November 8, 1937
The City Commission of the C,ity of Clearw�ater, Florida, met
in regular session on November 8, 1937, with tY�e follov�ring members
R, E. Green, �h4ayor-Commissioner
I,, A. Marsh
J. A. �arry
R. L. Baker
D, 0, Batchelor
Mrs, Fred Vahite addressed the i:�aeting askin� permission to
erec� a temporary buildiry, for the sale of vegetables on Fort
Harrison Avenue, tivithout eomplying with full formal sanitary re-
gula�ions, as pruvided in tLe ordinance, it being understood that
no ti�ater connection tivould be made to the build�2�. Moved by hir.
B�tchelor, seconded by IJir. Bakex� snd carr'ied that the request be
It ��as moved by Mr: Baker, seconded by IvIr. Batchelor and car-
ried that the proper city officials be authorized to enter into a
contract of sale of either Lot Three (3) or Lot Seven (7) Block
One �1) of r�7agnol:ta Park, to Mr, J. YY, Irian., for a price of
Twelv�e H��ed (�1200) Dollars, payable in three (3) equal install-
ments due in. one (1) , tv�ro ( 2) , and Three ( 3) years, �vith interest
at the rate of six per cent, yvaiving a dovm payment at this +3me
in consideration of his placing a busznoss bu�lding o n the 1ot.
n�toved by NIr, Batchelor, seconded bg 1�r. Barry and cairied t�aat
tax adjustments recommended by the Adjustment Couunittee be approved.
It �vas moved by l�r. Barry, seconded by I�r. Batchelor and car�
ried th�t One Thousand ($�7.,000) Do:ilars additional appropriation be
made to take care of additional lr"Z'A �vorl�.
It �vas moved by n�r, Batchalor, seconded by Trlr. �arry atld carried
that the City Clerk and the Citg hlanager be authorized to purchase
not mare than Fifty Thousand (�50,000) Dollars of Clearvrater Bonds
at a price of r.ot to exceed 52, and that the proper city offic7als
be mzthorized to make suitahle financial arrangements for the pur-
chase with the banks.
Mr. Marsh introduced ths follovring resolution:
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c�l�ioa �c� �os7s�s 3n P�:no3.iva Cou�2�y ��v�b �.o�o���oro �ta� `,
� E2�7�?X�O�PC-IC� �Sl j�Y"�Ylt"�:T��O 'i;�1F,� �.Clt;Tt•t r1i 'GI1Ci 1+0U11�,' f 4�' P�.YiO�.""'
�.�s �o�a'��:3.�a� a mascea� a3at°po��� t�d
�:zkr�;11�, '�e u�de�+�3r� re�u3�a�S cans3dax�abl.t� i�1.�ca '; �
�1 �ar�3�u�.t�rly' t�e �c�l.ecs�3�n. tat�cZ p'ux'a�,ga Ci�' �. su3��'b�.�i
s3.�o+ as^.c3 '� �`
C�I�Ll�S,� �Yi,�_�� E�od,y �Vii1g 7a��x� �I�,o �+��.t& c��' �ht-� , '� . -
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hoxei�� apnseve. 3ra prazc3plo t�s� p�onosS.�:Lon 1F�uz� �ho Go��
o�` �5,no�:�.€�a ob�ain a�u�.�La�i�.a ���� �anei pi�x��i�.�a s�v �'o� �i��s
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It tvas moved by Mr. Marsli, seconded by Mr. Baker and carried
that the resolution be adopted, and upon r'oll call the follovrin�
vote was pollede
Ayes: R, E. Green, Mayor-Commissioner
D, 0. Batclzelor
R, I,. Baker
T, A. Marsh
J, A. Barry
Nays: None
V�hereupon, �ho 14�afnr declare3 the resolution unanimously
adopted and si�ned the same.
The matter of using votin� mechines atthe general city
election was discussed but no action taken. .
T1ie I'fia�or called for objections to the installation of storm
sewers and the assessment of the cost thereof against property ,
as set forth in the resoZution passed by the City Counnission Oetober
25, 1937, notice of vvhich vras published in the Glearwater Sun on
October 2� and November 4, 1937, setting this date for the Coumlission
to hear objections to said propesed improvement and assessment. No
obj,ections v�ere presented.
l�r, Batchelor introduced the follo�ing resolution:
4VHEREAS, the City Coannis:sion of the City of Clearvrater, Florida,
on the 25th day of October, 1937, passed and adopted a resolution
declaring its intention to install storm sez�ers in tne follo�ring
section of the City of Clear�rater, Florida,to-wiz;
Beginning at the intersection of t7a.e center line
of Georgia Street and Clearwater Bay, thenee east
to the center line of F'or:� Harrison:Avenue,thence
generally north �to the center line of Eldridge
Street, tihence eas� to the center line of Atlantie
Goast Lins Railroad, thence generally north �to the
center 1 ine of Seminole Street, thence east to the
center line of Penns�lvania Avenue, ther�ce south to
the conter line of Dre« Street, thence west t� the
center line of' �oo�Eh Aver.ue, thence south to the
eenter line of Cleveland Street, thence west to the
center ]_ine of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad,
thence north generall� to a line 186 faet south
of the south property 13.ne of �rew streei:, thence
West to the center line of. F'ort Harrison Avenue,
thence soltth to a line 213 feet south of the south
property line of Dretiv Street, tl�ence west to tre
center line of Osceola Avenue, thance south to a
13ne 85 feet north of the north property line of
Sunset Court, thenee west to Clearvrater Harbor on
a line 85 feet north of the nor-�h building line oi
Sun�et Court, tiience re�L�zrning along the vtaters o�'
Cleartirater Harbor to the point of bsginning,
. ,k � . . . �, .
,(r^ � And 4Vhearas, said resolution required notice to be publiahecl
' "� in the Clear�vater Evening Sun directing persons intere;ted to file
, their objections at tilis meeting of tkle City Counniss3.on, and
t�JH�REAS, said no�:i:ce was publishod in the Claariva•tor Sun, a
ne�vspaper of general circulation in the City of CleArwatei�, Flo- '
rida, on October 28 and November 4, 1937, an�
W.�EAS� no ohjections to said proposed improvement or th�
assessment of the aost thereof have been presente�3,
TI3EREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Cit,p Commission does hereby
determine to proceed zvi-�h saic� improvaments and �vhen said improve-
ments have been completed, the cost trereof shall Ue Assessed
against the property be?iefited by said improvement.
PASSED AND ADOPTEI? by the City Corrnnission of the City of
Glearrvater, Florida, this 8th day of iUovember, A. D, 1�J37.
R. E. Green,
Attestc I�ayor-Cuminissioner.
J. E. Satterfield,
City Auditor and Clerk.
It t�as moved by r2r, h7arsh, seconded by 11'!r. Balier and carried.
that �he resolution 'be adopted, and upon roll call t:ne followi:ng
vote rvas polledc
Ayes: R. E. Green, lYIayor-Commissioner
D, 0� Batchelor
R. L. Baker
Z. A. Marsh
J. A. Barry
Nags: None .
Whereupon, the Mayor-Cannnissi�ner declared the resn�.ution
unan3mousl� adopted �.d s igned the same .
It was moved b� Mr. Batchelo.rs secon�.ed by Mr. Barry and
carried that the liet:of properties presented be included in the
foreclosure list,
The�e bein� no further business, tho meeting was thereupon
` � � �, �{'�..Q_,��
Mayor- ormnissioner
i Attest�
ity A ' tor and C7.erk
; � �
_ _ _ _ - .,. __1
"�a �
NOV�liBER. 22, 1937.
The City Comnission of the City of C1ear�rater, Florida, met
on the 22nd day of IJovember, 1937, in r�gular meeting assembled,
with the fo].low:i:ng members present;
R. E> Green, IJlayor-Co�issioner
L. A. Marsh
R, L. Saker
J. A. Barry
I�r. Smith of the Boyce Construotion Company was presexit and
objected to the laying,of segment block sewer in t7�.e Jones 5treet Se�rrer
Pro ject. The Cit� ��'E€��� demonstrated the use of this type of sevrer
and assured the Counnission that if prcperly laid there should be no
difi'iculty with it wha-�ever. IJo definite action vras taken.
It was moved by IJir. Barry, seconded by IVir. t�arsh and carried
that the applieation of Pau1 Randolph for rental of space for a real
esta�e office on Clearyrater Beach be authorized, and -Ehat the City
lGanagEr be authorized to arrange the details of the agreement, it being
understood tl�.a.t the ranbal sY�all be from month to month.
� It �,vas moved by ��r. Narsh, secoizded by �ir. Barry and carried
that i;he C�_�y Commis sior� join with the Chamber of Cor,vnerce to invite
�resident Roosevelt -to come to Clearvrater on r�.s proposed visit to the
Florida 1Yest Coast.
It was moved by Prir. P,Za•rs7�., seconded by F�Zr, Barry and carried
that the City Commissior_ invite Gov�ernor Fred P. Gone to come to Clear-
water for the Christmas football gfune as the gaest of the City.
' It was inov�ed bv Mr. �arsh, seconcied by Mr. Barry and carried
that �he Git3r Managsr be authorized to write the V1ar Department stating
tha.t the City of Cle arwater has no objec�tion to the installation of
�roins bg the ClearS�atei Beach Development Gompany in front of their
property'on the south end of Clsarnvater Ssland.
It ti�as moved by 2dr. Marsh, sec�nded by 1�2r. BArry aud carried
th�t �3500 be appropriated for sn addition to the City Jail.
It �vas moved by Mr. Bal�er, seconded by I�Zr. Barry and carried
that ainbulanaes be required to stag within the 35 mila spesd limit
and to stop at red lights.
There being no i�i:rther business, �;he meetin� vras thereupon.
�j �'.�,� �� �-�,-�.._
Attes . Mayor-Cottunissioner
*` ,
�y udito and Clerk