05/23/1938_ _ :
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May 23, 1938
�'Yie City Corrm�.ission of tize City of C1ea*,•tvater, �'lorida, met
an Monday, IV!ay 23, in regular meeting assembled, v�ith the folloiving
memhers present:
Nr. L. A, Narsht Mayor-�omm3.ssioner
Mr. D, 0> Batchelor
IJfr. R. L. Baker
Mr. Herbert Grice
Mr. ,T. A. Barry
Mr. L. G. Aboett representin� the Civil Service Board addres�ed
the Coimnission, s-tating that the Cicil Service Board had never in any
rray attempted to assert anzf authority as to the managemen-t of the Fire '
A petition was received raqussting that North For� �arrison Avenue
be resurfaced fro„z Eldr�dge Street Nor�h �o the sout:n end of the Sun-
burst 3uildin�, It vras moved by Prtr, Grice, seconded by IvTr. Barry and ,
carried that the State Road Department and the Gountg be requested to
resurzace tlis portion oi North Fort Harrison Avenue,
The Recreation Board, with I�2r. Frank J. Booth as spokesman,
appeared before the Ccsmnission Zvith regard t`o the loeatior_ of the
Negro Recreation Park. It rvas moved by Mr. Gric,e, seconded by P�Zr.
Ratchelor and carried that permission be granted for temporary use
of CountrJ Vietiv Estates Subdivision recentlg acquired bp the City..
St was moved by P,Zr. Baker, seconded by Mr, Barry and carried
that the term o f 112.r. Booth having expired, that he be reappoiiited to
the Recreation Board.
It was moved by Mr, Satehelor, seconded bg kr. Barr� and carried
tr_at the 1938 valuation of Lots l�nd 2 Block "C° of Bassadena be
reduced to yp510.00,
Mr. G. A. Stag� add:ressed the Commisaion ob�ecting to the
nL.i sr�nce oi painting odors at Iiayes � Av�nin� Gompang at Eldridge an_d
N��rth Fort Harrison Avenue, Mr. Ficht was r�qL�ested to call an early
ineei;ing of the �oning Board to consider the matter.
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1... I�t vras moved by IIIr. Batclaelor, seconded by Iuir. Baker ancl
, carr�,e�d that thE City Ii2ana�er be authorized to ne�o�iate vrith
�'� seti�er enginee'rzn� #'irms far the laying out a:' a setiver system and
disposal plant to bs covered b� a Pti�A 1oan. � '
A letter zrom Alle•y, Rehbaum Arid Capes was received oifor-
ing y�1,000 face value 3n delinquer��l: tax notes as paymont i�a full
for all taxes and improvemen,t liens on T�ots 6, 8, 12 to l9 inclus3ve,
21 and 22 of Block �'G°, �s.ncl I,ots 13 and 16 i:o 1�3 inclusive ii� Block
"F" of Kegstone P�anor. It tivas moved b� ?'l�r. Batchelora seconcled by
l�ir, Barr� and carried that the offer be accepted.
It ��as moved b� Tr's, Batc�elor, seconded by h?r. Barry aizd
carried that Ns. Bi�un.by be notified that he niust pay tY�.e k�1,Q00.00
noi:e lzeld by the City �vitlin thirtg da�s.
It Vras moved by iYir, Ba�chelor, seconded bg Nir. Bakei� and
carried that the Cit� Attorneg be instrticted to dra2t an ordinsnce
proi2ibi-Eir�;� the nu.isance of chicl�ens in the City.
• Iv�r. Batchelor introduced the follovving resolution:
ti�REAS, The City Counnissioners o= tre City of Clearrrater,
duly asgembled at a regu.lar meeting on tiie 23rd day of I�:ay, A. D.
1938; and -
' YVI�REAS, a quorum o� said Conimissioiier.s are presera:t as is
required b� tre City Gharter of the Cii;y oi Cleartvater, saicl Boa.rd
being in regular session for the purpose of conclucting the business
of the Cit� of ,Clearl�ater; and
�iTHEREAS, It has been made to appear that the Cit3� of Clear-
t�ater d�:d on tf�e. lst day of August, A. i3. 1935, en�tei: into a certain
indenture of lease vrith th� Cleartiva.ter Yacht Club, a non-profit
corporation; and
1YI�REAS, ; Ti� and by the terms oi` said lease, among other things,
said lease provic�es as follows:
"Said Iease f`urther covenants to mako no
. assugnment of said leascd preznise�, nor
to suU-let any portion of saJ,d 1.eased pre-
mises without t�e written consent pf the
• Lessor�'y
W.E��,'RrAS, It has been made to appear that it is necessary for
the said Cit� af Clearv�ater Yacht C1ub to secure a loar not to e�:ceed
tre sti�m of TlZree Thouse.nd(��3,000,00) Dollars, for 1:he purpose of re-
tiring indeb�ednesg and improving btiiildin� s located upon the leased
presmises as described in said lease; �nd
MiERFAS, it is deemed to the best in,tere�t �f al1 concerned
that said Clearvrator �'acht C�ub be given permission to mortgage and
pledge all oi' their right, �itle and irltereat in and to the leased
premises to secure the repayment of said loan unon such terms and
conditions as may seem pest and as may seem fair and reasonable to
said Clearrrater Yach� Club;
BE IT RESOLVED, THEREFORE, Ti?at in consideration ot the
premises, that �he per�i.ssion be an.d t;he same is hereby granted
to said Clearti�ater i`acht Club to enter into such ne�otiations
to take sucb.steps as aro necessary to secur•e a loan. in a sum
not to exceed Three Thousand (�P3,000.00) Dqllars for the purpose
ahove set forth;
BE TT FtTRTFLR RESOLVED, Tr_a.t permission be and is hereby
granted to the said Clear�vater Yacht Club to pledge, mortgage,
or Y�.ypothecate all of its leasehold interest in and to the
leased premises, to secure the repayment of said loan on such
terms and coizditions as to �he said Clearvrater Yacht Clnb shall
seem fair and reasonable;
BE IT FUFiTFI�'R RESOLV�'D, That a copy of tYus Resclution
shall be transmitted to the said C_learvreter Yacht Club signed
by thE Mayor-Commiss�.orier of the Gity of Clearerater and attested
by the City Clerl� of the� City of Clear�raterb
By L. A. Iviarsh,
h7ayor-Couuni s si oner
(IvIunicipal Seal)
J. E, Satterf�eld,
City Clerk.
It �+�as rnoved by �r. Batchelor, seconded by Iv;r. Grice that
the resolution be adopted, and upon roll call i;he follo�ring voLe
zvas polled:
Ages: Idr. Narsli
N?r, Batchelor
?�fr. B�ker
Mr, Barry .
'r,�ir. Grice
Na�s: iUone
Wf�REUPON, the I�Iayor-Comnissioner declared the said resolution
unanimously adopted and si�ned the same,
Mr, Batchelor introduced the fol.lotiring rzsolution:
iNI�RL'AS, Robert S, Brotvn, � citizen of C7.eargrater, has
erected at great expense on his property in Harbor O�zks a aeautif�,i.l
chime tov�er and has iuistalled therein a chime and electric ampli�'i-
cation thereof; and
WHEREAS, numerous citizens and nearbg residents 1�.ave requested
I4Tr, Brown to operate the said chime and amplify the same on some
schedule tivhich vTould perm3t the public to anticipzte the said programs
and enjog the same; and
WHFREAS, numerous of these citizens have requested the Citg
Connb.ission to designate a time Vrhich l'4r. Brown could consider an
invitation to operate the said chimes.
_ _ _ _ .. _ . _ � .-.,.:._�.i
�TOW TSEREF013E BE IT RESOLVED, Tl1a� �he City Conm�a.ssion of
t�e Citg of C�earw�:ter in tho regular session cloes hereby designate
the hour of eight o�clock p, m, every.day .in the said weel�. as a
broadcasting period for the said cYiimos, and that suc�: programs
eYtend for a period not greai�er than thir�y (30) minutos on such
occasions; and furtner that iaathing herein contAined sha�.l in any�
iv�se prohibit the use of the chime clock on the ssid properi;y from
operating as it has been the custom in the past.
The f oregoing resolution SVRs ac�opted suld passed by the
Gitg Goimnission at a meeting held on �he 23rd day of I42a,y, A. D.
L, A. Idarsh,
Att e st :
J. E. Sattc�rfield,
City Auditor and Clerk.
It tvas nacved by Ns. Ba�chelor, seconded by n4r. Grics and
carried that the resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the
folloi�ir� s7ote was pollea:
Ages�: Ntr. ��iarsh
Mr. BatchPlor
Mr. Fsaker
I�r. Ba:rry
ll�r. Grice
NAys; None
WF�RE'tTPON, the i+4ayor-Carrunzssiorler cleclared the s�id re�o-
lution unaniniously adopted and signed the same,
I� Pras moved by P+ir. Batchel�r, seconded by Mr. 3arry and
carried that the followin� supplementary budget be approvedt
Groins .�"8, 000.00
Librar� 8,000.00
SidsNralks � Streets 1,000.00
Plaza Park Ditcr 4Vor� 5,000�00
Beach Storm Drainage , 1,500.00 �23,500.00
Crange Hydrants,Business District 400.00
Dravrbridge Gates 1 100.00
5,� 000,00
Mr. Barry introduced the folloiying reaolution:
Wl�REAS, The City of Clearv�ater, Florida, has submitted to
1VFA a wator softenin� ancl purif�cat�on project, and said project
has been approved by them, and
WHEREAS, it appears that this later plan �r�ill more nearlg
meet the grov✓ing needs of �he Cit�,
TFIE CI'1TY' OF CZEAFiWATER, FLORIDA, in regular meeting assembled,
tlla� the prior application submi�ted to P�TA for a water soften-
ing ana purificat3on plant, their pocket Florida 1370, be
tivithdrawn, and that said pl.ant be built whe� 1;1�e City is read�
to proceed, uncler the �NPA program.
PASS�D AI�TD ADOPTED by the City Connnission of the City
af Clearv�ai;er, Florida, t7�:is 23rd day af IcIa�-, A. D, 1�38.
L. A, Marsh,
lrayor-C on�ni s si oner
J. E. Satterfield,
City Auditor and �Ierk,
St was moved bp i�ir, Batchelor, secondecl by P!r, Grice �:�at
said resolution be adopted, and upon r�ll ca11 the follo��ing vote
vras polled;
qyes: I�Ir, P�ar.sh
�Zr. �aker
I�'�r. Batchelor
idr . Barry
I4Tr. Grice
Nays: iVone
ti�P�UPOId, tre L�ayor-Coimnissioner declared the saicl
resoli;�tion un.animously a@opted and eigized th2 same.
There being no fur.ther business, the meeting was therFupon
PvTayor-• ormnissioner
Attes . �
i y Auditor and lerk�
J'une 6 , 193f3
�'he Ci�Ly Comraission of the City of Glearwater, i�lorida,
r:met on the above date, in re�ular meetin�; assembled, with the -
followin�; members present: '
IL. A.. P::a,rsh, P�.��.,yor-Commissioner,
R, L. Baker,
J. A. Barry,
D. 0, f3atchelor,
fIerbert Grice,
�ommittee of Journey�an Painters apneard, requesting
� that the Painters' Ordinanee be repealed. A Comssunication from
the P:Iaster Painters' �`issociation vras read, askin� that the
r '
Ordinanc� be continued in i'orce. '
The T�ia�ter Painters and J'ourneyman Painters were
i,nvited to ha�� a joint conference with the City Conmi�sion at
' its next meeting.
� ,P��. Iv;yron Iioch aadressed the Commis�ion in re taxes
a�;ainst property of the Church of the T�azarene. I�Aoved by I�:r.
BaYer, secanded by %.� . Gricz, and carri��d, that the rsat��r be
referrzd to a com�tittee tivith not��ar to act. i.;r. Baker & P�ir.
Grice were appointed as the committee.
' ��'ir. Grice brought u� the r,2sttwr of taxes of lltrs.
Vollenweider, vrho�requests reduction of the amount �� the 1936
tax. The �atter was referz�ed to the City A�ianaFer. to chec� on
� �he assessed vaTue.
The Building inspEctor �vas instructed to requsst
' Hayes A�+nin�; Company to keep windov�s and doors closed �^rhile
, pa int in�; .
P3atter of Ordinance in re chickens was discussed
' but no action was ta�en.
The City ��tanager was instructed to write the Soaboard
, Airline Ry Go. in re tvhistle blo�vin� in city li�nits.
Communic�tion frora A11ey Rehbaum E, Capes tivas read
relative to abstract on lots in Court S�na��; Sub. itioved by
' �ir. Baker, seconded by Ns. Grice, and carried, that the mat�ter
be turned down.
� i�.Ioved by ns. �atchelor, seconded hy �"r. CTrice; and`K
carrit>d, that action rela�iv� to foreciosura of 1.o�ts in •
� Areeae Hill and Boulevard Pines be deferred un�til fall.
_ �
n Letter i'ron the State Road Department was read statin�;
: they ha,ve n� �'uncis in the pres�:nt bud��;t �oz• resurfacin�r Plorth
�'art Harrison �venue, but will consider ttie m�tter next year.
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nToved by Pfs. BatcY�elor, seconded �,Y : r. Baker, and
carried, that D:x. Brumby's salary �er maintainin� channe7; markcors
/ be applied eni;irely to rental of the marine ways, and that �he
"�;:, �i.;
amount be �300.00 per ycar, the rent to be the same amount. Also
};�' that �'or the prt:sent I4s. Brumby be perinittad to pay on �Ghe �p1000.00
mort�agz a� �he ra�e of �25.Q0 per montli until further notice. °+ <
� 1�2oved by �x. �atchelor, seconded by T�".r. Grice, and carried
� that the h;ayor and City P:Iana�;er he appointed as a aommittee witl�
' �� porver to �at, to �o to Atlanta to. make arran�ements for en�ineerinJC.
I �
for sewer disposal plant and sewer ��stem. 1
_ �
- __ _
I�!',r. Batchelor introduced the �allo�rin� resolutian:
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Nioved by ?��x. Batchelor, seconded by i"r. Barr,y, that the
re.,>olution be ad�ptzd, ana upon roll call, the follo�vin€�, vote was
poTled; l,,ye: T�ia.rsll, �=aker, Barry, �satchelor, Grice, Nays, none,
whereugon the ���awror decl red the rasolution �uly adop-��.d and
si�ned the sa�e,
There bein�; no further busin�;es, the maeting was
thereupon adjourned
l�::ayor-Comsnis s ioner
C't, l�udit�r � Clerk
�' •,
' i