06/20/1938. � � Y . , � . . . � . . .....7 � ' �� � �� , i � �� � ; : _ . � i ;:� ,� , . . . MINUTES OF � CITY GOMI�iISSION - M � � June �0, 1938 TY�e City Commission of the City of Clearvrater, FZorida, me� ',: � , on June 20� 1938, in regular meeting assembled, �vith the following � , . members present: '` Mr. D. 0. Batchelor Mr. J. A. Barry ' Mr. R. L. Baker Mr. $erUert Grice • � , , '' _ It was movc�d by M'r. Ba�cclzelor, seconded by I��, Barry and carried that the proposition of Mr. 'Nilder' to deed to the City�one��ia.al� of a `• ••_ certain properties 3n consideration of cancella�ion o� delinqu�nt taxes on the athnr haiP oP said property be defer'red. � It ,�va� moved by I�r, Batc:nelor, seconded b� �ir, Barry and carried . ' tkia.t the Cit� Manager '�ave a survey made to deterraine whether or not - Mr, tNilder�s garage is in Palm Avenue on CTearvrater Beaeh. • 2t tvas moved by �r, Batchelor, seconde� by Mr� Barrp and carried ` � - that the appl'icatian. of Mr. Butler for lease of a 7.00-foot docl� space � on the Islarr7, be referrad to Mr, Nichols for investigation and report. A lettor from Mr� J. C. ;Dryden was read complaining of alleged ' ' - - discrisnination by the Police Department in the matter of havin� � wrecl�ed cars cleared fror� the highway. fihe matter �vas discussed ' with the Chief of Police. It was moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded . by Mr. Grice and carried that the matter be tabled. . � The f'o11ow3ng resolutionsof the Safe-ty I,eague were presented: RFSOZIITION. ; ' Wf�REAS, the Clearwater Safe�y Leagua has been endeavoring to ' reduce the motor accidents 3n Cloareva.ter and to aid this program ha,s b�en notifying vr�riaus persons who have been reportefl as viol.ating regu.lations, and WF�REAS, There is sti11 in the opinion of the League officials more violations of the traffic ordinances than there should be, aud WI�REAS, th� Zeabue bel3:eves that for ths sa�'e�y of all Clear- ' wdtes citizens that tra�fic ordinsnces should be obeyed. � TI�+'REFO:RE, BE IT RESOLVEl� BY TFIS COMMIT'1TEE DF THE SAFETy I,EAGUE, �o ask that bhe City Commission give i�s approval to a strice 3�fores- , msnt program for traffic ordinances by the City Police Force. PASSED AND AaOPTED t�i3.s 1�th day oi' June, A. D. 1938. (Si�ned) R. B. Norton, � Chairman. , � . i _ 1 _ _.,. ..� � � "��� �,=� ' BESOLUTTON ._.._...___---. WI��REAS, the Clear�vater Safety League hae ask�d the Citg to take ateps �o clear up the unsatisfactory numbering situati�n in Cl.earwater, and WHE�EAS, The City has notiv l�een gcouted and reports have been made to `�onie otivners of improper iiumbers a,n� lack of numbers, �.nd tNHEREAS, the orclinanee i� nov� in a po�ition to be onforced, with the result that thase errors and omissions will ba corrected, NOW TIi�REFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS C014�MITTEE OF THF CL�AR:� YYATER SAFETY LEAGUE, that the thanks ofthe League be express�d �o the City for its cooperation and effort in this connection, and to express their belief that this action wi11 be of banefit to a17. Of the Co,n,m�n; ty�. PASSED AND .ADOPTED by the Clearvrater Saiety League this l�th. day of June, A. D, 1938. .. (Signed) R, B. Norton, Chairman. It zvas moved bg NIr. Barry, seconded by Mr. Batch��lor and carried that the Police Department be ins�ructed to carry out the regulations of the Tra=fic Ordinanee. It was moved b� �Ir. Barrys seconcled by Mr. Grice and carried tha.t the City I4fanager be authorized to buy a two-yeara� supply o�' bric2� for rechecking at the gas plant. It v�as moved by Fdr. Baker, seconded bv l�r. Batchelor and carriod that Mrs. Whitledge 'k�e alloured to pya taxes on la.er propertg on �tha same basis as if it had been paid in 1935, and tnat yG150 L� acc9p-ted as partial pafinent of this amount; tl�s arrangement due to a m3s- unclerstanding at tl�.e time of , p�ying some of her taxes in 1535� Mr. Ba»ry in�roduced an ordinance to establish a charge �or sev�er ser�?ice in tYie Cit� of C1earPrater fo:r its first reading, It was moved by 2JIr. Barry, seconded by Mr, Grice that the ordinanee be passed its firs� r.eading, and upon roll call the �oliowing vota was polled• Ayes: Mr, Batchelor Mr. Baker blr. Barry Mr. Grice Na�s: None Absent and not voting: Mr. Marsh V'lllereupon the acting Mayor-Cormnissioner declarad the ordinance passed its first read3ng. . , a; y:J. ' Mr. Barry introduced Ordinar_ce No, a25 �or its iix�st reading. Tt was moved by Mr, Barry, seconded by Mr, Batchelor iha.tuthe ordinance be passed its first read3n�. Upon ro11 call the follotiving voto was polled; ' Ayes: Mr. Batchelor Mr. Baker Mr. Barr� Mr. Grice . Nays; None Absent and not voting: M•r, Marsb, ' It was moved by PEr. Barry, seconded b� fdr. Batc:nelor that -�he rules be waived and tlze ordinanco be placed upon, its second reading i�mnediately 'by title only. The ordinance having been read bg title, it was moved by IVIr. Barry, seconded by hTr. Batchelor, that t1�e rules be �zrtZZer waived and the ordin�nce be passed its second readirig. IIpan roll call the fbllotivinF; vote was polled: ' Ayes: M�. Batchelor � Mr, Baker Mr, Barry � Mr. Grice � Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. b2arsh It was movedby IvIr, Barry, seconded by NIr. Batchelor and unan3mously carried th.at t:ae rules be further tivaived and the ordinance be placed upon its t�.rd and final reading in i'u:Il 3mmediately. The ordinance having been read in full, it was moved by I�r. Barry, secorYied by Mr, Batchelor that the r�ales be �zr�her �rai.ved and the ordinance be passed its third and final reading, Upon roll call the follosving vo�e was pollad: " Ayes: Mr. Ba�chelor T�4r. Baker Mr. Barry Mr. Gr3ce Nays: None . Absent and not voting. Mr. �iarsh VVYiereupon the acting Mayor-Couunissioner deelared the ordinance duly passed ana adopted and signed the same, as follo�rs: ORDINANCE N0, 425, :AN ORDINAiVCE REPEALIVG ORAIN.ANCE N0, 418 OF THE GIT� OF GLEARWATER, FI�ORIDA, ENTITLED: ��AN ^RDIN- ANCE DEPN�ING, REGIILATING AND GOVERNING PAINTING CONTRACTORS Wl'THIN THE CITY OF CLEAR4VATER, FLORTDA; REQUIRING EXAMINATION OF ALL SUCA PAINTTNG CON- 3'RAGTORS; PREuCAIBING THE TII�3E VdHETT SUC$ EXAId2=�ATION SH'AI,L BE CONDUCTED; SPECIb'�.'ING AND FIXING TIiE FEE FOR EXAt�4INATION; SP�CIFYINu AIdD FIXING THE AP�IOIINT OF THC OCCUPATIOIITAL LICENSE FEES EOR SIICH PAINTING CON- TRACTORS; LREATINC A BOARD OF EX.AI�4INERS FOR PATNTPiG CONTRACTORS; DEFINI�G THE DUTIES AND POPtiERS OF THE BOARD; SPECIFYING AND PROVIDING PENALTIES E'OR THE VTOLATION OI+' THIS ORDINANCE. �� � . . � . ,� _ ...._.....a�..�. _ � . � �. .. � . � .�_.._.�.� . � . , .... . . .. . _ ._. .__.__�_.. ._. _. . _._ ..�_-»<:._.... , :.. ...�—Jdr.. _ .. .. ' . , r - : �, .: .._�y-' _ _ �.I � `� • BE IT ORDATNED BY THE C2TY (;Oh4MISSION OP THE CITY OF CLEAR4VATER, FI�OR�A: � Section I. That Ordinance No. 418 of �he City of Clearwater, Florida, entitled "An Ordinance Defining, Regulating and Govarnir� Contraators within �he Ci��y of C1ear�rater, Florida; Requirin� • Exsmination, oi a11 such Painting Contractors; Prescribing the Time when such Examinati on shall be Conduc�e�.; 5pecii`ying and Fixing the Fee for Fxamination; Spe�ii'yin� ancl. Fixing the Amount ci' the Occupational Zicense Fees for Suc�: Painting Cr�ntractors; Creat3n� a Baard of Examiners for Painting Contra�tors; Defining the Duties snd PorYers' oi' the Board; Spaci�ing and Providing Penalties For the Violat3on of this Ordinance,° be and the same is hereby repealed. Section 2. AlI Ordinances or parts of 'Ordinances in conflict herewith are hereb� repealsd. Seetion 3. This Ordinance aha1T become effective immediately upon its pas�age. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City o�' Clearavater, Florida, this the 20+� day of �une, A. D. 1938. ' (Signed} R. L. BAKER, Acting Mayor-Coramissione.r Attest: J. E, 8atterfield, Cit� Auditor and Clerk. There being no �"uu.rther buainaas, the meeting was thereupon ad jou2�nad. . �, � • '�--�, ^ c zng ayor- o�� mmissioner Attes+• � �i . Au or ' d , s� � _ _. _ �� � i) : � ;I ; , I �� � � I �; �� D � MINUTES GF' �'HE CIT'I COIl9MISSION July 5, 1938 ' The Citg Cor�¢nission of the G3tg oP Gleartivater, Floricla, met on the 5th day of Ju1y, �.938, in regula.r mee�ing assembled, with the following msmbers preaent: Mr. T,. A. Marsh, Mayor-CoTmnissioner Mr, D, 0. Batchelor Mr, R, L. Balcer Pdr. J. A. Barry It was moved by Mr. Satchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carried that the proper cit� officials be authorized to file an application for an additional section of tre Library Project. A petition �ras filed asking �hat the City Carmnission call for a vo-�e of the paople on �he proposition of a sevrer charge to be added to the wa�Ger bill. V�.rious people addressed the Com� mission in this regard, the majority of those greserzt favoring some sort of sewer usage charge, Aetion upon passage oi' the ordinance was de�'erred until the survey of actual users shall be completed. It was moved bg M.r. Batchelor, seconded by Nis. Baker and carried that t hs City Manager be authorized to emnloy an engineer to file an application with PWA for an electric generating plant and distribution system £or tLe C3t� of Cleaivvater. The follo�ving cancellations of inter fund balances were presented to the City Commi.ssion for confirmation: General �und oPres Gas & }�rg�er Fund, Net �88,247.43 Zotal Amount ovred to Nlater & Gas: Advances 1.15,73�.41 Interes� g�02 Less To�al Amount due irom Watsr & Gas (Repaid) 27 500,00 (See Above} 88, 47.43 General Ftu�d owes }3ond Interest r'i.ind 107�590:63 1936 Taxes �37,975.a5y 1935 Taxes 37,429,00; 1934 Taxes 3�,�86.58; Cancelled because of Ghange :in Tax Distribution, February, 1938 Delinquent Tax Note Fund owes General Funrl, ne� 26,79 Toi:al amount o�red to General Fund on ' Tax Split 2,550e54 L t R c�" ess amoun ecciva from Gen. F'�znd on Tax Split 2 523.75 (See Above) �"L 26�� I� -•=, ' � j y �, i ,. ... , a .._.�.,... __�. . ._ _ �._ __�._..� Delinquent rt'ax Note k�.ind Otr�es General Fund 24'316.55 (For old Tnterest Coupons (Radio Doal) , Del.inquent Tax Note F`und Owas Water & Gas Fund (For Coupo�s} 20,895.64 Delinquent Tax Note Fund oti+res Bond In�grest Fund (�'o Pl�ake up D. D.) 1,932,27 Sink3.ng Fund o��es Bond Interest Fund • (Net Amount to be Charged Off) 65,343,47 Ca.pital Fund Owe� Bond Interest Fund (To make up 0, D.) 1,17a.82 �iJater & Gas Fund o:ves General F`und (Radio Deal) 25,683.45 Stores F`�uid General owes Stores FLuzd Water and Gas, net 1,425.56 Total Amount owed to Stores fi�nd YJa�er & Gas 1683.72 T;�ss�Amount I1ue from Stores func3. . tiNater �u Gas 258.16 (See Above) L�. It was moved by Mr. F�atchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carried tha� the above cancellations be confirmed. It ivas maved by Mr. Batchelor, seeonded by Nir. Barr� and carried that the difference between the actual amount paid for coupons purchased by the Water and Gas Fund and 20� of the face �,�alue be transferred �'��m the Bond Znterest Fund to the �later and Gas Fund, There bei� no furthar business the-meoting was thereupon adjourned. l'U� J Mayor- ounni s s ione r Attes . , it Auditor d rk ' �