08/01/1938■ � � � � , _ _ _ T ..._ ._ _ _ _ ,� _._..� _ _ - � , . _ � __. ; � 3 �� � t � . . . \' �� . � � . n�zrt�rlEs oF TxE cz� cor�r���ssorr Augu3� 1, 1938 .. � The C3.t� Qommission of the City of Cleax�vat�r, FZorida, met on Monday, August 1, 1938, in regular meeti*� assembled' witih the follo�rl.ng members pre�ent; L, A. Marsh9 Mapor-Co�rm�.issioner R, L. Baker 5. A. Barr� D, 0. Ba.tchelor Herbert Crics It *r�as moved by IVtr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barrg and carried tl��.t the Cit� pay �50.U0 torvard the financing oi the High School Band. " The follo�ring resolution vras introduced l�y Pr.r. Barry: RESOLUTION REQUESTING EXTENSIOPT OF TIME BEFOP.E COA���'ENCEMEDIT OF VdORK OId PRO�CT �'QR FXTENSION OF E3CISTING SF'UTERS AT CLEARV�A.TER, FLORIDA, FI,ORIDA PVtzA DOCI£ET 1T06-F. l�]HEREAS, The United States of America through the Federal EYnergency 9dministra•tion of Public VVorl�s, an July 15, 1938, did offer to aid the City of Clearvrater in financing the construction of extensions to thE exie�ing �ewer syete�a.b� makin� a loan and grant to the City of Clearwater not sxceodzng the sum of �334,545, al1 of v�n:ich being subject to the ierms and conditiona as contained ar_d set forth in said offer, being Project ATo, 1106-F, anci W_HEREAS, Said offer aforesaid was by resolution of tha City Connn�.ssion of the Cit� of Clearwater �luly accepted or_ the 18th da� of Ju1y, 1938, and , �'VAEREAS, in �aid of�er it is �rovided that work on sa3.d �oject sY�all corrnnen,ce �nithin eigk�t {8) wreeks from the date of said offer, and WHEREAS, The City of rleai:water has also caased to be filed with the Feder&1 ESner$encg Administrator of Pualie �orks an ainonded application for an increase in �he scope of �he p rojc�ct, Lo include a sewage disposal plant at an additionai cost of �114,515, and SN�REAS, Sufficier:: timo has not elapsed ior said amended anplication as aforesaid to be acted upen, arid it beT.r�g necessary for a �'inal decision to be r.endered so that it ma� be determined tre ainount of, matarii:ies of and ty�pe o� �ecurities to be offered, and WFLREAS, In addition to {;he abo've riatters and thin�;�, i-t i s necessary in order to comply with tY�.e legal requireiuents of said pro jer,t that an election be held and be participated 3n by� a. majoxit� of the freeho:lders, and WH�REAS, At this time of the qear a considerabl� number of the fresnolders are abseiat from the City on vacations and i'or o�her reagona, and WHEREAS, I� is desired that s�id election be held about Septeinber 1�th so that mos� of the noy� absent freeholders will have returned to the City and can partic3pate in said election. s - ■ r � { ; � ... � �d tI � � � � . . \��. - i�I01N TI�REFURE BE T.T RESOLVED by the C�ty Commission �f the � City of Clearwater, Florida, that the Federal Emergency Adminis�rAtor of Public Wor�cs of the United States of Amarica be a�d he is hereby requested to extend the time f or the construction �vork to begin on Project No, 1106-F for a period of te:� (10) �veal�s After date af tlie offer covering the amende3 applica�ion for an increase is� the scope � of pro ject and an allotmen � tilerefora • PASSEll ANp ADOPTED by the Gity Cormnission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, this the 1st da9 of Augu�t, A. D, 1938. L. A. MARSH, AZayor-Co.unnissioner . Atte3t: ' J. E. SATTERFIELD, - City Auditor and Clerk. The resolu}ion ��as seconded bg Mr. �atchelor, and upon rol�. � call the following vote was polled: Ayes� Mr. Mar�h Mr. Baker � llir . Barry I14r, Batchelor ' Ms. Grice � NAys: None � 1'�iEERETTPON, the ilIavor-Co�i.ssioner declare3 the said resolution �duly passad and adopted ar_d signed the samep �_ It �rras moved by Yt�r. Baker, seconded by 1Vir. Barry and carried that a conmlit-tee be aupointed to go over the license �chedule. The co�nit-tee appointed ��as P�sr. Batc:h:elor, I;�r. Bal�er and Mr. Nichols, A letter from PRs, Ed S. tiNlzitson. was read askin� for time for payment oi the agreed air!ounts in se"t�lement of City taxea on Zots in Hillcres�l; �ubdivision, It vras moved by Mr. Bal�er, seconded by Mr. Barry and ;;arried that t1�.e matter be turned over to the Ci-ty Atto��ney for study and r•ecommendati�n. It was moved by Mr. Brztchelor, secondod by Mr. Barry and carr•ied that Lot Thre� ( 3) Fslocli �'A" of Keystone 1'lianor be placed on the nex� foreclosure Zist of the Gity,. , ! - It was moved by P�Tr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carr�i�d that Lot Fifty-iour (54) Block "G" of Sunset Point Second Add3tion be sold ti o Mr. Henry George for the siun of �p250.00 cash. There being no furtlzer business, the meeting wr�.s thereupon � adjourned9 upor.� nwtion o�' Njr. Barry, seconded z .ice, to _August 22nd., 1938. � � ( ; Attea p�[a or-Comm3.st�ioner ��..l. City .Aud tor a d�Clerk r i i _.__.. ..._ .�. . �. .. .. . .. , _. . ,. �, .. . .,�.. . .... � _ .._.. . . .�.., . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . p , s. � � � - � MTN[JT�S OP Ti� CITY CONMZSSTON August 10, 1938 The City Cormnission. of the City of Glearwater, Florida, met on Au�ust 1�, 1938, in special meeting assembled, t,vitla. the follc�tving members present: I�Yr, D, 0, Batchelor, acting PY'[ayor-Commissiener P,7r. R. L. Baker � Mr. J. A. Barry Mr, Aerbert Grice. rJ:r, Barry introduced the folloyvin.� resolution: RESOLUT201`T OF �fiE CI`I'Y' CO2;!�;ISSI01`7 AUGIIST 1Q, 1938, REQUESTI�TG A PROPOSED LOAN AIdD G�AitifT FROP�I P1'JA FOR T� CODTSTRUCTION OF A�NNICTPAL YACHT F;ASIN, At a Special i;ie2ting of the City Commission of the City of Clearwator, Flori�.a, held thi� tenth da� of Auguat, I938, Cor�:�issioner Baker introduced the followinF; resolutinn: BE IT R�,SOLVED BX TI?E CITY CO�SP�IISSIO�T ASSET�,BLED, tli.at: 1'lIIEREAS, The City of Glearwater, Florida ,rill appl, to t'r_e Pubiic V4orks Admin�stration for a loan and grant in the amount of �� � f�r the construction of a r,7unici:pal Yaci�-.t Basin, arid WIiERFAS, Such iacilities as are �rovided in the Citv at the present time for the accommodation of boats botli public and private are entirely inadequate to the demand for such, and 4VHEREAS,. It i� essential that such accou�odations be provided, THEREFORE BE IT RE59LVED that the City Co�unission of the City o�' Gleartvater, Florida, herei�y apply to tne rublic 1��rks Acluiinistration for a loan and grar_t to c�nst�a�t sa.id Yacht Basan, t}ais being an amended app].ication f'or th�s projec� as notiv altered to reduce its original ecst aiid to increase the revenues therefrom. " . P:ASSED AND ADOPTED by the City,Oomnissicn of the �ivy o�' C1ear- v�ater, Florida, t11is lOtr da� oz Aug�st, �938, D. o. Batchelor,. , 9eting hiaybr-�onnnissioner. Attest: J. �, Satter:field, ' City Audii;or and Clertr, `.t'Yi.e said resolu.tion �ras seconded bg Iv�r, Laker, anc� u pm roll call the f�11o1�3n� vote ��r�.s polled: ' Ayes: Nr. Batchelor Plir. Baker PrTr . Barry I�ir. Grice Nays: None Abaent and not voting: h?r. P;Iai sh WHEREUPON, the Aeting 1;2ayor-Conunissioner declarecl the said resolution duly� passecl and adop�ted and signed the same. i i . _ � . .�.� � � � t 4 0 � �ir. Barrv introduced the f'o].lo�v3ng resolut3oi�: RESOLIITIO�,T FIXI�]'G NZINII�TUI+T 1'JACTE RATES ON EXT�iVSTONS �'0_ E.'�CISTTI�IG SEVVER S�STEIlS, FLORIDA. DOCI�ET 11QF��, I, J. E. SATTERk'IEL�, being the dulg olected, qualifiecl and actin� Ci�g C1erk of the Ci.ty of Clearvrater, Florida, do hereby cert�.fy that tho fal].oe�ing resalution rva� reqtii_l.arly pas�ed and adopted lay the Ci� Qo�ission oi i;he City oi Clear��Jater at a special meetin� thereafi lzeld or the ten:th day of August, 193II< RESOLUTI01�' FIXZNG P;ZINI&;iTPN� 4'dAGE RATES. t��REAS, A thorough investlgatior_ has been mado of the hourl� v�rag rates which are bein� paid in the Gity ox" CleaxR�rater, Floricla, which 3,s the locality in tvhich the proposed project fcr exterlsions of existir_g selver systeni Florida Docl�et 110G-F (hereinafter referred to as °Pro ject��) is to be cor_structed by the City of Glear��al;er, to em- plo�ees in eacb. trade or occupation engaged in t�orl� of a nature similaz to the crork �o be per?oi^�ned :;:n the constructian of said Project, and the prevailing hourl� wage raties being paid in such localitg to such empZoyees for such vror� have been determined by A. C. IvTicho7s, City T:ana�er, by contactin� local contrac�ors, labor or�anizations ra.na the City Euilding Inspector. N01"J TF�ftEPQRE BE IT RESOLV�'D by tLe City Conmiission of tlie Ci�y of Cleararater, rlorida, that the followiia� rates for the z°espective trades or occupations listed belov� sha11 be and are he:rebg fixed as_. the minini�m hou.rly wage rates an�, ra��e been determined in accordance with rates pl'8VA11- ir� for �vork of a similar naturo i.n the locality in zvlzich the project is to be constructed, superseciing any previous r�age ra�;es set; Asplialt Bal�er .40 Asphalt lamper & Smoother .40 Blacksmith .75 Bricklayer 1.25 Briclklayer Tender ,80 G arpen ter e �'75 Caulker-Pip� 1�00 Caulker-Pipe Helper .50 Cement Finisher-Paving-SetTers .50 Curb Setter, stione .50 Damproofer 1.00 Electrician ].,00 Eloctrician Helper .60 �as Pipe Fitter 1,OQ Ironvrorker, Stru:etural 1.00 Irom�orker,Rigger 1.00 Iron 4Yorker,Tank Erector I.00 Joint Run�ner .50 Leverman .50 I�Taster i�achinist (Repairs) 1.25 Mortar 14ixer .40 Operator,Air Compressqr .6Q Operator,Backfillor ,60 Operator, i�Tixer,-lOA oi� l0E ,50 Operator,St2ixar, -27E .60 Operai:or,Roller (Road) .60 Painter,Building Conatr. .875 Plumber 1.00 Plianiber Helper .50 Paver,�ent BricT� & Block La�Ter ,50 Pipe La5*er, , 60 Service uonnection i+Yaker '1.00 Sheet I�ietal Vi'arker .'75 Teamster .,40 Trucl� Driver over 12 tons .9:0 Trucl� I7river rind,er 12 tons .35 4�Ielder,Ara. 1.00 � V'ielder,Ace•tylene 1.Q0 Yarner 8c Caulker,DP t+1 Pipe _ Z,00 Roofer,Composition 1.00 Air Elaimner Operator .75 Pipe Pitter, Gas �..00 Unsk311ed Zaborers ,30 � e BE T�' FURTHER RESOLV'�`D that the i'oregoin� iist of trades or occupations i?�:cludos to the best of' our kno���ledge, all the classi�ications of employees who v�rill be en.�a�ed in, V�or� on said Pro�ec other �har_ -` execut3ve, supgrvisory, achninistrative, elerical or other non-rnanual workers as such. BE I� 1+URT�ER RESOLVED that there be transmitted vaith th_i.s reso- lution the sub��antia-Eing �.ata upon vrhich the foregoing dezexmination is based. I FtTRTFLR CFRTIFY that the foregoing resolution �s or_ file �nd oz record ir� my office as City Clerk of the Cit�> of Clear�rater, Florida. IhT ��ITPTESS VJfiEREOF, I have l�ereunto set my hand an.d zhe sea"1 of the City of Clea�rrator, �lorida, tLis lOth. da:� of August, 1938. J. E, SATTERF�LD, City Auciitor and Clerk. (City Sea1), The said resolution rras seconded b� T„r. Barry, and upon.roll call the follotivinE; vote �vas polled: Ayes: D, 0. Batehelor, Acting 1':ay�r-Cormnissioner R. L. Baker J. A. Barry Iierbert Grice Nays: Pione Absen,t and not voting: L. A, ��arsh.I�ia�gor Corrnr!�:ssioner. VVHER�'"'IIPODt, the Acti.ng T�iayor-Commiss�oner dcclared the said Resolutior_ duly passed and adopted, There being no further business, the meetir_g was thereupan adjourned. � Acting Nayor-Commissioner Attest:/ � C'ty uditor a d C erk m � ■�