04/18/1938� � i � ��{ MIl`lII'I'ES OF THE MEETING OF TF1E CITY COMMISSION APRZT, 18� 1938 1he C3ty Cnmmission oi' the C3ty oP Clearwater, F3:orida. met on Apr31 18, 1936, �.n regular meeting asaembled, �t'vit�. the folZovving membera praeent: L. A. Maxeh, Mayo�-Comm3.ssioner R. L. Baker J. A. Barr� Herbert Grice The Clear�rater Bee.c�. Progressive Association delegation at'�ended the m�et3ng o� the Co�mnission, anci. Mr. Paul Fusilio addresa�d. tho Commission to ask for better police pr�te�tion and that aomething be done about S�wera for the Beach. An �nvitation was extanded to the Mr. N3c:hols, Cits Manager, Mr. Rusaell, �}��f of Policse, Board:land to Mr. Po1h�11, Citg Attorney� ta m�et with the Asao�iation Fridag I3igh$, April 22, a� 8: P.M. at the PaZm Pavi7.ion to diacuss these problems. Pdrs. Orr , Bay Avenue appeared before the Caunnission to complair_ about the chick�ns kept b� neighbors. She was advised bg Mr. Ma.rah to get in touch with Mr. NichoZs within a few days, aiter he had coaferred v�ith the City Attorney and Ch�Bf of PoZice in an effort to determine �laat relief cou7.d be given. ,�. Wm. L. A11ey asked the City Gommission. to caneel outstandin� city t�.xes and 3mprovement 13ens on certain. lots in Botalevard height8 in exchan$e for �p6s000.00 tax notea. He alao agreed to deed to the Citg any lots o'btained in Block B. It was agreed that the Connnissioners, Mr. Nicho].s tand BBs�, Alle� would meet at 2;� P. M, Tuesday, April 19 to go and vierv the lots, to determine whether this was a fair adjus�tment. Wm. L. Alle� presented ;�ropoeition to the City Co�ission that if the City would flxrn3sh tai� and ass3stance of the City Engineer, he would furnish other Iabor and material necessary to pa�re Glenwood Avenua from Cleveland Street �o Gulf to Bag, and to pave Franklin Street i'rom Glenwood to HighlF�d with �'mixed-in-glace" paving. 1�r. A11ey s1.so �greed that the firm of Al1ey, Rehbaum and C�pea �rould pay two-thirds oi the aost or aboui �40�.00 when t3ie City decided to put on a"seal�coat top" on these streets. Moved b� Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr, Bak�r, that the tar an.d eng3nserix�g services be_"i'urnis�.i.ed to pave with 'Tm3xed�-�.n.-p7.ace" pavement Glenwood Avenue from Cleveland Street to aulf to Bag,, and Franklin Street fro� Glenwood �o Ii3gh].�n�d., and upon rgll caZ1 the ioll�win.� vote vras �oiZea: Ayea; L. A. Mar�h, May�r-Corrnnisaioner J. A. Barry� R. L. Baker Herber� Gritse Nayst None Absen� and not votirig: D. 0. Batchelor. ; �� � ; Mr. Dan Beck appeared befare the comxniesion with reference to hia son Dan Beck. Mr. Marsh read a letter to Mr. Beck `erom the Civig 5�rviae Bos.rd. Mr. i�ersh requesteci I�r. Nicho]:s, C3ty Mar+ager, to confer wtth Mr. Abbett of the Civ1i Sarcice Baard and report baak ta �he Coimnission at the next meeting regardir� xequixe�nents concerning probationary, aecond and first �rade fireman. Tax adjus�ment� requested b� Mr. Stagg, Lester vicus and Trene C. Bohan were approveel uuanimouslg upon motion by ilr. Baker9 seconded by B4r. Qr��e. Tax Ad3uatment offer t�p M. L. Sha:v� of �50.00 to canael texes on his home in P1aza Parl. was denied. Mr. Barry introduced the following Resalution: � Y 3 3�3 RESOI,IITION OF' THE CITY COMI�ITSSION OF THE CTTY OF CLEARI�VATER, FLORIDA, FIXING THE �OIINT OF TAX AaSSESS�fENT ROLL, FTXING THE RATE OF TAXATION AND Z�.KING THE ANNIIAZ TAX ZEVY FOR Ti� YEAR 1938. WFIEREAS, The, Ci�� �anager of the City of Clearrtater, Florida, has submittecl an estimate oi the amount�of money necessary to carry on the City �overriment for the year 1938, and WHEREAS, the City Commissio�, has, in meeting duly essembled, examined carefu.11y, coneiderEd and approved the same, and. tNN�T�EAS, the �ax assessment roll has been submitted to the City C�oxmnission by the Equalization Board in correct forns; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIjE GI'PS' COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARVJATER, FLORIDA, in regular meeting assembled: First:� That the follo�r.i:ng schedule shall be and is hereby adopted as the operating bud�et for the City of C1ear�ater for t�e year 1936: DEPARTWENT 9PPROPRI�1mI0N Qity Mana�er �4,000.00 Citg Clerk�s Offics 17,800,00 City Hall, care & �aintenance 1,900.00 Legal E�penses 3,000.,00 Police nepar�ment 23,800�00 �''"'' Fire Department 15s700.00 Tnspection, (Bldg. etc.) 2,300,00 ;��` St. Cleanin� & Repairs 11,OOOo00 Street Signs, 53gnals & IvIarkings 1,50p,00 Sevrer bSa3.ntenance 3�000.00 � Docks & Bridges, I�Iaintenance 3,550.00 Garbage-Collec�3ons & Diapossl 11,500,00 Parks and t�e�reation- 13,500p00 "�•� Charity � 1,700.0^ , � � �� . _ __ _. �___�...�_.�_ ,. _. __-_. __...�__� ._ _ �.._. �____._. _.._ , ... ..._�w_,___.�._ .�.._:._,...._��._._ _ � � � � _ Del Oro Groves 900.00 Harbor Expense 600.00 Engineering �epartment 3,200.q0 Auditoritun l, 000.00 Ceme�ery Car�e 2, 400.00 Sanitation and Meat Inspection 3,700.00 Publicity, �hamber of Commerce 13,500.00 Jw�ior Chamber of Coirnnerce 900.00 Library Operation 6,000.00 Insurance 5,400000 Electricity 13,500.00 43ty Bui?ding Maintenance 2,650,Q0 Miscellaneous 4 000.00 a�f' Total Appropriation 1 ,0 O.QO Second: That al1 revernzos of the City of Cleare�a'ter other than collections of 1938 ta:�es on rea.1 and personal pro�erty be and �:hep ars herebr appropri�:ted for said operating 'budget. Tnird: That in order to meet the debt service requirements of the City of Clear�vater there is h.ereby appro;priated a sum of �84�786.00 from col].ections to be made from ad val.orem tax revernzes as hereina�.'ter pravicied for the year 1938, ior inte.rest acoruing from Ju3� l, 1J38,fto June 30, 1939, / upon ths follo�ing describad bonds issued by the C3ty of Cleartivater, b'lorida, bearing date July Z, 1536, and maturing July l, 1�J66, as follov� s: Series "A" Fiefunding Bonds 74,6].1.68 s° - Series r'Br� Refunding Bonds �,935v02 �-,� ;�:.� �. Se�ies ��C�' Refunding Bonds 4,239.30 � 84, 786.00 ,:� ; � E' . Fourth� That the sum of �103,647.00 be and 3s hereby a• „opriated for the sinl�ing fund o� the City of Clearwater, to be applied to tl�.e purchase of r�f`unding bonds as provided in the resolution passed by the Cit� Commission o� the City af Clearwater on the 25�h day of May, 1935, authorizing the ref'unding of the City►s �utstandir..g indsbtedness by the �ssuance ai' refunding bonds arxd delinquent tax note�, F3fthe That the sum. o� �27,567.00 be and 3s herebg appro�r�.ated to sup�lement other revenues of'the Ci�y fbr operating purpases. �; e 3�� Sixths That a total ad valorem tax levy of �216,000,00 is necessary tu raisa the aniounts herein appropriated; that the sum of �2Z6,000.00 be and is herebg assessed against all real and persanal property in the City o� Clearwater, as shorm in the ta:;i �ssessment roll. Seventh: That it is rereby detexzninecl that the follovring rates of mil.la�e ahall be necessary to raise the sa.id swns appropriated Por deb�t service and s aid rates of millr�e are hereby assossed aga�nst said Tax Assessmeizt rol7.: O1d Territor� 17 mills. F3rst Extensian 16 mills Second. Extension 15 mi11� Ei�hth; i'hat i� is hereby determined that a ta,� af 3 mills upon all proper.ty within said city nnt exempt �'rom taxation bg lava sha1Z be nace�sary i;o raise the said sums appropriated for operatin$ purpcses and said rate of millage is hereby assessed on all reaT and personal property upon said Ta;c Assessment Roll rot exemp;ed b� law from taxation. BE IT FIIRTF�ER RESOLZtED that the foregoing schedules and �ax rates be published in the City of Cleararaters and that the City Counnission shall meet in the City Hal1 of Clearvaater at 7:,�0 P. �3. on the 2nd da� of May, 1938, for the purpose of holding a public hear�ng upon sa3d intended tax levy, and the City Auditor and C1erk is hereby requirac3 to publieh a notice of 3ia.; h public hearzng, setting for�h. the time and place aforesaid for holding sueh meeting, together witr the propoged bud�et and tax levy as herein set forth, and unless sufficient objsctions shall be made at the time and place sta�Eee in said notica; said budget aiad tr� lez,ry shall stand for the year 1938e P�SSED AND ADOPTED by the City Co�mnission of the City of Cle�.xvrater, this 18th aag o�' April� A. D. 1938� Attest: J. E. SATTERFIELD,, • City Auditor a�d Cl.erk. i ( P .' ' . L. A. MARSH, Mayor-Commissioner � v , _ _._ __.� � �� y � f r, � ; � 3B � It waa moved i�y ir6r. Barry, seconded by Mr. (�riee and aarrieci that th.e �aid xeaolution be adnpted, and upon roll ca11 tYie following vote wae poZled: ' �Aye�: L. A, Marsh; Ma�or-Commissioner J. A. Barxy R. L. Bs]ier Herbert �rice Nays • P%r:e Absent and nat voting: D. 0, Ba�eheZore There bein� no iurther business, the me6ting vras thersupon adjoUrned. �/ / � T a�or-�omm �s on�r. Attest: � i �. ^�-._.:_ y�/ u or an C e �.% � d .—