08/26/1938 (4)� S�C��,� �.�ts �ioQQ3.u��.on �3at,17.1 ba c�€yoCsti�ra 3sa�nodZm�o1�. x"A�.4,:3�i+ ,i1a`T3 dlil0i'17.''�}� gJq '��?Gi C:3.3;? GUY3Il31�.9@30Y3 Pi' 'h�2Ei �3L`'j► S7�' (7�.Qta1a'� S'7�1'�8X'* �''S,AT'St3As �1a:i� tl2e Q�auh dag of .�t���e .�« '' � 1�33�. f ��.��ct) �,. n. r�arsn 1+FL13.F�f�V �./1-.�:�W��J.lir?.`T,'�11� �1�'s'%`AST, (�'��zsac�� rT. i�. ua��er�3e3.d C: �" 1�t I}_Tt?TC 1�?. <; C�,�:,I�t'„ �. Mr. Barry mnued, the resolu�3un bs adopted. 147r. Grice seeonded tho motioii. Upon rol7. ca11, the �o1lov�ing vote was polled: Ages• PJir.: T�.Zarsh, I�Zr. Batchelor, A2r . Bal�er, TJir . Barry, Nlr. Grice. Nays; Nor�e. TherEupon �he A�ayor-Comms.ssioner declared tY�� resolution acioptea, and s��ned said resolution; Mr. Ba-rr� introduced the =011o1�Jin� resolutionr � /,. _ . �� . ,i .... i1 � � I A-IiESOLUTION OFDEIESIYG AN ELEGTION �TO� BE HELD 1N `- �.,�� �� ��� � CONNECTION Nl'rH TI3E PROFOSED� ISSUaNCE OI' Tif.CIIT ;� � }i3tiIN I:E'VENiTL�'� CERTIFiCATES TO N'INANCE THE �COST � � � UF� (:ON9TRUGTZIVG �A YAOHT BASIN.' �� ��,REAs, pui•suant to tlie laws of Rlorida'and Part��u�a��Y AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION [',�apter 9710� of the apacia.t Acts oP Florida, 1923, the City Commis- STATE OF FLQItIDA �� �'� � sion �of tha City of Cleanvater �duly adopted an Qrdinance proriding % COIINTY OF PINELLAS j ��� ir' �for 1he eonstxuetion of�a Yacht.Besin�and the 3ssuance and sale oE . � � : t �23.Ob000 principal amount of Yacht Basin Revenue Certificates to On this duy personally :.ppeared baFore�me Victor H. 15forgan, to me �vell known, . a atd ia iinancing the cost thereof;. . .�vHo, being by mo first duly swony ilepuses aaid snys that he is t5e Publiaher of the � ��. � NOW, TF3EREFURE, B� IT ftESOLVED� BY THE CITY� �COM- .� ��(;lea.rwater Sun, a newspayer .published. in the �ity� of Clearwuter, County of Pinellas� ; � MIaS10N��OF THF7��CI�Y OF CI:EAR.WATER, F'LORIDA: � i� and:State of Florida;� that said netvspaper has heen continuously published in� Pinel- F� SECPION� 1. That a s�5ecial� election be and the same hereby is � las �County, Floridn at least once each «�eek�and has..a,lso been. enteced as second clnss - . �_ -oxdered to be� �held on the 27th day of Septemher, 1938, in tlle City maii mntter at. t�e Post �Office in the City of Clearwater, Pinellus County, Floridu for � �� of�(:;eatwatei; Fiorida, to deterinine�whether such Yaclit. Basin Reve- c� a period of one�year next preccrling the first insertion of the attached legal notice � ' nue. Certifica.LOs shall be lssued � in � the aggregnte principal -amount of . . .. � � ��' $2S,OilC.OQ dnted Octaher.l, 193&� in the denomina.tton. of ��1000.00 . �or.process: that said.newspfiper has been published in.uccord:�rice� with the provisions � � �� ' each�, bearing interesL at the� rnta of�four�per centum (45'0) per an- 1� � of Senate Bilt \o. 58, enacted by the t�J31 Lesislature of Florida, .upproced ➢iay 20th, � � I num. payahle � semi-annually na �October 1 and April� 1 oi each year, � . 193I, and air provisions of :said Statute have been complied «•iffi: tl�at the attached , , �y�� and maturing� aeriallp.in the amount of- - � ]egal notice or'process was published in said netvspaper once each �veel: ior n period ;,� Year . A�nount Year Amount '� �p. ], �veeks to �vit.� in the �ssues of said ne�vspajiec puhllshed on .. .. �; ]942 � � �1000.00 � 18�5 � 51000.00 � � �' ias3 s000.00 iflss i000.00 Au ust 27 1838 {� is�4 iooc.00 ses7 ipoo.00 ' 1945 ioao.00 iasa i000:oo �'' . ..........�.$.... . '. .,.. ...................._................. . .... .... ii 1946 10.00.00 ' 1$59 1000.00 '� ! � �� �� 19l? 1U00.00. 1960 � 1000.00 ( � . �. . . � . . . • . . . ... � .. . . . : . . , . . � � 1P48 lUU0.00 1961 1000.00 , . � 3949 � 10Q0.00� 1962 . 1000:Q0 '. . . .... . . ... . ... . `.. . . . ' 1950 lOQ0.00 � ' 1963� � 1006:00 � . � : � � � 1951 1000.00 1964 1000.00 ........ ....•...._... . . ,. .... .... .. ... ......, ._... ��' 1952 - � 10U0.00 � � . 1965 � 1000.00 1'. - - . ' � � � �-,f� �� � � 1953 5000.00 19EF�, 1000.00, � Sworn to and subseribed brture me the.. , 2�.ttkl .. .,da� y�`ef, ?�t�LlB'Ea. .... , �1954 1000.00 1967 � 5000.00 ; � - . 1965 2000.00 �' A D. 1�J' '8 ... / /J such Certificates to Ue'�ay&ble aolely from and aecured by a pledge�� / / / %/��J/_� %Z ��/�/7� n �` oP tha groso. income a.nd evenueA of the � Yacht Basin� after provisIon � ; � � � �•l./�/ . .. ,�. • - •'.^."'-�- •���7 •1��` �' L'r!�.., ... . . . . . . . � .. �or tt�e payment of all operating costa of such Yacht Basin. �'� �� - �'`' r^ t , ,�, � SECPION 2. That the following notice of election sball be puo ; .'ri� t.,: ;� i � Hehed in The Clearvnter 9un a ne�Vspaper ublished in the Cit uf I' `�' .�- F Y {t Clearw,�ter, F1'orida, !n_ th� issues oE said netvspaper ;pu�lished on � +� Ang��st 2Sth, September 3rd, 10th, 17tti and 24th, 1938: � . ".TOTICE OF I7LECTION. . . . � The Ctty Comndssion �f the City of Clearwater, .Florida, >>as +!.ordereci a,.special elecL�bn to�be, held on the 27th day-bf SeptemBer,�� � � i 1DS8, ir.i sald City, st'the place where electtons ace uaually held in � snid City,for the purpoae of determining yYhether or noE Yqcht Bastn `: i#teveLue Certlficatea of sai3 GYty shall �be iasued in th0 aggregute ' . Iprincipal amount of $28,000.00, flated October 1, 1938, in +he �denomi- l natlm oE �1000.00 each,. bea.ring intexest at�the rate of�four per� centum ' � . � �� (47p) per annum, payable aemi-nnnually��on October� 1 and'�ilprill .� � t of��each year, and nisLuring aetially in the amount ,of: a Year Amount 4ear �nount r". � ,1842 � �$3000.00 '� . � - � 1955 � $5000.00�. � � � � • .1P43 1b00.00 Sfl56 5000.00 1944 1W0.00 1857 X000.00 . �! 1945, � 1000.00 ' 1958 1000:00 ��7946� 1000.00 . '195D � 1000.00 .� j 1847 1D00.00 , 1960 3000.00 � � Y948 . 1��O.OD� � � � 1961 � � � 5000.00 � � ] D49 IG00.00 1962 1000:00 �. 1ll50. . 10GO.00�� , � � 1863 � � . 1000.00. �� . �. . � ]951 1G00.00� � 1964 1000.00 � :�7062 SOOO.Ob ' . 1965 . 1000.00. � � � 1963 �� � lOG0.00 � � � . � 1966 1000.00 � .. . . � ���, .1U64 � ��.1U00.00��. � � 1967 . ib00.00 . � � � 1868 2000.00 � foc t7�e pmpoae qf niding irr finhncing the cost ot conshuction aP a }� Yaohf. Basin. Sucri Yacht' Basirr Rovenue deit[ficates to be ,paya�le `i solel3� firom and aesifred by a pledge of tl�e' gro:s incaue a':� ra✓a- _ ��nue� of the Yacht Basin after pYovision �or the payment o� all cperat- i � � _ _---._... _ .. _... __ .._ _ - ---'� S�C�.�. '��QP� .F,...,. �.�n Fe�o3,u��.o� r�%n.7.� �ro �f.�ots�iv� �mo��,�t�o1�a. E�1:�s�L� .�x'S� niTar�T�n b� �I�o cif,� cor�n3.seion t�f fi�ip Gfty oP �9:��- X�s�er;� �.oa�c��z� this islae 2G�ia ciray c,f �1r.��uFs�, �i� `„ 3��E3, (S3�n�e1j T,,, ll,. T'��r31i LiAi''43�i'wGqZ^i:.���-,,'�i. S0:`T'Tt Aa'I�;S'3'� {s��,�a} a�. �� s�t��r��:Q�a Ciwir`- 11�`�T�i?Fi 11�`.�.� C,IrFtts•'_� tlie purpose �f pr_yin� u.� r.,� � Certificates a�.d ior� no other purpose. ��� SECTION S0. Any funds remaining in the Xacht, Basln Revenue � Funi, after pmvision for the reasonable, cost of operating and main- � taining,the Yacht Basin, and after paying the amount required 10, (� he pa?d.into the Yacht Basin Sinking,Fund, as above provided, ma,yyy. �` be used by the Qity of Clearwater for� the purehase oP Certificate� ,: �at not e:iceeding the grineipal amount thereof (exclusive of acerue � interP.sE) or Sor ,any other purpose perniltted by lew, The City of �� Claanvater hereby cocenants and agrees-wltti tIie several holdera and' . �owuera- of Certificates. as followa: . - . . � (a) That it will rot voluntarily create or nause to be crea!ed ' any debt, lien, ebarge� or encumbrance upon nn,y'of the reve- �,� nues pledged to-the payment of the Certificates and the �j interest��thereun, except such as� may be�junior�to�-the lien:oE�''+ said Certificates, and that !t will not aell, mortgage, lease, or ,�� otherwise-3ispose of�or encumber any property�essential to 4 � the proper operation oP the Yacht Bnein; ; s � lb) That it will at al; timav preserve rand protect 'the security � of the Certificates and.the rights oP the Certlficata holders �± �' under this Ordinance and that it will at all times maintain, preserve and keep,.or cause to be maintained, preserved snd Fiept the Yacllt Basia� including ail parts thereof and ap- .� ��purtenances��Chereto in good condition and.. repair,.�and- will. �� from time tu time x�ake or cause to be mada all necess8ry and proper:repairs and ieplacements so thst aE all kimes the businesa carri2d on in connectron thexewith may be properly. .�and advantageously conducted in a� manner consiatent witU prudent management; � , ;c)'`fiHat it will ac ail times prescrihe and colle�t rates in con- �'� nection �vith the Yacht Basin as it may deem reasonab!e, I which t�aid :ates�-ahall he at letist suPficient after making� �.� reasonable ailowances iox contingencies and Yor a margin , of error in the estimates, to maintain the Yacht Basin OpOr- �� aUon and Mzihtenance Account:and the Yaeht Basin Sinking� ' F'und as provided by this Ordinance: ,` • . (d) That it will at all �Umea keep���proper booke of records and. ��, . xccounts (separate from all other records and accounta) in �p whtch complete and correct entriea shall he made oE aA T- � transati�ns relating -ta ihe� Yacht Basin, The City: oP� Clear- J' water will fuiTlsh to the origina] purchaser or purchasers Y � .. � of �aid CertiPicates � and to any �holder. or � holdera of -any oY ]. said Cextificatea, at the written"request of such holder cr i holders, ,not more than thir}y (30j days after the close oP ,� each six �.(F� xnonths � fiacal . period, complete. operating and� �� income atat�menta of the Yacht Basin in pe,a.yonable detail �. covering auch aix montha pertod, and, not more than sixty' i . (80) days: afr,r the �clese of each fiacal year, complete 4inuzi,; �; . -.cial atatements� of� the Yacht..Basin in reasonab2e detai'� � covering eu�h fiscal year, certified by the Auditors oP the City of Cleanvateit (e) That it will maintain insurance on the Yaeht Bnsin for the ; benefit of 4he holders of CertiPicates iaeued under this prdi- , nabce so long as any of auch Certificates, or the utterest thereon shal remain outetanding or tie unpaid, of a. kind arid in � an amouct which usually wQuld be. carried by .a private corporation operating a nimilar type oP undertaking. �e proC�eds of �zny inanrance, other tha� for lose� of� use nnd occupancy, ahall be 'uaed only for (aj reconetruction, re- placpment or repatrs, or (b) payis:enta inio the Yacht Besin �. Sinking Fund. During any period ef loss of `use of occU= ( pa.ncy, total or partiai, resulting from risks and perlls ? against whlch other lnsurence is or ehould he caxried pura4- i ant to tfiis Sectton, the proceeda of any such uae and obcu- � Pancy insurunce ahail be paid to the Yacht Basin R,evenuo +. Fund and shall he adminietered, held sitd applied ibr che i. �same pi�rpose§ and�,in the aam8 manner.ae provfded. by thia f��_ Otflin8n6o ior the use,- dL4pogltion 8ktd appllcatiori oP tha � nlbniea in atieh �'und. (t) ThaE it w1A petmit at all reasonable times ao lon� as ��yr � � i 1 "�+. ��� Mr. Barry movecl tY�e resolution be adopted.. Irir. G�'sce soconded the mo�ion. Upon ro1:L ca11, the �'01,1o��ing vote tiJas polled: Ages: Mir. T��a.rsh, Mr. Batchelor, I14r , Br�.ker, Mr. 3arry, NTr. Grice. Nayss None. Thereupon the Na�,�ar-Comm.isaioner declarecl tlze re�olution adopted, and ea:gned said resolution: Mr. Barr� introduced the =olloti•ring resolut�ion: � �, :r . - , ,, � . ,._' . ' _ � AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATItJN STATE OF �FLORIDA � � COIINTY �OF PINELLAS� � On this day* personalty s,ppeared V�efore� me Victor H. biorgan, �to. me �vell Imocvn, �vho, being by me first dnl} sworn, leposes and says that. he is tHe Publisher of. the Clea,nva,ter 5un, a newspaper published in the Gity �of�Cleartivater, County .of� Pinellas and Sta,te oT F7orida; that said.ne�vspaper Las been continuously published in Pinel-� las County, Plorida�atleast�once eaeh��veek and has�also�been entered as�second class �mail matter at the Post. OfSice in the City of Gicarwater, Pineilas �County-, Florida, for a period of ane year� next preceding the first insertion of the attached lesal notice �� or process:. that said net��spuper has 6een �published�in uecorda�nce with the provisions of Senate Bill No�.. a8, enacted� by the L9S1'Legislature oY Florida, npproved 11is.y 20th�,. i'JS1,.anC a�r provisions�� of.said Stntutu�have been complied �vith: tliat ttie attached � legal notice or process �vas publi�hed in said �newspaper once �each. �veek for a period of...J..,...,.�seeks to-witrin.the issues of said newspn�per pnblished on..,.......... . ......... August 27,..1938.... — .. �-�� _�_— � S�vorn to�nnd subsaribed be•fore me the.., �.�.fit�......d�y .1?l1gLl3jT�..,,... A. D. 195...8... / .Vi/ . . .��.L�-�: �^��Z,A,`.` cs v[.v . . . . . . . . . 1v, i: 't:G!i �..,: >�.r z._.r.i�., . � . . r ,; ,� ,q . . .. . . ... :;i. i.i".., _ . . � � __ .. _.._____ _.,�..�___.._..�.u._,���J , � � Mr. Barry mo�aed that tivhereas the next rogular nieeting fa11s on T,abor Day, that the next re�ular meotino Ue held an Friday;, �t��'"�'�th, and t:�.at this meetiti�, be adjourned u.ntil �Ll�.at da1;e. t�1r. Batchelor seconded tlze moi�ion. Upon ro11 ca11, t)�.e folloirin� vote tvas po112d: Ayes: P�Tr . T:�ai sh, P.r. F3atchelor, Prir . Barry, 14ir . Buker� M�^ . Grice. Na�s: I�TotZe. Thereupon the Mayor-Cormnissioner declared t�ie mee�in�;' adjour;Zed until Friday, September 9th. . � 1f � � �� � � P�ayo;r-C on�mi. s si on�r Attest: � - . *� C `�ty 1�uditor & Clark � �