07/18/1938� r - rf ✓ �' W � !� � � � ���'"`fl �,�,�,�' � EXTRA.CTS FROM THE �tINUTES OF A R�C'=ULpR MEETING OE�' TFIE CI'FY COMMISSIOpl HEI,D ON THE 18tn DAY OF JUI,Y, 1938. A regular medting of the City Commzssion of the City of Clear- ` water, Floricla, was held on the 18th day of July, 1938, The meeting was called to order by the Pdayor-Comnissioner and on ro11 call the follotiving answered present: L. A. Marsh, May�r-Cormniss3oner, D: 0. BatcheZor, J. A. Barrg, R. L, Baker, Commissioners. The follotiving vrere absent: Herbert Grice. Af�er discussion oi the offer of the United States of lmerica, to aid by v�ay of l.oan and grant in financino the construction a�' egtensions to the present seyver system of tlze City of Clear�vater, the following resolution, entitled "A Resolution Accepting �he OfPer o� tla.e United States to Aid by Way of Loan and Grr�nt in Financing the Construction oz Extansion to the Present Sewer System�' was proposed b� Mr. Barry, and read in ful,l: , ��A RESOZITTION ACCEPTING THE OFFER OF TEE Ul�?ITED STATES T0 THE CITY OF CLEAR4VAT�'R, FLORIDA, TO AID BY 4'7AY OF LOATI AND G13:ARTT 1TT F'NANCIN� T� CONSTRL7CTIOrt Ok' EXTEN� SIOIJ5 T0 T� PRE�ETTT SEVVER SYSTENI, �� BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COIvIDlfISSION: Section l. That the affer of the United States of Ainerica to the City oi' Clearwater, Florida, to sid bv wag of �oan and grant in financing the cons�ruction of extensions Lo the prssent sewer system, a copy of yvhich offer reads as follows: FEDERAL EMERGEI`TCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC VfORKS Washington, D. C. Dated: Jul 15, I938 Docket No. Fla, 1106-F. City of Clearrrater, Clear�vater, Pinellas County, Flori da. 1. Subject to the Terms and Conditions (PWA Form No, 230, as �nended to the date of this Ofier) �rhich are made a pa.rt hereof, the �nited States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construction of extenaions to t�.e existing sewer system (h�?rein called the "Project�') by making a grant to the 'City of C7.cear�vater, Florida, (herein called the «Applicant��), in the amount of 45 per cent of the cost of the P'r.oject upon completian, as determined b� �he Federal Emergency ACtainistrator of Pub7 ic L4'or3�s, but not t� exceed, in any event, the sum of �150,545, and b� purchasing, at the principal amount thereof plus aacrued interest thereon, from the Applicant, obligat3ons of the deseription set forth beloiv (or such other description as shall be mutuallg satisfactory) in Lhe aggregate princ3pal amount of 5p184,000; (a) Obligor: City of Clear�vater, Florida; (b) Type; 'Negotiahle, sueeial obligation, Setiver Revanue, Serial, Coupon Certificate;� {c), Denominatic+n: yp1,000 (d) Date; September l, 1938; (e) In��rest rate and interest payment da�es: 4o per annum payable,semi�annually an March 1 and SeptemUer 1 in each year; - , r'_" t s (f) Place o.f Yayment: At the office of the City Treasurer in Clearwater, Florida, or at the option of the holder, at a bauk or trust com- pany in the Borough of Manhattan, City and State of Ne�v York; (g) Registration privileges; As to principal orily; (h) Maturities: On September l, in amo�unts and years as follotvs: �4,000 in 1942 to 1945, inclusive; 5,000 in 194G to 1950, inclusive; 6,000 in 1951 to 1954, inclusive; 7,Q00 in 1955 to 1958, inclusiva; 8,000 in 1959 to 1961, inclusive; 9,000 in 1962 to 1964, inclusive; 10,000 in 1965 to 1J68, ].11C�.t13�4@. {i) Pagable as to boti�.principal and interest from and secured by an exclusive firsf lien upon and pledge ' of the groas revenues of the entire se�vorabe system of the City of Clearwater, after deduction oE the reasenable cpst of operation thereof. 2. This oifer is conditioned upon: ( a:) The �rali�.ation of the Revenue Certi#'icates by decree �f i,ue Circuit Court of PineZlas Gounty, Florida, and (�) The Applicantts submitting, prior to payinent b� the United States of America for any obligation which it herein offers to purchase, proof that it has adopted an ordinance or ordinances fixing separate water and setiver rates, whicll seyver rates sha11 be adequate and reasonable for the fac3.lities and ser- viees afforded by the setver system, and uxhich ordinance or ordinences slzal7_ provide for joint collection oz ctater and sewer charges from all premises using botr services, an.d for the suspension of water service due to non-payment of eharges for either or both service�. 3. By acceptazce of this Offer the Applicant covenants to begin zaork on the Project as early as possible but in no • event later than 8 yveeks from the date of this offer and to complete such Prc�jeci; with al]. pract3cable dispatch, and in any event within 10 months froxn the counnencern.ent of construction. UNITED STATES OF AP�iERICA Federal �ner�enay Aclrninistrator of Public Works, By H. A. Gray, Assistant Administrator. be an.d the same is hereb5 in all respects accepted. Section 2: That said Citg of Cleaitivater a�rees to abide by all tLe T�rms and Conditions o�' said ozfer, incluclir.� the Terma and Condi tions ann.execi thereto and made a part thereof . Soction 3. That the Citg Manager be and he ia hereby au�horized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Administrat�:t�n of Public ttVor:�s three certifiod copies of the pro- ceedings of t�.e City Couunissior� in conr_ection with the adoptior. of this Resolution, settin� f orth this resolution in full, ancl such furuher documents or proofs in connect3on with the accoptance of eaid offer as may be -requested b� the Federal Emor�ency Adminis- traticn ,uf Public VVorY.s. ?�. A. MARSH, Mayor-Cammissione�. 1 � ,u .: v4'� The above resolution was seconded by Mr. Batchelor and was adopted vrith the follozving voting a�ye: �, A, Niarsh, J. A. Barry, D. 0. Batehelor, and R, L. Balier, and the fo11o1ving votir:g nay: none . The I�tfayor-Commissioner {;hereupon declared said Res�lution ��',�j-' carried and the said. Mayor-Commissioner thereupon signecl said resolntion ir� approval thereof. ��� �--- � � Moved by Mr. Satchelor, seconder� by i,2r, Barr�, and carried, that the City purchase �k50,000 of delinquent tax notes at 24, now, and �50,OQ0 more when ftuids are av�.ilable, subject to approva? of Mr, PolhiTl and Mr, 8atterfield; also that 2 points be paid to complete the purchase nf �84,000 heretofore contracted for. Mr. Theodore Skinner addressed the Comm3.ssion, asking �or a donation toward expenses of a sound. truck to the California convention of the American Legion. The � matter was taken under advisemen.t. Mr. Bouis preser_ted a letter, claiming �hat the City could proceed more cheaply unu.er tNpA than Pt�tA, to bui.ld the proposed sewer system and disposal plant, I�Ir. Bouis was informed that tre City Go�i.ssion would be glad to meet �vith any cov�nittee 114r. Bouis ,may present, vrho c�n show how the project could be financed under ti�IPA. Moved by I�r. F3arry, seconded by N1r. Batchelor, and carried, that the Citg accept �250 oifer for Lot 2 B1oc1c B, Palm Park. Application from Mr. F. I. Gates for position as assistant building and sanitary inspector was presented. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr, Ba�g, and carried, that the application be received and filede Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry, and carried, that the City Nannger be aut�orized to bug a second hand trucic for �500.aQ, Moved by r,qr, Baker, seconded by n4r. Bata11e1or, and carried, that tlie City Manager be authorized to mal�e the follor�3ng purchases: 2000 bu, iron oxide, Blowez �or the gas plant, 2 notv a.zd 2 in one year, Car pipe from Whitesell Hdw, Co., �2074.81. Mr. Batc7ielor introduced the follovrsng resolutiont _ _ _ . _ �_� . � RESULUTION QF TAE CTTY CONt��fISSION OF TFIE CITY OF C.i:�EAR�"fATER, FLORIDA, URGTNG Th� STATE HZGHWAY DEPARTIt4ERTT T0 PROVIDE FOR COIvIT'LETIOi; QF THE HIGFNIAY IfNOWId AS TfI� "GALL�IHAN CUTOFr," Wf�REAS, Automobile trafi'ic enterii�g into and going out of the State of Florida ia becoming increasingl;� heavy, and VJHEREAS, the proposed highway known as the �'Callahan Cutoff'� would greatlg facilitate the movesent of said trafflc and be of great benefit t o the people of Florida, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CO2t�Il1'[ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLOR�A: 1, Thatr the Honorable Ar-chur B, Hale, Chairman of the State High�a� Department, and other �embers of said department, bE: and tlzey are hereby requested to use all facilities at their disposal, and to peti�;ion ior fu�ds from whatever source t11oy may be available, for this purposa, w�.th a vieVr of comp:leting said "Callahan Cutoff" svhich has been desi�nated as "State Aid Road No . 13 . �' . 2. That a certifieci copy o.i this resolution be furnished the State Road Departiment at Tal3ahassee, Florida. PASSED AI3D ADOPTED by the Gity Covnnission of the City of ClearvQater, Florida, thi� 18th .day of July� .�. D. 1938. (Signed) .L, A. MARSI�, , Ma�o r-C omini s� I.oner . Attest� J', E. SAT1^ERFIEZD, �i�y Auditor and C1erk. Moved by I�1r, Batchelor, secondecl by IvTr. Barry, th�.t the resolution be adopted, and upon. .roll ca11, the f�llotiviizg vote v�as polled: Ayes: Marsh, Barry, Baker, Batchelor, Nays, none, whereupon the Mayor-Cor.nn3.ssioner declared the resolution duly adopted, and: sign9d the same. Mo��ed by rnr. Batchelor, secondeci by Mr. Barry, and carried, �hat due to arror in 1'VPA delirxquent tax surveg, Mts� Estelle Baker be allowed to settle paving lien against her proper�y at 20¢ on the dollar. Mr. Batchelor introauced the followin� resolution: 0 e R�SO�'f3�IEiP� AU''i�IIiJRT_ZZ�7G �3 AIRE�3'II:4 EX,L+`GU�TOn? OF 1), �� � fi'�'r G� CS+�*i�` QF Ci�,E1FiF�'1��,'�R Oi�X pROP�;Fi� �3"Afi7� '�� �C?�T`i'f� k'Oi�`1' �R�S£?*�i AV�PIUL yE?'�t�.'II �x I3�Z,I3�V:C�1 R8A33g Sii�T3 i'R�3P�R`T`3t' B��i;�� G,�OI�ii�L� ii� �� 1^�P3PA CiT�l? GTTLF GaAST %'AiLRd� Cd�.'P�2:Tl Tfl TP� �30Ai�i Ql+" �OtJi7TY CQP,iF?T.3S�f31�� Ok ��P�.�,T�Y�l4S qtfit'.L�'a I+'i,i�Ri�A.. �°i1�Ti:��:3� Hy �r�€td3. �3oxs c1�,3.;q gt�ac�d �nd tado�s�ad i�j �he �oc�d p�' Ccsr�ra.i�e�.o:�os � �f �I»ca f; � �y o� ��er�>ra€��a�� t4ay "I� 2,938� � � i7c� �iso3rted '�y' sa�d f3o� 1�ha� na 'bpee�.�. �m�ean��ts �vi3� b� �.�vv3�d 'hJ '�7a:q Cl�y cs�' C3.��t�a�er �o� 3mpro�emea��a �c�1.n�i; tFae �i�a.b€�. €�r:ci Cx�.F �o��s� Ra�.�:� roarl pro�q�t;q abu�is2� car�u3n gttrac�ls ��' lund ad��eent tc� ��,t�i3 FQr�; Iiais�rl�ors �iv�rnz� �ou�..�'a o�' i3e3.�.ov3e�r Ragdp ��oh n�tid t»aC�iL• rri23. '�e i.i�s�a€t��er d�edee� to �ha i3oa�i. nf Gonan9.ss�.o�4rs o� k��.z�e�.3as Css;�zznt� �'or r�.gh�-of�ay p�zz�pos�s, ea§� ic�d 'kse��; ��a�r�Qa� �o� �:Faa F;3dan�n� aYtC1 %'eF1�3,�91�'� C1� S�t-].�A �d8.d 17E7a �.b�y �1d �`J`�?Et�;�S;ASf � ��.d £�a��o€�d �vmpFu�y �a clos3�cus aP i�tv3r.� �ho u3,gy o� G3.aart;a�.�a� �o�n �x� �Iaa ca�.�c�.s�3os� �� eaid ddee3 r��s a�ac�tst; ofl �gep pr�.� c�.��.esr� �erein �o���.�d r�9,t�. �aerc�n�o �v �o cotron..�sn�, eo�cox�3a�; �o �,OiT'��]'�.y1�, 47�' �F]90FJS1IIt3Yl{;0 �'Qi' ','f.��'0�79ii8Yifi9 '�"+Oy 03' �YIg '�".�Q 7�'+0�,30� Ai7Lt�•• �C�.a�� flai� �.�.ia�-o�«��.y at�r_�c� tiy f;I� pQ�,ti Ra3lr�amtll �So�sspEtn;�, as �o rt'r�.o�?a. �� aA3d c��4d ti9x3�,. p�bvit�� �.s �'Q3."! ou�s. t��h8 Gf 'L'jI GtY"Gl �h0 �I'01VYly �9FSC?3. S'Q�' 3'.'�383.�"� �J.:�f3 612CCfl�E3�'..�"S'S"f3' €3rad rzn�3gr�t�: �ni� �e� ��� for '�� c��o�, by � ta �a3�de� �.Yi i:� 8i�E3f,�t1'�;�.Ol? O�' �i�' A'.�.X1t301?�,`t1�'0 Cf�V81�€1T1'C�1 €1S2C1 F1g3�00a tha� nca 3:ev�y o� €�eea:aa�can�� �'or� os �a �o�spoe� o� �ha �'���p, ��v�3 �r fl�lio� �nr�o5reaz�z�� o�' aa9.d 3�9.�3av��� i3aa bee�p o� [^r5.�.�. at or�y {�:L.-ae �ic��oa�`ter 'fsfl m.�,s3a b� �.fs� �.�s �uC�o��ogs o� .aes3�sl�sa �2) c��3ns� ��:e iFa3c1 c�� �x�o�� ��nz�� a� ��� Rrx32�aac1 C�pa�v�� ��s ���ap�or� cr� aaa9.�n.a� d��e��.bect�izv �ao2�� ox� or port�o:�, �.� sn�r� �f sa�c� €����,ra � �crc�� vi 1�$ c� as�g pat� �bt�xoo�� �,o� oi� hs�ea��ss� :Laaa�ed tv3�i13n �ho r�aapecs�3vt� bcnand���sn� $�,m�.�s�,, Q� �ur3�d�c�3ons o�" ��.€� ��,��p and �a,a �'o��, s�or �bj ��aix��� ui3O �F1�.1.1"C?E3G7 ii0ffi�J&�is'g �.�E1 �lt$'1,3f3@8E30i�Fi pi' Q£�16�,�,�T1:9,� Cz9 ���! atvra�r �sf sp3d �,'��u�t3.n� 7,a�ad 6x� pra�ao�y. �' �'J ~ . �. .. . � �i ;: ( + � t3Q�7 mI�F'Uit�E, �E �� �OT,`V.�D �Iin� �l�e C;t�sy o� C�.d�tti��e3� �o;igz 3az �ha �ocsu� 1 on o�' t�a3� ;doscl Fo� �Yia �rwc�r�aa� hera�.z�bQ�fls� sc�� �'or�,is�, a�d �.lao �?ayo� ar�d Gi�y ��.�rt� of �he C�.�y Q�' C�.E�Q�'�1L•1���' ' Ya�s„ �3 ti�e� arog }�ors��igt t�u�Iu�a�.�Qd and c��e►cs��c3 �o axE�t�u�e pu3.8; f��4$: �'Ol' E111� Q� �Ox1F3,�.�.' OS �`"i�1� "f,'1'ifj t?�' fi7 �@X'[iEl't',t3$'r PAuS&� ��`�€3 ,A�101'�'ED b� �i.?a C3-'�'9` tl�.es9.o�i o�' �I� G:ii,y a�' G'!Qt,�eva�o�, P3o7�3cleez,� �3a�.� 3.Bi�, d�y o�` �'ca�.�J.a �a i�� 3E3u0o ( 84 �nQe1,�„ L• A. P,Iax�sl� i3�OX'�^ OYm119.A&��Yd��' t1���a'L': �. E. 9Et�'�4*'i``3.e�ti tt Ox' � a Moved by i�l(r. BatcLelor, socondPd by Mr. Barry, tliat the resolution be ad�ptecl, and upon r�oll call, the folla�ving vote was polled: Ayes; Marsh, Baker, Barrg, Batchelor. Nays, None, vrhereupon tlle rllayor-Commiss:L�ner declared the reso3sut�.on duly adopte�ls ancl s�6gned tY�e same. hdr. B�tchelor introduced the rollovaing resol.ution: � a , . ��ti !-` � ���za�.m�or� �cc�� r�io��i�ntrnt APPT,3Ct�.T:COF3 Ft��JfiP�,il'I?Ti3I�i ;�. TtLSULtTT�OId Aii`i�IpFeTZS2+F3u �'��E CI.'i'Y' {i1µ' CL�RF7A.�iERg FGORZI7A '�'4 �+'Z�E AN APPL,SCATiON �'Q `L'E3'E tfT7�`t'E� S.:A'L'�$ Q�" AL?EiiZCA TIIFtO�'l3li TIT� �'�,75EI�A� L^i:'C�R�EI7t;Y A.D."�?�i3Tw?�ktA�I01C'r fl£` �'iT�LIt; iJ+�i'iiCS �'�i�i �4 T�t}AT3 ATiD �RASI� �0 AiD I�1' �+`ZY,AP�CIiiC ?'� P�O�'CtS�D �Tt7Iq�PAT, ET�CTT?iC Pp�'T�i �EtJ�;;A�'Z1�C� AiJll DZ�xRIf3iT'i'T�2d SY��TP:i, �h�dD ATJ��{3:iZZIT1G �IE GI°�Y Y,7AtdAC�ER �'t3 f�AV�' I5ut3�] T��FIT3ICf:.'�A� �C2"�?TC Pt3��R GEI�FtA'iI�TC AIII� DZS t1�7CI3U'I'?'fl17 SYST�� �';T1VETi� L'QY3D8 OP a;HE CI'Z'Y Q�` Ci, AR�J�i�ER TO k3�Ai2 -r�ax�Es� �� �� �� ���� A�r� �o r� ��,:�E� ZIV' i3t3"L' T�ORE `t'ITAN "�TL14TM.i'�' �20� Y�Ra AT�IY? E3E iN m0'�A�'s A�1l4Uk+i�.' 6S� 4F ;1�iE Tt�.4W F Q�1I� Ai1i3 GFt�.T3T �'EiAT �7A�' I3E 0�3�'ATY�I� T'�?� s'�E PtT£tt�OSE' On COT�STRUCT�i�G �'F� �'R�3�'05,�13 �ZgSTFt�t. �SE I30S5DS TO EE � I�'ii,�w"1' F,�L�I� OIF '�'IIL; T�'LTlE��CS�AL �,'LE�C2'£tZG POtTER C7EP±;�.�.'t'�3�("r AND D�:iTR��tfT?'C� �X'S`,i' �' �1TrD �'I� Ii�UEP�QE TI��FEF'tt OYd� A�,SO P»�3'i'?i0R�Z2TJc;t `�IE El�li'X ii.T�Ai����i it3 S�� 11S�D� FR�h� `.t'I3E' FtI:''•U`Etdll3�'S" C3�'.C�l�T�E'+.�3 �' .ti1i�[ il�' �}P�P2A`�OS� C3E' `.�'FiL'' .�iX"vil,''I'd , S'i�CFT�tA-r�.�TO'fJP1T� �St��dt3L� I3�; REQIIF�iEi` 'a0 i'A?' � a•T7�'�3�','3' t�T3li PRIfiT4t3.PA1.! .�`IT�A:�s+p €?�V LkP_��E �L�I'JI?eS, �30 �.'� Pc96£i�GG'f3 Z1,�' 'L"'YIO Ci�'G,y {",OiYI"i,1�E4�'.�.ifli �S 'i',F1tj �i�,'�S;J' C1�' C + e��rraf:o��,� P"lts�lc'l�;�: �i�.€t� g� ��'G'1'�d�?�T Z� �':zo �i:� Ps�-��A� t�� �.x,�, 20 �za��in�3zeri t�n�Q �nat�.�u��ed to fs�e ar.� �},r���.cat�an �;o �Le '��.��r3 ����es ca�' tLm.���ca �Yaroug�. �i�a �'ocie��. ]�Y�o��;on�� Acla��:n2�s��n��ca:�. o�' �'uE�?9.e �"o���s i'o?� �: ��a� a�e3 Gr€�� t;cs €t�.c� �a ��.x�.c:i.� �cht� con�t;xx�u��3.crr o� �. P1t�+3e:Lp�.3. ��vc��L� €'c3r�e� Ceoxiara�2i�?� And ]��s��2.iitat;�o� Sys�om�, ��CTIt?i�? 2� Tia� C9:i;y �?a�a;eu �ir� �t� 3.�: �.z?��h���.�ec� anci 3azgts�.a�to�. �o �► aaue �2ux�.e3.�cs�. �3.�c�r� cg �v�oa� �ene���;�x�; a�c1 I�i.�+crib��io� SJ��om P,ot�ak��ae L3o�d.s of the C3t� Q� C2ea�a�ory. �o be�s� L�ztomoa� :a� 4� �os.� az.n�� ex�d �c� tsta �edap�o�. s� rao� ��+�o ��a�7 �;y����-.�i �2f�� �yac�s�s i�r� b� ��a �o�;a�, ar�ous�a� 5�� m£ ��iE �o��.�, ao€�.a �ri� ��� �;la�� �� Ue r�u��a.2z�ec1 �a� �h4 �u��ase Qf oana��ae�2x�, the }�a°apo�o� aya�o�ts �'�i��o �a�arl� ve� be � �'� �sic 3.�e�a on i;ho P�an�.a�.p�� �1eat�r� ��Q�x� Gor�ez��9.riE;; ara�. 73�a�r�.�u�3c�xa. S�s�em and ��ao revon�a�. ��.ar��'�oan. a��'I'Z�1V 3� Th0 C2�;� �ana�8� be �c� ��s e���tor9;ze�. at2t1 �nav�tae�oc2 �o so� ag�.cte ��om �lie re�rextu�s a�t�lr�oa irQ� �;�o ope�a��ns� ��' �h�.e ��n�otia ��uch �vnur3.�� ae rrJ.1�. Y�o �oqu�,r�od �cs pay �Yzo �n�aroa� azu3 pr�.na�.pa� ehur�se oxs these Uo�dq; P�asaed a�.d Adap�od bg i�he G9.�,p Ca��.as3taaz o� the C2�* t��' (;loarrra�o�D T�'7�s�x'�.r3e�a th3s ���31 �€i�r sa� �i't�33.:9', Au 1?a �938� T�s .Aa �rYa�sh �Ta.yt»pt;o��s€�� 4xie&� Atico€s��� . �1. �$ �a�isorf'2.o`+e1 V:�.� �i.7.i�:'�"i��' �`: �'i�F]i��i Moved by Mr, fiatchelox', seconded bg IVir, Barrs, that the resolution be adopted, and upon roll call, the follov�in� vote was polled: A�ess Marsh, Batchelor, Barry, Baker, Nays, none, vinereupoiz t�he Mayor-Commisaioner declared the resolut�hu�n duly adopted, and a�.gned the sama. i� } �`� Mr. Batclzelor in�roduced anOsdinra:nce "RegulAting Solicitors and Canvassers in the Citg of Clear�vater�� for its first reading, and moved 3ts adoption. Sec�nded by Mr. Bal�er. Upon roll call, the fo1l,�eving vote was polled: Ayes: Marsh, Batchelnia Balter, Bnrry. Nays none. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barrg, and unanimously car.ried, that the rules be waived and the Orr�inance be read for the second reading, by title only. , The iitle having been read, Moved by Mr. Batchelos, �econded bg Mr. Baker, that the rules be fur�her rvaived and the Ordi.nance be passer� its ;second reading. Upon roll call� the f olloxring tTote �vas poll8d: Ayes; Marsh, Bariy, Baker, Batchelor. Nays, none. tNher•eupon the Mayor-Couunissioser declared the Ordinance du1� passed its first and second readings. There being no z"u•rther business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. N yor or.uniss oner Attest: - ..-1 � L� i u i or er . , :. _._._,�._.._..�._ _. _�_. �.._�..__� _ ,,. _.. . _ . ��_... .. . _ ... . � ._ _ . x. . _ .,_ . _ a �