01/03/1938_ MINIITES OF TAE NiEETING OF T$E CITY COMMISSION OF TI3E C2'I'Y" dF CLE.ARYlATER, FLORIDA J'A.NU4RY 3, 1'938. The City Commission �i the City of Clear�ater, Florida, met on January� 3, 1938, 3n regular meet3ng asseribled, with ths £ollo�ving ` 'members present: n R, E, Green, Mayor-Gommisaioner 13. 0. Batchelor Z. A. Marsr� • R. L. Baker ' ,. �. A. Barry It was moved by Nir, Batchslor, seconded by Mr, Barry and carried that the City .N�anager be authorized to enter 3nto an arrangement with Mrs. Edith Flomer for the location of a real estate office on l00 Pee� " of City property on Causevray� Boulavard on C1ear�vater Beaeh Island, on the north side bettiveen tre lvest bridge and tre Thomas Apartments, it y being understood that there sha11 be no lease and that �rs. Homar shall move i�nediatzly upox� re uest f th C' q o -e �ty. ' 1��er�a�e�ngcno�ffitm��a�e�u��:rie�s?�o�z�3�ero��.{ibd�ssion, the meeting was thereupon adjourned, sine die. � � -Cl� �.�;1n LFayor-Commissioner Attest: � C'ty tuditor & Cl rk t�" r' � STAT:E OP FLO �� IDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS � CITY OF CLEhr�'."T.t1TER T, HERBERT GRICE, and I, R. L. BAKE'R. do solemnly swear that I wi11 support and protect th.e constitution oi the United States oi 1�merica and its Government, and the State of �lorida against all enemies, dor.:estic and foreig�n.; and that I will uear true faitlz, loyalty and allegiance to tlze s�me, and that I a,n entitled to hold oifice ur_der the Con- stitution and Lasvs oi the State of �'lorida; and that I will perform all o? tr;e duties oi the of?ice of City Com- missioner oi the City of Gleaxwater, Florida, upon which I am �:bo�at to enter, so help me God. '%4.�-��'" Comm�.saioner 7�� � � �- D��-��--�-- o�rmv.ssioner Sworn to and subsr,ribed before me this tlze 3rd day of January, 1938. �� C Au i or & C eri - � „ , , � � � �` � tj > I � � MINUTES OF THE M�ET 2IJG OF TI� C ITY G�I�IPdISS ION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATEH, P'LOIdIDA .Tanuary 3, '1938. Tk�.e City Corr�nis�3on ofi' the C3.ty of Clearwater, Florida, met on January 3, i938, in regular meeting as�embled, �titl2 the foZlovring mombers pres�izt: ' Ir�i. R. E, Green, prayor-Comrnissioner �iir. D. 0. Batchelor Ivlr. I,,. A. Pdarsh Mr. R, L. Baker nir. Herbert Grice �1lr. Davidson of I?unedin addressed the Coimnission app?�ir� for lo�ation for a real estate office on tae beach. Moved bg rfir, �arsL, secor_ded by I�Ir. Baterelor and carried that the matter be d3fsr•red until the City Counnission �i.aa a.n opportunity to viev� the property.. Mr. Peter�on of Clearxrater Beach addressed the Coumi�ssion asking permission to reinstall the sign in the City parkvvag, complaining that a sign carmot easil� be seen when loca�;ed back on his pro�erty because of automobiles parking in tre property next door. 2t5r. Peterson was advised that signs in the parkv�ay could not be allotved, bu.t that a proper sign could be erected over the side�r�l}i if it complies vuith tLe buildir_g code. Moved by h1r. �l�arsh, seconded b� P�r. Batchelor and carried that an offer of w400 eacl� on Lots PI3ne ( 9) and Ten (10) 81ock 'i'�enty-three ( 23) of 2vRagnolia Parl�, recently acauired by tY!e City in tax foreclosure, . be accepted. Ntoned by 1�Ir. Marsh, seconded by Mr, Bat�helor and carried that an offer of �600 or_ the East 40 feet oi' I�ot TrYelve (12) and the P76st 35 feet of Lot Thirteen (13) of Palm Bluff, reeently� aequired b� the City on ta.Y foreclosure, be accepted. Mr. Batchelor introduced the following resolution; RESOLUTZON RELATIVE TO TEE PROPOSED P�PA PROJECT � COVERING THE CONSTRUCTION OF 25 GROINS EACFf BE- ' TVYEEN 200 to �OO FEET•�N TP� GIILF OF MEXICO AT CLEAR�VATER BEACH, CLEARI"�ATER, FLORIDA, WPA NO o I 52-7-�-93. ; WIiEREAS, it is ir the interest cf publi'c �velfare that Frork on i the Groin Project WPA No. 52-7-C-93 consisting of construction of"25 Groins e�cr �et�veen 200 and 3Q0 feet long witiz 50 feet add�.tional cut off',' be started at on�e. ; _ � , i j � , � � _ _ ... v..�. . , . _ __._ ..�,.__._�:�„�,�__, _._ . _-.�,.�-�..,�,,.,�--.-.�..-> _ _... �:.. ,. .. '� a� - ;, � ,i NOPJ TEEREFORE, Be it resolved by th9 B�ard of Ci�y Commissioners ' , of tY+.e City of Clearlvater, Florid�i: � Secticn l. That the � City Corcmiissioners of the City oi' C].earwater, � Florida, apply to the Works Progross Adiuinistration for pexnuiseion � • to is�ediatel� begin const�urti�n of WPA No. 52-'7-G-93 consisting of constructing 25 gro3ns eacll bet�een 200 to 300 feet 1on� w3th r 50 feet additional cut off. � Section 2. That the City Commissioners of the City of Clearrva�er, ` Florida, will i'urnish for the operation of the project all necessary ` skilled labor tlzat is nat avai3able from the local relief rolls. � t Section 3. That tLe City Connnissioners of ths Cit�r of �learwater, Florida, ivill buy al1 necc�sssry materials required a� set up in the � approved project. ! "s SeGtion 4. That the City Commissioners of the Cit� of Clearwater, f Florida, will assume the fi.11 responsibilit� for completing the � � project, if 1VPA .fiuids are not available for• that purpose. � PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Covnnission of tha Citg of , +� Ciearwater, Florida, this third day of Januasy, A. D, 1938. ' R. E. GREEN, � Mayor-Coimnissioner '� Attest : ;1 �, City Auditor and Glerlf i Tt ivas moved b� It4s°. Ba�chelor, saconded �y 1�Ir, Baker and , r ^;s - carried that said resolutior be adopterl, and upon rnll call the '�r` ti� follov�ir_g vate �ras polled: � Ayeg. �tr. Grean �� � i�r. Batcrelor r , PRr. Baker • �; Nlr. B4arsh P�ir. Grice fi Na�s: None � VVhereupon the N�ayor-Commissioner declared said resolution � i unanimoia.sly 2dopted and signed the same, r ,: There being no ftia.rther business, the mebting �v�s thereubon • � , adjourned. G� ��n.�-� Ma.ger- C onuni s s ionor .-J Atte � � ; C �Cy Auaitor nd C1erk � I _ �,ry'�, . { � . 1 _. . . . ' . . . . • � F � � � . . . ... .. ...... . . _ . . � : r , ��4 3 � � . . . �'``� . ., . � ' MITIUTPS OF TFi� CITY �OrJiTiiZS�TON January 6, 1938 The City Connnission of the City of Cleax��r�ater, Florida, met on �he above date, in. special m�eting assembled, vrith the � follouvin�; merabers present: � • � R. �. Gre�n, IJlayor-Cominissioner, n. 0. Batchelor, . L . �1. PJiar sh, R. L. Baker. _ . (i�r. Grice called the City Clerk by �phonp, � �tatin� he kneva the nature oz th�° business � to be trailsacted, and statin� that he approved.) � • Moved by rllr. Narsh, seconded b� bIr. Ba.ker, and carried, that the fo11oL^�in�; appointments of' officers for the comin� year be made: � Gity Mana�er, 1�. G. Nichols Givy Auditor & Clerk, J. E. Satterfield, City At-torney, John C. Polhill Recreation Direc{;or, Rt�1pPi Van Fleet ' City �udge, (Tv�o Year Appoini;ment) �I. ?�. ?`Tolfe. Moved by P�r. Marsh, secor_ded b� r�r. Batch�lor, and � carrisd, that Phr. IIichols �nd P-r. Satter2ielc� be appoi�.ted as a tax adjustment committee to recommend tux settlements to the City C�uBnission. , There bain� no further business, the meetin�; �vas thereupon � adjourned. , �ayor-�ssioner �ittest: ' /,. `— , C �Aui or& er . "�'`''1