09/07/1937� ,
September 7, 1937
The C:t,ty Cor�.i.ssion of the City of Clearwat$r, Florida� me� on the
above date, in regular meeting asse�bled, with the follo�r3ng members
L. A. Marsh, Aeting Mayor-Goffinissioner
n. 0. Batchelor,
J. A. Barry,
R. L. Baker.
The Cit� Manager presented compilation of bids for gasoline purchases
for the next tvre]_ve months, Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr� Baker,
and carried, that �he contract be awarded to the Shell Gompany, being the
lnwest biddere Mr. Barry voted 'pNo."
The Mayor announced that objections would be heard concerning
the installation of sanitary sewers in Section �hx�ee of Clearyater Beach
Island, as advertised, pursuant to resolution passed August 16th.
The �ollowing pe�ition was thereupon presented:
"We believe that there is a better method of' �e�ttag� '
dfsposal for C1ear.water Beach Island than: that praposed
by the City Engineer, and respectfully request the City
Council to hold this matter in abeyance, for a period of
30 days in order to give us sufficient time to make
further investigation."
(Signed by 18 persons)
Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by B1r, Baker, and carried, that
the matter bs deferred ior thirty da3s.
IVfoved by Mr, Batchelor, seconded by I�Ir, Barry, a;nd carried,
that �3000 be transferred from the budget for streets in thE north
end of the city, to be used in repairing dama.ge by storm water,
and that an additional �100Q be and is hereby appropriated for tha.t
Moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by N(r. Batchel�r, and carried, that
an additional �2000 be ap�ropriated for reeonstruction of Druid Road
Moved by �r, Bat�halor, seconded by r,lir, Baker, and carried, tha.t
the single house rate be applied to multiple oecupancies thru ane
meter on one lot, and to appartment and business build.ings,
Mo�ved by Mr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Batchelor, and carried, that
the Building Tnspector be instructed not to issue permits for dri�etivays
into gasoline filling stations except N�.th restrictions set forth in
the proposed ordinance regulating such driveways.
Moved by Mr, BatGhelor, seconded by N[r, Bakar, and carried, that
proposition of A11ey, Rehbaum and Capes, to settle all taxes and as- �
sessments O11 B$ lota in Crest Lake Subdivision in consideration of a
deed to the City of a strip of land along the v�est side of Crest Lake
Park from the presont park to the east line of Glenwood Avenue,
extended, and a dsdication of right of way for Glenwood Avenue and
Frankl3n Stree�, s:lso �15000 face value of Del,inquentr Tax Noted, be
Moved by Mr. Baker, seconded ry Mr. Batehelor, and carried, that
� . . � � `3;� .
the rafund k�y the couni;y �o the city of the expenses for ope��ation of
the police radio for the past 5*ear be credited againat �he axpenaes of
the poliae department for t;he current ye�zr.
Moved by NL:. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Baker, and crzrr3ed, that
proposition of Mr. W. H. McInti.re, to purchase the cityt-s interest
c�n the East � of lots 6& 7 Block 2, IrR Nicholsonts Addition to
Clearwater, far �"60Q., at the rate of �p25,00 per manth, wi�h 6;�
intorest, not in�3udiug State & County taxes or an abstract, be
Moved by Mr. Batcielor, seconded by Mr. Baker, and c�u ried,
that the city accept �25�.00 in full settlPment pf taxes and assessmente
against lot 4 Block 19, Gould &�ringls 2md Sub,.
There being no further business, the meetin�; was theroupon adjouined.
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