12/06/1937MINUTES OF �i`� CIZTi' COMIvIISSION DECE3�iBER 6� 1937 The City Commission of the City of Clearvlater met on December 6, 1937, in regular meeting assembled, vvith the fo1- loV�ing members present: R. E. Greon, Maqcr-Conunissioner D. 0, Batchelor L. A. I�arsh R, L. Baker J� A. Barr� The follo�ving letter was read and the spokesrnan f'or �ch.e United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of !.merica, Lr�cal Union No. 1275, adclresaed the Coimnission. "�learv�ater, Florida December 2, 1937 To The Honorable P+iayor a�.zd City Commissioners City of Clearc�ater, Florida Gentlement 2t nas beer_ brought to our attention t�.e:t the City o� Clearyrater plans to build an addition tio the C��y� Jail, using unskilled prison labor. The iree citizens of Clearvrater engaged in the building industry feel that as tax Aayers, the pubTic �oney v,rill not be ivell spent, for tvro reasons, the first, that the prisoners are not competent to engage in skilled building work, an� the seeond, that the Free I,abor in this county should be emplo�ed on all pub- lic projects to help the Unemployment �ituation. It is a breach of public trust i'or the City of Clear�va-Eer to tal�e money from the federal government, to build ��I, P. A, pro- jects, the purpose of vzhich was to support unemployed citizens, then tivhen a purely lacal project is planned use prison lab�r to tlie detriment of Free lAbor, and the local citizeils. The organized Building craftsmen of Clear�+rater ��gorousl� protest this action and respecti�illy req_uest tliat you reconsider, wlzile the name of this coirununity is as yet unstained witL this blot of peonage against our citizen welfare. Very truly yours, (8i�.ed) Chas. P. T�nleney, Recoiding Secretary.'� They were advised tllat t�or2i on the City Jail has been discontinued for the present, due to the laek of funds. 1Vir. Lee Baker addressed the Commission on behalf of the propertsr Qiyners objecti.n� to the assessment of t2�e cost of Jones Street setiver. Mr. Bai�er was infcrmed that this project has been a.v�aonea for the presen-t, due to lack of iunds, � � 11�r. Lev�is Homer addressed the Coamnission askin� for the pr�vilege o�' erecting a real estate off�ce on city property oxi the Island. It R*as moved '�y hir. N,arsh, seconded by I,;r. Bariy and cariied tha�G tre City Commission take under advisement the usage of c3ty properties by real estate dealers under nzonth to month ren.tal arran�emen�cs, Ap�licat_on v��as made for pei°mission to inatall rz tourisG carip on the East -sa:ae of the proposec� nevr county road l�o}m as the Bel�ea.ir CuLoff. PiIoved by Tuir. Barry, sec4izded by I��r. Baker and carried that the application be approved, subject to the approval of the CitS P,Tanager and the Sanitary Inspector. The i ollo�vin� letter s�as read : "December 4, 1937 3;Zr. A. C. Nic�:ols City 1�Ta.nager C1ear�r�ter, Florida Dear Prir. ATichols: On October 13th I tivrote you giving gou a list of the I;illcrest lots in vrY�ich �eople represor_ted by TJir. Nlriitson and m�self are interested, and offered �20,000.00 in delinquent ta;t. note� of the City oi Glearrvater in i1a.11 settlement oi' all city taxes and imnrovement assessments on.said lots. This of- fe� was declined by ,you. In behalf' of I�Lr. 4}�itsori and mjself, and the variou� peop�le represented by us, I nolvy�rish to oifer an amount equal to ��100,00 per lo-t in itii.11 settlement of all improvement asse�sments and a11 cit,y taxes up to and inc.luding 1937 on the said lots. I vsould like t� ba.ve tY�e privil��e of makin� this payment e3thei in cash or in delinquent tax notes of the City oi Clearvrater. If delinquent tax_ notes are used insi;ead of cash, they are to be fi�ured at thirty cents on the Do11ar. The ovaaership of the lots iiz question is divided so that the persons represented by me oe�ni approximal;elg thirty- s3.x Iots, and the balanoe are ot;�ned or controllecl by Mr. '4�hi.tson. It is therefore contemplated that I svi11 nial�e the settlemer_t on the thirty-six lots in question, while TV(r. VVhit- son vrill make tne settlement on the balance, S�nce it is possible tla.a-� �re may not botr be ready to settle at the s�me time or rin the same manner�, � vrould like to have the p�fivilo,ge of making settlement on i;he thirtq-six lots owned by my clier� s, at any time v�e are ready to settle, independeiit of tlie settlemen-t -to be made by hir. ti�hitson on the balance of the loi;s. If this offer is accepted by the City, we will want a period of ninety days v�ithin which ta complete the settlement. Very truly yours, (S3.gned) Ralph R3chards." Tt was movecl by Tvir, Ba�chelor, seconded by Nir. IV�Arsh and carried that the pronosal be accep-�ed. � Tt vras moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carrisd that tax adjustments as recor�nended by the Ta.:� .Adjuetment Committee be anproved. , It v�as movecl b� IVtr. Batchelor, seeonded 17g I�r, Barry and carried that the City Itiana.�er be authorized. to purchase tile no�r at ti^lest Palm Beach, for the sum of y�1100, and that �he proper citg officials be authorizecl to execute a six (6) months note for payment of said tile. A cormnunication was read fram the Zon?ng Board,, dis- approving �he location of signs sho��ing the direction to �apanese Gardens. The letter from 3v�r. Alvord vras read appealirg from the decision of the board. It ti��as moved b� ATr. BaLer, aeconded by h7r, Batehelor and carriEd tliat the decision of the Zoning Board be:apheld. NLr, Barry introduced tre follorrin� resolutions '�L��HEP�AS, various v�holesale and other cnncer�zs have neglected to pay their ci-Ly licerse for the fiscal year begin- ning October l, 1937, due to their interpretatio�. of a law passed by the Legislati.ire oi Flar�da at its last session, a.nd VUI�EREAS, it is the opinion of the City C�imnission that. said concem s have misconstrued the abplicaticn o� said lati� and are subject to license fees as set up in the City Ordinances of the City of Clearvrater. THER�FORE, B.� IT RF'�OZVED, tra� the licex?.se collector proceed with the collection oi said licenses, and tivliere lieenses are not paid, the Cit,p Attorney be autLorized zo institute proper legal proceedings for the_r collectiou. PASSED AID �DQPTED b� the GitS Co�tmLission of tl�e City of Cleart�ater, k'lorida, this 6tr day oi' December, A. �, 1937.- R. E, C-reen I�ayor- oxmnissiflner Attest: J. E. Satterfield i�iditor and Clerk. It was moved by I4ir. Batchelor, seconded b� i;�r. Barry that tlse above resolntion bz adopted, and mpan'roll call the follo�,ving note tivas pelled: Agess Mr. R, �, Green, Isiayor-Commissioner D. 0. Batchelor J. A. Barry R. L. Baker L, k, E�arsh Nay s: Noi�e 1+dl�.ereupor� the I�iayoi-Commissioner aeoz��a saia resolution passsd and tuzanimously adapted, and si.�ned the same, � � � ; e Zwir. Earry antroduced the follotvir�� resoltttion; "UVI�REAS, donations have been received from W. S. Coe TIIerritt J. Coruett Eg�.o Realtg Compang G. A. Hobart H. L. Judd T. R. Palmer, all Vrinter residents of Belleair, totvard the rebuildin�; of t�e bridge and approaches on Druid Road connecting Selleair and Clear- water, which �vere r�ashed out in the Augi.ist stor�i� and VJ�EAS, contributions �rere neceasar3* to supplement "tize appropriation made by this Coimnission �'or this wor�, i:P a proper structure tivas to be b1lilt, and 4�tHE�E9S, such help is greatly appreciated Uy this Com- niission, especially in v� e�r of the location of this bridge, rvhiclz, vuhilo it serves Belleair, is strietly �rithin the eii:y liniits and is the responsibila.ty of the City- oi' Cle2st^rat'er. THEREr ORE, BE IT R�S OLVED, That; the C ity Couunis si on of Clearl��ter espress tLr�ugh this resolution their thanks to these contributors for their very material ai8 in the reestablishment of this bridge, for their interest so concretely expressed, and for the public service which has trus beEn rendered to the City of Cleart�ater by these v�inter reuidants of Be).leair. PA_SSED AND ADOPTED bg th� City Commission oi the City af C1ear�ater, Floricla, this 6;,Y�: day of` December, A. D. 1937.�" (Signed) R. E, Green , �ltayor- omm:L s si or_er Attest: J, �. Satterfield City Audi-t or and C�: erk , It rras moved by I�r. Barry, sEconded by Ntr, Latchelor and carried, tr.at said resolution be adoptesl, and upon roll- call tY�e following vote V�as polled: A�est P�tr. R. E. Green, Ma�yor-Cos�ission.er � Z. A.N?arsh J. A. Barr� R. I„ Baker D, 0. Ba�chelor Vdhereupon, the Mayor-Goiruaissioner declared the said resolution duly passed and unanimousl� Rao�tea, ar�l. signed the dar',e . There being no t�.rther business, the meeting was theroupon acl j ourned. Qg� I�iayor- o�rrnissianer At �st' i � udit o and lerk � _ � ' - r : a 3lIINIITES OT' THi CZTY' CdI�uJIISS70IJ 7�ecember Z3, ,1937 The Ca.ty �ommissi�n of 1:he City ofi Clear�rater, F7,or3.da, met � on t,he above d.�,te, in re�u�ar m.e�ti��, asserabind, v�ibh the iollo�r�ring monibers pre3er_t• �• �. -Groen, Ma�;or-Cormnissionor, D. 0. Ba�ch�lo,*,•, I;. ,� . it?arsh, k�, L. �aker, - J. _A. Barr�y. rlfoved by I;Zr, Baker� seconded by I�r, Barr�, and ca� ri.ed, that the licexise fee ch�:r�;ed �he Silas Green Show, colored mi.nstrel, amount y�1.00.00, be do�ated for chari�abla nurposes to yhe Clearvrater post of t�re Col.ored Veterans oi the l'torld ;';�ar. 1'lioved b� IVtr. Saker, seconded by I:Ir, I,iar3�i, and canr•ied, that the f`o1lo:rin�; be named as elerk �.nc3 i.nspectors �'ai the general election to be held December 27.st: �`�. 1'J. Peeler, C1erk. IrGre . ;7ayrne Smi�h Alex� Campbell, Ft. 0. iVlassey, Myrna t�avis, (Altrerna�e) There '�eir_� no further bus�azess, the meeting v�as thereupon. ad j ow�lied . �a,��J�:��` Attest; Ci y�.0 itor 8c G erk y A�"