08/16/1937, _j s r` ..p._;i� . :i`. O . . .. . . . . ,_..i . . . . . � � � . . f' � � � .. ; MINU'i'ES OF TH� C2TY COMMISSION Aug�us� 16,, 1937 The City Commission of the City of Clearvrater, Florida, met on the above date, in resular meeting assembled, with the follo�rrin� members present: L. !�. Marsh, Acting Mayor-Commissianer D. 0. Batchelor, J. A. Barry, R, L. Baker. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Nr, Bakpr, and carried, that the City Mana�er be author3zed to have the drainage situation at the �Sincla� Fill3.ng Station on the beach repaired, Q of the cost to be paid by the city and 2 by the lessee. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Nir. Barry, and carried, th.at the tax settlement rsquested by Mr. S. N. Jordan be referred to 'the tax adjustmer_t committee with po��er to act. � � �Roved b� Mr. Barry, seconded by 3,Qr� Baker, and carried, th�t the ma.tter of the fish plant lease be referred to the city attor•ney - and citg manager to report baek to the cit� comnission. , Nlr. �Barx�y intiodueed the follovring resolution; A RESOI,II'i'ION TO CIiADTGE THE AMENDID APPLICATION OF THE CI^Y OF CL�Al���'ATER TO THE UNITED STATES OE' ANLERIt;A THROUGH THE FEDERAI� EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC VdORKS FOR A LOkN 91VD GRANT TO AID IN FINANCING THE CONSTRUCTION OF �DDITIONS TO T� CITY :SANITARY SEdVERS-�TQ A GRANT ONLY TO AID IPl THE r'2NANCING AS ABOVE MEN'1_'IONID. ti�JHEREAS: the City nas received a statement from a se��er co�tractor in v�hich they state tha,t thev wiil accept sanitar� sewer Revenue CerLificates of the Ci�y in the amount of �l$3�000 st par as part payment on this construation work; and we have statements from other contractors that they will give the same assurances to the City thus enabling the GitST to dispose of the Cityts revenue securities at par and at privatQ sales, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the application be axr��nded as follo�^rs: A resolution to change tho amended applicatior_ of the City of Clearevater to the 'i.inited Sta�es of Ainerica through the Federal �mergency Administration of Public Works for a loan and grar_t �t'o aid in financing the construction of additions to the C:tty Sanitary.Sewers - to a grant on1� to aid in the financing as above mentioned. Passed and adopted by the City Commission Q� the Ca_ty of Clearwater, F:ioridA, this 16th dag ofAu�us�, 1937. Attest: i�igned¢ L, A, Marsh9 Acting 1Viagor-Commissioner (Si�ned) J. E. Satterfield, C$ty Audi.�oy & C1erk. Moved by Mr. Barry,' seconded by bir, Balter� �n�? carried, that the resolu�3on be adopted. Upon roll ca11, tYie follovring vote was polled: � Ayess Marsh, Brztcholor, Barrg, Bakero Nays: None, Wheroupon the Mayor-Commissianer declsred the resolutian unanimou.sly adoptecl9 and signed the same. ' � . . . , . � � . � ', . � � i Mr. �arr� 3ntroduaed the followin� resolution: ,A i3T",�OLi7`I'TtJTT Q�' ';�f� C:L�'i' CE'Ji,�3T��I0N Ok�' "i'iiL�" , CI�i'3� �F` Ci�AT:a°1.�m�R, PL4R�l?!�, ���I,��?SPdt� STS Iid`�'�N'1.'TOi1� '1'!7 II�'�'�iLT� SAIdI2',t1E�.ii �15I�LF�,9 �Ia 11 C�i�'l.'LaTIt PQRTT�S� Qk' C�,1a�Ft1Fi�.l'iT;� i3�CFi I ST,Il217?, �'l�R�1'�a 1'ia:o Gi$� Cc�ra�:t��3an o� I;b+� C3�� o�' d3.a�i��tra�car$ F'lax�c�a,, dcae�a� 3� g�,�rl,ea�ile, necae�as+f �r�.i3 �c, i:}so 'bea� 3nto�ostn of' �ho C�.�y o�' Clam rrQ.�ta� i;o :Install sc��i;a�g ser•rca�Q �� �h� �'a3.� �.00t3Y7(py Z70�'��.QR7 Of' .ri�L't:L..v+SY£l�,O?'+' F30AC2h Il3�.E1LYfI* �i0-'FT].L't SQe�3on �.°oo (�), embrac3n�; �ho Qoa�3o� o� Cloazmrrz�or Boa�ch InlarxZ �'�os� the �u�' o�' �,io�.ca ta ��.e�za�at�r E3a�, aztd f re� �ho ao�ior �.�.Y1Q Q�' PE�Y?Y .�"��'!'OOt: X103°��.1 '�O f7�70 i?QLlY1Glt32'''t'f �.�.3'�� bott��en �:�tridc�.'la� ��bc3iv2��.o� �r_a C7.oar�later Bamc� Park 5u'bcliv3.slony; ba��.� a�apro��s��s"!� 30�: �o �3.� �ae� sou�Lh oi' �ho �cni�h p�o�or'�g 3.ir�� a� �c�c1�. Si;root�, �c'1 ox�encil�,�; i'�.°anz G'3.6R�'Efita.�0� I�ty" �d ti10 ()u3.f' �f i�0�i3.�Q. s^I�RErOf2�, I3� �� Rt'SO.�i�D, �3a:� �h�a G3�y Gorcw-iie�3�n c�oo� hoa.�^c3}sy d.ee�.are itn 9.7a�o�t�or.x �o insi�a�.1 e���i'��r� �otro?�� �r� SaiQ r�a��3an og C1aar�a`�e� Liaaei? ��sl.nnd. }3� I�' I'I1F3`.�Ti;Fi "YiI"�uOT,SiL7=,?y t;3z�1'� �?�o C�ty' .(it1t3�:t;QY� txYl.�i C1c�1� gT3Et�.�. pL�.'133.�.$h A, �1q'��Q6 �C1Cli'C3a0Qd �GO R�.1. �701'ESOIICi 111'�Fi�'QES'CQfis FT$i�il �1�L�'�.CO ShA�� [3�.Y'fl�'� A�.`� B7.iCh �]�Y90�t�1 '�O ESL.dt7 CAl1SQb :I.�' a�ap �o�a �Se` ��* sa3� so�torn n�.ou�.� na'� �?a : azat�.lod� aa�zd direQ�3r� a3.1 perFsans c1a��.��:x� �o ali�ec� �o ��.1n 'r�a3iry p1�Joe� �ions on ��o �„�_;�,,,y tl�r- o� Sop�au�b�r�, 1�J�7 ;�.i; sa�,r� na�3.�o t�h�.3`! be �ub�.i�hoa or_eo a rreel� fo� ��ro ( 2) �oz�aae�i:3va ��`�aL�, �:�o Pi:[**at pub�3�a�9:bn �3a.oz o��' �Lo 'be �xot� li��a �f� �nrr f�.0� c�uy� �'JB�'03'G j'.'�SO k'�cl'#�, - -�. �- - (�6.,ij' Q� �O�u�3Y��Y'i �.�c��D. 17��.4'�i 6L1�:t3. nc��`�ca �o.�'� a7,�a bQ� �Ys� a�atQ�an.� �cbn:� �k�..� co�� o�' �u�:� ;i�pro�'or�ori'�� shm3.1 b� a�saoaaod u,�rz3r��; �I�e 7��ay�or�f Uo�e�1.�e�1, F3� TT �IJRsiiiifft R�O�,V� �hai �.'aa �3:iy Co�isgip27 sT��a3.1 . mc�ot 1� �]� C9:i� �3 a� 7s �o k�: F.�. an �ha ��„� c�ay a� wn��c�m'ber�, yJ3`7a �� ha� m�.1 nl�'jec�3on� '�o oaic3 �.inpx�o�e�an�La.. PlluSL'n �is`�71 ADO -2�i1:� b� $�..� C�,�� Coz�3.�s:tl3on af tha C�.�L� a�' �].o�r�.�4r, Fior:a.da� -��zia 16�h c��.wr o� �4ta�L� A. �, �:�37.. li��a��a a�ror�- oun • at� on��' _ y u �or � �vr . �2� 0 D[�xls[�xMax�c�aax�caagptntoY�x�tgxa4x�x�aicxs�as�.3cxi�sx��aa��� nro��c�,t �cr ��a��� a�r�a�r�s za� � �rzm�zx� ���i���� s���za�� a� c�a:,,�r�tr��a�� �:�c�t T�s,1U3T� OI�' .^�� iTI'1'���i'�T4,�i d� a� G'r'k�` C033w �ssz��� �o ���T�z, ��rx�.�a� s����� liS��S�?I7Gi j^.iiE +�t}5+�" ���EO�' I�t�A.�I��3'?rTFi�' �'I�tO�'�E?7:ir 13�t�E�'Zri�D, :'i'atz .AR� T3�I�B� i1q'��I+'xLD �h._a� �;he C�,ty Co�.esion o� �ha G3� o�' C3,o��.�r��a �"t��.clta, cyn �k+..o ���h r2a� o�' Av�uatg 1#33'7q paar��sc3 �.ne� ada��afl a r�e�oltzt9,oi� @e�3�n�:ix� ��s 3.21�;r�i��2e�n �o 3r.�i��:`� ���t�ry eocros�c� 3.ri �Y�� �'0�o��1n�; �soa�3.on a�' C�oaz�m�e� Ht�t�.c� Itt�,t�n�3.� �Q xri�c�: Sc�a�'sion �oe ( �; � ei�br�.�:in� �� s�a�icrr�.. oi' Claa�ai�ar Bo�:ch T81and �roin ��io C-ulf' o� ��o�a.aQ �a �'! earrre.�cer Br� pnct i'�o� �ia,fl co��c�r �.2n�i c��' Pa.7.ni �i;rcaoi rior�. �a ��ounc�ery � 3na '�o��ec�n T:���c't�.�y �u'b�iVis�oxz c�n3 C'�var��a�e� T3DACS�2 ��I'� �L1�IJ�Z3.V3.F3�D11� �O�Y+..� A�j3Z'0�7.2�A�0��' '�0�. �0 1�.a ; en� so�h oi' �iw �sout�. p�opor� 3.�Y1G' O�` 1�CE1Q�Et ��`s`�i'E@t", g, �1T� t3S'�"i6�� �i'fY�l Cl�urr�a�ez� �Qv �c tTa� G�1�' o� E.ox�.00, aX�1, '�q �.L5f303� ��lEi 006{; '�SIO�Qf3�' �A3Y2£i� '�L'�� U�'0�63'�j" x36I1Ot"3`�6tlr �'ou �o �oraT� d3.x�esa��d to �Z�.e �au� ob�c�e�lon3, 3.�' � yr� �avo� to �aid 3m�res�ra�en��i� on �e � cTa�r of S�z��o�or,�. ��?3�y, The C�.� fJi�z.rn�.snia� of �e C� � oi' �?eee�rA�er i�3;�.1 �or�t a� 7.u0 �> i:i: cr� ��� said r1r��a �'ar �I�c3 �u..rn�aaes p� �:or�r:ea�.� ob�e.c�3an� {iU ESAid. 3,Zri�;7X'L?gAYLQYdL�S:. T'l�3.� n�a��t�a da�Qci �a 24�Za �3ay a� A�z�xs�� d. D. 3.937.. �'. �. �A1.'1�R�'T..�I�t, �3�g t��ad3��a� � e3.Q�3�. 14Ioved by Nir, Barry, second.ed by Ivir, Batclielor, that the resolution be adopted, and upon roll call, the following vote was polled: Aves: I�Earsh, Batchelor, Barry, Bal�er, Nayss None whereupon the Mayor deolaredthe resolutio:� vnanimously adop�ed, and s3gned �he same; Mr. Barry intrqduced the following resolut�.on; . . _.� z� � ,� �� � 9 RESOLUTION WFIEREAS, the Plorks Pro�ress A��*iinis�ration has agreod ta commence officisl project No , known as '�INuTALT,ATION �JF SANITARY SEWERS IN CLEARINATER BEACH ISL�IND,, �� a:nd VJAEREAS, the Federal Government has requested the Cit� of Glearwater �o i�crease its cor_tributiou foi �he purehase of material, NOW TF3EREFORE, BE IT RLSOLVED by the C3ty Coimniss3on oi' t�,a City of C1e�rwater, Florida, that the Gi�y of Clea�vrater herebg agrees to purchase addit3onal items of ?naterial ss anumerated belorv: 2x6 Yellow Pine Lumber J.2i #3 SOI�. Board Ft C�32a00 $�2560a00 Portland Cement, 686.� Lbl. ��2.50 per Bbl �71E.0� �427fe00 The City Commission hereby further agrees to furnish additional material should the items enumerated above fail to s�eet:.th.e requi�ements as establiahed by the Works Prograss Admin3.stratian. Passed and Ad�pted by the G3ty Commission of the City of t�arNrater Florida, this 16th day of August, A. D. 1937. (Signed� L. A, M�.rsh c ng Mayor�C� ss on.ar Attest: J. E� �atterP3eld yAuior&C er . �oved bg Mr, Barry, seconded by Mr, Batichelor, that the reBolution be r�dopted, and upon roil call, the followin� vote was polZed: Ayes: Marsh., Batchelor, Barry, Baker Nays; Nome whereupon the Magor declared the resolution unanimously adopted, an�l si�ried the same. There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned, � �eTc�'ng ayor-Coirnn ss oner A�test: � � PJIINUTES OF THE CITY COMtJITSSION August 26, 1937 The C3tg Corr¢nisaion of the City oP C]:earvrater, Florida, met on the above date, in special meeting assembled, with the folloraing members rressnt: L, P_. 'Mars}i, actino hiayor-Corr�nissioner D, 0. Batchelor J. A. Barry R. L. Baker IvToved bg Nr. Barry, seeonaed b� Ivir. Baker and carriec� that the City redeem outstanding band credit cextificates a.t 35% of face value. 14loved by�ritr. Batchalor, seconded by PZr. Barr� and carried �hat tax adjustn?e:�ts a.9 recor�nendod by the tax adjustment corrmit�ee be approved. —� Mr. Batchelor introduced the following resolution: 4YHEREA,S, By indenture of lease the City of Clear��ater, Florida, a munic ipal c6rpurati,on, did on April 15, 1936, lease and let unto Sea Food Praducts, Incorporated, a certa3n plant of builaing, comnonl� l�own as tlle Fis'_z Processir� Plant, including a11 macliinery, fix�:ures �.nd equip- ment installed ther in, for a term of six years, beginnin� May 15, 1936 and ending May 15, 1942, which lease provided that the Lessee would make no assi�nment of said lea�e or sublet any portion of eaid demised pre- mises v�rithout the prior written consent of the Zessor; and WHEREAS, The Sea Products, Incorporated, desires to sublease a portion of �he d emised premises to Gulf Food Spec:ialties, Inc., and ]�as requested the City� of Clearc�ater to ednsen� to said sublease. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY T$E CITY COMi(ISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARVTATER, FLORIDA, in special meeting assen�bled: That said sublease betFreen Sea Products, Incorporated and Gulf Food Specialties, Inc., as the same is set forth and ev;.denced by a true copy of said sublease kiereto attached and by reference espressl� made a part of this resolution, be ratified, eonfirmed and approved, subject, ho�vaver, to ;the follo�ring conditions and oxceptions, to-�vit: I. Said s ublease sha11 Y�e subject 'to the payment of any and all business occupational licenses levied, imposed and collected, or to be collzcted by the C�ty of Clear�vater for any and all business or businesses, engaged in by said Sublessee in tre Ci'tg of Clearwater, Florida, either upon the d omised premises or elsewhereo 2. Not less than 90%a of the laborers, servants and Amployees of sAid Sublessee in, upon or about the demised.premises and in the operation of Sublessee�s business si�ll be resi�ents of the City of Clearwater, Florida, who Are qualified to vote therein und �rho are in need of ��rork, and the failure of the Sublessee faithf�a.114 to keen and observe tile foregoing provision shall be and constitute a breacY�.of � the terris of the sublease and of the cansent of the Ci�ty of Clearcrater thereto, and t he City of Clearwatar in such contingency she11 have the right to vacate and annul its consent to such sublease horein given and granted. 3. �'he fore�oing eonseiit to the aforesaid lease shall no� in any case waive any of the rights, premises, privileges and agree- ments accruing to the City of ClearvJater under the terms of the lease between the �ity af Cles�rwa�er and the Sea Pxoducts, Incorporated, and if there ahould be any breach by said Sea Products, Incorporatea, of any of the terius, covenants and cor_ditions of said original lease, ths Gity� of Cleartivater shall have the right to procead, either to the i'ori'eituro or to the recovery of said demised premises; without regard whatever to ang rigYit �vhich may be acc�::ired by the Sublessee under t he terms ot said sublease, or of the consexit of the City of • Cloaiwater thereto. PASS�D AND ADOPTED this the 26th dag of August, A. D. 1937. Attest: L. A. P![ARSH, ; J. E. SA`.I'PERFIELD, PJ[ayor-Coimnissioner Pro Tem, � City Auditor and Clerk, � � i a ! �� �A � Mot*sa by Mr. Ba�chelor, seconded by Mro Baker, and ca�r�.ed, tha� the resolution be adopted. Upon roll ca11� the fnllorving vots rvas polled; Marsh Aye Batchelor '� Barry ° Baker ° whereupon the Acting Mayor-Cottmissioner declared �he resolution adopted unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjournvd. � c ng ayor-Conu � as oner At�est: , y a or er . 0