01/20/1938ST�4mE 0�� FLOI:ID�
COU11�Tv 0�' PITdiLLr S
CIT� �F' C!���:�(;!"';iTyR
I; J. n. Barry, d� �olemnly s�vear t��t I v�il� support and protect
tk�e constitufiion of th,e United States af America and its Govern�nerit,
and the State oi Florida a�;ains� a11 e�.erni.es, domestic and forei�n.;
and tha� I wi11 bear �%.ue faith, loyaltp and allegiancP to t��e
s�,me, and that I am enti•tled to rold ofiic� under the constitutior_
and laws of the State of Florida; and that I t�vi11 periorm a1I of
the dutiesof tl�e office of City Commis�ioner o�' ti�.e Cit�y of
Clearv�ater, Florida, up�n whicn. I�m abaut to enter, so help me God.
- nmsssioner,
Stivorn to and subscribed �efore mc- tlzis tlze 2dt�a. da, of
January, A. D, 1�38.
'1 y u i�or & er �
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Ja�uary 2Qt�a.? 1938
The Ci1;y Co�rttnission of �he City oF ClearwA�or, 1�'lorida,
met on the above •tate, in acijourned meat�.n�; ass�:mU�.� , iv�,th �lze
follo�rin� membez s present:
D. 0. Batctlelor, �c�in�; P4ia;nr-Commissioner,
L. A. �'�arsh,
Harbert Grice�
R. L. Balier,
J. A. Barry, nev�rly app�inted Conunis ;ioner, having, t�al�an
�he� oath of ofi'ice, was seated on �he Conuni.ssion. �
IvIr, PJfarsh nominated Mr. D. 0. Batchels�r for �?�.e oftice
of l�7ayor-Commi.ssionei L-o serve until the neY� �enere.l election.
I1'Lr. Batcheler declined, to be con3idered, �ivin` i1.1 �ze?�1th as
his reason, and nominated M�. L. 1. P![arsh. The vote being takon,
Mr. I�Qarsh was elected i:o serv� as l�ayor-Commissioner until the
next general electaon. TJIr. Marsh and Mr. Baaer did not vote.
There bainb no further business, tk�,a me.�tin� was t}�-ereupon
ad j ourr_ed .
Mayorw oinmiasioner R
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Mzrrvirrs or Tx� cz�Y cor,rR=s: Torr
February '7, 1938
The Cit f Co��ni.ssion of the ^a,t�* oY C],e::sG�ater•, Florida,
me� on the aboJe dAte, in regular mee�in� assembled, vribh Lhe
fo11o�+�in� inembers prosent:
L. A. Marsli, tJlayor�Co�rnnisaioner,
17. Q. Satchelor, -
J. �., t�arry, _
n. L. Baker,
Herbert Grice .
Mr, C. E. �"Jare adclressed the Cormuission relative to
the open ditch ir_ Plaza Park. It Nas the sense oi the Cominisaion
that the ti�rork be done noct; appxopria-�ion havin� been made here�ofbre.
Mouecl by P,7r. Batck�.elor, seconded by �r. Ba�er, and carried,
that Mr. Sc�imiclt be nerr,�i.tted to settle the outstandini balance on
his partial payment tax account i'or a flat �;�300.00,
I�Zr. IvIayer, oi Turner Street, com�lained to �Le Gommission
concernin�; do�s, oats, roosters and covrs in his nei�.00rLood,
A committee was appointed to investi�;a�e, composed of IvTr, Batehe�or
and i:'fr . Idi cizols . .
Plir, Peeler addre��ed the �ommis�ion asking for an appropriation
of �p150.�0, =r��ich wil� enable �Y�.e Red C�_^oss to es-�ablish accredited
lize saving station on the beaci�, fo-r thre.� months ��is sunuuer, He �vas
informed that the matter will be t,�lien under consideration zor tlze
nex� Uud�;et. ,
Le�ter from tre Clearw�ater Beach Pro�ressive Associat�on
vvas read, askin�;for full time police protection on �he beach. Their
spokesman was informed that an effor� iroulc� be made to �i�:ra them
more protection vritL ti�.� pxesent force, and that the mat�er of �'u11 time
police protection for the island tivould be tal�en up vrith thz next bud�et,
iVirs. t"Tc�od appeax�ed before t'_�e Conuni.s3ion, askin�; a reduction
in the a�ount to settle taxes on her home cr'�ich has 'neen foreclosed.
It?oved b� 14's. Batchelor, seconded b� L:r. Ba.rry, and carried, tYaa�, the
C�t� accept �;�300.00 in �'u�'! settlement if the matter is tal�en care of
at once.
Tabulation of bids of oil companies for furnishin� oi1 And
greass for the coming year was presented, the bid of the Texas Company
bein�; lo��t. AZoved by Mr. Grice, seconded by n�r. Earry, and carried,
that the business be aurarded to the Texas Company,
Moved by P.4r, Batcl2elor, secanded by Mr. Barry, and ca•rried,
thLt; o�'fer by �r. Ross (formei ovrner) ef y�1�0.OG for lot 16, Court
Squai e, be �.acep�ed.
',� ' o
Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barxy, and carried,
tha� tsx sdjustments recommencled by Jtthe Tax 4djustment Co�nitteo bo
Moved by Mr. Batchelor,, seconded b3r IVir. Baker, ttnd carriecl,
thet the City Auditor & Clerk be authorized to establish the stores
r�.ccomzt on �.is books as a separate fund.
Moved by Itilr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr, Barry, and cal�ried,
that properties which have been notified be t�.:.,�ned over ta=the Csty
Q��orney for foreclosure.
There being no fur{:her �usiness, the meeting was thereupor�
NTa�or-0 srnnissioner
�_ 1 (`�`c����L-.�u t";':� '
Ci�y E�uc'l�tor & Cle�k (
• �
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Febi�uary 21, 1938 '
The City Commission of the City of Qle�rv�ater, Florida, met
on t}-�:e above date, in re�ular m��e[;ing a�sembled, �^ri�h the follo�;�ing '
members presents
L. t�, P�Iarsh, IVI��or-Conffais�inner,
77. 0. Batchelor,
J. A. Barr�d,
R. Z, Baker,
Herbert Grice.
The Clearwater Beach Progres3ivP Association addresaed the
Commi.s3ion relative to surf�ce drainage on the beach. The mattar
tivt�s referred to tlze Citzf Mana�er for study.
Moved b� NIr. Batchelor, seconded by IVtr, Barr�, �nd carrieci,
. that taxes on Mr, Harbison�s propert�, nor�� outside the city limits,
w��icix v�as used for vet�rans� camp, be cancelled in consideration of
same, plus y�5 .00 paymer_t ,
Mr. J. P. Clarkaon addressed tl�e Commission, representin� the
Chamber of Commerce Safety Cor�un3.ttee, reco;a�nandini th_tit �nissouri Sve,
be made a throu��. street throu�h Glearvrater, .
Committee composed oL P�Zr. Batcrelor and r�'tr. Nichols, reported
on dogss cata and roosters on E�st Turner �treet, Tre Police Departm.ent
:vas requested to �,vatch out for such annoy�ances.
Letter from the Cleart�rater• Safet,� Cotuicil vras read, ur�in� t}iat
the Cit� appropriate 5,150.00 in tre next bud�;et to applg tov�ard services
oz an.accredited life �uard. It wtis �he ser_se of the Cor.�miasion that
such appropriation tivould be made.
Moved b� Mr. Batchelor, seconded bg Mr. Ba.kei, and carried, i.hat
tax adjustments as recc�mendec� b� the Ta_x Adjustm�nt Co�mittee be approved.
Tv4oved by Pdr. B&tcheior, seconded by Mr, Barry, anfl caxried, that
L�� l, �lock l, ?,iiltoiz Park be sold to Gu�s ';i�;c?er for t?ze suin of �150.00,
includin� 1935 ai�d subsPquent tahes.
Pt1r. Bal�er int�oduced �n Ordinance to prosra.de for meat inspection
for its first reading, and moved its adopt�.on. Upon roll ca11, the
fol:lovrin�; vote Vras polled:
i�ges: Mursh, B�iter, Barr�r, 3atchelor, Grice; IJa�s none.
� whereupon the 1VI�i3*or declared the Ordinance passen upon i'ts first re�ding,
AQr. Batclielor introduced i:lze �'o1loi�in� resolution:
_. ., _ _ .__..,�
OF DEI,IN;,,Ui,NT T�XES OI�' T'i`i C1TX fI`
� ; �r E.�R'.",?�EF��, FLbRID�.
� �
' ;"JuEREu.'S, much property oi small value k�as paid no Cit� baxes
for many ye�.rs, aizd is now encumlaored with liens far iti exces� of
its value
�? �
THEREFORE B� IT RESOLVED bg the Ci�y Corrunission of tho City
of Cleaitivater, Florida, that effective Februarf 28th, 1938, the
follo��rin� shall constitute �}�.e basis of settlement for all improvement
liens and rea� estate t�xes, delinquent az7d not in process of
foxeclosure at �ime title holders arrange for settlement as herein
set forth;
1. The 1938 real estat� assessment sha�l be tal>en as the basis
for setGlir_L said delinquent taxes, improvement liens, interest and
2. Pa;pment of one half of the assessed valuation of 1938 sha11
constitute settlemen� in full oz all delinquent impr•ovement liens,
taxes, penalti�s and interest of 1936 and prior �ears.
3. Taxes of 1937 shall be settled on the basis of �he 1938
. asses3ment, but collected as an additiozz to t�.e above.
4. t�11 sums received in settlements as harein set forth shall 'he
credited as follo�rs: One hAlf to the Gsneral F1xnd, ar_d one 1i.a]_f to
the Delinquen:t Tax Note Fund so lon� as needed in tY�,at fund and then
to the Bond Interest Fu.nd.
Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Cle�:rwa�ter,
Florida, bh:is 21st day oi February, 1938,
(8) L. A. Marsh, Mayor Commission-r
(Signed) J'. E. Satterfield,
Citg Audito-r & C1erk.
19loued by Mr. Batchelor, secoizded by Mr. Baker, that the reso'u�ion
be aclopted and upon rc11 call, the iollo�vin� vote was polled:
A4es: Marsh, BatchElor, Bai�er, Barry, Grice. Nayes None,
whereupon the Mayor-Commisszoner declared the�regolution duly adopted,
and si�ned the same.
There being no furt�:er businesa, the meeting was tnereupon a,djourned.
,�!" / ����'(/Y�I�
Attest: Ma�or- �omm�.ss oner
i f Fiu i pr & er .
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