08/23/1938■ i F y r�� � MTIv'UTES OF� A SPECIAL td�TIPiG OF TIiE CITY COP�iP,:ISSION HELD AT THE CTTY HALL OP1 THE 23xd DAY OF A�CUST,1938, AT 9:30 0� CLOCIt A, N. A special meeting o� the City Comrnission of the Czi;y af Clear- water was held on the above date at thp �.bove time ar�d placa. The meeting was qalled to order by thE P: a; or�Cormnissioner, ar.d the follolving Corr�nissioners answered tne roll call: ' Mr. D: 0. Ratchelor Mr. R. L. Ba�er � N?r. J, A. Barry Mr. Herbert Grice ' 1 ThQ Pta�or-Commissioner stated that this Special P7eetin.g had been called and vras being r elcl for the purpose of havirxg inti:oducad, ? cor_sidered and disposed of, an ardzna_n.ce entitled «AN ORDII�AP'CE ; DETERII'fINIIVTG AI�?D DECLI�RII�TG THiiT IT I,S EXPEDIENT FOR THi' CITY OF � � CLE.A1�ldATL+R T0 C�NSTRUCT 9ND P�AN1 TA:LI�T ilITHI1�7 2'F1� C1TY LIIt�ITS OF SAII? CITY A PLP_ATT FOR THE MATNFACTURE LPID_ DiS^1RIBi7TI0N OF EI,EC- ' TRICITY FOR F'[TRNISIiING LIGET FOR ItiTtTNICIPAI� T"iSE, APlD FOR T_'� USE OF St�'GI? OF ITS INHABTTAiVTS AS 1tIAY REQUIRE AP?D PAY FQR TI3E SAb'�'.1t The r�Ia�or�Coaunissianer tlzen announced that the �embers of the City Coxmn?ssion had been given notice of th:is meetin� and , - requested tizat �Ehe City Auditor and Clerk r,scord irz tl� Atinuteg � the TTotice v�h.ich he had served upon t�.e C�t� Commissioners. VI�REtTPON the City Auditol and Clerk duly recorded the said � notice, tivh.ich is as follovas: ; � i f � � � � t 1 � ` � � � � � � i � ��, N0 T?CE. M, ��� �� i t ; I 1Q : idESSRS. �ERBERT GRIC�, R. L� BAI�'R, 7. 1i. Bl1.P.I.Y' 1�sT317 D. 0. � ' BA'1'CI�LOR, Cit� Conunissionerg �� tre City o� Clear��ater , , You are hereb� no�if3ed that a special meetin� of the �� � City Co�r:!ission wi1Z be helc3 a� the City Ha11. in the Cit� of ;�� ���i� ! "' q � � � j Clearrrater on the aq� of A.u�ast, A. D« ? 938, at �_ � o� Clocl� �, NI�, at vr:ich Lime there va 11 be zntiroauced, con- � s•sderecl and disposed of an Ordinance entivled � � I� " AN �fiDIPI'�NCE DETERT�?IIdING !�T�D �ECI,H.ATNG TF1�1T 1T I5 j Ft�E��NrP FQR T� C1`_f'i' OF CT�+RP9x^t�;R `!'0 COP3S'1'RUc;.�'i ' �ND biAlNl'�IN ti7'�THIN TI� GI'?'Y �P,7I`15 �` ShTll GIlY A f PI,�;N`1' FOH `PLE S;fAId�'FACiURF' ANll DIS�t'R7�ri'1'TON C�F E�CTRTC;TTY FOR FUANI�x�PTG LIGH'1' FUR P+'tUNICI�xL US�, ai�rll PO�i Tii� IIS� QF ST�(;H OF I1S Ii1F..E!BT1AN`PS !iS P+:t�iY REf4;UIRE k1PIU P,�a.Y F�R TAE � SAI4'�E v Tr �A copy of the said Ordinance is attached r.ereto and made a pait of this noticem � �lnd the said meeting is here�y called ancl designated to con- � s-id.er a.nd dispose of the sai.d Ordinance. ' You are, respectively� reques�ed to be preseni� ats aid, � ' speciel meet;"Lng. ;'�!, This not3:ce dated the 13th da� of August� A, T�. 1938Q � i� � ;� . ,'r P2ayor-Gonuniasioner, City of Cleaxs�ra.ter9'� Florida,, `; ; � i ti'�e acce�t service �f the �.bove notice and aci�o�v7.odge � ! � receipt of a copy thereof� and of a copy of the Ordinance attached � ' ther� to �, � � � � � � i ��� � � � � � � V � � , . 7/c�-r�_._, } ' � - i i �. . Cit� �ommiasioners, City �si' C].earvoa�er,� Floridam pl . � � � �� u�� Ordinance No. 428 �as introduced by �v2r. Baker ancl read in iu11. After a discussion thsreof Mr. Sakor. moved said Ord�nance be adoptecl a� read. I�ir. Batchelor seconded th.e motion� Upon roll call the followzng vote was polled; Ayes: Mr. Marsh ?ur, Batchelor F�r. Baker Mr. Barry Mr , IJiar sh Nays: None Theraupon the TJ:ayor-Cammissioner declarAd Ordinance DTo. 428 duly pasaed upon ita first reading. Mr. Baker raovea that Ordinance No. 428 be read: its second time by title onl�, Nir. Ba�chelor seconded tl�e motion, Upon roll r,a11 tha foliotviilg vote �as polled: Ayes:, Ntr, NIarsh P�ir. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Barry �Ir. Grice Nays: None T?�ereupon the ir�ayor-Commissioner declarad the rioLion passed and said ordinance vras read a second time bg its title. P��r., Baker moved said ordinance be aclopted as read. lYr. Batchelor seconded the moti.on. Upon roll call the follo�ring vote was poLed: Ayes: Mr. Narsh Mr. Batchelor i�r. Baker Mr. Barry IvTr. Grice Nays: None Thareupon. the 144a�or-Commissioner declared sai,d Ordinance duly passed upon its second reacling. I�r. Baker moved Ordinance IJo. 428 be read its third and final time. P;Tr. Batchelor seconded the motion. Upon roll call the following uote �vas polled: , �yes; P,ir� NTarsh Nr. Batchelor Nr. Ba�,:er Mr. Barrg Mr, Grice Nays: None Thereupon the It7ayor-Go�rnnissioner declared the motion passed and said Ordinance wa� read its third anc� final time, 14Ir. Baker rnoved said ordinanee b�i fina.Ily' adopted �:�s read. Nr. Batchelor sec;onded the motion. Upon roll call the follo�rin� vote was polled: Aye s s 11Rr. Marsh 14tr. Batcholor NIr. Balrer I�4r. Barry� " Mr. Grice � � � � �^� � " Nays: None Ttzer�upon t_h.e 14Iayor-Co�mnissioiler declared tEZe motion pae:3oc1 nnd �r' Ordinailce No. �28 duly adopted azZd si��leci s�id Ordinnnco a7zd a�proval , tl�ereof, as �olloirs; ORDI?,T:�NCE IdO. 428 AN OIZDINANC� DL�'T1+;P�I�'iINI�tCr �1V17 DECT,:1:iIP�G TFri1T IT I5 EXP�D�'�'�IT H�0 � TFi�; CITY OF CLE:�;:';'kiTE:i TO CON- Sl^ttUCl _'>_� i�".t12NT��I�T 'v'rITHII� TIiE CITY LINCITS CF � � � � � S4T� C�mY : P� .i'v2' �'(�R� a7i� P1f1��TiT�'.iGTU£{E���A:p I)IS- � � TRIBUTIO" OF �i��'C1�2ICIlY rGR I'URNISI�IING I�IGIIT Ft�=t ieNNICIPtiL US� ,t�ND POR T'riE US�; OP' �"UC?L QF IT5 Ii���I^1.�N1S 1�5 T,��IY RECv�l3 ;:,i:dD P�iY rQ�i lii� Szit1E. BE I^ O::D:;IIdiaD BX 1'r� CI`�'Y COit�.IIS' IOId OP i�iE CI�'Y OF CL�E1R?�Ii�TER, FLO IiTI� � : Sec�Lion l. It is lzeraby determined and decl red by the CitSr Conmlission o? tl�e Cit� of Cleartivater, �hat it is expeclient for said City �o exercise its ,�utlzority to construct and m�,intaiiz crithin the Cit� Limits of said Cit�f a p��izt �'or the n�a.nut'acture and distributiion'oz' electiicity, �or �urnishin� li�bht for municipal use, and for thv use oi such oi' itis inhabitants aa may require aild pay for � �e same. Section 2. All Ordinances and parts oi or�.in_ances in conf'lict critl? theprovisions of this ordinaazce be and tn.e game are hereby -repealed, Sectzon 3. This Drdiz?ance is an emergericy ine�.sure and shall taite effect i�nediatel� upon its passabe, PA�^� �Z�ID ADOP��D b f the Ci � j* Commi ssion oi the City of Cle<�r�<<ater, Florid:, G}�.is 23rd day of rlu�,-ust, 1938. L. A. P�ZiFtSI3� Mayo r-ComnLi s 9 io r_er , At�est: J. F. SkTT�t�FIEL,D City �uditor 8c Glerk. Moved by iVtr. Grice, seconded by Mr, $atchelor, th�.� �lie ' meeting Ue adjourned, and u�on rn11 call, tlze t'ollo�^rin�; vote �vas polledt , A�ze s: Pfir . P,Zar sh 1VIr . Barr� Il�r. Batcrelor Ps . Baker P,ir. Griee �' - ?i:'hereupon, the I,�afor-Coramissioner declared tk�.e meetin� duly � adjourned. � ����,�� /ayor� ocmnissic�ner Atte tr i y Auditor & C er� � t �