07/26/1937� MINIITES OF TAE MEETINCx OF THE CZT'� C0141IVIISSION OF THE CITY•OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA JU:�Y 26, 1937 Ths City Co�iss3.on of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met on the 26 day of July, 1937, in regular meoting assemt�led, svith the follotving members present• Mr. R. E. Green, Mayor-Counnissianer Nir. L. A. Pdarsh Mr. D, 0. Batchelor Mr„ R. L. Baker I�4r. J. A. Barry It tivas mo�red by 2JIr. Baker, seconded by Mr. Bat�helor and carried that the street on the east side oP the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad tracks bet�resn Ri�ple and Hart Streets by the Ci�y�s gas plan� propertg bs closed to trafPic. It was moved by Mr. Bat�helor, ssconded bg I,�r. Barry and carried tha.t the Cit� Attorney be authori�ed to pay or settle the S�ate tax against the City Gas Department. Mr, Batchelor introduced the following resolution:; RESOLIITIOI� OF TH� CI'I'Y COlI'II�iIUS IOPi OF TEE G ITY OF CLEARINATER, FLI�RIDA, ORDERING SIDEl9ALKS CONSTRIICTED ON CERTAIN PORTIONS OF STRE�'TS AND AVLNUES IN THE CITY OF CLEART�FATER, FLORIDA. WHERE9S, The City Co�ission o= the City of Clear��ator, Florida, on the 6th day of J'uly, 1937, passed and adopted a�esolution declaring its intention to have side�ralks constructed on the follo�ing portions oi the £ollowing streets ar_d avenues in the Citg oi Clear�vater, to-witc. VVest side of Greenvrood Avenue from Laura Street to Turner Street; South side of Pizrce Street from Osceola Avenue eastward to the present sidewalk. AND 4VHEREAS, said resolution was puUlished in the Cleare�rater Sun once a weel� for tvro (2) consecut3ve weeks, and the first publication was ten (10) days priox to July 19, giving notice to the owners of property abutting said por�ions of said streets and avenues to shoa� cause on the said 19th day af July, why sa3d „idewalks should not�be constructed, and Wf�REAS, the City Commission met on the 19th day of July and called 'for ubjections to the construction of said sidewalks, and WHEREAS, no ob�ections were filed, NOW TAEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, ti�s.t the oyvners of properties abutting said portions of said streets and avenues be and they are heroby required tu construct said sider�alks within thir�y (30) day�s from the date of the passa�;e of th3s resolution, and if said �wn.ers shall not conatruct said s3d�walks with3n said �hirty (30) days, the City shall thereupon pro- ceed to construct the said sidewalks and assess the cost �hereof against the properi,-y abutting said �idervalkss as provided in tlze Charter of the Ci�t�- of Clearwater. BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED, That this re��lution be published in the Claarwater Sun once a week for tR�o (2) consecutive �veeks, as a notice to said propertg o�vners. PASS�D AND ADOPTED bg the City Commission of the Gity of Clear�vater, Florida, this 26th day of Ju1y, A, D. 1937. R. E. GREEN, A�test: �ayor-Co�mn3ssioner �, E. Satterfield, City Auditor and Clerk. ' � , � . . ,._. � . . . . . ....... . . ,,. � � ,....,r ..,..,_. ..� r , ... . , o :� . . . . . . _ . . . ,. . . . . ... . . . . . . . . : . . • . . . � ��) � i > (' It was moved by Mr, Bal�er, seoonded by Mr. Marsh, that the said resolution be adopted, and upon roll call the follotiving vote was _ pol�:ed: Apes: Mr. Green. L+lr: Batchelor Mr. Marsh Mr, Baker Mr. Barry Nays: None Whereu�on the llBayor-Commissioner declared said resolution unanimously adopted and s3gned the same. There being na f�.irther business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. �� Magor- os�nisrioner At -es • y Audito and lerk ' 0 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE -0ITY COI�MISS ION OF TIiE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: July 28, 1937. The City Cou�nission of the City of Clearwater, F'lorida, met on Jul� �8, 1937, in special meeting a�sembled, w3th the following members pre serit: Mr. R, E. Green, Mayor-Commissaoner D. 0. Batchelcr Z. A. Marsh R, Z, Bakar J. A. Barry Mr. Ba�sr introduced t�ie Pollovrir.g resolution: RESDLUTION OF TIiE C:CTY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, CONPIR�I'[INI� THE Q� NTINUED EFFECTIVENESS OF CEl?TAIN CONTRACTS t�ITfL_R�I�ATION TO RADIO STATION WFLA. WHEREA,S, the City of C1earMater, �, municipal corporation, as the orvner of an undivided one-7�.1f interest in t�e radio broad�asting equipment used in eonneetion witY. S•tations VirFLA-4^tSUN9 s�id equipment being described in a certain contract made an3 entered into by the City of Clearwater and Florida 'Nest Coast Broadc�isting Company, Inc., dated ;he twenty-third day of �une, 1936, and ' � VJfIEREAS, said contraet date3 June 23, 1936, avas on 0etober 19,1936, exten�ed �co June 1, 1937, and therea�ter Florida Ydest Coast Broadcasting Company, Inc., having flzlly perfox.aed the eonditions to be met on its part subject to the approval of the Fed.;ral Connnunications. NO'N THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Coimnission o.f the City of Clearsvater, in a^special sessior� called for the purpose of enacting t�s resolution, do heroby dee�are that the terms of that esrtain eontra�t dated June 23, 1936, together with extensions thereof, are r.�c�r in ilzll iorce and effect and Nrill continue to be in fu11 �orce and effect until the F'ederal Gounnunications has duly approved or disapproved of the said proposed sals and transfer of equipmen�� PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Cit� Commissi�n of the City of Clearvrater, this 28th day of July, 1937. R. E. GRE�N, Attest: Pdayor-Co�nissioner J. E. Satterfisld, City Auditar and C1er1L. I�oved by Sur. Baker, seconded by Mr, hsarsh and carried, that the said resolution be adopted, and upQn roll cal.l the f'o1lo�ving vote was poliecl• Ayes: Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor l�r. Balser Mr. I�iarsh Mr, Barry Nays: None tNH�EIIPON the I4fayor-Co�mnissioner declared the sAid resolution unanimously adopted and signed the same. '� 1�� -�- There be3ng no �zrther business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. ���__�-� � Me,yor-C oanni s s 3 oner Att 'st � i Auditor a Clerk 0 � e � � • . • . . ` . � - MINTJTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CI�Y COh�MISSION OF TI3E CITY OF CLEARWhTER August 2, 1937 The City Commission of tb.e City of Clear�ater, Florida, met on August 2, 1937, in regular meeting a�sembled, v�ith the follo�ring members present: Mr. R, E. Green, Mayor-Cormnissioner Mr. �. 0. Batchelor j�?r. L. A. �arsh Mr. R. L. Baker �Ir. J. 4. Barry It was �oved b� Pdr. Batchelor, seconded bg �dr. �"tarsh and carried that attorney�s fee of �500 in re ssrvices arith regard to B. I,. I�cMullen tax settlement be approved. It was moved by 3vtr. Marsh, seconded by Mr, Batchelor and carried that attor�eg�s fees in foreciosura suits be pzid out of the fir3t pa�ment made, in cases svhera t�e3 are settled on a partial payment plan. It was moved by b'Ir. ndarsh, seconded by Iir. Baker and carried that the city pay the regular annual dues to the Florida League o� Blunicipal3.ties in the amount of �70. Mr. Batchelor introduced Ordina.nes 120., 421 v�rith regaz�d to filling station drive�vays 13censes for its first reading. The or- , dinancs having been read in full, it was moved by &ir. Batohelor, seconded by Mr. Marsh tkiat the ordinence be passed its �'irst readin�, and upnn roll ca11 the Polllov�ing vnt e�ras polled: Ayes• Mr. Green " Mr. Batehalor Mr. lYarsh _ Mr. Baker hs. Barry _ Nays: None So the ordinance passed its first reading u nanimously. B4r. Marsh 3ntroduced the following resoTution: �2ESOLUTION WHEREAS, the �Norks Pro�ress Adminietration has agrsed to commence ofi'iCial Project No. 1G5-35-5004, Countg SeriaJ_ �Io. 52-5-E-Z31, l�ioevn. as the Groins Project on Clea�ater �eacii Island �n the City of Cloarwater, Flor3da, and ��1HEREA5, cer�ain groins will 7�e bu3.lt on said property and during the course of construction thereoi and subsaquent thereto there 3s a possibilitp that certain dama�e or disputes mas be occasioned by the operation of the project from scouring, operat3on of equipment, trespass, or other possible da�age to private property adjacent to said groins. � � � _ __ . ,, ; _ _ _ ..... ' ) __ __� . ��,_ _..._ „.-- ---�-�._.,.-�-.�-.�-�,., --��- _ , _ � �' ��� � ��' �J NOW THEREF�RE, BE IT RESOI,VED BY TF� CTTY COh'IMISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORTDA: That the City of Clearwator hereby agrees t� defend any and a11 suits for desnagos �vhich may ariso or l�e occasioned to private property adjacant to said groins b� reason of the operation of equipment, scouring, trespass, disputes, or in ang other manner caused from the construction of said groins on said Clearvrater Beach IslarYl by tlze ZVorl�s Progreas Administration and the said Gity of Clearvrater hereby agrees to save and forever hold harmless the Wox�ks Progress Admintstration from any e�d aI1 13ability �s afors�aid. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Gity Commission of the City of Clearvratei, Florida, this 2nd day oi August, A. D. 1937. _ (Signed) R. E. Graen, Mayor-Cormni'ss ioner Attest: J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor and C1erk. I�ioved by �ir._Marsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor and carried that said resolution be adopted., and upon roll call the follov�ing vote �ras polled: Ayes: Rqr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. I3aker b4r. Marsh Mr. Barry Nsys: None YYhereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declared the resolution unanimously adopted and signed the same. Mr. Batchalor introduc�d the follaiain� resolutiona RESOZUTION EXCUSING I�dAYOR FROM ATTENDANCE AT CORZDI'IISSIONERS'� �EETINGS FIi01�'I AUGUST 3, 1937s THROIIGH OCTOBER 5, 1937, AND DESTGNATING ACT� ZNG I�AYOR, WFiEREASs Honorable R. E, Green, Ma�or of"this City, propos3s co�rnnencing August 3, 1937, to take a vacation, and Wi�t�EAS, during the course of the I�dayor�s vacation much time svi11 be spent �n Cit� ousiness, and WFIEEtEAS, the Niayo-r proposes to be absent from the City �'or a period o£ approxima�elg two months. I�IOVI THEREFORE, BE IT R�.SOLVED BY THE CITY COMNISSION C�F TFiE CITY OF CLEARSaJATER, FLORIDAt That R. E. Green, as ihayar of the �ity oi' Clearvrater, FZorida, be and he is hereby excuaed from attsnding meetings of the �ity Com� missic�, wh3ch m eetings will be �.eld bet�veen August 3, 1937 and October 5, 1937, and said Mayor is herebg granted a leave of absenee from his official duties from August 3, 1937 to October 5, 1937. 1 � BE TT N'URTHER RESOLVED that during �Ehe absence from the City o£ the 2dayor, that L. A. Marsh be and he is hereby appointed ae Acting 2via�rorr to perform the duties of the tdayor during the Mayor�s ab'sence. PA,SSED AiUD ADOPTED 'by the Git� Commission oP the City of Clearwaterq Florida, this the 2nd day of August; A. D, I937. R, E. GREEN, Mayor-Covnniss ioner Attest; J. E. SATTERFIELD, City Auditor and Clerli. It was moved by fJir. Barry, seconded by Irir. Marsh and carried that the said resolution be adopted, and upon roll cal7. the :following vote was nolled: Ayes• Mr. Green Mr. Batchelor Mr. Barry hir . Mar sh Mr. Baker Nays; None WHEREUPON the Mayor-Co�rnnissioner declared said resolution unanimously adoptecl and signed the same. There being no further business, the maetino cras thereupon adjourned. � 1 V: �� II1�-� PrIayor- Cos�ni s s ioner I� �