht basin and, � PlHEREAS thia facility 3s most urgently needed ai; the prese�� ` tisne laines ther�. ara no avaiis.�le cons�ructions of this � charaeter for use and the feea boat slips available ar�, filled. ; and have svaiting lists and, ...t � � ` VilH.�REAS boats are coming in�o this harbor daily with no place for them to_go to be taken care of and, i ' 4l'HEREAS the City of Clearrvater has already gone to the expense � of providing pl�s and spec�±ficatio�s ior this project; having ` it votecl on bg �he people f or the issuo.nce of the securities; and ha�,rl.ng the securities validai;ed throu�l.i the circuit and supreme courts of Florida and, � WHEREAS the f inancial condition of the City is such tha� �-- this facili�y can only be acquired through a Federfa.]. project ! on �. revenue repa�ner�t basis and, V�1IiEREAS it is unclerstood that Congress l�a.s novr under consider- ; ation the allocation of' funds for additional projects rznder � . the �'u.blic rNorks Aciministra:tion� A. � e � : . _, . .. .�,�.�__._. , . _ _ _ _ _ � � ^� r 0 J N04Y ZiiERLFORE BE TT RESOLVLD that the C3ty Commission of the City of Clearwater, Flasida, requsst that th3s praject 1�e included among projetct3 whicl�. are bein� submitted to Cor�ress f or further allocation of iunds, becauae of the urgen,cy of our r�eed and the F.act that the project can be started immediately upon, notific�tion that funcls have been allocated. The above resolution was duly seconded and v.nanimousl� adnpted. ��G �����J�' � y Aud�tor & Z"lerk b4ove�d ;.�y 7i4�. Grice, seconded by IVtr. Baker and carried t�at tlze Resolution be a8opzed. After discussiorz by 2J'r, Peeler, the �ity Gler� gr�s instructed that before any City ocmed proper�y is sold the former oxmer is to be notified and giveii firsz oppor- tunity to purchase the proper��* and that a notice oY in- tention to sell such proper�y be posted on the bulletin board in the Cit� HaTl for ten da�rs pr•ior to sucr sale. Mr, $erbert B'lanton presented a check in smount` of �82.40 which ,is 20� of tYa.e proposed purchase price of Zot 3$lock 1 of J. H. R�use� Subrlivision. Deed to '�e made to A. L. Anderson and E13zabetS�-. Anderson, his �ife and placad in escrow until April 1, '1939 at which �time the balance of N329.60 t+rould be paid. Said property to te conveyed free and clear oi all City, State and County taxes and improvement liense Moved by E4r, Grice, seconded by n4r. Baker and carried that P�hr. Blanton� s proposition be accep�ed. lY2eved by 1'ti4r; Grice, seconded by BIr. Peeler and casried, that �he offer by A11ey, Rehbaum and Capes of �50 i`or Lot 6 Block 6 of Norti�. Shore Park Subdivis� on be aecept�d. A letter from the C1�arwater Motor Club with reference to the voidth oi Fort Harrison A�enue s�est of 11�e Sunburst ApartZnents �ras read and referred to the Ci.ty Managa r. Moved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by Pdr. Dexnpsey and carried that N'. L, iiendrix be appointed as Ci.ty 1'dsnager rvith salary of ?�200 por month until the end of the fisGal gear with the utxler�tanding that at the beginning of the ne�t fiscal year �is salary will b e incraasad to �p225 per mont�. �'hero being no further bus3ness tize meeting rras aajournea. � M`ayor- oi;+� ssion : , A e t : � . .''1 -�-r.2r,�'' Y 9u or le ra . : � � � 1 � ,���. « ,. t � b � j r � i �`; i � i k 4 a �M1A � � I �! ; ��. � � � 0 - � � MIZV�[TTES OF �IIE pt]EETING OF THE C ITY COMPdISSION FEBRUAfti 27, 1939, THE CSTY COP�II�IIISSION OF THE CITY. OF CLEAkWgTER, FLORIDA, met on Febl�u.ary 2'7, 1939, in regular mee�ing rzssembled, with the followin� members prese�t: E, B. Casler, I�Ia�or-�onnnissioner R, �„ B�ker , R. A. Dempsey 'i1. VJ. Peeler Absent: H. L. Grice Minutes of the previous meetin� were read and app�oved, Mr. S. E. S3.rnmans, r�presentin�g the Gu1f Oil Company, addreassd thz C�3�9sion with referenee to permit foz: a�illing station to be erected on t1�.e northwest corner of Clevel�d S'treet and Osceola AtTenue. l�r, C. E. 1rVare ar�d Nr. Guss l�7ilder, representing propertg ovaners and ahurch members, spoke i1z opposition to grantin� of the permit. A��t�r discussion, moved bg Mr. Peeler, secorded by Mr, Ba]�er and carried, unanim;ously that the matter be postponed until the next mee:�ing of the �ormni,ss� on in order that the matter be more thorou�hly investiga�Eed. IJir, xi, Fi, I�cEnean� co�p�ained of nevrsbays ma�iiag too much noise in the early morn in� hours and objected to Chamber r�f �orrmierce 1i,terature advertising apartment rentals in Cleartvater at fi�'teer� dollars �aer month. Magor Casler instructed the �hie� o�' Police to enforce the Git� Ord��ances p�r�air�ing to Toud noises. Mr. J. B. Hornsby presented a letter requesting a cor�tri�- bution to �he High Schoal Band �o help :�.� paping expenses to YJest Pa7:xn Beach. It was decided to defer action until t.he rext meeting. Letters from �on�ressmen; Peterson, �nc�revrs and Pepper, statin� th�ir oppos�.t;:on to i'urtner Fed�r21 tarati�n o� f1ze1 oi1 an,d gasoline were read, A letter f'rc� the V7ar Department tranking tt�.e Cit� Manager for informatiori conc�rnin� boats for hire in the Clear�ter area was read. A Ietter of thanks from the Little Theatre for th� road around the Little TheatrA was read. `rho City 1'�fanager preseilted his �p25,00Q.00 surety bond. Moved by I�ix. Denipsey, seconded by i�4r. E'seler and unani�iously carried that tize b�nd be ac�e�tea �a f�zea. • Noved by Nr. Dempsey, secondad by NIr. Peeler and unanimottslg carried tha t tha City Mana�er be ins��uc�ed to increase the cover- � age of public liabil3ty and pruperty damage insurance to include the ,i �, ra truck s . � . . „ _ ;_�..:. � __.__._�.�_w_._>�_._ .. .....__,.._:_.... __. _�.�:..._.,_._�__�.:.�.,,._.�....;_:. � � . � The Citg Eagir.c�er asl�ed about ao�,uiring tlertain prapert� �ox sewer xight-o�-way. The Qity Attoxney vasa instraated �o turn the m�,tter oear to Mr. John Polhill. A letter �Es•om the County Commission requeating assistanoe �rom personnel o� the Clear�vater I'ire �epartment to oonduot �ire dx�ills at the Connty HomEi and make Yir.e �trnoks available to the County Home in oass o� nesd, w�as read and the request granted. The City 117anager presented bids �ram oil oompaniea, A�ter dus consideratioa of' eseh bid it was moTed bgr Mr. Pee].er, seconded by Mr. Dempse� anci unauimously carried that the bid o� the stanaara o�.i Company be acsoepted. g Ze�ter �'rom tIze CZearwa�er Yaaht Club with re�erencse to Tease o� the Fish Plant was read and discussed. It was deoided �ta postpone aotion until the neat meeting. The City Maas,ger read a�equeat from 1�7x. Oroutt asking that parking areas �or a11 trucks be designated upon certain atreets to relieve b�oeking a3 tra��ics by the trea.cks. Y'he ma:ttsr was re�'�rre@ to the Gity Manager. A letter �rom the Dunedin Chamber o3 Co�merce requesting that the City a� Clearwater donate �i�ty dollars was read. nhoved by bnr. Dempsey, secanded by Mr. Baker and txnanimously oar,ried t.hat the City pay Yor t,#�_ � I0.00 msrnbershipa. The ma,tter o� compsnsation �'or use o� Mr. R. B� Van Fleet�a automobile was deferred until the next meeting at which all Commissionera are gresent. A requsst to.lease City property on Causeway Boulevard Por /a� sandwieh stand was deniede The Cit�'Manager presented oantraet �rom the I,eague o� T�nnicipalitiea agreein� �o �Zrnisn the City o� Clearwa.ter in�orraation on all Legielative sotion e�Yeoting municipali�tiee. Moved l�� Nir. Peeler, eeconded by i�6rr. Baker and unanimouslg earried that � 100.00 be peid to them �ar this service i� assesep�ted„ by themo The Citg Itianager reported that the water suppiy in we11 � l2 is Azhavsted.. 'Phe Ci�y Manager asked NL:. Butler�s opinion o:� the best location $nd prob�bly coat oi a new well. Mr. Butler stated that a 12 inqh well cauld be rlrilied �or approximate�y ,p �,500.00. B�ir. Pe�Ier reaommended a Ioaation at 5unaet Poin�. Mo�ed by Mr. Yeeler, seconcied b�r Mr. Dempaey and unanimously carrisa that e, looation be aelected by Mr. Butler. Moved b�r Mr. Peelsr, seconded. by Mr, Ba,ker and unanimausly aarried tha� Jim (�hy,3nn be e�ployed to make a genAral audit o� the Cit9rs books wh3,ch have not been ineluded in audits by Nir. Turnburke. � � A proposal fiom �4r. Sparigler, Diractor of tne �Sat3onal Youi;h Admir�i.s•tration, that the City supply a buildin� and site for saxne on �leve�.and Streo•b near the iiigh School for use b� ths NaEioi�al Yauth Administration �ras a�reed upone Z�he City will also supply �vater, electricity and workir�� materiQls in e�chan�e for benches and other a�ticles usoful to the C3tv. �Zoved by I�[r. Dempse�, secunded by b2r, Baker and unani�mously aarried that the Cit� corami:ssion approve transferg oi' funds amountin� to �r10, 000. QO �'rom the Gas &�Yater �cl t o the General ��und . A payment oz �10,000,-00 on the City+s note 3:r. the amount of ya30,000.00 to �he �'�rs-G National Bank of clearv�ater was approved. A penalt�f of fifteen pereen.�, effective from Februarg 15, 1939 on unpaid occupational licenses v�as confirmed. 2`he City �'�torney was instr�cted to find out i#' toll bridges are included in the City License Ordinanees and 3f not to prepare such an Ordinance. 3rdinance �443r AI�T ORDINANCE EA;TITLFD ��AZT ORDIIvTA�l'CE CREATIl�IG�4 PIIBLIC RECREATION BOARD E'Oft TFIE C1T� Ok' CI,�qRI�lATER, PRESCRIBIP?G ITS POV�I�L+RS 4T.TD DT?TI�'S, PROVIDIITG FOR THE APPOTNTh:�TT 0� A SnPk'RINTEND�4IJT OF RECREA.TION qi�,rT SL�C$ OTFiER OFFl"CERS AS ?�Y BE T!ECESSARY, PREBCRLBINCr 'IrtIE TF'RMS OF OFPIGE OP ITS iI�I�ER$ A??'il THE APPOIl�ITPli��TT T'"-?EREOF, A1�TD D7A_IiIRTC APPRQPRIATIOT;S Z'fiEREFOR. �', passed the first reading. Moved by Mr. Baker, seco�ded by i,ir, Dempsey aud unanimously carried that the orclinance be g�asged. Irioved ' by Nr. Peeler, seconded by ?�r. Baker anc3 unanimc�usly carried tlzat the x�.zles be waived and the Ordinancs be passed on the second readin,� by t�tle only. Noved by Mr. Baker, secondec� by 1�ir. PeeZer aryd unani�ously carried that Ordinance �444: Al`; ORIaINA?CE ERTTI^LEp "A17 ORDII�TANCE CREATIlJG 9 PUBLIC PA..'�I� $OARl? FO�i. T� GITi OF CLEAFiti,tATER, PRESCRIF:ED's IT5 POWERS AND DLTT7ES, PROVIDTVG FOR THE APPOINTItYENT OF A SUPERIPT- TENDANT OF P,ART-iS A?`:D SIIGTT OTH�R dFFICERS AS I�iAv BE NECESSARY, P�tES- ' CRIBING TIiE TEBiNiS OF OF'k�ICE GF ITS MEh`BERS A?'?D THE APPOINTl41�?T TFE�OF, AIdD i�tAI�ING APPRQPRIATI�NS THEREFOR." pass the iirst readino. &ioved by PJIr. Peeler, s�conded by Mr, Balier and unanimausly� carried that the rules be waived snd the Gr@inanca p ass the seennd reading by title only. , � ApplicRtian o.� 1L?r. H. C. Brasfield f or an ad justment of taxes was deferred unt31 the n�ext meeting. Confirmatiqn of sale oi property �o Mrs. Grace HaleS* PJ&B roferred to tho City Attarne�r. There bein; no further business, the meetzn�; was adjourned. . � � ! ayor- issione Attest: a ��9G' " .���.,�r�l— � _ Y ud tor lprk � � . . __ . . __ _ __.. _.._....__1