06/15/1937■ ■ , a�.� !3„ n7zrnrrEs oF �F cT� corv�izssz oN June 15, 1937 The City Coimnission of' the Ci�y of Cl$arvrater, Florida, met on the 15th day of June, 1937, in re�nzlar meeting assembled, V�ith +he follozving members present: ' R� E, Green, I�ayor-Coimnissioner D, 0, B�,tchelor R. L. Baker - Z. A. Marsh The Zonir� Boarcl of the City, and t�.e Recreation and Park Board �vere also present. I�Zr. L� S. Ruder uresented for approval a general plan for the improvement of Clearvrater properties, including a proposition whereby a double drive in�o the proparty is to 'be established, neces- . sitatir.g the deed:tr� to him of a s�rip of provert� in return for a ninety-nine year lease, vri�h restrictions x>equiring the broperty to be used only for gesk purposes; l;ir, Ruder to n ro�ia� a7.1 orig�nal plantin� . ?� rJa.s �noved by I�x, Batchelor, secnnded b� rd� La1�er and - c�.rried that the City approve the general plan. It «as moved by 16ir, Batehelor, seconded by �ir. Narsh and carri�d that ti�.e ta�c adjus�nents re,commended b� the Committee be appro ved. hTr, Ba1�er introduced the folloivir.� resolutzon: ti'll3EREAS, the �3.t3 of C1earFrater has apnlied to the l;aorks Progress Administr�tion for a project �moposal to const;ru.r.t sa.nitary setsex�s on Cleart�ater Beach Island, and d"IHEREAS, it is a requirement of the ���'FA that the sponsor agree to furnish all skilled Zabor neecied and nflt available on trhe local rel3ef rolls, and 4JHREA5, it is a req_uiramen�t o� the iVPA that the sponsor a�,ree to f�zrn3sh. all �aterials needed that �ti�.p PJPA is unabl� to z'ur- nisi�., auc7 �'JFiEREAS it ie a requirement of° the �'VPA that the sponsor agree +o assume the responsibili:ty of completin� the Projeet, if YtPA �.inds are not available for campletion; THER�FOR� BE 2T RESOLVED that t�e CiL� CouIInission certify to tlie 1Jor1� ProQress `..dministration that the�,� �vi1l furnish a11 skilled labor needed and not available on the loeal reliof rolls, furnisll all materiala needed taat tha �JPA is r�naUle to furnish, and assume the re- sponsibility of complet3.ng tY.�e Project, if V�PA itiuZcis are not availabls for completion. , ' R. E. GREENy Nayo r-C�?mni ssiAn er . Atteste J. E, Satterfield, Citv Auditor �d Clerk. � i , . '� _ _ ,: _.. _ . _._. _ �._.:� m ..� �,. w . . . . . �.L .. It cras moved ?ay PJI.r. Bat�r�r, seconddd by nSr. Niarsh, tha� the said resolu.tioiz be adopted, aizd upon roll call ti� follo�vin.� vote waa polled: Ayes: R. E, Green, Pdagor-Commissionor D, 0, Batchelor Z. _q. Marsh R. L. Balier Nays: None Absent and not voting: J. A. Bart*y j7hereupon the Ma�or-Coimnissioner declared �he said roso- lution passed a.nd unanimously aciopted, and signed the sams. '1'here being no further business, the meeting �vas theseupon aa��urnea . ��� P,Iayor-Counnissione ! Att �i y Auditor and."Clerk 0 i' , � .. . � , — � r MINUTES OF THk� IJl'EETIIVTG OF T� CITY i10M.Iv:ISSION � '• I " . '� June 21, 1937 . '� . i _ • ' _ , � � • The Citg Cominisaion of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met '., . I ' � � oi� the above date, in regula zneeting assembled, wiLh the folloNing ' members presente , '' '` s. � R, E. Green, 2iiayor-Cosmnissionor '' ^ . D. 0. Batchelor . , J, A. Barry , . , '`z . . R. L. Bgker � ` = �. ` ' L. A. blarsh • � � ' , hir. C, E, i"Jare again addressed the Coxmnission relative to . f open drainage diteh in Plaza Park. Lqaved by Mr. l'darsh, seconded by � Mr, Batchelor and carried that the CiLy PqanAger be authorized to � � call for contraet bids to tile the ditch, Ii�r. Ray Ulmer•r addressed the Co�ission asking reduction oi' ' , taxes on Lots 4 and 5 af Brookwood Terrace. The Commisszon a�reed � to settle s�me for the sum of �465.79. � ' � Request of the Library i'or an additional a�propriation far i I book r�cks �vas presented. Puoved by irir. Batahelor, seconded by Ivir. i Barr;y and carried th�t the request be tabled. Moved by Ivir. Batclielor, seconded by 2J'ir. Barry axid carried that tre City Nanagar be authorized -to sell Lo-Gs, 7, 8 ar_d 9 E�lock � f'E" of Navajo Park to a city employee for �800.00. � j Tltoved by hIz>� I,�arsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor ar�d carried ; . tl�at th� Ci1,y 14Tanager be authorized �o purchase two nerv trucks at �1250.00. � • Moved by Irir. Ba1�er, seconded by Mr. Batc�e]:or and carried ; �ha� city taxes and assessments against ciL� ov�ned p�operties be car_celled, as fo7:lo�vs: Dol Oro Groves ��88,647.55 Country Glut� Add. 98,148.67 ' Mary�ont 629187.23 - lYir. Batchelor introduced the follovfin� resolution: RESOLUTION OF TI3E CI'I'X COn�'2ISSI02J OF THE DI�Y QF CLEAR4VATER, rLORIDA, �'.EI�OVING A PORTIOPl OF 1'HE SANITARY SEWEFt SYSTESi OTt CLEARIJATER BEACH IS:IAND FR014i T.LE PR�A PROJECT DOCiiET FLORIDA 1106, F'ILED 1YITH THE ACTTNC- STAZ'E DIRECTOR. WI�REAS, The City Conunzssion h�s filad zvith the FWA Acting �� State Director a Clearti*rater Sanitaxy Secrer Pro ject� on Ju1� 24, 1935', and amended it on Y�iay 25, 1936, and the pressin� arld imperative need of cer�ain sections of Clearwater Beach Island has caLised the Com- � mission t� have filed a Wl'A Projec� ior t�e installation of se�vers in this se�,tion. . .. _.... . ,. ;. �� �. � ,;. ,•, . TIiFREFORE BE IT R�SOLVED By the Ci�y� Garrmiission assem`�led that the pl�s for a sanitary sawer system on tho most populous part of Clear�va�er Beach Island as la3d out by Mr. S. S. Bouis, C3:ty Etnw gineer, under date of May;20, 193'7, and identifi�ed as Sections l, 2, 3 and 4 Clearcvater Beach Island be witlzdrarvn from the PWA Sewer Pro- 3ect Docket 1106 for the City of C1earZ�ater, ii' and when the 1YPA authorizes and performs the work necessary to the construction of �rese sevrerati PASSED r�ND .ADOPTED by the Cit•g Commission of the Cit,y o� Clearxrater, Florida, this 21st day of �'une, A. D. 193Z R. E : GREEN, IYiayor-Cormniss ioner Attastt J. E. SATTERFIEI,D, City Auditor and Clerk. It wes` moved by I�ir. Baker, secondad b� Mr. I4ierah, that the said resolution be �dopted, and upon rol�. call the iol].owing vr�te was polled: Ayes: �ir. Green Mr. Marsh Mr. Batc�aelor Mr. Bakar Mr. Barrg Nays: None Whereupan the ll�ayor-Coimniss3oner declared said resolution unanimously adopte�� and signed the same. There being no further business the �eeting �vas thereupon adjourned. ��• Mayor-Comm3.ssioner �— At �s • ty udi or aL Clerk � , I i i �' .V._.�,�... -_-..�...�:�_ � .:._....___. _�___ :_.__ _ . . _. , ,. _ ___�.,. r _ _ __ . _ ,t _ o - ' .rs. n � �. � � � ,.,...�.M,-,,.�._�,,.,_.x--. �-.�....._._.��_.__ -, �_ �,. - �----�-,.,..,� �.-�.�....�._..._....T..�...:,., �..�.� . .�......_. „ .- ..... -�..,�,�.,�,�.,,,�, � i ;� , ,fir:. ' ':«� � 0 ; � It4IATUTES OF TIiE CITY COMIt4TSSI0N June 25, 193'7 T�e City Corrnnission oP the City �f Clear�vater, Florida, met on the above date, in, spec3al meetin� assembled, wi�h the Po].lowing members present: R. E. Green, I�Sa�for-Co�issioner, D.; 0. BatcheZor, J. A. Barrg, R. L. Baker, L. A. Marsh. Tlzs follo�ring affidavit was read: $T.ATE OF FLORIDA, i COUNTY OF PIN��i•T'4A. � , Personally appeared befoxe the unders3gned, an offi�er duly ! �; authorized by lasr to administer oatns, H. Ii, Basiss'.n, rr�ao bo=� dul� s�rorn i j denoaes and under o�th saya, ' �' ^hat on �r about the 15th day q,� IJov�ber, &. D. 1932 ha, thec . � , � �uiayor Connnxssioner oP tha ��t� of Cler-ir�ater, did presi3e at a meoting ot � I tLe City Commiss3on of the aforasaid city, at �rlsic� time there �ras trans- aotedi �tnong other thin�;s, the Yollat�ing buszness: - �ipon •the presen�tat�on of a stazem�nt of t�es and � ims due the ' ; City of CZearcreter by the For� Hsrxison xo�el, it being ilarther shcrrn that j i the mortgage on t�ae g¢id hotel cras zElinc�uent anc3 overdue anc? abost to be � ; i foreclased, and 3t being P�rther shorrn ;,hat �he hotel l�d been oj�ra�ed the I I I�revious season at a ssrious l.oss ta the a�rners r3nri thet i�, the oven�t the . 'J mortgage was not rene�ed, ttie said hotel r�auid not onen i'r�r the ser�son be- � � � i; „innin� on OF about Dec�nber 15, n. D, 1932, attd it be3r.g �e1-� By the City ? �; i j ' Co�mission that pubZic 3nterest o�' the �ity of C1e ax�aat�r rrould be better jserved by an adjus�nent o� theae taxes :n2i iiene �aredicaterl by the o;�n�s , I, re-ova�i� t1�e said ho�el, thA said Com�ission then �d there sccapted a ' � number af City oY Cie arrretar bonds, -�he exact anount o� �:�ich I do not n�r; racall, in =u13 uai�tlea�eut ancl satiafaction of all t�es "nd liens vrhic� had j accruPd on or ebout #hat date, �nd �e gragsr officiais of ti�e e�!tq �rere or- i . � dered to malte duo satisfaci:ions thereaf . � �� 1 I� i� the opi.nion and belivf af -F,i�o tuidersz�ed tl�t ��tis settla- ` I ' i , � meut contempla-�ed and did actue].1� settle �.11 ef t�ig ta:ees as�k liens a;;ains� � [ 't . } tha hote], proper�ty as of �,ha� date. � .�..._.._ � 1 � � �, � � �� � i � r . `YII'iV�SS �3� t • d i • i ,my ,. �a uta an o�f eial ser32 at Claartrater in t,�e County a� i. i t .�ine� las and 'a"�ate of I'loxi�:a, ithfis tlie 24th dc�- o� Jun4, �1. 2937. � j, � / 1/( ,C/1. � ; + f � NOTA�Y � � � �; Notaty Pubic, State of florida at arge � � j My Commission Expires Apr. 10, 1941 `' � � � � �.�._.._�- _—__..,� e _ ��.._�.. � ., __-�,.�.,.�—;�,�.,�,��.2....�, .r..�., �,m„-.�,�,..-�.,.o..�.��--�,. ; �:a '�r ; , ':�"" Moved by I�r. Ba�cholor, saconded by Mr. Barry and ti_ car.ried tl�at in vie� of the affidavit, and the fact tha� the records are ambi�uous on the stiU�ect, 'tha� the paving assessment against the For� Harrison Hotel bo canceli_ed, Thero bei.ng no further busineas, the meeting was • thereupon adjourne�3. ����� ay(���imnis s o3 n� At —�' Audito ��i1fl Clerk �,: