12/22/1937n t MINUTL�'S OF' rl'HF CrTX' CONlIYIIS.�.,IOIVT December 22nd,:1937 Tl�e C�ty Commission oi' the City of Cl�arvfater, Flori�3a, met on the above date, in statutozy meeting assen.bled, at 12r00 noon, wi�th the 1b llowin� members present; R. E. Green, Nayor-Commi,ssioner D: 0. Batchelor, L . A . P�Iar sh, R. L. Baker, J. A. Barry. Tl1e iollov��ing report o£ election inspec�ors J�as presentede u STATE OF F'LORI�A ) COUNTY QF PIATELI,AS : CITv OF C'LEAR4YATEIt ) 4Ve, the undersigned Glerk a�d Inspectors of the Gerzeral Election of tI?e IIi�Gy of C7.earwater, •to be held this 21st day of Decamber, 1937, do hereby solemnZy svr�:�r that we will well and faithf�.illy pexfor.�i the duties of clerk and inspectors at said electiono �f�i�� .� P�'v� C1e rk _ � J Inspect rs Svrorn to and subseribed before me this t�e 21st day of Dece�ber, 1937. `,� t / ,/� - � ,,�' --� �, Notary u.blic h�y com�nission expires:��f -/ �j ��`,�� � �Tr r". _.� _ _, .. . _. ._ . . ., , . ....._,. _,.�. .r �-__�..._ �____�x_.�.,_ �,t,.�-.�,.,.,_,m„�,.,,,,,,..,��„ ,C �.'..,�,,.,,.....`.�""'�.""� t ,"ti ��1� I r STATE OF PLORIDA COUNTY OF PINELLAS C'ITY' OF CLEARWATER tVe, i:he underaigned inspectors and clerk of the genera;l municipal Eiection, Ci�L•y of �leargiater, Florida, held on t�.e 21st day of December, 1937, do hareb,y certify that u�e have conducted said election according to lav�, and upon counting I I the bsllots, find the result of �aid election to be as follorvs: Tota1 number o£ ballots cast �� �A ' Total number of ballots mutilated _� For Commiss:�.oner, to serve for term of tvro (2} �ears, .� ��''a . '��'��� received �Y votes /,�-7—! ► • � � received �� v�tes �� received � votes e � Le'ved � �� vates Given uncter our hands t's tre 21st day of December, 1937. ��'.�.YJ ��� /�e�i�'v'r�i. i9�"��-! � � �� 'n��z�tc�P�j� � � . ������.� Clerk ' � V �--�..�� --,i i Ins ctors 7 ,f Mr. Ba;•ry introduced t.he follotivin� resolu�ion: � I J ; .I ; � � (,. �,4_ . � `� a I I ;�� � � RESOI,UI'ION OF rHE CITX ^v014TiVIIB"IQi: OP TTi� CIT�' OT�" CL7 '+�: "A`1''�:R, FLOi�:TDA, D�CL:��iIT3G �PHE +�;SULT� Ob' THE C=:�I�1�F�tiL �;"LT;�TTOP� Oi�' SAI37 CITY, HELD ON DECF�ItB�i 21st, 1937. V1HEitE1:S, t'he CitS Coimva.s�ioi1 �f t11e City of Clearwater, Floridtz, is c}�ai��ed by 1a�v �Jith the dut� ot canvassiii�, elactions of said Ci:ty, and t�HEP,F�S, a general election for tl�e election of two Commissionera to serve tor a t�erm of tvto years w:as held on DecPmber 21st, 1937, and tNHEHEAS, it appears that Herbert Gr.ice received 505 votes, R. L. Bal�er received 484 vote�, 7. A. Ba-rry received 425 votes 1�m. I�cClarnand received 216 votes, TfiEREFOhE, BE ST RESOLVED, that IIerber-c Grice and R. L. Bal�er b� and �they are liereby fieclared duly elected. to ser4e as City Commissioners ior a�erm of two years. Passed and adopted by tl�.e Gity Commission of the Cit;� of Clez�.rvtat�r, Florida, this 22nd da,y of December, A. Do 1937� R, E. G.reAn, PJ`�.�or-Conunissioner Attest< J'. E, Sati�erfield, City Auditor 8c C'lerk, Moved by IVir, Barry, seconcled by Mr. Bai:�chelor, that t�ie resolution be adopted, and upon ro11 call, R. E. Green, D. 0. Batchelor, J. A. Barr�, L. A. Marsh and t�. L. 3aker votea aye, so t2e resolution was adopted unanimously. Mr. Marsh introduced the followins iesolution: WI�RE.AS, An installment of interest on the bonded indebtedness of the City of Clearvrater will bscome dL�e on the 1st day.of �'anuary, A. D. 1938, and Y�'HEREhS, It is necessarg and �dvisable for the said City of Cle�rvrater to borrow the sum of trventy thousand (y?20,OQ0) do�lars for the purpose of pa�in� the interest on said bonded indebtedness, and tNHFREAS, Said amount does not excee3 fifty (50j per cent of the ' taxes lovied for the year 1 937 and there remaina uncollected oi` said levy �P114, 452. 53. 0 � � � 1Y019 THEREFOR� BE IT RESOZVED SY THE CITY C01�i .ISSION OF THE GITY OF CL�ARWAT�R, FLORIDA: That the City Co�run� ssion on behalf of the Gity of Clearvaater do borrc�v from the Bank of Clearvrater, Florida, the aum of �2G,000, saiu sum so borror�od frorn the said B�nk of 'Clearvrater to be repaid out of the first ta�:es collected vrhi_ch are xiot other�vise lawfully appropriated. And said City of (31ear�vater do bind it�eli to pa�,� over promptl� to the Banli of Cloartvater or order a� l sums collected on the 1937 assesament and designat9d in the budget of the said city for the purpose oi' paying interest on Uonded indeotedness of said City of Clearvrater. Be i� further resolved that s�id City Commission of tlze said C3t� of Clear�rrater•, Florida, do issue as an evidenee o� its said ctebt to the said Bank of Clear�ater, four revenue anticipation cer- tificates to be aatea on the day of December•, 4, D. 1957, each for the prineipal suiu of five thousand (.�5,000) dollars, and each to bear int�rest from date of same at the rate of five per cent per annum., and each payable oii or before 90 da3a xro?u Lhe date of issue, and each of said cert�ficates to be signed in'behal�` of said c3ty by the City Audi�tor and C1erk of said City and by the C�t� 11�axiager of said C3ty, and countersigned by the 1:tayor-Comnissioner of said Ci��, and under the seal of the said Cit�. Be it fU.rther resolved that tY+e said certiiica�es sha11 be a` lien upon all uncollected taxes ior the �ear 1937, and Be it fL:rt'her resol�ed tha� the said city sha1,1 keep in a soparate f'und al1 monoy� collected on t�e 1937 tax levy for the purpose of appl�ing sas�e to the payment oi' said certi�icates, and shall make payinents fr�m said fund on said r evenue certificates vree�l� or o.ftener if requested by �Ehe said Bank of Cleart�ater or o.rdcr . �ASSED AiV�J ADOPTED by the Ci�t� Coum�ission of the City of Cleartivater, Florida, this �'he 22ridday o� D'ecembe-!�, A. D. 1S3'7, R. E. GR�.EAT Pdayor-Commiasioner Attea-�: J. �, SATTERFIEI,D i uditor and lerk It r�ras movea by I;7r. Batehelor, seconded 'ay i�r. �Iarsh and carried trat saicl resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the follo�ving vote �vas polled: Ayes: b�r. Green n5r, Batchelor Nr. Marsh Mr . �taker Mr. Grice Nays: Nons Whereupoiz the 11Rayor-Commissioner declared the said resolution unanimously adopted and signed the same, Il2r. Batchelor introduced the follovring resoll�tion: RESOLUT:LON AUTHORIZI1lTC CERTAIN CTTY OF'FICIAZS TO BORROti7 ON BEFiAZF OF THE CITY THE SIIli� OF �p25,000.DQ AND PLEDGE A5 COLLAT�RAL FOR SAID LOAN REF`UNDING BONDS OF THE CITY, GVFIEIiEAS, the City of Clearvrai;er is i�ithout adequate i'unds with ti+rl�ich to properly carry on its municipal flinetions: . ' � 0 i �f NOYJ THER.EFORE, BE IT R�SOLVED nY THE CITX CQh�iIS5I0N OF THE CITY OF CLEL�RiJATER, FZORID�1, IN SFECIAL M�ETING 9SSEIvIBT,ED: Firsts That tho I�Yayor-Commissioner, Cit� nqana�er and City Aud3tor and Clerli be and they are hereby authorized ancl empowered i:o borrov� on behalf of the City the suin of �25,000.00, at a rate of intsrest thereoil not in excess of 6� per anntun. Second: That in conswmnating said loan �he h7ayor-Commissionor, City Manager and City Auditor and Clark are hereby given i`ull povrer and authority to execute on behalf of the City any notes, papers or doc- umen-Es that may be necessary or rbquired in �Y?e premises and to pledge as collateral for said loan tzny Re:f�inding Bondg of the C3t� }soretofore purchased for investment purpqses ��ith YJater and Gas Fund moneys or operating accouni; moneys, or any moneys o� the City whieh have been collected from sources under tYie Reftiznding Plan of the City which l�a.ve not been allocated to the reciremeni; and/Or purchase of Ret`unding Bonds. PASSED AND .ADOPTED by the Cit� Co�mnission of the City of Clearr�ater, Florida, this .22nd day of IIe.cembe�r„A. D, 1938.. R. E. GRr"�N, Mayor-Co�issioner Attest: J, E. SATTLRrIELD, City Auditor and Clerk It was moued by 2ur. Baker, seconded by I�r. 11;arsh an.d carried that said resolutioiz Le adopted, an.d upon ro11 call tlie fo_llor•ring vote was polled; Ayes: tdr. Green l�r. Batchelor Mr. �arsh P,i.r. Bal�er rdr. Grice Nays: None 1"Th.ereupon the L7ayor-Commissioner declared said resolution unanimously adopted and signad the same. rdr. Batchelor introduced the followin� reso�.ution: WIiEREAS, the Tovrn of Belleair, for a valuable corisideration, has assigned and transferred to Harriet B. NerJberr,y, of 2222 Buhl $uildir�, Detroi�, Miclzigan, all its ri�ht, titlo and �nterest in and to the pa�aen�s due a3.�d to bocome due for principal and interest by the City of Clearv�ater to the Town of Belloair, by vlrtue of that certain con�ract betwe„en the TorTn o�' Belleair and tlze Citg oi' C7ear- water, representPd by the ordinance of the Town of Belleaii passed the 28th da� oi January, 1930, and accepted by the resolutioiz of the Cit� of Cleartsater dated tne 3rct dAy of FebruaxR,�, 193o, under rvhich ord3nance there is novr due to the Tovm oi Belleair from the Cit� of Cloarv�ater a balance for pr�ncipal of ��27,73'7.50, plus interest; anci WF�EiEAS, The assignee has notiiied the City of Cloarv��ater of the said assignraent and has diracted and requested the Ci:tg oi Clear�,+rater to make its pa•yments on said contrac't direct to Harriet B. Netivberry at the abot*e address and Y..�,s requested that the �'i�ca1 officers of the City be'direc�ed to make such paymente to the assigneo at the address stated; M . - �.._ .-_,,.�..��__��, _.._>.�,-.,,,<,.-..,� ;� . fl� `; � NONI TI3EREFORE, BE IT R�SOLVED, That the Cit� acknovrledges receipt of' the sa�:d notico of the said assigzment. AI�TD BE IT FIIRTHER RESOLVh'D that the fiscal officers of said City of Ciearwater bs direeted to make a7.1 iii:ture payments, as stipulated by said contract, direct to the assignee, Harriet B. Netivberry, or her personal represantatives and ansign$. ADDPTED by the C3ty Cou�nission of the Git� of Clearwater, FZorida, this 22d day o�' Decembg� A. D. 193Z. R. E. GRL+'EN, A-Et e s t: �a3Tor-Connni ss ioner J. E, SAT^lERFIFLD, City Auditor and Clerk Moved b� l��Ir, htarsh, seeoncted by tvir. Baker that the sa�d resolution be a�opted, and upon ro11 ca11 the follov�ir� vote �as polleds Aye s• Tdr. Gra en i4Tr. Batchelor Iur, &iarsh. P�ir. Baker Mr. �rice . Nays: None lYhereupon the i:iayor-Conunissioner deolared said resolution unanimously passed and adopted and signed the samo._ Mr. Baker introduced the follo4ving resolution: V9HEREAS, Edgeivatsr Drive, rurlriing from �ti�.e cit� limits oP Duned� south to�Stevenson�s Gresk in -�he City af Cleartivater, is a part of. State Road �15, and, Cleveland 5tr6et, extend3ng irom Osceola Avenue to Greenv�ood Avenus, is the main artery of traf2ic between tiie ci �yes of Tampa end Glearwater, and WHEREAS, Edgewater Drive carries most of the through traffic in the City of Clearwater connecting the north tivitr the southern end of Pinellas County and the said section of Cleveland Street is the major outlet to the east for all througlz traffic including busses and trucke regardleas of �hether the said traffic �racisfers to State Road �`T7 or goes directly aaross Davis Causev�ta�, and 1�FlEREAS, the pavement on said streets is deteriorated to an alarming degree and shoula be repaired at tl�e earliest p ossible moment in order to avert the necessity of complete replacement of pave�ent at a vexy early date, and VVHF�REAS, the City of Clearwater is unable, due to lack of flznds, to provide any important mainten�ice such as is noiv required on said pavements, BE IT THEREFORE' REQTTEgTED T;IAT tlie State Road Department re�read and seal with suitable agplications the above named streets at the3.r earliest convenience, and I��IFIEREA5, the �ity Commission understands ti�t considerable rvork of this nature is bein� done on State Raad �15 and further that funds are available for the above mentioned work, I�iOW TIi� �FORE BE TT RESOLVED by the City Covnnission of the City of Clearwater, Florida, that the State Road Department be re- quested to retread arid seal Fdgetaater Dri•re from the City Limits of Duned3n sout2a.to Stevenson�s Creek, and Cleveland ,S�reet from Osceola Avsnue east to Green�rood Avenuo. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the City Co�igsion of tlze Ci�y of Clearvrater, Flarida, this 22�d day of December, A. D. 1937. R. E. GREEN, Attest• ��'$''o�'-Coxmn3:saioner J. E, SATTERFT^r,LLi�, City Auditor and Clorlt '`s \ � .. . ... . . .... . .. . . ' :., P . �. i� There being �ao further business, �hc� meetin� was tlioreupoxi adjournod. � ayor-Co��'�on -er - 1--