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09/28/1938 (6)
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' �"�.'�� �i ���i:i�� G�iii,�St's:'r.i �a ��F'�`;�`i�a��+ �:`s�r �F' G: �.'.,�11�?i��i�x°:� SdR .���.'caKi ZY ak✓::Ai.l�9�V�TA� J.��.�i�/�i��p.�� �i.�� ;+Y1�.�Y,°� � QQ (��(,3wf. �S�.e? e�.Aa'L'�APl ��' e�o C33,�$ �� d;'��a��st4��;bs`a ��'�.�sl+?t�e �c5 't�0 �ta°.�.d p�d �t3� B�i€�:i� C�xk �Gho qti�� u:itiz3 � : s���a� t;hQ ��t� z�K ��.iaerrva�px,� S'3.���.�a� �.�ae�c� '��a�1a� w�ece�.�a 2�eve�'� ����,��o���a ��k�Q m�e��ss pr�.n e�.�a�. �u�tY� o� ���aRf�Q,eQqg c'�a�t�tt 6ts���t�� �.�. a9�am :ixs ��a ��er�,raa.��cxs t��' x .,1QE�Q�€�Q aaczi�,,� 'E�et�r�� �n�o��1: a� �l�t� ���c3 �f �'ot� �aca� t��r��s� � i�;� }��r �swa� P�g�x��.�s m�za3-r�r,�a.tt�x�� t�n t�d��ab�r ��.c3 Ar�r��, 3; a� �at�is �a�� ra��;tar� ao�a�.;�� ;:ab �ic� t�sa�a�t c�Ps �@Fi�" E11iiC%i.�tu '�'Q£�' �1�'l� �9� `!�' �`:�RQii�fl� ��� �"�.f?CC1.�lQ �.��a� �i�o�o[! �.}5� V�L1�c�apQ �t3�?e�C9 �,�,"3`� iC1C6i.iat7�9 ��� �f±af3*.t� ���23 ?,QtK3,�f.3� �.� �t?�l.OiD �9�� �,f3CiG�,(iC1 �.9� ����t�� �.g�{1 3.��r¢t� �,�� �.�Cl'Qotk? ?�� �Ap�st�EJ ���ti a�'.£��st�3 �.g�� �,QtJQiat3 �.95� 3.(!ot�a� a.g6 �t�c`iG�a� ��� ��.«t� �.g�� �����p� � 9� �.t3�,�4�E7 �.g6C� �t143�rfi4� ��� r, :,QfJ�3�� �.�G �.Qa�isCt�1 ���� �3C1fM�.E2Q �o� �iao �v��oso s�:` a�.s�ea� �:aa ��anc�rl� �kaa c�ts5� s��' �c�«� �str^zxe���cr�. a�' a '�"�csk�� w�a3xa� ��a?� �"a�ka� �c.�p��. �ov�riuo �Qa�3a �`� cs�ta� ��+ 't:�ca pa,y�abxa aca�.a3t�r ��cars ar�r� �aa�ncl 'bg � ga'� c�a ei�£ �1:� ��o€�s �:rzec�r�e, a� r�a�€�:�� s��' t�� '�'a�f��.� ����� �� ��'�a� ��Q.� d'sg�er� �'d:� ��cz �at��n� a�' �11 0€�m�'��:�;�; aesaf;� �M .pz��Ia "�`ao�a� �aa��¢� c�c� ��o�c�'�g vo?�fi�.� t�� d�a cor�iuot�d s��ci o� ae��can a� gsp� ea�,boc1 �:4;av� c�3: ���� �'o�,�t� za„ uo�o ��ap ot�e� � :��� af :�r�.3.c��a Ga�� ��y� T?�.�.o��� ca �dt��3,' c�� �t�7.�c��e i?t3���' ��.3t���� iI�bo� c�� 1���.�o�e �o� *fA����`"�;as�.zx tc�'ver��,a ��5�15':t.rs��aa S J f i�m1.�,e9�:9a ���or ��' �:a�.��n a�.,a�?za��t ��csh� �i�r�n �8-v � f I�,3.ote��,, �J;�TIi�,�#�3 c�uz� ia[�rac� ��.n 2�� ei�� c�' ;��+�c�:��e�� ��,��� ����i�?S � a-�_ �:__��-, �� . s �,.�� �GaCS', Q' F; .,.wb `�� � � _� .�i � �..,�. .���. � �'!i sC;��3 '�4 asxd �u'�,�v��.bar� �Sm�s��e a�Q ��� 2,7� dc3� a�` r op�e�zu�eg� ag��� .� � < , � � _�-1 ' �.2�-2%��""� , � , � !�/��� '� L.�'a�� . . s � , . , � ,u ,. _r_. ._ _ _._. .. � ; . _ _ _... � J, E, Satterfield,; Citg Auditor and Clerk of the said C3ty of Clearwater and Registration Ofiicer ef said City, presented to the C3`Ly Connnisaion a list he had made up and certified of the names of �.11 qualified electors appearing on the regis-tratio�z books of said City of Clearw��er, who were aetermined to be freeholders resi�iing in sa3d Qity and who svere also aetermzned to bs qualified to vote in the special election held in said City on September 27th, 1938, to determine tvnether tha City of Clear�vater shal? issue Sewer Rever_ue Certificates �n the aggregate principal amo�unt of �272,000.00, l^lheroupon, the following resolution vtas offered by Commissioner Batc,helor; v.ho moved its adopti;on: �'A Resolut;ton Approving a List of I3ames of Freeholdern P�ho are 0,ualified Electors Residing 3n the Gity of Clearwater, Florida, I�ade up and Certified by the Registration Officer of said Citg and Providing that a Gnpy of said List be Fi1ed and Preserved among the Record:s of the City CDrmnission. VJI�REAS, pkrsuant to Seetion 6 of Chapter �14715, Lar�s o= Florida, 1?cts of 1931, Sec�ion ,�457 (6) Compi].ed General I,a�rs oi Florida, the City Cormaission of the City of Cloar�rater, Florida, di� direct and cause to be made up and certified by the Cit� Glerk, as Registratio� Of�'ieer in and for said City of Clearvi�.ter, a list oz the names o.f all qu'alif3ed electors apperirzng on the registration books who ha�e been deterinine� by said Registration Officer to be freeholders re- siding 3_n said Ct�y�of C1ear«ater and who have been determined to ' be quall.fied to vote in tLa speci�l slection orde�ed by the Gity �o�nnission oi aaid City of C1ear�^�ater, bn `the�2��h::�las..�i September, 1938, to deternnine whether the City of Clearti�ater shall issue Setver Revenve Certii'icates, in the aggregate principal amount of $�272,000; and WHEI�EAS, said Registration Officer has prepared such list of names of all qualified electors appearing on the registration bool�s of seid Ci�ty wha are determined to be freeholders residing in said City oi' Clearwater who tivere entitled to participate in said election - and WI�REAS, The City Conmiission of said Cit� of Clear�rater has exau�.ined such list and ascertained that i�t compliea full� with Chapter �14715, _ Laws of Florida, 1931. NOtiV, T3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY' THE CITY COI�Ii�SSION OF T+F� C ITY OF CLE�RVJATER, FLQRIDA: Section l. That said list of freeholdera vvno are qualif'ied electors so submit�ed by the Registration Officer be ancl the same is hereby �.pproved 3n all respects, Section 2. That it i e here'by f'ound, ascertained, determined and de- c�ared that in malfl:ng up said li�t of y,ualified voters �uclz investigation. has been made a� vrarrants the conclusion that al1 names appearir_g on said list were q_ualified to vots in said election and that said list is a corsplete list of all voters who Nere qualifiea to vote in such elect;ion. , .. '6� .. Y . . �_ . . . � � . ' . � . . . .. . '�/ 1 � W Section 3. Tl�a.t a certifiod copy of this resolution. be attached �� a cogy of said list of qualified elec�ors who are i'reeholders residing in the Citg of Clearv�ater for the purpose of ident3fgin� sucli list and that such copy of said list, with the a�Gtached certified copy oi' �his reaol.ution, be i'iled and preserved among the records of the Citg Commission of ti� City of Clearwater, The motinn to adopt said re�olution �ras seconded by Co�s!issioner Grice, and upon roll call the folleivirzg voted Ayet Mr. fl4arsh, Mr. Batchelor, I�r. Barry, h�r. Grice. There wgre no negative votes. Thereupon the Ikagor-Commissioner declared said resolution duly adopted and passed, which lvas signed bg t3ze Mayor-Co�nissioner, attested by the City Auditor and Clerk. r' � 4 �:. � } ' p "' a Ena� ����* C��l�,�csz� �s�i �:�c��.�tM �Xr�r� ���tte�t�r� f€;ct �c���.'�. L��a �3.3, rzr� c��'�ct�� �v� a�'� � Rt�c��t� �ha ��r�.`+�t��'�� ac�r.u�r�;��� ��zn�� �,,,*�c�aAs�� � � ., T��w !eq�n �t,�.�,�3.�ea.��2i�yT:ux���4•C��,��s�� a� '; ' #r+.9� V,yp ,L71:�.ti�R'7.QJ.i;x! �. F. . �q: .43f� �� � . S . �?k �'a.�.°��tSp + � nt,, /, � LFiJ�('��i:L�ii � . . .1: . . � . S �`V . . �iC� �'a�i� q:, �:�d� '. . f� ' �I�V �:LCl� vi{�i4i�it�GLJ.'� ��h.14:i�L tj�lJ�i.� 111'�.��i :d+iFc�.iJla�Li11G�:i� �ay �r„3.�lJy {ikiV� W.�� . i . {�Ok'1fi�CIR t)W`" ''s:w'14 �".�.cg,;f" �.�'3��03.?g iiy `q. :1�i �S t�� �� is� C�.�;�`' ,�'��,O�iQ�� c���3� �n '�di�.��w �3��+t�i�?C�3.8 �7i3t3 �°'�:'i',v `t,e'tiF3$��F3t4�:CiF3 �J.<.;dO6Qi3t3f�, �'+Ci t�.e�t� `f��C'i t3GYiS7RRE3 �:h�s �at,���aa 4� �I�� a�,��.z�� �:�ar�fla2���. �a�.aa'��.an �. :,;��.r34+���:�� o� �3.e���-� �n�ax �aa� t�Q �'7�ia e�c�g� c��' �a��ou3'�a�� �4 �. �.�3�8�, '�3�rs s��`�'.�c��ci3. cs�:�t�mr�� r�:�o �y �� ��y �oru�'�:��c� .m�e�r� ar�c1 ��e� ��'��` �crt:�:��� n��a e1�.e3 �4 � f�'r�:� �.�� � i��� t�a� �r� �,a3; �at�aa;.� ct�` ' tt�a�s�'�.z� m� c�t��ta�.'�s k�o�i3.d�E� �.ta d�a�,e� �� �� �;k�c� ��c��'� ���.�;� t�a:2�����., , �o ��a��"�c��g���c� �:� f:�ac� c��,c+a��t;mo � ' , . � \ '� ���t� o��'�a�.a�. c��.��r� �.� '��^ �x.�g �°?�,� �o��r��.cn°� c�;ztn�Qc3 �� • �ia�r 5�.:.�J �€�tr�.�,�t�� ��a cl�.d ��.ta� uf�.� �k�o ���'�� �.at�a� C+�' vQ�sc� an€a�: ',. �n �s�:��3 €��.c�A� cx� �a€� t�� �4�.3.�i:.�o ` i �n� Y€saYat �a.a?za �n�'�s����.ic�a ��� .!'i�t��2t�� ��s�� ��r� �a»'��,�.ata�t�� �E3t� r.'%���.ah�d 7��.�.t��a �Q c.�os�cs���c�aa� V:k� �`o'±�,�r�;�� �o��''tiza��cn� �a� n�'o�dd �A ���.��o�, �Qs� b� �o���.��a�c�t�� F�a�a����.���r �r� �o�.'� �'�d p..�.�aa� az� �c`�c�p�j �s �':�a�`��"�� �hc� ��,�� �a�3.a��.c�. c�� '��o C���;y cs� C�o�s.��u�� F�,������� �:a� �i �pc�c��� nc��e�r�� ai i�a� a��� �e��.�, ��a ��� ��.�y �srz ��ao f3Q�i� da9 t��' ���a�o�ia��r+ �� �� �9�6�, �e� �� ��p�c�a'�� ��-tara� �ca t������� �z� ro�t,ia��e �a� w��� �y��a�i� t�z� a;�,�a3, o�.t�c���.�xx� k�o�.� �a ut�Lr� ��ty c�� .' ��� r �"�Gf �Ixti �*�� � c�i' ��L�i;Q�`�. �iN �7u 3.Q�� r��€� �3�ut3��t�ii ��v�'a''; "�t�t�E� ��d � ��3�� ��2� ���, �,��c��� �� ti���M�� ���; €��w� ��.� �f" �t��t��,��z*� ���"�.c�e�� u?��.�� �e�� '�c��L �a€��rn ����i°ao �����„�� c��o�t >3:r� �a� o�l;��a.��2 ��.��:�cs���a�. �:�as�; �� �"��C�.c�k� �a�. �,x.�'�,.P.�;� � c€�3.� ��:�� �c�,���?�r�:a ���,1 ��t�i �?tSF� �u� ���a �i� �Ss��� iaaaai%�3�' t� ��.�aa�� ��S �sit��i�c�� �Q�c�:�; � cas�aca �'� �.-�� � �qc� �sa� �.���� r�'sa�.�`? 0�1: �cs �.���:���� � �ra�;�3 ��.������ �ax�c� i�aF%.,,�,u� i�f3�C"m�. ���Q���T �?:`3.t� CkL�fVi�F3 t��.".� ��r��"'.�� i�� �f3 k�� u�.�� ������r�,� ��3 �c��ei� � �'o����a�c�� i��. ��`��' �+���cst� �a��rrac� ra€�,� �� ��,� ��:nt:����e�� ��� �y�� ��.�i� �a� �+��� m�ms �� v�r€:a� ��r�� � ,��.� �'��a���� r� �� ��r����� "s'�'„ ittt3'�I�i x`�ELit�.� �iF3'f�E3�";Lc� %�''��'��.'��'��l7Ci �i�'�. �;��z�� �'`�z�� �33a�€�?f� ���;€��z�� ��.���.�.�u�s��s '"«��"""'�" �.s'�,i� �.��c� ��aa��s �M`"`�.�.�.`p° ���t �r«�,., �'.'��-�.'y�'�'��:?.x��+�.. x�-i �� ��.++�.i�9i�,�Ta"wti� �,59 Sc:C;'.�.,.'-S §t�y�s �;Rf`?i'� v.swii�..: i i �a.� ta:� : . . �:,."'`.��:" ::,' �� }1�;� �`�;;, y �''�`.,���'�:� X�„ �'-?:€��: '��� r���e���. s�t�s.'t�.�`��a� �i�ts�s�� �a�:i,� �.�3 ��«.r� �3;�� �� ���i3�"P'1L�:vC�2'y i*�CJ�3.C�� /.;G3 � a �'i;?"a i�'�` #3�" �i�3�9i,'�i��,5�'33��, �r� KKnn �'�v'���p �'G�'' �3�.�;�fi� '��?YT �:��Q C5�" C�t�'�;{R�:'�.:i�.Yi�7�, k�3C�'�::3Cs�'" �fi1��$:�'�'Q�i�. �"C�a:���'� �tf�Ea dts��. � �:��r�:sa� � '�� €��a���:� g���sa�.�.�, �u�acz����: ��' 6:�a�(���t�i.y ��� ������ �� ���� � �� ����� �- � �;����� ���� ����-�� ��� ' '�t}��a'� �l'�', �� �'Q�C3 t3�' ��� � +�kA��.Li �+`�k`�,�i� �€�� �1'3�3� �'3i1�'a.i�.�:i �3t3�.'°'��'„���°,� � �JG���33." �, £tt:it� ��3�;"�� �, �?�` �#F��l; �'f�L'L.Y',p ��:Li���''�,� �3'�*'.a�1"rt.��'' �! i;'�Zb E�<'��li; �?�'C '��• �• �.,,�. ��. ��3�d� ���.��� �€��� �� ��� �+� �.4f34:�� �c��t3 �.�1�i at� � �.�� �C�Q.t� � �v'7 �.p�7�i� • ��t��r �,�D«� �.:� �.�-��A ���t3 �4�a�,�C3 ��3�4� �,�7�� �.���i ���.,.,t�t� �f3�t? ��3�C� ��� � �E��ac3ci �f3�. �.4u'. ��(� ��� ���� �� ����� ��� ����� ���� ����� �.���,. �.c��a� ��a� ���a� ��� ���� ��� ����� ��� �.��� ���a :�,.�a� ��� ���� ���� ��,� �.�� ����v ■ :iR��R�4� � �F4Vk+i�'� ��r CX�M•! �'Mi�.l�#iW�yy4? �� v:aJ� F..�..ii4J4ihA+�RtV� � �F4#J+v.i� � . 'p'�sa�xfi; ��tr��.a� �e�s�w �c�����.e���a�� °� ra��.� �:cs �.�� �.� c�a��s r���c� ���er�.�,:�s,v:� r��c� c�ocsa�'�q� UNv�r fr' . . � �' ��������a�u �`e}�z �ca��. �c�.� �:a �`t���,��•r_�; ';��� crc3.� rt���.Or�� i�r�� ?"�.#� �";�.yr��ay� �,�� E��c��+��a�� ,,,�� 'i� u*# �.:�� �'�,��,sv ::tt'�Ei'B �nC.�wiE?' �lri�µ'{Mk3� fiMCh4�r ��4t� YS!��w.9i�•' �rs6'$� � .��} . �'�'�.;�����'i�a<�� � �':v�y�s,��r�Y�����at�-��c����ac� ��,.�� ��� �i.a�.?� �'r�a�� r.�x�. s�z�� �c�asa�.t��ac� ��� a�?a�a�+ac� .� �;.�; ���a ���a� r�� �7.��e��u��.�z.°� �c`� ��r�?ve�� t;�^c�4�';� It was moved bg 2dr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barr� �ha•t .t31s meatl:ng be adjourned. IIpon roll call the follor�3ng vate was polled• 7 Ages. Mr. Marsh - , - - �r, Batchelor l�r. Barry �r. Grice s, ;.; Naysz None ,. �: ` t'VH�"EiEIIPON, 'the Mayor-Commissioner declared the meetin� aulg aa�ournea. ������ � - "�ayor— aunn.tgs oner Att u or an erk �: