09/20/1937e e � ,�o �. '3� MINUTES QF �HE NtEETING OF TI� CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARVJATER, E'LOAIDA SEPTEI�BER 20, 1937 The City Commission of the Cit;� of Clearwater, �'lorida, met on the above date, w9.th the follo�ring members present: L. 9. r�4arsh, Acting NTayor-Co�rnnis:sioner; D. 0. Batchelor R. L. Baker �T. A. Barry ' 'It vJas moved by nir. Batchelor, seconded b� Mr. Barr� and carried t'4zat the recommendation oi' the city Attorney regarding 3elinquent ta.�Ps ' ar�d asaess�nents againgt the Sunburst Ap�rtments, praviding for pa�nent of y�500 cash and �urther payments of �100 per mon�h, beginr_ing, November l, 1,937, total amount .�5500, be accented, A pe'tition was presented asking tl�at the City Cor�mission pa.es an orclirianca �to close grocery stores on Sundag. The mr�tter vras taken under advisemsnt> It jvas mot ed by I�r. Batchelor. , seconded bg NIr. Barry and caxried that the purchase of a tr�ictor for the Fark Dep�.rtment for a�otal przce of y�800 payable at the rate of apa0 per month be authorized. It was moved by R'Lr, Batchelor, seconded bg Mr. Barrg and carried that the ci�g 1Tanager be authorized to purerfise a nevr car �'or the Police Dapartment at t11e lotvest bid offered. P�ioved by P,4r. Baker, seconded by Nir. Barry and carried that the dead end at the 1Vest end of Juniper Street be closed to automobzle trafficv It vras moved by Nr. Batchelor, seconded by NIr. Barry and c�.rried � that the tax adjustme�ts recormnended by the Ta t Adjustment Co�3.Lted be approved. - �,. C. E. LYare addressed the Commission, again ealling its at- teiition to the sevrer reque sted in the Plaza Park Section, ' � b7r. Batchelor introducad Ordinance No. 421 for its second ' reading, and moved its adoption. Seconded by Mr, Barry. Upon roll call t�ae followin�, vote vaas polled: Ayes: 143r. Marsh nir. Barry , Mr. Batehelor TVIr. Baker Nays: None Abssnt and not voting: Mr, Green, Mayor-Go�issioner. It vras moved b3r �r, 3atchelor, seconded bg I�Ir. Barx� and unani- mously carried that the rules be vlaived and the or•din�nce be placed upon its third fzn:d final reading iimnediately. The ordinance hatTing been read in full, it was moved by IJtr. F3atehelor�, seconded by hr. Barry, that the - ordinance bs passed on its third and final reading, and upon roll call the follotivving vote was polled: .iyes: �'ir, PJfarsh r+�r. Barry Mr. Batchelor Ivir, Bal�er Nays: None Absont and not votingc h2r. Green, Ntayor-Counnissioner. � i � Whereupon the �eting Mayor-Cozmnissioner declared Ordinance 421 passed and adopted and s'�ned �'he s�me, as follows: � ,. 1 � � � � � � �' . Aye�: Mr. Marah, Acting Maypr-Ca�issioner �lr. Batch�lor . Mr. 8 arry � Mr. Baker • Nays: None �• Abeent and not vnting; PJir. Green, I�ayor-Corrnnissioner, ' It wa9 moved by �ir, Batcl�.elor, seconded by Nir, Barry and unanimously carried that the rules be further vraived and the ordir_ancs be placed upon its third and final reading i.mrnediatel�. The ordinanee havin� been read in full, it was moved by r1ir. Batchelor, saconded by ' - Mr. Barry that the orclinance be passed on its third and final reading, - and upon roll ca11 the followin� vote �vas polled: .i ; Ages: i�Ir. I�farsh, 9cting Ttiiayor-Cou�nissioner _ . n�r. Barry ' 14Ir. Batchelor , RZr. Balcer ', Nay�: None Absent and not voting: Ivlr. Green, Iylayor-Commissioner. , Whereupon the Acting Mayor-Commissioner decla-red Ordinance ATo. 422 pe.3sed and adopted and signed thz same, as follotivs: _. i . . . . . . . . _. _ _ ._,_ __ � i� _ � F� . . � ��.,�..,� .. - � = � 1 ORDINANCE � � . �,�* , .. � � . �r. �iatchelor iniroducad Ordinance tvo. 42� for it4 f�.rat , (� A� �Drdinance providiug for and fixing the reading, and moved i�:s adoption. Seconded by Pllr. Barry, ana upon amount of certain Occug�.tional, Business roll call the �ollot�ing vote v��.s polled: M and Professional Licenses for the City af A�es; n�r, n�arsh, act; ng �a�or-co�mnissioner " ., { Clear«ater, Florida, and providiaig a penal- . `� ty for failu.re to cpmply therewith. ivir, �aker � , Mr�, Bat che lor � � , � `, � It[r. Barry � ',� ! Nags: None j � I� ORDINANCE 1V0. 422 i Absent and not voting: �r. Green, Magor-Cormnissioner. " }` �I Tt ��as moved by Pllr. Batchelor, seconded by �Iro Barry and carried •" • �� .b � that the'rules be waived and the ordinance be placed upon itg second � reading iuunediately by title only. The title having been read it was • � passed and adopte�l by the Glty COm1ttlSSiOri moved by iti4r. BAtci�.elor, secon.ded bg Mr, Barrv, that the rules be t't,.rtl�er of the City of Clearwater, Florida, tlti5 2�t�' � waivad and the ordinance be passed its second reading. Upon ro11 call the fol:.otiving vote was pol� ed: � day of Septem�er, 1937• ; , • �' �� . ji ,t*�t*,t,t�*�k*�E�t,t**,t*,F�k*,F,t�**,k*,t�k�k**�t,FA�,F*,k*#�k******�cic�k , �� I . . . . .. . . . . � � � . . � . . � .� . . ^ . , . . . �4 � , _ . . . . . . a . � • � . � � � � � � � � , . .��� . . ,. . . . , . .. . .. .. .. � ` . � � , i '. � � . � � . . . � . . � � � I . - . � . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . � . . . . � . _ � . .�. . ' . . . . . . . . � . ' " . . . � �i . :. . � . . . . . . . , . � . � . . i � . � � .. . . . � . � � . . . . �. � . . � � � . . �' � � � �, . .. � ... . F , . . ,_ . . :_. . � � . ,.�. .. .._ ..,.._.�.. .- . . . . . . ' . . .. _ _ -_.____.... . . . .«:... , . . . . . . . . _ _ ._. ..._ . .. ....... ..._.. _ ....,_.�. . .. . _ . . .. . . . . . . . . .', . . ... . . .. ..... . . . . .. . . . . . _ ._.. _... . . . . ._... . .... . . .... __ � � ---- . . .. . . . . . � .... _ _ .... ... . .. . . . .__. - 7 � 4 .. . . . - � � � � . � .. � � � .- . � . � �� _ �'. • Ayes: h7r. Mar�h, Actin� Maypx-Conuniasioxior � �7r, Batchelor Ivlr . B arry _' Mr. Bal�er . Nayse None �• � � Absent and not voting: Mz�. �reen, Mayor-Goxmnissioner. • It was moved by Mr, Batclielor, seconded by IJir. Barry and unanimously carried that the rules be fltrthex w�ived and the or�linanco be plaeed upon its third and final reacling iu�nediately. The ord3nance having been read in fu11, it wa3 moved bg Mr, Batchelor, aeconded by _ Pdr. Barry that the ordinance be passad on its third aizd' final roading, - and upon roll call the following vote was polled: • 4yes: Mr. Marsh, Acting Tviayor-coim'iissioner ' h�r . Barry • ' Niro Batchelor %4r. Ba�er �' Na�y-s: None ' rlbsent and not voting: Mr. Green, b7ayor-Commiasioner. Whereupon ths Act:ing I�Zay�or-Co�+miss5.oner declared Ord�n.ance No. � 422 `passed and adopted a��d signsd the same, as follorvs: . . . , , � . _ _. _ � e I�o. 422 . -. � Ordinanc I AN ORDINANC� PROVIDING mnvuger ur Proprtetor oE said stoce, 1 . � � FOR A\D FLtiL\'G TA� :1a�IOII�.T saidestactcsof�mercha �isele �•alue oE , OF C�RTRIN OCCUP�TIONAL. . . � . Bti511�SS 1I�� PROF�SSION:IL ic) LTI�IBER,Ye1RD5: Dealers in . . LiCLF�S�S FOR THE CLTY OF lumber �and builtling supplies shalt , CLEAR\�ATER, FLORIDA, AI�TD Pay an annual license ta.e oE g60.00 . PItOVIL`ZNG A PPNf1.LTT FOR � (tl) \O'VPuLTY �\TD C��BINLT , � Ft1ILIIltp TO� CODiPLY ��TEiER�- S,A�e vo lumhe�is sot�l slall PaYQan � � � � ��. LL IT ORDAI\ED BY TEIL CITY annual�1NSIC A1VD��I�CHANTnCAL , CO�LIIISS10\ OF TFl� CITY OF SO�ND �L-1,CFLI�.T�B n'here a.coin is . . '. CLLARR'1TER, FLORID?.�. inserted. sltall pay 3n annual license � � SLCTION 1. No Person sl�all en6�6� tax oP� .. � .. $10.Q0 � in ar manage the nrofessinn,. busines5 �p� y�p�, R�SIDE�7T� SLJNIC Dr�.-4L- . � � � . or occupation � Hereinafter name[7, PRS: Lach� Person who sliall tms- � � . � . ��•ithin tl�e City oY Ctearhater; Flor- el. Yrom place- to place. bu}dn� innk, . . � tda, unless a city� 13cense shaII be. se- � automobiles, iron, cnLAer, brass, tles. � � � �� curecl frcm� the� City Clerk. of thts jute b1gs, etc.,: sliali. nay an annual . . . . , City-, nhieh Iicense sfiall be issued to ���ense tax uY . .,. .. .... 5���00 � � � , euclr persOn or pei5ons' 9n receipt Ot .an�l eaC15 Junk Dealer SHull tiefOre . . �, tiie amount � hereinaYEer stated, nrQ � 7ea��ing the Ctty oE Clearwater suU- � � � � the same ��hall be signefl bS tha City m[t to� the ChieY of Police, or to �the � Clerk and tlie CitS �3anager,. and shall C[ty License Iaspector, a list � oP al{. � � . . liace the Ctty Seul nTfised. � .junic lie has Purchased in�tlie City, tp- � � . � SL•'CTION "_. Na license shalt be is- gether �vith the name� or names oE all � . � sucS for a perio� oC less than six (6) �fersons trom whom he Uas purchased � . � months, eccent as �hereinaYter spedf- the sume.am7 his Permanent address. . . . . � . . . . . Senlly stuted. �rovidei7 that Yor�� ench g�CTION 4. All � t[cense tav hereby . �• . . � � ❑censc issued Uet�veen OctoUer Eirst� orAained to be puid shall be duo an� . . nn� A��rtl first, of eueh� year, the full paya4le on the ftrst daY oP OctoHer . � amount oP ltcense ta.e l�erebv imPosed of each year.. � .. . � '� � sliatl� be� pafit; nnd Eor � eacli 7[cense SPCTION u. � Any Person or Persons, . lseueil ntwr iprll � flrat, of each Sear, flrm or corPoraflon. or nssociation � - � � � one hatT of the total amount uY li- that sl�ull carry an� or conduct any , cense shatl be�paid. � business, or,cunatimi or profesafon.:fpr �� . � � 51'srTTON 3. On and after October ��'ILch a license is hereby re0.uired, � �� tst, ln3i, the �following Iicense tas� «4thout flrst obtaining a llcense, or - . shall tie assessed ancl collected,. to- ����o shall vfotate nny of the provi-� wit: � stons of thls Ordinance, shali, uPon � . . (a) L'AJ:�RI�S �S'FiOL'CSALE shall ��'Qnvle[ion iss ti�e \Iun�clpal Court oL � � pay nn annual license tuc oP $60.00 �•learcvater, Florida, tie Sined not rex- . .� (b) \IPRCFLl\TS shall Pny. an��� �eeding the sum oE� $?00.00, or im- . � � . annunl license t;ix Uased upom the nriaonecl (n the City Jail not excee�- . 4�' . vnlue oP thefr atock. o[ merchandise, �ng sixty (6p) �aYs� a• bY bot}� nuch � . in accordance with the following .���ne and 3mPrisonmznt, in the. discre- . . I schCdnle, to-wit: tton of the ��unicina] JuJge. � . � �Stack oY goods �vnlued at ,Su0Q.00, or �SLCTION (3. Any Ordinaece or� purts� � . � tess, the unnual Ifcense tax shall o[ Orriinances.. in conflicE heretvith � . . . . . u� ., . „ �. �S � pp be, an� � the _va�ne Is �hereby rePealed. � � . . . Stock of goods �alued from�S OS.00 ST'-CTION 7. Tlils prdinanca shull . � .� to s�onn.00� s�� annunl l�cense tex h�'C�me efYecttve imnieQiatc]y upon i[s . . � � �shnil b0 �.. . � ... . � $10.00 Dnssa�e. � Ancl for euch additional $100tl.00 of P.C55CD AA'D ADOPT�D by the � . � stoClc o[ merchan<ltse tl�e annual li- CtLY Commiss(on of the City oE Clr.nr- . � . CCI190 tnx shall he .. ... 52.50 ��'atcr, FIo�9da, this the 20th �ay oC. . � � Prtor to tBe issuanee oP �.any ]icense September, A. D. t43i. � � . un�er the provisions. �oY thls Orcli- �L. A. TIARSFS � � nance un -af[�clavitr In wrlting, must ��et(n� illayor-Commissioneb pro tem. . be procured� aucl Ttic� with tha City Atteat; � � � � . . . � - '.\uilitor nn� Clerk, nhich aftl�lncit �T� P. Satterfiei� . � I aBall�. he ezccute� Uy ctther tNe oNner, CILS Au<7[tor anp Clerlc . � � � . � � ii � � � Mr. Batclzelcr introduced Ordinance No. 423 for its i`irst readirig, and movod its afloption. SecondAd by fi�ir. Barry, and izpon rc11 ca11 t�.e iqllo�+rin, vote vras polled: Ayes: M�. Pdarsla., Actisig IYZayor-Comm3:ssioner . h2r. Batchelor Nr. BAker b2r. Barxry Nays: ATone Absent and not votin�: lYtr. G•reen, h?ay�r-Commissioner � Zt was moved by I'�ir. Batchelor, seconded by 3�Sr. Barr� and carried tl�a.t the rules be v�aived and the ordinance be p laced upon its seconcl. readin� immediatel� ��r ti�le cuily. The �it1e havir_g been read, it was n�oved bg A?r. Batcheloi�, seconded bg I��r. E�arry, that tize rules be iizrthos vraived �d the ordinance be passed its second reacling. �pon ro11 call the follotving vote ��as polled: Ayes: iair, �arsh, aeting Mayor-Corr,�nissioner Mr, Batchelor P�tr. Baker P„r, Barr� I+tavs; None Absent And not vot:ing: Iv?,.�. Creen, I��ayor-Co�ussioner It tivas moved b� �ir. Batchelor, seconded by �r. i3a�xy and unar_i- �ously carried that t Yte rules be furt�a.er i�ra�ved a:nd the ordinance be placea upor,. its third and fin�.l reading umned�?ately. The o rdinance havin.;g :;een read in full, it v�as moved by P�ir, Eatchelor, seconded by l�ir. Barxy that tre orcLnance be passed on its tLi.rd and i'inal rea.a?ng, and upoi� r•oll cali the following vote v�as pollecl: A�es: Mr. I1�arah, Aetirg I�tagor-Coimnissioner N?r. Batchelor P+�r. Baker ?.r. Barry Na�st Ivone Absent and no� voting: Nr, �reen, Lta?�or-C�,�n;ssioner Whereupon the Acting �Zayor-Counnissioner declared Ord�rance 423 passed and adepted� and signed the same, as follbtvs: CZT] � OF o. 355 od�n, DE_ . � .nNU `� PROVIPIIyG � � .hL�'N+ILTI�$ lOR� TFiL yTpLAh2p� OF THL' +rLg\i5.OF THIS� Qi2DZ- � �NANC� nnd ns� amenAe4. bX qrd7- �� � � tranoC� No A07 0[ thu Clty'� ot 4'lear- � �vater,, Tturidµ, be; and the samp iy �� . �� liere6y repeuled. . �. � 5�CTI0�* x�ll oWln¢nccs�br P�u'ts � � �Owm �. i��=-�-^ . � � � � � �i � � �n[ Ordinances 1n confliek lternwlth are � � � Lereby TepeeSed. . . 9�CTIOV 3: �Thia OXdir,ance stix7l� iake: efteCt September 30th, 1087. �� .� � PAS$ED AiVD� ADOPTED 6y tli6 - . � City Commisston �ot .Lo C[ty ot Clear- � aVntor, ��loridn, tt�ls tUe 40th aay oE � � � � SeFtemker, A, D. 1�37. . � . . � L. A. 11CARSH �.� . � . Adt�ng. 1�IaYor-Commtaeionar'pro tem.� � .lttegt: � . � J. P7,: Saiterttotd� � � � . Clty <�ndltor and C�erlc . � . � ! ■ � �� .. i , , .... .. �9 � � °$ ; w; +, lf �ad h4r. Fatchelar intr�ducod Ordinance No. 4�'3 �or 3.ts fir�t reacliizg, and moved i�s adoption. Seconded by n7r. �arz�,;, and ugon roll call the follo�vin.g vote tivas polJ.ocl: Ayes: Nfr. P�iarsh, Acting R'I�,yor-Coimni5sioner I�r. Batchelar r�ir. Balce r h7r . Barrg Vays: None �lbsent and not voting; �r. Greon, Magor-Corrnnissloner Ii; �vas moved by bire Latehelor, seconded b,y P��r. Barxy and carried that the rtlles k�Q waived aud the ordir_anee be placed upon ita second raadir_g ismnediately by tible only. The title ha.ving been read, it tiras moved by TY�r. Ba�chelor, seconded by Mr. Barry, that ' he rules be further waived and tre ordinance passed its aecond reading. Upon roll call the following vote was nolled: Ages: 1'�rr, h'�arshr acting Iliayor-Co�issioner Zur, Batchelor I�ir, Baker �Zr . Ba.rry Nays; None Abssn�G and not votings t�:r,. Green, Ic:ayar-Coirnnissioner It was moved by 111r, Batcllelor, seconded by n7r. Barrg and tiuzaiziniously earried that the rules be furtlzer waived and the ordinance be placod upon its third ax�d final reading immeaiately, The ordinance having been read in fizZl, it ti�as movea by t�ir. �atchelor, secor_deci by Nir. Barr� that tre ord3nance be passed on its thircl and final reading, and upon roll call the f`ollotiving vote tivas polled: AyA�: �r. n�arsh, pctir� N�iayor-E�mmissioner A4re batchelor iuir . B aker 14iT'. B&x'Y'�i Idays: None Absent and nat votir,g: hir. Green, Mayor-commissioner ZJh.ereupon the Ac�ing b:ayor-Corrmissioi�.er dec.lar9d Ordinance �424 - passed and aciopted and signed the sarr�e, as follorvs; � F c r. � _-.� s P. , A f �� ti ✓> ° � 4 ' � t � � � f� *#***�c�r�/nl-ic�k***�tkic�l�*ic�c*******�c*****�c**��nl-l�-k�cic**�c�t*�F' � ORD11�1ANCE � , � �***�k�t***� � � � An Ordinance to amend paragrauhs (a) and � (b) of sectian 3�of Ox:�inance No. 408 of the 4, City of Clearwater, Florida, entitled: "A�n �, Ordinance fixing rates and providing rules i! and regulations for t'he government of t�e �; water depaxtment of the City of �lear- ; water, Florida. � �ORbiINANCE NO. 424 � �� � !i ; Passed and a:doptee� by the City Commissinn �f �he City of Cleaxwater, Florida, this 20th � �1 day of September,1937• � �, � I, ******�c*#****�t�c-k**ic***dc*�tic**�t�k�t*�c�t** � TLere bein� no flzrt}ier busi.ness, the meeting trza.s thereup�n ' adjourned. �e�����t�`�-�- ` Actin� 147a�y'or- ormissionar Attes ity udito � an Clerk � � ,, . `�... k�( ' .� -� Ordinance No. 424 t1N ORDINrINC� TO aM��`D . S�CTION �" �� Tlrat Parn6rnph (li) q[ ' PAR.AGIt.1PBIS (n) <V\'D �(b) OF Section 3 of Or<liniuua No. 40S of Uie SLCTIO\ 3 �P ORDINANC� NO. C(b� oP Clennvnter, � Floridn. Uc, nnd �105 OF TH7] CITY-0P �QL�aRR'�- tUe �same is �liereb3 anteuded to �reatl . TLR, FLORIDA� ��TITI+�D- ��`�'� �iTs follo ZndustriN rnkes� to apP�Y to 012DINANCL FItiING RAT�S� ���b) . s11�D PRO��'IDIh.G RUL�S� ,1ND mills,. factot•ies, Ice � Ulants, la;underles . RPGULATIO\S FOR TIiE GO�'- nnd rePrit;erntton Pl�nts. �'hen sen�- �RN&I�NT OF THL R'AT�R D�-� ice is rendered tllrou6h one mMer, to P�RT\LENT OF TA� CITS OF ti�en s� LQ�ll�es$1.^5 Uer i onUQ� �diU CLLi1fiR'.1Ti]R, FLORIDA.." B� TT ORD.IIN&D �BY � TI�I� CITT u ina�qmun allo�vance oE �100� � cub[c CO�I,IIISS10� OP TH� OITF OF �� �Il Uor tenncelnts �peri�iq0 eubict3feet � CLLARI4ATLR, FLORIDA:� S�CTIOh'. 1. � Thnt Paim6raph' (a) oC up to 10�0 enUte feat inclns(ce, nnil Sect[mi 3 oP �Ord3nance .�To. 40S oP the eight cents per 1➢0 oubte Peet Yo}• ang Gip' of ClenrW:tter. Elortil¢, Ue, :nnit amount. aUo�•e ]0�0 cnblc Peet. Busi- tiie same ia l�ereby. amen�led to rea3 in�s b i�l�lilie enfter be �cl nrged ut le us Pollo�5's: � � "(a) bomest(c,� (store, ofPice or res- se�icef as��setdPorUitiin ParaSinph Identiul service) etC., Wlll. be.$1.^_5 Per Section 3 of thIs Ordinnnce, ns � � month��miN�mm, �vith a maximum al- �(a��. lo�vnnce of d00 enUic feet pei• month: � amepiled. nsditional qunntittes w111 be ^0 �:cents SECTIO\ 3�. e1ll� Orilinnnces� or parts �per 300 cuhie Pee[, � up to 1000 cubic of Or�linauces in � conflict liere�Yith {eep inclusive, nnd Su cents per 100 a�'e Hereby repealed. cubic feet Yor any aniounts abode SECTION 4, Tliis� Ordinance sHall 1000 cubic feet. Rates wliere� no met- tnke efYect � immediatel�* u1�on .its ers aze� instnlled. shalt be $1.`-'"a per Passnge: month inin[mum, for� one. fauceE or p+�SS�D e1.1'D .1DOPT�D bF the ficture. Ten cents� Por ench addition- � C(q* Commisslon of the Clq� oP �Clenr- ¢1 faucet. or Yisture. A hot and Cold «'�ter, F1orldn, tlils� �the 20t1i dn}' oY faacet on ove 4ixture shell. be con- September.. A. D. 1'J37_. sidered as one fLcture. On and aYter . .L, A. AIAEiSF3. � OctoUer ist, 1937, domesttc tates wlll :SeHng 3Iayor-Commisstoner � Pro Tem.. include, tE desire�l, more than one Attest: house �on one� property, or under one 7. F.. SntterPtel� ownership. in case o�ner � procides ��Cit}• �uclitol� and Clerk. � meter and connections oY ampte size [o serve the connected seivlces. � Tre�e beir� no furl;her busix�ess, the maetin.g was thereupon �djvurned. � Actin� Mayor-�%omiissioner Attes • ity udito� an Clerk � r . MIINTES OF' THE CITY CGP,�4ISSTON October 4, 1�337 The City Commis3ion oi the Gity of Clearcra;:er, Florida, met on the above date, with the follovrira�; members present; Z. �''. Pdarsh, Actin� �iayor-C��mnissioner D, 0. Batchelor R, Z. BalcPr J. A. Barry - i�r, i"d, I3, ti7olfe addressed the Co�miss _on in ragard to filling station c�erators o'bjectin� to Orainance 421, requiri.ng . license for filling statior� drivetivays. The matter tvas deferred for further consideration. A letter Froin the Civil Service Board tiras read reco�mnending tt�at CY�arles r�i��+r�an and �eorge I�icClasmna be promo+ed to Class B Patrolmen. Approvecl by P,ir. Baker, seconded by I�:r,: 3arry and carried that Class B be reinstated at two men, at � salary oP Yr100 per month and that tk�.e recommend�tion' oi' the Givil Service Board to pro�ote these tv�o men be abproved. It tvas moved b� i',ir. Batc�.e� or, �econded b� 2�.r. Barr� and carried that �he It?agor appoint fa, committee to con.fer �ith the Com- mittee of the Beach Asspcia.tion vrit:h. regard to Beac11 Groins. Also tlzat a committee be ar.pcin.tsd on beacL set�ers. 14:r. Taver Bailey aadresse:l the Corrmission asli?�g that the Cit� Commission appropriate ;r2500 for temporary addition to thz Public Librar�. Tr� matter v�as deierred for f`urther considera�.ion. P�Ir. R, L. Rogers addressed the �omYnission rela�ive to liabilit-�,� insuran.ce on City empl;a�ees, It was xuoved by I�Tr, Barry, seconaed by nir. Ba�chelor and earrizd that Yrir. Nicho�s rind Zt,r. Polhill be appointed as a comsai�tee �o vrork out a pla.n ior this ' insurance . It vras moved by T;ir, Batche�or, seconded by iar, Barrr and carried thmt application for permit to build a fillin� sta�ion ai� the corn:er o= Gulf-�o-i3ay BouTevard and the Ccacbman Road be ap- pro ved . : It was moved by t,�r. Batcrelor, seconded by �,ix, Barry and c�rried that 1;?ayor Green be reques�ted to appoint a co�ittee on foz°eclosures, and that this cox�ittee be given poiver to act. IYir, Bal�er did not vota. I�; was moved by �� . Batchelor, seconded by i.?r. Barry and carried �7aat the tax adjusbments reeor,imenfled bg the Cor�,�ituee be approved. There bein� n,o ftzrther business, the meetir� tivas thereupon acl j ourna d . n��- Att t; CJ�"'-'F� � � � P;�ayor-�os�is sioner f y Audito and Clerk �� � � � � � i � i _ _._ _. _ a� _ ;