09/13/1938�� � r�tn�o7.��g o�� 2�tiz cz�r coz�r��>.�zoN • Se�te;nber 13, 1938. A spocial meetin� of t_�!�^ City Comnlission o�' tlze City of C1�nrvrater, Florida, w s ha1�1 on �?� abov� date, Pritk� the folloe.rin� members presen�: P;ir. I�farsr, �Zayor-Commi.ssioner, R4r. Eatchelor, Mr . Baker, P,4z'. Barry, Prir . Grice P,�r. Barry introdu�ed an Orclinance No. 434, Lo repeal Ordinance Ito. 4289 ancl moved its adopt�on on its first readin�. Seconded by �tr. Bal�er, Upon rol1, call, �he follo�Jin�; vote �aas polledc A�Pa: TsSr. Prlars�h., P�1r . Baker, liir . Barrg, Mr. Grice. Nays: r,rIr. Batchelor. Thereupon the P�I�.yor-Commi.s �ioner decla-red the Ordinance passed ii;s f�; at readinb. T:�r. Batc�ielor left at this point. 1',�ovecl b� I�ir. Sal�e-r•, seGonded 'by i,s. Grice, and ca.rried, z�:at 1;ra proper city of�'icials be aut'ioriz�r� to ii?e a p�oject crith'.";PA for tax assessinb ar_d map records, �Jiovec� b� i�rT_r. Gric�, secosic�ec. by itiir. t3ak:r, �.nd car�i�d, ��:::�t the proper cit,, officials be aut'.orized. to i':i1e a f'?';tx project for furt�ler police radio facilities. 'Tliere Uein� no f'urth�r business, t1�e meeting rras thereupon adjourned, until �ept�,mber 15th. . �v Tv.a��o �-Co::�.iissioner t�ttest: C' 1:� udi �or �; C erk � �� MINUTES OF THE CITY COMMISSION September 15th, 1938 The City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met on the above date, in adjourned special meeting assembled, with the following members present: Mr. Marsh, Mayor-Commissioner, Mr. Barry, Mr. Grice, Mr. Barry introduced Ordinance No. 433 for its second reading. Seconded by Mr. Grice. Upon roll call, the following vote was polled. Ayes: Marsh, Grice, Barry, Nays, none. Mr. Barry moved that the Ordinance be read for the third reading at once. Seconded by Mr. Grice. Upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Ayes: Marsh, Grice, Barry. The Ordinance was thereupon read for its third reading. Moved by Mr. Grice, seconded by Mr. Barry, that the Ordinance be passed its third and final reading. Upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Marsh, Mr. Barry, Mr. Grice Nays: None. Thereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared the Ordinance duly passed, and signed, the same, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 433 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 428 OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT IT IS EXPEDIENT FOR THE CITY OF CLEARWATER TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SAID CITY A PLANT FOR THE MANIFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR FURNISHING LIGHT FOR MUNICIPAL USE, AND FOR THE USE OF SUCH OF ITS INHABITANTS AS MAY REQUIRE AND PAY FOR THE SAME." BE IT ORDERED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: SECTION I. That Ordinance No. 428 of the City of Clearwater, Florida, heretofore duly adopted, being an Ordinance entitled: "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING AND DECLARING THAT IT IS EXPEDIENT FOR THE CITY OF CLEARWATER TO CONSTRUCT AND MAINTAIN WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF SAID CITY A PLANT FOR THE MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF ELECTRICITY FOR FURNISHING LIGHT FOR MUNICIPAL USE, AND FOR THE USE OF SUCH OF ITS INHABITANTS AS MAY REQUIRE AND PAY FOR THE SAME," be and the same is hereby repealed. SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this the 15 day of September, 1938. Mayor-Commissioner. ATTEST: City Auditor and Clerk. ORDINANCE N0. 433 AIJ ORDINAI�TCE R�P�ING ORDINANC� N0. 42E OF THE CITY OF CLr,�RtiYATF.R, FLORIDA, BETNG AN ORDINANC� ENTImLID "AN ORDINANCE DET�.R�IINTNCT AND DECLARING THE1T IT IS E}�F.�IEDTT FOR. THF CITY OF CL�RVdATIIt TO COI�TSTRUCT AND ItiAINTAIN 4'VITHIN T.�' CITY I,IPdITS OF SAID CITY A PLAIJT FOR THE I�AI�'UFACTURE AIdD DIS'PRIBUTTON OF ELECTRICITY FOR F'URNISHING LIGFiT FOR NIUI�IICIPAL USy, aI�ID FOR THE IIS�' OF SUGH OF ITS INfiABITANTS AS A-IAY REQUIRE AND PAY FOR TiiE SAt,4E". ■ ( ;n r t L]��� The-re bein�; no further business, the meetin� ti^�as theroupon adjourned. ' /`�� i�C.. � w > �-/ �or- orrmn.s:;ioner Attest• C-y �u z or c� er . ■ l� MINIITES OF TH� MEETING OF TfiE CITY COMMISSION September 19, 193�3 , The C3t� Counnission of the Ci�g of Clearwater, Florida, met on September 19, 1938, 3.n regular meeting assembled, with the foZlowing members presentt � D. 0. Batcl�elor R. L. Baker J. A. Barry Herbert Grice Mr. Baker presided a� the meeting. Mr. Let�is Homer addressed the City Counnission relative to buildin� a Junior Chamber of Cov�nerce Beach Club with V�7PA assist- ance. It vras movrd by h2r., Grice, secozided by Mr. Batchelor and carried that the matter be investigated and reported baek to the next regular Covnnission meeting. l The City Manager presented tabulation of bids for gasoline ` to be used by the City during the mext six month3. It was moved by Mr. Grice that the contract be avrarded to the Gulf Oi1 Corpor- ation. Motion died for want oi' a second. It was moved by i�ir. Batclzelor,seconded by Yr. Barrg and car- ried that the Tow bid being that oi Seaboard Oil Compang, be accepted. BZr. Gri�s voted no. - It �vas moved by �?r. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry� and carried that a tentative list of voters qua].ified to vote in �the - special elections to be held on September 27 be published, ii the cost of" publication does not exeeed �65,00. It was movsd by 1�r. Batchelor, seconded by b4r. Grice and Carried that plat Uf Be.g�icle Subdivision be approved. _It was moved by 11ir. Batchelor, seconded b� Mr, Baker and carriad that Lot TFrelve (12) of Buena Vista Sub�ivisian be sold for �650.�0. + Mr. Marsh came in a�`thig time and took �he el�air. � Mr, Batchelor introduced Ordinance No. 435 for ita th:ird and final reading and moved its f inal adoption. Seeondod by Mr. Grice. Upon roYl ca7.1 the follorving vote was polled: � f _. _ ., �. _ _.... _.� _ .._.� � � Ayes; Mr. Marsh Mr. Batchelor Mr. Bal�er I�r. Barry mr. Grice Nays: None Thereupon the Mayor-Co�3ssioner declared. the Ordinance duly adopted and signed the same, as follorvsc ORD.LNANCE N0. 435. AN DRDINAiJCE PROVTAIP�G A PENALTY FOR FhTLURE T0 PAY LNITH2N A CERTAIPT TI11;E, OCCUPATIONAL, BUSINESS .AND PROFE55IONAL LICENSES REQTTIRED BY THE CITY OF CLEARVPATER, AND PROVTDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIO- LATION OF T1� TERhiS OF THIS ORDINANCE. BE IT ORDAINED BY TF� CITY COL�IMISSION OF T:HE CITY OF CLEAR[0.�9TER, FZORIDA• Section 1. An� person or persons, firm or corporatio� or association engagecT in, maintaining, managing or conducting any b�asiness, profes- s3on or occupation ��ithin the City� of Clearwater for which a Clty license is roquired and who shall not have paid sa3d Citg'license fee an nr bef'ore the 15th day of February in any succeoding year follo�ring the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, shall be penalized and pay to the Ci'�y Auditor and Clerk, in addition to �the amount required for said license, fifteen Uer centum (15�) oz tiie face amount of said license. Seetion 2. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, or associat3on vq ov►�s�iall violate any of the terms or prov3sions of this Ordinance, shall, upan convictior. in the Niunicipal Court, be 1'ined not exceeding the sum � of One Hundred {�'100.00) Dollars, or imprisonod in the City Jail not exceeding th�rtg {30) days, or by both such fine-and impr3:sonment, in tlie discret,':��, ni the r�unicipal Judgs. Section 3. This Ordinance s3�a;11 not repeal ang other Ordinance oi �Ey of Clear�vater relatin� to the sub3ect matter hereof, but shall be deemed to be cUmulative, additional and su.pplemental to the rights and remedies now existing an behalf of the Gity of Clear- watsr for the enforcement of occupat3onal, Uusiness and professional licenses. Section, 4. This Ordinance shall beeome effective October 1, 1938. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Ci.ty Coimnission of the City of C1ear- water, Florida, this 19th dag of September, 1938. I,. A. MARSH, ,Mayor-Co�issioner Atte s te J. E, Satterfield, Citg Auditor and Clerk. It was moved by Pfir. Batch.olor, seconcled b�? Mr. Baker and carried that whereas two of the elction inspectors appointod to serve in th� Special Election to be'held September 27th are unable to serve, that W. Q. Dougherty and Mrs, Ethe1 J. El� be appointed as election in- spectora for said election. 4 L � �, -� St w�.s moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Iur. Grice that the meeting 'Ue aa3ourn�a. IIpon roll call the follotiving vote was polled: Ayea: Mr. Marsh Mr, Batchelor I�r. Baker Mr, Barry Mr. Grice Nays: None Whereupon the Mayor-Commiss3oner declared the meeting dulg aa3 ourne;a. . � �_ �'���� Mayor-Commissione� r '—"' . Att Ci uditor nd lerk � 0