10/25/1937• � i �' 0 . . � . . .. ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . � � � �,.. ...�� �� . � ' . . . } . .�� . . *r � 1 y 114INUTES OF TTiE MEETING OF TIiE CITY COM11qISSION October 25, 1937 The City Commiasion oi' the City of' Clearvrater, Florida, me-� on the above clate, in regu.lar meeting assembled, with the iollovring members present: R. E. Green, Ma�or-Coimnissioner D. 0, Batchelor J. A. Barry R. L. Baker Aosent; L. �. Yviarah It vras moved by PJir, Batchelor, seeonded by i�r. Baker sYid carried that the proper city officials be autliori�ed to enter into a contract of sale to AIr. Nall for -the property foreclosed by the City� tvhich �r�s fo.rmerl� or�rned by bIr. Nall, at a price of y�420.00, y�100,00 dor�n. �nd the balanee at �20000 per month. It was moved bg r'Ir. Eatchelor, seeonded by Pdr. Barry and car- _ ried that the tax �djuetments recounneildad by the Adjustment Committee be anproved, It was moved by PL�r. Batchelor, seconded by I�Ir. Baker and carried that the replat of South Shore Subdivision on C1earFrater Island be approved. It was moved by �r, B€i.tchelor, seconded by rYTr. �arry and carried that the proper city officia7:s be authorized to enter intio a lease with the Florida l�Test Coast BroAdcasting Company covering the property at Bayvieinr Park used for broadeasl:ing purposes. The term of tre lease shall be ninetg-nine (9�J) yeaxs, and sha11 be la.mited to radio pur- poses o�ly. It �vRs moved by P,:r. Batchelor, seconded by Tair. Barrg ancl carried that Radio Station u1FLA be iricluded on the tax roll in 1938. Mr, Batci�.alor introduc�d Ordinance 423-A for its i'irst readi:ng in full, and moved its adoption. Seccmded by 2�r. Barry, and upon roll cal.l the follotiaing vote vr2s polled: A�res: Mr. Green Nr. Batehelor 14ir. Barrg Mr. Baker Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. ivIarsh. ; r It tivas movd.i by 1�r. Batchelor, seconderl by 1VIr. Earry and unanimougly carried that the rules be waived and the ordiLnance be placed upon its second reading in�nediatoly Uy t3tle only� the titl.e having been read, it was moved by n4r. Batcheldr, seconded by Mr. Barry, that the orclinance be passed its second reading, and upon roll c�ll the folloPring vote was polled: Agese Mr. Green ntr. Batchelor ll4r. Bal�er Mr. Barry Naga: None Absent and not votir_g: Mr. Marsh It was moved by b5r. Batchelar, secoraded by Mr. Barry and unanir,iously carried that the rules be f'urther waived and ordinanco be placed upon its ti�ird and final readin� in f'ull i�unediately. The ordinance having been :�;�ad in Pu11, it''ivas moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barr�, tha� the rules be fur�h.er rvaived and the Ordinance be �as�ed its �hird and fina]. reading. Upon roll call the follo�ring vote v�ra9 polled: Ages• I�ir. Green Mr. Batchelor �r. Baker Mr, Barry Nags: None Absent and not `voting: hir. Margh Whereupon the ��ayor cleclared the said Orclinance tiu�.animously adopted and signed the same, as fo1�.o�rs: ORDI-ivANCE Na. 423-A AN ORDIrIAiVCE TQ REPEAL SECTIOI�tS 6 and 7 OF ORDINAI�TCE N0. 42I OF TH� CITY QF CLEARLVATER, FLORIUA, BE1NG•AN ORDINAI�CE II�TITLED °AN ORDIllTANCE REGULATING AND CON- TROLL ING GRAI�7T ZNG OF L ICEPTSE� AND SPEGTAL PERMITS 'OR PRIVILEGES IN OR OVER STREET.S, SIDEVIALI�,, P�IRKWAYS ADTD PIIBLIC GROI7ND5 OF THE CITY OE` CLEARV�IATER, FIXING A h�ETHOD FOR OBTAINING PERMITS AND LICEl�ISES, ESTAB- LISfiIi�TG FEES TI�REFOR APTD PR@VTDING P.&iNALTIES FOR THE Vi0LA1SON aF THE TERPIbS OF TN_IS ORDINANCE: �� AND RAT2- FYIIJG, APPROVITdG AND CONFIRl`dING SAID ORDINANCE IN ALL OTHER RESPECTS AND Pl?RTICUL�iRS. BE I'� ORDAIDIED BY TI�E CITY COb��1ISSIQN OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA• Section 1. That Section 6 and 7 of Ordinance No. 421 of' tre Citg of Clear�r�ater, Florida, being an ord3.n.anee entitled "AN ORDIIvANCE REGU- I,ATING A1VD CONTROLLING G�;ADtTIIJG OF LSCEIdSES AND SPE�IAL PERMITS OR PRIVI- LEGES SN OR OVER nZ'REETS, SIDEVJALI�'S, AND PARI�+NAYS AND PUBLIC CxROi�'iVDS OF TF� GTTY OF CLEARVIATER, FLORIDA, FIXING A IJfETFIOD FOR OBTA1%T2NG PERP(ITS AND LICEI3SP5, ESTABLISHING �'r�ES THEREFOR AND PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR TI� VIOLATION OF 'TIIE TERPftS OF THIS ORDINANCE, �� be and the same a2�e hei eby repoaled. � ., 0 SECTIOId II. That Ordinance No. 421 be and the same is hereb� rAtified, anproved and confirmed in al1 other respect� and particulass. SECTION III. A11 ordinances or �rta of ordinances in conflict heretivith are hereb� repealed. SECTION IV. ^lhis ordinanee shall become etPect3ve immediately upon its passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED b� the City Corrunission of the City o� Clear- water, Florida, this 25tr dag oi' October, A. D. 1937. R. E. GREEN, IVla�or-C o�n.i s s ioner Attest: J< E. SATTEHFIELD, City Auditor and Cler�. ` Mr. Dempsey addressed the Gorrunission �urther relative to closing grocery stores on Sundayo 11ir, Dempsey vras advised that State Laiv covers this matter, �d was referred to County eni'orcement officials. Whereupon r�ir. Dempsey withdretiv his raquest, The follol�ring resolution vras introduced by bTr. BatG�elor: RESOf,IITIOPI RELATIVE TO THE PROPOSED S'tr,P.p, PROSEGT #52-1244 EPtTITLID BIIILD Ar7 ADDITION TO THE CLEP_R- tNATER CITY LIBRARY, ADDITION T0 BE ONE STORY 33 FT. WIDE X 71 FT. I,ONG X 17 FT. PTF�ftEAS, It is in the interest of the public welfare that we build an aduition to the Clearwater Cit� Library. Addition to be one story 33 ft. wide x 71 it. long x 17 �t. hi,;h, NOV�f THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the Ci�y of Cleare�ater, Florida: Section l. That the City Couu�nissioners of the CitS of Clearv�ater, Florida apply to the l�lorks Progress Administration for tLe opening of W. P. A. Project r't�52-�1244, consisting of building an addition to the Clearvrater City Zibrarg, additior_ to be one story 33 it. wide x 71 i't. long by 17 ft, high. seetion 2. That the �ity Commissioners of the Gity of Clearvrater, Florida will furnish for t he operation of this project al1 necessaYy skilled labor that is not available from the local relief rolls. Section 3. That the City Commisszoners of the Citg of ClEartirator, Florida will purchase all necessary materials in excess of $?8�15.00, said aznount being based on a mini�um material allotment for tiJ. P. V�. of �4.00 per man month. Seation 4. Tliat the City Coumiissioners of the City of Glearc�ater, Florida will assume the f'ull responsibility of' completing the projec-t, if 1�1. P. A. f`unds are not available for that purpose. At�est: A, �, NicYsols J, E. Satterfield, City Auditor an.d Clerk, It wa� moved by Nr. Batchelor, �econded by Mr, Bar�y, that the said resolution be adopted, and upoiz roll call the follow�ng vote was polleds , � �a � tb na Ayes: NIr. Green n�r. Batchelor I�r. Baker Mr. Barry Nays: None Absent and not voting: Mr. RZarsh '!+lhereupon the I�iayor declared the said resolution unanimously aao�t�a, and signed the ssme. It was movod by �=r. Batchelor, seconded t�y Njr, Barry and carr:ied that the Ci-ty Attorney draft an agreemeiit with Mr. Ha�es to allow nse of side;ralk space �t the filling s�ation site on the corner of Fort Harris�n Avenue and Park Street, provided tre sidevral� is not blocked, and that the proper city officials be authorized to enter into such an agreement. Pdr. E�:tchelor introduced the follo�ving resolubion: RESOLTTTIOIvT OF` THE CITY CUMW_ISSIQN C�F THE CITY OF GLEARLVATER, 'FL01�IDA, D'�CZARII�G INTENTIOId TO INSTALZ STORI�I SEFIERS IN A GERTAIl`� SECTION OF THE CITY OF CIE AR4�ATER, FZORIDA, APID TO ASSESS TII� COST THEREOr AG��ST THF PROPERTY BE`NEF'ITTED THEREBY. 4VEEREAS, The City Goimnission of the City of Cleas�water, Florid�. deems it necessary, adviss�:ble and to the best interests of the City qf Clear�vvatar to install st�rm seivera in the follo�ving seetions of the Citg o�' Clear�rater, Florida, to-v�it: Beginning at �he 3nterse�tion of the center line of �eorgia Street �nd Clearv�rater Ba�J, thence east to centsr line o� rort Harrisor_ Avenue, thence gensrallg north to the center line of Eldridge Street, thenes east to the center line of At'lantic Coast Line Rail� road, thence gPnerally north to the center line of Seminole Street, thence ea�t to the center 13ne of , Pennsylvania Avenue, thence south to the center line of DrerJ Street, thence west to the center line of Booth Auenue, thence south to the center line of Cleveland Street,, thence west to the center 13ne of Atlantic Goast Line Railroad, thence north generally to a line 180 ieet south of the south property line of Drevr Street, tY!ence west -�o the cent$r line of Fort Harrison Avenue, thence soutr to a line 213 ieet south of the south property line of Dre�v Straet, th�nce west to the center line of Osceola Avonue, thence south to a line 85 feet north of the.north_ property line of Sunset Court, trance west to Clear- w�.ter Aarbor on a line 85 feet north of t:ne north bui�ding line'o i Sunset Court, thence returning a7.ong the waters oi' Clearvrater Ha.rbor to the point of bsginning, and to assesa the c�st thereof against the pro�erty benefitted thereby. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Commission of �he City of Clearwater, Elorida, does Ilereb� declare i�s intention to cause said im- prove�ents to be made and to assess the cost thereof against the property benefitted thereby. BE I�' FIIRT�R RESOLUED, that notice sha11 be published in the ' Clearbvater Evening Sun, a newspape� of general circulation inthe C3.ty of Clearv�ater, �'l�rida, once a week for two (2) consecutive weeks, no- t'ifyin� the pro'nerty oVmers and persona intereated of the 3ntention of the Gity Counnission to cause said improvements to ba made, and directin:g them to file their objeet:l�ns, ii any the,q have, to said � � improvements, before the; Cit�y Cc�n,ission on the 8th day of November, 19 37 . PASSED 1�SD ADOPTED by the Citg Commission of ths City of Clear,�;.�ter, Florida, this 25th dag of October, 1937. R, E. Green,, Mayor Commissioner. Attests J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor and Clerk. It was moved by Mr. Barry, seconded bg I�dr. Batchelor, t�at the said resolut3.on be adopted, and upon. roll call the follor�ing vote R+as polled: Ayest Mr, Green Ntr. Batchalor Mr. Barry Mr. Baker N�ys: None Absent and not voting: Mr, aYtarsh Whereupon tYs: Mayor declared: the said resolution unanimouslg �.�opt ed, and s igned the s ame . It was moved by I�r, Batchslor, seconded by Nr. Baker and carried that tha city Ivianager be authorizecZ to call for bids for the ir_stallation. of storm sewers in the city. It ��as moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr. Baker and carried that re�u.lar meetings =or the month of November be held on tre 8th and an the 22nd of saiu month. fir'Ir. Batchelor introdueed the follo��ing res�lution: RESOLUTION OF Ti3E Cl2'Y COMIsFISSIOr: STAT�tG TIiAT T�iE SPONSOR 'vVILL F`ITTRPTISH AI,L SKII;LF'D ZA30R NEE1ir,D AND NOT AVAILAt3LE OZd LOCAL REyIEF� ROLLS, WILI, FURNISF ALL NfATERIALS NEEDED THAT VV. P. A. COMPLETING THE WATEA SOFTEISING FLANT F'OR TPE CI'I!Y OF CLEARV1ATr�i IF �'. P. A. F't7NDS ARE NOT AVAII,ABLE FOR CQMPLETION.. VPf�REAS, the Gity of Clearwater has applied to the iNorks Progress Aclministration For a project prop�sal to eonstruc� a water softening plant for �he Citg of Clears�ater., and �1HE'.REAS, it is a requirement cf the V1. P. A. trst tLe spo�soi: agree to i`arnish all materials needed that the W. P. A, is unable tc, fizrnish, and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of the W. P. A. -that the sponsor agree to furnish all skilled labor needed and not available on the Yocal relief rollsf and WF�EAS, it is a requirement of the W. P, A, that the sponsor agree to assume the responsibility of completin� tha project, if W. P, A. f�nds are not available for completion, °� ; _ _ _ _ ..� � TAEREFORE, BE IT REBOLVED, Tl�at the �ity Gorrunission certify �o the Works I'ragress Adm3��is�ration that they wi11 furnish all materiala needed tk�at the W. P. A. is unable to �irnisb,, furnisl� a�.l s�illed labor needed and not avrziZab7,e on the local relief rolls, and &55U1ri8 the responsibility of completing the Project, if W. P. A. :fundg are not availab3.e for comp].etion. PASSED AND ADOPTED 'b'y the Ci�y Commisaion o� the City of C1�ear�rater, Florida, this 25�h day of �etober, Z937. R. E. GREEN, . Mayor� Cosruni s s ioner kttes�: S, E. SATT�RFIELD, City Auditor and �lerk. Tt was moi7ed by �r. Batchelor, seconded by I�r, BRrry and carried, that the above resolution be adopted, and upan ro11 call the follov�ing vote �as poIled: Ayes: i�r. Green b�r. Batchelor i�r. Barry gdr. Baker Nays: None Absen-� and not voting� Mr. Marsh. V'r�,er.eupon the �iayor decZared �he said resolu-�ion unanimously adopted, and signed �he same. It was moved by Mr. $arry, �econded 'by Mr, Batchelox� and carried that the City NIanager be authorized to proceed with tk� inatallation of sanitary sewers in the business seetion on Clearwater Beaeh, and that the �ity�s contribution to tY.� project be assessed a:gainst the property � bene�'itted. There being no #�zrt'�c�r business, �he meeting was thereupon e.d j ournect. ��.���..�� ayo4i"`� ss ianer A�te t: itg Audit and Clerk , ^, .. �.._. ..� _