09/06/1938� m. ,5 L�� 3 , r.;:;. ' ��, r�z�tu�Es oF �rr�.� cz� cor,�s:zozr Septeml�er 6th, 1938 , A special meetin�; of' the Cit f Corrunis.�ioi1 of t�a.e Gi�Gy of C1er�r��rater, Florida, �v� g 12F�1d on the 6th aay of Se�tember, 1938, The I�.4a�oi -Goirnnissioner called the meetin�; to order and • upon ro11 call, t}3.e fo11o�^rir_� anstivered present: L1r. P:iarsh, I'�ir. Esatcre�or, TJ�x�. Bal�er, It7r . Ba�r�, . PJir . Gr ic e . ' No raoniners were absent . Ii7s�; Batchelor introduced the fo1lo��inb resolutionr . B; T_T RE�GT,zTID b� the Ci y Commi�sion Assembled thai�t :'J�I'�;FEAS plails and specifica�ior,s k�.ave be�n completed ior the iirst unit ai sani arv setivers to bM canstructed ur_der t�.e ::uspices of the Public :"lorks Admini3tr�tion, FloridA �ocYet 1106 and I�,C�F:+��S said plans and speci�icaLior.s are to be p esen�ed to the Public ',s'or��s I�dministration for app��oval. TTii, srOR-' BJ il ;�'�OLtJ�7 ihat tb.e Citg h�ana�er be aut��rized �o ¢dverti�e ior tY!e construction oi said secrexs ��ai upo�.� :p'p.�oval of the Public t^orks xdministratioi�. Passed and adopted b5 the City Commission of the Citg oi G1e�:rtivater, Elorida, tiiis 6th day o�: Sapte��ber, u, D. 1938. L. A. �;�����SIi • �ittest: Blayor-Corunissioner J.E.u1�`T1:siiF ;LD City ��uditor & Glerl�. i�4oved by i;Ir. Batcl2elor, seconde�' by P.Ir. Grice, t�at the resolution be adopted, and uUon ro11 call, th� iollo�ring voze was polled: , Ayes: Mr, i�iarsh, 1VIr, Batc�ielor, Mr. Ba er, , lUr. Barry, Nfr. Grice. � Nays: None. T ereupora., t12e Mayor-Comsniaaioiler decl�rzd �he resolution unanimously adoptec, �.n' signe� the same. There bein� no furt:�er businesa, t e•meeting�tia�s thereupon . adjourned. � �I/ �� l/ L ��/T/.�i�/ Attest: Mt�.yor-C moiissioner � � � 'y ilu i or & C �r � v �� . _., ..- ..ti ...,-.. _. � _... .. . ., ,s� � ■ — ; � � . , . , a ;, r�� ���� . �. �f a z �� �i MINUm;T�;S OF T�IF. CZTY COP�1PIfIS`.;IOTI Sep�enlber 9th, ]_938 A re�ular meetin� of the City Commission o� the �ity of Clearvrater, Florida, was held on i;he 9th da� of 5eptemper� 1938, The meeting was calJ ed to or, der b;; tLe I�Aayor-Cormn.issionar, and upon ro11 call, the iollovriiz� ans��ei ed pres�nt: NLr. Pt7arsh, ]VIayor-Commissioner, Mr. Batclzelor, Ms . Barry, Mr . Baker, 1�lLr. Grice. Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Z;:r. Grice; and carried, that t_h.e schedvl.e of rates recoimna.nc�ed b;� the Cit;r Pr�ana�er, for sev�er service, includin� a charoe for residence house� of 50� for rxous�s of 5 raoms or less, 75�,� ior houses of 6 or 7 rooms, �a1.00 for Louses of 8 rooms or more, �`'=°,� be adopted, i,2r. Batchelor voted "Ido." �� -�,.___ — • F;t'r. Batchelor introduced Ordinance No. 432 Tor its third �'� and raDved its iir�l passa�e, and xinal readin�,� Seconded by p,ir. Grice. �pon ro11 call, the folloc,rin` vote was polled: Ayes: Pfir. P�larsh, i+ir. Batc?Ze1or, I�7r . Barry, rir. Bal�er, Pdr. Grice. ' rlays: None• Thereupon tne P7ayor-Comniissionex� decl�red tn.e Or•dinance pa: sed its tLird and final readin�, a�d sig�ned �he sarae, as folloti2s: • * , ".cF ..,�.+�.p�+q�lw�.q°'�+��r •-. �:�. . ,k „�: ��yv ��'� •�5� r, � y"E � �,� �� .a:.,.. ; . S: 5S , r,_ . . , ' � �. ,, , � , . ..J�� . i- ..,....R;�l1� a.� . �. . . . . ._ .... . : . - . . .._...._....�.......�._:�....:��-.,..\..+..»,r.r<...�,.x:-»n.r,-`r.;�;:,.,,,,..� � ' �, . ' .n. • , ... __ ... _.�., . T.a.._..r.M+u. .. .... ..:'♦�. . O I i � � � �� ORDID1FiPTCF N0. �, � � iy i+ i�f�AN ORDZN.�NCE REGUI�'PING rr'IE KE�PING OF CHICKEI�iS� � TTh?KEYS, DIICKS,, GE"ESE AND GU'INEA �'QYlLS aN TFLE , CORPON.EiTE I��ITS OF THE CITY O:E' CLEARVJ,EtiTER AND ii PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR lA� VIOLEtTIQN OF +�HE , TERMS OF 'I43IS ORDINANGE. �,/ ,I i I � � EE IT ORDAINED BY TI� CTTX COt�IViISSION OF THE GiTY OF CLF�AAV7A'iER, ;� 'I FLOR2DA s � jl SECTION I. Chickens, turkeys, ducks and gulnea io�vls running��.t � large within the corp+�ra�e limit� az xhe City oP Clearwater are ' I. herebg dec'lared �o bs nuisancesa No person ahal3 7�e allorved ;� to keep ang suc� �u�vls aforesaid within 'the Cityb unJ.ess t2he j � sAme be securely fenced an�. cenPinad to the premises o� the o�m�r, � ( C�ops and runways'sY�.11 be kept clean and free from �£t'ensive � odars. Oro�v3.ng rooszera, or other no3.s�* for�Ts, are hereby de- �� ', cla�ed to '�e nu3sarees, and shall not 'be kept v�ith3n ths City � ;z after complaint has 'been ma.de to the C�ieP of yolice tY�t cam- � plainant is disturded tiherepy, and the ChieY of poliee has 1 � notif3ed the owner of sueh Yowls to remove tho same Yrom t�e City. � ,Any persoa keeping or ma.inte:inir.g such fo�rl. af �e. having rece3ved 4 notice to remove the same sha11 �e deemed guiltiy oi main�aining � a nuisance under this sect3on• � � , � SECTIOI� 2. /,iny persona firru or corpora�ion ar associat3on ox' per• � � sons� who sha�.7. viola�e ary of the provis3ons of �his Ord�.na.nee� sha.1Z i , upon conviation in th� MunicipaZ Court l�e fined nat exceeding the suu� � o� �7.00,00, or imprisoned in �r,:e c�t� 3�ii not exceea�.ng t�.rt� (so> � dags' or by �bo�ch such fi.ne and imprisonment' in the disexetion o� �tho � Municipal J?ad�eo .� SECTIQN 3. ;�11 OrdinanceA or parta of Ordinancea 3n conPlict with ' thls Ordinanee be� and the same zre 'nero�by repealed• � i SECTIGN 4. This Ordinanee sha11 become effecLive immediatelg upon � I�' its passageo p ., �...�.. M _ . . - � � .,...>.,, _. .. .. . ,._.._...._ �..�.. .. � �-.,-.. .,<. » ._ ._.,.,,,�.� .:., ,_. _ , w . , , . .,_.,...� � ., . _... _,_.. . . , ..,�,� . . . -�- �,�� w--r-�°"�'..'� �'—+. �w-a-�._----.�.�_.�. •.e.,�ll� :-�ww4+�.�.... i ... _... _ .. . . . _ .�.i F .. . . � .. . . . '.._".�"^'_....r.r..J.�..�...... � � � � � � . . � . . "�'�-._�.�w�..._.�a . . '.`-�..w. �. m 0 .��r �° � � ._„ N . .� < < . .. y, , . , a �� ;..�•�.- -< � �, ... � � . ^q."�i� � +�C`�... . . . � µ � .� �,5. .,,.. . � .t � . . _ . . .4 .. '"`: K�,� ��jq�ti •"�",'�. � � . � � . � ��.�.�.., ,.,..a : - .,. x _ , .... . �a ,. . r�. .� :,� . �V� � -�v�,.. .,.yr:. .. . . w......., . .�;;:.:'", rSi� 7.'� w . Y.. . . � . .. . -. . . . A i:'iA'�rG �.c .. �, 4'..... r .�. . . „ , .,y,yZ� Nir. Barry ini;roducecl an Oxdi�.zance ar_titTed ��Al� ORDIP?AiJC� PEtOVTDII?G A P1�,NIaL`.['Y rOH b'!iILUPE TO PkY ".zITHIN A C�P�T�IIJ TIME, OCCUPATIORTiiL, BUSiN�S� A.a?A PROFEShS02tF�L LIC �P7S�'S i3��U'IH�D BX TFI� Cl2'X Oi+' CT,�'AFt':i1�TL+'R, AitD P�.OVIT�IPTG !� F�IdAL'ZTY F013 THE VIOLA`I'IOli OF TfZi; T��Iitiw 0_�` TNI� OtiDIidANCE," and moved it be passed its f�rst reading. Seconded by Vr. Grice. The or�.inance having bee� rcad, v;�on ro11 call, the fblio�rin�; vote vras golled; Ayes; NIr . 3�tars�, Mr. Baker, Mr. Batchelor, llir . Barry, Pllr. Grice. PTa�s, none. Thereupon the Mayor-Corm�.issioner dec�ared �.he Or.dir_ance duly passed its first reading. P,IIr. Barry moved that t+e Ordinar_ce be read fi'or the seeond �Lime by titJ.e only�, Seconded by Pdr. Grice, Upen roll ca11, the. folloyrin� vote tiaas poll?d: Ayes: Nlr. P,iarsh, PJtr. Batcl�elor, PrTr . B�.�-e i , Nr. BarrS, . P�1r. Crice. Na�rs, none. lhez eupon t2ze Piia�or-Commi. asio�=er declared the motioi� passed, and the Oidinance �ras re�d for the second tinie, by title onl�. ' Pllr. Barx�y mo�ed tlzat �he Ordinance be passed its second readino. 5ecoiided b�g lYtr. CTrice. Upon roll call, tkA foi_loe�ing vote �ras polled: � A_yes � P,Tr . i�iarsh, � � � Nir. Batc3�_elor, Pltr. B.:ker, i�r. Barry, r,ir. Grioe. DTays, nor_e. Thereupon the P�4wu*or-Comm`i.ssionexr declaree the 0�°din�:nce du1j� passed its second readin�;. Mr. Grice introduced t�ie iolloc�in� resolution: , -� , . - r .�� �,� �.� - , ,.. .. , . .. _ ,. _ . , ., .;, ; ,�l ,.. _ . - . � .�- � «Y. . . . � ♦�'� � �'.�';`.. . � . . ....,... cr9�;�. ..:,. . ,.. �xn - .�: <1 '�;y..�,h. �¢ . ' ., . .. • s . � . . ' . .. . . Y ' d �� . ���e��8� �.� �� �9��@� `��3 '�1� Se�Ri3,��gtY.4 #�1" ''�� C1e�rwatier,rl�rZds� r,�.,.�..v,,,Sr,t3mmassi�,Fi9 "t:f�.0 C�.tV oY' �`" � 'G� ���� 8€�ll� �3�'�l� a � £3�%1�°f$�'S�f73.� t'��� �a�i �r't�'t3S�`r�' f1t;��Q19�4"?s�k3�+$ � ��;xi����.� �rrasa�� e�� ��i�ns�+����.� ucas��a��� � ���a��r� � �i'�� �.'v�a '�� }'�§Q�.�r� �Gia��' is���rt�'x 4:Q '�i� ;�as���: � ��a3�t� ���t�t�R � Cleas�v�ter, F'lorida s�"�i^+�%,"�� '�� �.�m?.�,�.�.�rs oi th� C�.t of __��91a t�.l3G`2tI��±� � �.�'8��: ,���'��}��3 �»E��F�'�,E?�#� �Yfl��'i• �������314� �ri;� P��+���$� ��i�3��� �� �'i��.'�3#3�I �f1 '�.� �►��.'�F��3� t�i�` '�� �tS�G��3��3 �'� ��A1��i�. �,�:+�i"��� �i�l� � ''����,� "�-� '�`� ��'����� �,'� � _Cvmmisaivne�s of �the C1tj1 ^ 8 OTldB �-'�,�'z�E�1�i'��' �'t$tx'��� '�"i� �+� ����� ��� ������ � � �+��� ���.������ ��' . � 4�������CSrt�i 'WMr��� ��� 4�iVn�[s{:j� W' �%4�4Ki�SiW� iLtSJt�.S bWI���4iY� I�SV b��'Vi� FkW��4+i. s������ +�3.ec�s����� �t�� ��aa � ��a�a� ��z �� ��.s�� r�� �a ���z���.� �.� ��� 3���.� �,e&� �� �� �,� � ���a���+� o� ��a�,��'z�3.� ��°�.��,�d� � �.�.�:� �.� �� � � �.:����`� r�ai���a ��e� �.�.� �t�'d�d� ci� �? 4i��s� '�i �� �� ��9�� a����.�3� �� ��� � �� �������� ��c�� �� � ��� ��� �rs� t� i��t��1i�, ��3'� ��� ��� :��'�����g ����s�� �� ��� �r�.c��m� r�ad +��.�a��� � t� ����� �� r��` �� ��,�� aac��'� a�;� � �t� ����a�i�� .�z�,��°e� ���at;� �'d�� �a�'� � �'�'�Q� ������i3.� i��t�.�c�fiis��� ����" �;�Ca�'� ��,e� S�� �'�'�E3��3'�a�',�:� � ;y��-°� � �V��� � �,.�� s• �` � �j �� - „� r� �. w, _ �'�r . ,. � t-� � Nioved by Nir. Grice, socond�d by Mr. Btzra°y, tlaat the reaolution be passod and ttpon ro11 call, the �'ollo��in� vo�Ge �Jas pol.led; �i�es: f�,�r�. xtfarsh, � � � Mr. Ba�chelor, PtIr . Baker P�Zr . Bar-ry, fdr. Grice, Na;�s, none. '�Y�.ei:eupon ths bia,Tor-Cox;u�i.�sioner declared the resolut�hon �.dopted, and si�ned the aame. There boin� no i'urther business, the meetin� �;r�.s thereupo� adjourned. h'Ia;�or- 'o�.ssioner 111;tes�: Ci �`.0 a. or & C� r;