03/07/1938� 1 , � i 0 MINUTL�'S 0'' THE Cl2TY' f�'02llPlftS`ION .• }� �� ! 7�b��t'� 7, 1938 The Ci��f Comm3.ssion of �he City of Clearwater, Florida, met on ' 1;he above date, iri regular mest3n6 asse�b�.ed, ��ith the followin� membe�s ; present: . �. �.. Marsh, Mayor-Commisaioner, � � D. 0. Batchelor, fierberb Grice, J. �. Barry, R. L. Baker. •� � Mr. 73a�chelor introduced the f'olJ.owin� resol�:tion: � RESOLUTIOTJ OF T1iE CZTY COP�![IS`_?IOIJ OF THE .• i CITi' OF CLE�R';;�.i'Ett FLORIDA, PRESCFtIBII?G . DI�POSI`PION Ob' TI�XES i�Gl•II1ST P130P�`RTIES +. FOi�ECZOS�L� BY THE CITY. i :'JI3ER�A5 the City of C1�arvrai:er` ia bein� and ��rill be put to considerable expense to for•eclose taxes and ass�,�sments on varioua properties in the Git� of Cl�ar��rater, and ; f !"IfIk:REAS the city has no available soureea of revenue`frorn tiahich to meet said exper�se, except from future sale of the propert�, and `.'Jtff;i�EAS in such c�.ses, taxes and assessments a�ainst the properties ; I are i;wre than the property could 'be sold for, THERERORE, B� IT REUOLV�, that when a propert� cora.es into tY�e f � hands of the City of Clearurater throu�;n. tax forealosure, that city i tax and assessment liens aoainst said property be ittmiediatel3 � cancelled, and the property be placed on the bo�ks as an asset of the Special Land Account at the latest assessed value of said properby. BE I^ FUR1^i�E�Z :tESOL�TED tha� �rrhen �a propart� so held is so1d, the proceeds therefrom, over and above the costs ol s�le, sh.a11 be credited to said Special Land Account, and at�plied against expenses of foreclosure of lands; ax�� surplus of r.eceipts to be subject to ap�ropriation by the City Commission for ang proper municipal purpose. , Passed and adopted by the Citz,� Corr�nission oi the Ci�yo uf C�earv�ater, rlorida, this 7th da,y of it;arch, 1938. � ( S) L. �. NIarsh, h3ayor-C orrnnias ioner .�tzeat: (s) J. E. Satterfield, Ci y Auaitor & C -.rk. . Moved by N"s, Batchelo,�, secondea. by Nr. Baker, t_h.at the resolution be ad'opted, and upon rQ11 ca11, the follotiv�ng vote �vas polled: . Ayes: l4arsh, Baker, Barry, Batchelor, Grice, Idayes, none, whereupou the Mayor-Gor,unissioner declared the resolution unanimously adopted, and signed �he same. NL'; v Ba�chelor moved the passrz�;e o� the meat inspection ordinance an its second reading. Seconded by IVir. 3arrg. Upon roll call, the fo11ou7in� vote was polled: Ayes: P:Iarslz, Batchelor, Barr�, Baker, Griee. Nays; None, ' whereupon the Mayoi-Cominissioner declared the Ordinance passed on its 58COriC� I'HB.CZlrig. Moved Uy P,Ir. Barchelor, seconded by r,4r. Barr;�, and, carrie�, that • La�s 5, 7, 9, 7.1 8c 13, B1ock A, Bassadena, be aold for �450.00, and Lot 18, Palm B1ut'f for �p350.00. Moved by IlZr. Batchelor, seconded by P�Ir. Barry,and oarr�ed, that .tlze City Mana6er be authorized to cAncel taxes on one 1ot in Avonclale, in consideration of a deed to a 1ot the City needs. : Mr. Batc�ielor introduced the foa,lowino resolu�ions � . ;....„. . ,.W:..t,..,.�..� ' ,,,�,,. , _ _ -- ,�_� _ _ , _ �..:� . ...�... >� _ _.�. ,...�.. . „�, � - w��w..i�.,Mz".bc..._,.�--..L....J'._�.-�-�..�:�._..._.,..c.�.-wuc% � . ..� �... �„� . . - ,n-+�u._ �_ »y�.- � � p RESOLUTZUN OF THE CTTY COMMTSSTON OI+ TH� CITY 0?� CL�:�.Rt`.r�1�'ER, FLORIDlI, PROVIDING - l�iGTHOD OP COMPIITATIOI� OF DELINQl'TENT TAXES i;�� OF T'TIE CTT� OF CT,E:1Fit°:t,TER, FLORIDA 1°7HEREt1S considerabl.e clerical worli is iiecess�.r,y to brin�; forward a statement of delinguent taxes on property in the City of C1ear^���ter, due to the fac� -chat varioLts values An.d milla�es have been used in prior years, and � �-JI�REAS Si:ate �nd Couri�s Taxes are sel;tled on the basis of the latest aasesaed value, TTiEREPORE, BE IT R�SOLtFED, that �the latest assesssd value of property in the Cit;- of Clear�vatei be used as a basis for settlement oi city-owr_ed delinquent taxes; tlia� the latest millage xate bg applied �Lo determine the principal of said delinquen-� taxes; and that penalt.�:es, interest and cost be iigured on the nevr principal, from and aiter �he actual sale date of said delinquer_t taxes. P_gSSED i�idD ADOPTED B� the• City Comrnission os the City of ClearL,rater, r sorida, this 7th dav of Ptiarch, A. D. 19�8. L . A . i�dar ah, Mayor-Corrnniasioner — Attest: J. �. Satterfzeld, �i Y�u �tor & C er . Moved by r�Ir. Batellelor, seconded by Nrr. Baker, that the resolu�;ion be adopte�l, and upon rol? cal1, the Yollotiving vote was p�lled; P_y�es: �arsh, Batchelor, Barry, Baker, Grice. Nags; None, tvhereupon th� Pttayor-Connnissioner declared the resolution tinani.mously passed, and signed the aamee There bein�; no further business, the meeting was thereupon ad�ourned. a r- r��nige oner � Attest: �_ . . . ! � r . . . . � . � . . � C�y Pax i �or & C er �. �� 1,�,% � _ �. �, 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '.a..Y. _� .. . . , _. . . . . ... . . . . . ' . . . . u 0 - _ 0 3�� MINUT�S OF TIi� CITY COT,�IIVLLSSION &larch 21, 1938 The,Ci�y Commission oY the City i�P Clearwater, Florida, met ' on the abo�e date, in regular meeting assembled, with the iollowing members presentc L. A. Marsh, Mayor-Commissioner, D. 0. Batchelox, J'. n. Barry, R. L. Baker, H b t G er er rice �; A spokesman from the meat d 1 ea ers oP the City addressed the Commission, No action was tr�ke:�� on the meat inspection ordina?�ce, ii; being held for further study, Moved by Blfr, Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry, and carried, that WPA be requested to proceed with both additio�s to the library. Moved by Mr. �atchelor, seconded bp Mr., Barry, and carried, that the water rate be amended to �rovide that quantities above . 10,000 cu. ft. be billed at the rate of 10¢ per h�.�ndred cu. ft. Mr. Batchelor introduced the follawing resolution: RESOLIITION RATIFYING, AUTHORIZING AND ApPRO�ING AGREEI1�tT I3A'�P�7 FEBftUARY $TI3, 1938, BETWEEN R�CEIVy`FcS OF SEABOARD AIRLINE RALLV�AY COMI'ANY AAID CITY OF CLEARiNATER, FLORTDA, RELATII�TG TO PIPE LINES IINDER SEAB0.9RD AIR �INE RAILWAY TRACKS, WHEREAS, the City of Clearwater has heretofore entered into an a�reement, bearing date of February 8th, 1938, between L. R. Powell, Jr., and Henr� W. Anderson, as Receigers oi Seaboard Air I.ine Railway Company; and- WfiEREAS, said agreement relates to' the mafintenance an.d repairs of certain �ipe lines under the railway tracks of the Seaboard Air I,ine Railwag Company, and . 'NHEREAS �aian� by said agreement t�e rights of the respective � parties in rei'erence to said pipe lines and the maintenance thereof _ h�ve been i'ully s�t forth, and WHEREAS said contract was on the Sth day of February, 1938, dulg executed on behalf of L. R, Powell, Jr,, and Hen_ry W. Anderson, . as Receivers of Seaboard Air I�ine Railway Company, by its ChieP Eng3lneer, on behsl� of the Citg o£ Clearwater by A. C. Nichol�, City Manager, and attested by J, E. Satterfield, City Clerk, NOW TH�R�FORE BE IT RESOI�VED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLE.ARWATER FI,ORIDA, th�t the execution of said contract on behalf of the City of Clearwater by its Ci�ty f�anager and City Clerk bearing � da•te of February 8th, 1938, by and between I,. R> Fowell, Jr., and �Ienry W. Anderson, as Receivers of the Seaboard A:Lr Line Railway Company, and the City oi' Clearwater, Florida, relating to maintena�ce of certain pipe lines under the railroad traeks ovuned bg said 6eaboard Air Line Railway Company, be, and the same is herebp authorized, ratified, approved, and confirmed. � n�'- u = i �••' - PASSED AND ADOPTED by �he City Commission of the City nf Clearwater, Florida, this the 2�st day of Maroh, A. D: 1938. L, A. Marsh Attest: Mayor-Commisaioner J. E, Satterfield City Auditor & Clerk There being no ft:sther business, the meeting was thereupon aajourned. / Mayor-C mmissioner Attest: � � �✓ � ��� � .��,. �.-E..�' City A{�di'tor & Cler� � f ' ,�i , - , � � S ,. u Iti4INUTES OF �'HE CITY COPJlMISSTOPt �ipriJ. 4, 1938 The City Commis�ion of the Csty oP Clearwa�Ler, Florid�., mot on the above date, in re�ular meeting assembled, ti�ith the follo�ving members pxesont: Z. !�. T�![arsh, Mayor-Co��v.ssioner, D. �. Batchelor, Herbert Grice R. L. Baker, J. A, Barry. A cormnittee addressed the Commission complainin� about noise• at the �Nonder Bar. The Chief oi Police was instru,cted to keep vratch for undue noise at t:^_e �,)p1�.Clerr $az,, Moved b�f Ntr, Batchelo•r, seconded by �. Grice, and carried, th�t 30 degree angl4 parking be a�lov�ed on the south side oP Cleveland Street, East of Greenwood Avenue. rltoved by I�Is�, Batchelor, seconded bg pdr. Barr�,, and carried, trat bread truck license paid beiore Supreme Court decision exernptin� tb.em, be returned, Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded b�r 2�7r, Baker, and carried, }?za.t tY:e time for paying 1937 taxes without penalty be extended to April ;50th. Moved b� Nrr, Baker, seconded by NIr. Barry, and carried, th�t the City P.4ana�er be authorized to purchase a nesr car for �he Police - Department, and charge �t to the new budget, 1'foved b� Pltr. Batcl�elor, seconded by Pfir. Sarry, �.nd carried, trat P��r. S. V, r'inders:ue authorized to settle a�l traxes �nd assessments agains� tt�e fo�lo�Jind lots in Bellevietir Court for �`900.Q0, �payable ��600.00 notiv, the bal�nce in one year: B1ock �, lots 2, 1a, 15; B�ock B, All lots; Block C, lots 10,12,13,14,15, 16,17,18; Block D, lots 1 to 13 incl:, and �ot 17. Moved by 'tl[r. 3atchelor, seconded by �;ir, 3al�er, and crzrried, th3t ot�er tax acl�us�ments r�.coi:unended by the Committee be aut��.o,�ized. Moved by I��Ir. Batchelor, seconded bf 1;?r. Barry, and car•ried, that the meeting be adjouxn�ad until 2:00 P.M. 1,"Tednesda�, 11pri1 6, to take ac�ion on the passabe oi' t�.e P,Zeat Inspection Orci.in�.nce, � i Mayor Cou�nis�ioner �,ttest: � � — �' �.�y Au i oi &-C erk. � d ' � A2INIIT?'+�S OF TiIl: Ei?IIALI�A1�. TON BQA.RD Apri1 4, 1938 The Equalization Board met on the aUove date, �.n statutory meeLing, with the followin� members �resent: L. A. 1V[arsh, D. 0. Batchelor, R. L. Baker, J. A. Barry, Iierbert Grice, A, C'. �ichols. NLoved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by I��r. Baxry, and carried, that tho meet3n� be adjourned until 2:00 PM, l"Jednesday, At�ri1 Bth. The Fqualization Board re-convei�ed at 2:00 PM l�lednesday, �ipril 6th, tvith {;he tollotrin�; members presen•'t: L. A. h�arsh, D. 0. Batchelo��, R. L. B�kor, J. A. Barrg, Herbert Grice, �, C. rJichols. The �qualizaLion �3oard heard objections to assessed"valuations, and �^rhere ir�dicated, instructed tne Ta�: Elssessor ta make adjuatments. The �qualization Board continued to meet at 2:00 PIvI on the followin� afzernoon, hearin; objeetions and making adjustments vrhere indicated: Thursd.ay, April 7, �riday, �pril 8, Pdond.ay, A�ril 11, and at eacr of said. �eetings a quorum of said Equalization Board �va.s preser_t. On f�pril 11th tY�e Equalization Board determined that al1 objections piesented to it had been dulg considered; that there were no �ther objections on file and no persons oefore �he Board. T/ioved by P,Zr. Batchelor, seconded by ll�r. Baker, and carried, tLat the 1938 T�x Fto11 be eertified to tre Cit� Commission, and th€�..t the 1938 �qualizatian 3oard be adjourned sine die. � C Zairr n - Attest: � � G Ci - y t•�� itor Fc C r�-� ,, I, � � � � � � � ij�, 1 � ,