01/17/1938e 1 PJIIPTUT�S OE' °�'I3E CITX C01�I1PIITS:�zION Januar� 1'7th,1938 The City Gommis�ion of the City of C1e�:rv✓ater, Florida, met,on the aoove date, in re�ular meeting assembled, vrith the Follo��in�; members present: k�. E. Green, i�,a�or-Gormnissioner D. 0. Batchelor, L. A, Marsh, , R. L. Baker, Herbert Grice. Cormniuzication from Fran'� Tack �n�as read, presenting his resignation from the Recreation Board and Contractorst L+'xs.nlinin� Board. Moved by Mr. BaYer, s� nded by P;I�, Batchel.or, and carried, tha� I:ir, T�:ck�s resi�natian fr�m tre Reerea�ion Board be aac�pted, but that he be asked to reconsider his resi�nation from the Contractor+s F�aminino Board. Mov�d by Mr, Grice, seconded by n�x, Batchelor, and aarx�ied, tl�at �,�Ir. �,^d. G. Blair be appointad to fi? 1 the vacanc� on t�a.e Recreation Boarcl. T�2oved by Tlfr. B•-�ker, seconded by I�N.�, Batchelor, and carried, th.at t,rlr� D, g� yettaUr be ap�ointed to the Barbers► Examining Board, to fil.l the vacanc� lePt by fitr, Ellison, c�rhose term has expired. h?oved by PrLr. Grice, seconde� bg 1;Zr. Baker, and ca?•ried, that Mr. Reade Till�y be re--appointed to the Civil Service Boar�,. Moved b� IvTr. Nlarsh, seconaed by P,s, Batcnelor, and carried, that request of Mr. Frank J. Booth for space tc erect a real estate offic� on Clearv�aLer Beach be granted, anr� that anJ iurther applicantrs be informed that t''_zere is no further space oiz city propertiy available. Moved by It��. ATarsh, seconded b,y Mr. Batchelor, and � czrried, that the City Uuy license tag for the beac22 bus, under t:1e same arran�ernent as in former years, and tha.t if this is ' �•equested next year, that the request be aecpmpanied vlitl� a . statemen� of profit & loss on the operation o�' ths bus. PJfoved l;g P.7r. Batc�:elor, seconded by ll;r. P,4areh, and carriec�, that check proff ered b� Mr, Harrg Jacobs, in the amount of �p120.00, in full payuien� of tr�xes on 1�.is home ir_ n7agnolia P3rk � be accepted. Moved by Mr, Batchelor, secondeu by �Ir. Grice, ar_d carried, that the Cit3* purchase from P.Ir. Plallace -�he property between the City Cemetery an�, the railr�ady for �900.Q0 in taxes, includin�; taxes on the tract. ' i .._. ,.. , . . _ . �, -_ _ . . __.,.�._. � _a__ __ , ..-._ ..... .. . .. ... ... _ _ � � 1 � '\ 0 �G� G Movod iay hTr. F3atchelor, sacondoc, by T�4r. 12ar.sh, ancl carri�ij, thr��•; tax adjustments as reconuneandHc; by the i:��x , adjustment committee be appxoved. The �o�.lo�vang lettor Vtas readr � . . � ft. E. GflEEN � � � MaYOP-COMMIBSIONEfl � � � J�, A. OpqRY F. l. BAKER �w�i_�T,������ yT� '���`T'������ p, O. BATCHELOR �. A• MP,RSH �r��i � � COMMJSBIONEflfi ♦��i. ��/ � A. C..CICHOL5 � � , ITY MANAGEfl � J, E, SATTEiiF)ELD CLE�WATER) FLORIDA TPEA6U Cp ANONCOLLECTOfl ' :JOHN�C. POLHILL � CITV ATTOPNEY Jauuarg 1'7th' 193ae To the City Comm�,ssianers, ' Clea�raterp Florida. � `� i Gent�.emen � � i. S:ir�ce January, 1935� I have been aerving as Ma.yor- ; Connnissioner of th3.s City. I believe ti�at dur3�g these shr�e years the City hss ma.cie -�i.egin3.te prog�e�g 'antl adv�ncementd �ut � phatever has daen accou�plisheel aa n�Y�al�. oP the City has been ; accomplisYaed beaa�zae of the fac�c ti�t I kia.ve �t al,l time ]�ad ' the co-operat�va of you gentlemen. It has� been a pleasu�e to ( have been associa.'ced with you. I a,pprea3ate the harmony whieh ',� has prsvaiZe�. on the City Cormaission an:d helped to make the , Cityts advancomenL possibZO, I�will not attempt to enumerate ;'j a2i o� the th3nga which this Commission has e.ecomplished during � the pa$t few� yealrs. '�hose are matters of public la�owiedge and + I am sure that you �en�lemen are as famtl3.ar with them as T c�m. :� Owira� �to vnioressen ci:cumatances having arisen of which � yau gentl9men are Pamiliars I.fiad �ha.t it wi]1 be imposa3ble for me to continbte to �er�e the Citg of Clearwata� as Mayor• Commissiox�er. It isa thereP�re, with r9gret that I hereay tender you n� res3gnati.on as M�or-Ca�miss3on�sr o� the City of Clearyy�ter ��� to �ecome eFSective immediRtelg• Msg I_asav,re you of m� continu�d = support ancl co-aperatia�, and iP I can ae oY any serviee to you I'' gentlemen at �ng time ia the future,, or �o the new Mayor-Commissioner� I wi17. appre�iate yoez cal3ing upon me. I rvant to thanknot only the memne�•s :�P the City Commisaion,� .►h�t evex�r appoint3ve officer of tiie Ci�3 aL1 De�rtmanL Heada and� all City employees for thel:r Zo�a1 support and �o-op��t3on, � , ,. ' ;., � Respectf'ully.. a��mi.tted� � 1 i . � ...._.� �i� ' � ;. � , � . � ; �.. � � REG/L "' � { i , � 0 � ,• Moved by NIr. Marah, seconde�i b� r,liro Batchelor, and carxiouf that Mr. Gr�en�s xesig'nation be accepted vrith re�ret. � Moved b� b2r. Batchelor, seconded by rllr. Balier, and carried, th.a�' Mr . TGa..rsh be L-emporary chai��m•��n. VJhereupon Ntr. Marsh took the chair. � Moved by n�x, Batchelor, seconc]:ed ba Nir. Grica, and carri.ed, that h�Ir. Barry be ap�oin�ced to iill the vacant place on the City CoYrmLss'ion. Plir. Baker did not vote. Moveci b� Mr . Grice, second�cl by Mr, Baker, and carried, that lJfr. Batchelor be a�po�.nted Aeting t�rayor ur_til a permanent ma��r is �npointed on Januarg 20th, Mr, t�iarsh introduced the follo-J�inr �o�olution: CTTY OF GLE�RWA.fi�t s$tTDGET gOR 193$ . DEI.'.ARTA�IET1i' ttity Manage� city Clerk�s a��iae City Hal1, ctare � main�en2.nae Legal ex,penses Poliae 1?epartment F3re Department �nspeetion (B1dg. ete.j S�reet Cleaning & R�pairs S'tree� 5i�s, Signa.la & Markings Sewer �aintenanae Dool�s ,� Bridges, P�ainter�;aaae Garba�e Co1l.eet3ons � Dis�Posa,], Parke anfl Reoreat3on Charity Dsl ux� Grovas Harbor Expense Engineering Degartment l�ud�.t ori uei Comete�y Care S�n3tatinn and %eat Inspeo-�3,on 7?ubliait�*, Cha:mber oi' �ommerrse �uniur Ghamber o� Commeroe ' � S,ibx�axy Opare,tion Tnsuranoe Eleotrioztg Q3�y Building �a.intenanoe �Iis caellane ous TOt.A.I, OPII�ATII�IG B�TAGET n�sm s�itvzaE �un�� �.938 BT.T,qG�T �,. .APPROP$IA'� ION � 4,0O�.OQ �.7, 800.00 2�900.00 3900�.00 23,800.003 �5,700.00 2,�00.00 11,�00.00 Y,u00.Of1 3,000.00 3,550eQ0 11�50Q:00 Z3,5Q0.00 1,900.00 900.00 600.00 3,200,OQ x,000.oa 2,400.OQ 3„700000 33 � 500. C10 900.00 6,Q00.00 5,400.00 Z3�b00.Q0 2,�50.00 4,QOO.QO � 172,Ot30.00 8�;7$6.Ofl � �as,�a�.ao RES�;GtTTION OF THE CITY CONIl'dISSIt1N OF THE CTTY OF CI,EAR4YATER, FyORIDA, VAGATING �'.9.I,M AVEDTUF; FROM &,I,LEY SOUTH OF TIIRN�R STRPET TO T$E SOUTPIERN TERIVtINU� OF PA?�I,� AVF�Ii7E. WH�9,S, the Gity Comnission of the Czt�* o� C'leartvater� Floxida, iinds that Paim Avenue �rom the alley south o� Tux�ner Street to the s�uthern terminuB o� Palm Avenue is not used and has never bean used as a publie thorough� �are. �a T�'7�lERE.A,S, the City Commission deems it advisa'�le to cloae and abandon said portion o�'said street. THEREr ORE, BE IT RE3AI,VED BY TIi� CITY COD�IDi2SS IQN OF THE CITY OF CZEAR4VATER, FZORID4, in. regular meeting assembled, that said �ortzon oi saa.d Street be vaea�ed and abandoned, and the title to the land containsd. in said s�reet revert to those entitled to receive it in t�e ev�nt o� such aba.ncionment . - P9,SSED _�I�iD ADOPTED by ths Citg Gommission o� the City of Clearwate�, Florida, this 17th day of Januar�, A. D. 1938. (signecl� R. E. Green �tayor"--C ommis s ioner Attest• (sigried) J. E. Satterfield � City Clerk Moved by NLr. Batchelor, seconcled 'py NLro M�:rsh, and carriedy that tn.e reaolutio7.be adopted. Upon ro11 calls the follovi3.ng vote was polled: Ayes, Green, Baker, Grice, �arsh, Batchelor Ilays, none, whereupo� the P�ta,�or declarod 1;he resolution unanimously adopted, and signed the same. TI[r, 1�atchelor introdla.ced the iol�o.��in� reholution: _ . ,, _._ �u��, -------� 3�S` RESO�,II�ION QP �rFs� 'CITY. CO2�iidISSION OF '�I�E C:[TY 0�' CLLIiRt'!'l.EI:TETi, FLf�RIZ3A� VAC�`IIPTG ItQG�RS STREET I'xiOY:€ THE Ast'L�N�?C t)O1�ST I,1NE RA�LR�aD 'i'0 ITS FASTERN T�RbI:Li�ITv, $I�IERP�A+S� tb,e Cit� C�ssion of' �h.e City o£ G�eaz�vr��er, �'lorida, f�.rfds �haic rZo�ers �trfle� �ra�n tho Atlant�e Coast Ling Railroed to �.�s oa�tes�n �e2�minus gs not used and i�s never been usec3 as �. public �haroughfar�s, and 1��LAS� The Ci�y Gon�iss3.on tlooms 3.t adv3sa'i�1e to oloee exzd a�andon sa2d gprtion o€ ss3d street. THEI3EFORE, BE IT RESOLVEir SY 'IBE CITY C4P�PrIIS5203d OF Z�AE CITY OF CLEARb9ATERy FLCI�.tT3A, in regu7.ar meetirig assembled., �hat sa3d pox��3.on of sairl S�ree'c be vecated and abandonsda. �.n.d tYie �3��.e �o tl�e ].�zd oonta.irod in said strest raver� �a thc3se .ent��le� �Go roce3:�a it in th� c�vent o�' such abandanmen�. PA�S�D A27D AD4P'TI'D by� �he ��?�g Comm3s�ion of tL�p C��y of �learc�a�ar, Fior2dat t113s/7-�h dag o� 3�rna.arg, A. D, Z�c�i8-6� � � � � _ . �-ree yor-Co�an9:a� on�"�+"" A�i;est• .r . h, . er � l .y .0 ,or d , crrk Moved by h�r, Batc �e1or, secondeCt by I,tr. i'ax°sh, thAtr the resolution be adopted and upon ro11 call, tihe iolloviin� vote vras p6Zledr �iyes: Gre-�n, Batclzelor, Grice Baker, t,2arsh, Na�ys; Sdone, urhereupon the TJlayor declared tha resolution unanimousl'y� adopted, and si�ned t3�e same. Mr, I3atchelor introduced tne follo�vin�, resolution3f � � , , ��� , � , . �� ` RE50Z�i'ION T0 TFiE COUNTY PT,ANNING BOARD JANUARY� IZ, I938 REQUESTING APPROVAL OF - THE I,IBRARX AI�SD WOMA.NS CZUB COMPL'ETION PROJECT. BE IT RESOT,VED by the City Gommission assamlaled that: � ,� 47IiEREA,S the City oi Clearwater has applied ta the Florida. � `� Works Progress Admi�istration ior the completion o� the � Clearrvater Publio I,iH�rary ansl the completion o� the Women1s ' � Club looated at �Yater YYork� Fark. WF�REAS the necessity o� providing a childrens room and � aolored reading room at the Zibrary has beeome of prima.ry ,' impor�ance and r�t' ti",�iEftF�1�.S tb:e activities oi the Woraan's Club are being curtailed _ due �o lack o� spdce and ` y , :YHEREP.S the 'aponsors �ind it impossible, due to lack oi funds, d ,` to carry an these projects without Federal aid. � THEREFORE BE I'� RFSOT�UED that the Gity Commission o� the City o�f Clearwa:ter, Florida, apply to the County Plannin� Board �or � approva'1 0� this �roject. �- . � P9�SED AND ADOPTED by the City Commission o� the City o� Clea�v:ater, Florida, this 17th day oi �a-nuary, :�. D. 19380 �• (signed) R. E. Gxee� 1�Iayor-Commissioner Attest: (signe&) J. E. Satteriield Ciiy Clerk } 3 t• � RES OI,UT ION T O THE COUNTY' PI,AIrfiiING BOAR�J JANU.ARY 17, 1938 REQUESTiNG APPROUAZ OF GRI�N F�LD AND �iITDT2C IPAI, GOZF C OURSE PROJECTo BE TT RESOI,iiED by the Gity Cos�ission assembled that; W�RFas the City o� Glearwater will appl.y to the Florida Vdorka Progress Aclministration �or Green Field and Tvlunicsipal Ga1.� Course Pro jeet and, 4YHEREAS, no iacilities are provided in Green Field �or the adequato accommodation of players and speetator� on the baseball Yield and �'7HEEtE9S it is essential that approxima.tel� 4000 �eet o� unusod wati�r pipe in the Clearwatar �dunieipal Golf Course bs exoavated and reelaimed and th�t it is extremely desirable that a paxk approximately 2 aeres in area a,djacent to the Gleaxwater Municipal GoZ� Club house be construeted. TfiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED i;hat the City Commission o�' the City of Clearwater, Florida., hereby request the County Planning Board to approve this project. PASSED A1�?D ADOPTED by the City Commission o� the City o� Clearwater, Florida, this 17fih day o� Januars, A. D. 1938. (signed) R. E. Green I4�ayor �C o�mi s� ioner bt�est; (signed) _ J. E. Sattsrfield - City Glers � I � RESOZUTION T0 THE COUDTTY PI,A:i'VNING BOARD JANUARY 17, 1938 REQUESTING AiPROVAZ OF f ti9ATEft SOFTE�IING PIrAi�'To � BE IT RESOLUED by the City Commission assembled. that; WIiEREAS the City o� Clearwater has applied to the Florida Works ' Pr�gress Administration �or the installation oi a Water So�ten- ing Plant at �he southeast corner of Cleweland S�reet and Roux Avenne in the City o� Clearwater, Florida, and j,yj�RFAS f-,t7,@ city water contains hydrogen sulphicle and iron anc3 is excessively ha.rd which are ob�ectiona.ble to the users and V�iHEREAS this installation will correct all oi these conditions. THEREFOR� BE IT RESOZ�ED tha� the City Commission o� the City o� Clearwater, Florida, hereby request t�e County Planning Board to approve this projeet and give it precedence over all projects except those which the City ha.s �equested the Florida 'Plorks Progress Administration to open. PASSEA AND ADOPTED this 17th day of Janua.ry, A. D. 1938 i�y the City Comrnission a� the C� ty o� C'learvaater, Florida. jsigned) R. E. Green �ayor-Commissioner ��test: � (signed) J. E. Satterfield Gity Clerl€ A3ovecl by i�dr. $atchelor, seconded b� T,�r, �ars?�, thatthe resolutio� be adopted, and upon roll call, t'.�e : ollotirin,, vote c✓as polled: �yes: Green, Baker, Batci�elor, P�Tarsh, Grice �iays: None, �J_iereu�on t3�e 1„ayor declared the resolutio�s adopted unAnimogtsZy, and si�ned them. There being no furLher business, the raebting �vas t ereupon acljourned until 7:30 PN! Thw�sda�, January 20�th, 1938. A'�'�in' g a o�is�ioner Attest: � �'�����: ��� C,�. y 11u itor 8c PG1erk,