01/25/1939.� . �v �..� �,� „� .__.,_..-.,,_ _.t....w..�__,�.�,. __� �.�,�_,.,.. ,�.._._.._..�..�__..._��.__�. , . _ r C� -� ,TM,.,r.,.. ".'" . _ _ �'----�"'�~,_-�„ ;� I �+ � :,�{ r ! • �� � � ,�a �. y . Minutes oi' the Gitry Commission , � January 25, 1939 j b "' � t j ' The City Commission of the City of �learwater, P'lorida,`m�t on the above date at a apecial meeting v�ith the folloyving present; E. B. Casler, ,Tr., Plfa�or Commissioner l�l. PT. Peeler P. A. Dempsey Herbert Grice R, L. Baker Irioved bg Griee, seconded by h;r. Dempsey and carried, that the checl� su.bmitted by I:�r. Cooper on property, search ,�9876, be accepted. NIr. Dempsey introduced Ordinance No. 441, entitled: "Y�id ORDIPdA.RTCE CREATING A PIIBLIC RECREATIOIv �30AR17 FQR TffE GITY OF CI,EARV�7ATF'R, PRESCRIBII�TG ITS PQ?`iF'RS A_I�,'D DUTIES, PROVIDING FOR THE APPOI�ITItZENT OF A SiTPERINTE2iDAI�TT OF RECREATIOTa ATID SUC?i OT$r..�R OFFICERS AS PdAY BE NECESSARY, PRESCRI3I"tvG TH� TFI3tdS OF OFFICE OF I'PS MEiJ�BERS _4T;D T_FiE APPOIIJTf�i�NT TF'EREOF, AND ��ING APPRQPRIATIOT?S 2HER�FOR" . and raoved itts adoption on i�s first readin�, Upon roll call, �he follor�in� vote was polled: Ayes: Giice, �erapse�, Peeler, Baker Nays: None hiovad by �Ir. Baker, seconded by �r. a�empsey, and carried, that the rules be waived and the ordinance be passed upon, its second reading imnediately, by titls onl�. The ord.inance having been read by title, upo� ro11 call, the follo�ving vote was polled; Ayes: Dempsey, Peeler, Grice, Baker ilays; None hioved by Mr, Grice, seconded by Mr. Baker, and earried, that the rules be further waivad and thz ordinance be passed upon its third reading immediately, bg reading it in i'u.11,, The ordinance l�ving been read in full, upon roll r,all the follorving vote was polled: ' Pges; Peeler, Baker, Dempsev, Grice Nays: None: `j'hereupon, i;he PrIayor-Conmiissioner declared Ordinance �441 dul,y passed and adopted, and Jigned the same. • riy a � � . i'� •:. � _. � . . . , .. . ... .. .... .....� , . ...,. .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . f r�. &Ioved bg Mr, Grice, Secon.ded b� NIr. Dempsey ai�d carried. that'the tt�o hold ov�r members of' the Recreation. Board bo kept on tha new board. Upon ro11 call, the follo�vin� vote was polled: Ayes: 13aker, Dempseg, Grico, Peeler Nays; None Ioqoved by Mr. Peeler, seconded by idr,. Baker, that Leo Reinhard be appointed as a member of the Recreat3.on Board. IIpon roll call, the :follctiving vote was p�11ed: Ayes; Baser, Dempsey, Peeler Nays; Crice Noved bg n2r. Baker, seeonded by Mr. Grice a��l carried; that RoUert Padgett be appointed ds a member of the Recreation Bc,ard. i7pon ro11 call, the follov�ing vote was polled: A�es: Baker, Grice, Demvse�, Peeler Na�s,. None 1Loved by Mr. Dempsey, seconded by IJir. Peeler, that R. Pri. Thompson be appointed as a member oi the Recreation Board. T-ipon ro11 call, the follo�ving vote was polled: Ayes; Grice, Dempsey, Pee2er, Baker. Nays: None �'. F, Satterfield submitted his resignation as City Auditor and Clerk and requested that the sureties on his bond be released. Mr. Casler expressed the opinion that i;he bond should not be released until Mr. Sattez�field�s records had been audited. After soma discussion, th.e matter o.i release of the bond was referred to t�e Gitg Attorne�, who rulecl that the resi�natir,n o� Z�tr. Sattexfield wou1�. not release his bond. � Moved by Nr. Grice, seconded b,p IVIr, Baker and urzani- mousl� carried, $za.t is�r. Satterfield►s resignatic�n be accepted as rea�.. hir. Baker introduced Ordinance No. 442 entitled: °A17 ORDINANC� CREATING A pUBLIC PARf� BOARD FOR TIiE C2'I'i'� OF C�FAR- tiVATER, PR.GSCRIBII�IG ITS POV�'ERS AI�TD DUTIES; P'ROVIDING FOR THE � APPOINT1r�NT 0�' A SIIPERINTENDAIJT OF' PARKS A�TD SUCII OTHER OE!FICERS .AS MAY BE �IECESSP,AY, PRESCRIBTNG- THE TERMS OF OFFICE OF ITS MEPh- BERS �ND ThTE APPOINTMEI3T �HEREOF, AND PfAICING At PROPRTA�TONB THEREFOR. �� a_nd moved its adoption on its f3:rst reading. `j'h:is mo�ion was secnnded by B�r. Dempsay and cArried. . ,r ! ■ ■ ,..... . .. . .. _ ... ....._. . �..,�... .�... , �. ._ � . . .�,._.T. ......_. .�--.._..�... .,......_..__, .�. . . . ,� � � . ._.._-....,,��_____ .. _ . _ . . ..,_ ,. • . .. � � . . . .. y ..,_..._ __,. M r�� � K� � V �r, � ✓ 6 � Moved by i�ir. Peeler, secondec. '�y thr. Baker, ancl carried tlaat the Zetter from Ch3.ef Russe?1 regarding Police- man�s Ba11 at Auditori�usn to raise funds i'or depart�ent needs be t�.bled until noxt meet3ng. !�Lot�t;er from Gnas VJi_lder t'o �r, Nichols, regarding tax settlement yvas referred to the tax commiztee �or actinn. A letter from the Town of Belleair to the Citg of Clearyater v�tith r�gard to police service, was rea@. I£ svas decided that we will supply polics service for the To�m n�' Belleair a�; the rate of :�100.00 per month. 'I`here will be a trial of 2 weeks. The City fdanager v�ill ir.�estigate and report r back. t Moved by IvTr. Grice, sAconde@ by PrIr. Dempsey, and carriad, that the Dity of Clearwater vri11 take care of the Gity of Dunedin �arbage in the incinerator at the Clea:rwater Gas Plant, at 25� per load, ;vith Dunedi.n furnishYng the loading and unloading. The �itg A'ttorney si;ated that the City Health Officer had sug�ested that tLe City ioreclose taxes on some old buildings on Soutlz nt. Harrison Avenue becau.se the sa3d buildings were in an unsanitary condition and the owners refused to corrert this condition, Z`ha Coicur±ission instructed tlae City ALtorney to try to find some solution to t�ze problem other than by t� foreclosure. Moved by Mr. Dempsey, seeonded by T�Sr. Baker, and caxried, that J. F. fIamrick be ap�ointed as City Auditor & Clerk at a sal�ry of �I75.00 per month� wi�th a raise as soon a� he is more familiar r�ith tke vPork. IIpon ra-11 calls the follo�ring vote was polled• Ayes: Ba.ker, Dempsey, Pe�ler Nays: Grice 'i'hore being no flirther busirzess the meetin� �ras ad j ourned.. . � � , . � . .. ,�^'�•Q.�'V �L � � .. h�iayor � mmiss' er Attests � r � ;��� y Auditcr� �c C1erk