05/28/1937i . _ _ __. _ ... ..__._._.� �v �� 1�fINUT�S OF TH�' GZTY' COPIII�,2ISSTOId MAY 28, 1937 The Gity Co�mnission of �he Gity oi' Clcarwater, F1Qrida, me� on the 28th day of P�ay, 1937, in special meeting assembled, with the followin� memberg present: R, E. Green, P�ayor-Comnissioner � D, 0, Batchelor R, L, Baker It was moved bg lJlr. Batchelor, seconded by bYr. Baker and carried � tha.t the pavem9nt to the �ast of Zlogd, tiVhite & Skinner SubdiYision and on Fifth Avenue on the Beach, �vhich �vas installed by I�ra Za S. Ruder, be accepted as a public street by tre City Commission. It was moved by I�Yr, Balcer, seconded by Mr. Batchelor and carried that th.e proper city officials be authorized to sign a lease of the Golf Course propext,� to the Clear��ater Country Club. It was moved by Sir. Baker, seconded by D3i:. Batchelo.r and carrie�l �hat the tax adjustments racommended b� the coirunittee be approved. Mr, Baker introduced t�e f ollotving resolution: R.ESOLIITION Or 2'IiE CITY COP�Ll7ISSI0N ACCEPmING DOCI�ET E�LORTt�A DTQ. 1202-1-R, CLEAR1�dATER i'VATERtiYORKS EXTE�15ION, AS COI�3PI,ETE. ti�1HERFAS, The Doelcet Florida I1o. 1202-1-R has been completed according to orig3nml plans, specifications and approved change orders to datg, in- eluding Char_ge Order No. 12-A-G) as af tJ�e date bf PSay 25th, 1937. THEi3EFORE, BE IT RESOLV�D BY T$+ CITY C01�+Bv'IISSIpN OF T$E CI'1TY OF CI,EARiF,IATER, F'LORIDA, III Pd�T2IV. G A5S3T14iBLED: That the City CoTmn.iss3on �ceepts as being complete accordir_g to � original plans, specifications and approved cha�ge orders to date, ' { including Char�.ge Order R'o. 12-A-6) as of the date of IvIay 25i;h, 193'7, Docaet Florida No, 1202-1-R. Ro E. Grsen, N.iayor-Coimnissioner At�est: J. E, Satterfield, City Auditnr ancl Clerk. It �ras moved by �ir. Batchelorz s�oonaea �oy i�ir, Bal�er, that t:ne said resolution be adopted, �d upon roll call the f ullowing vote r�as polled; Ayes; R. E, Green, Pda�or-Commissioner D. 0. Satchelor R. L. Bal�er Nays: None Absent and. not voting: L. A. l�arsh J. !l. Bars� . .. . _ ) ; �` Vdhereupon �he P�iayor-Co�miasioner daclaied the said reaolution passed and unanimously adopted, and signed tlie same. There be u1g no furiher business, the meetin� vras thereupon adjourned. . C��.-�-��-� Mayor- C oimni s sio�iii,��.. Attest. _ �--- ty A_udi�e ar�i 1er1� _. � ' , ' i`t � , . , . , . �, }'�fv� Fj k I�q7NUTES OI' THE CITY COh�lI,SSIOId JDIvE 2, 1937 7.'he City Connnission of the City of Cleard�ater, Florida, me�E on June 2, 1337, in. special moet3n� assembled, vrith the follozving members pr��sentz R. E. Green, �&ayor-Co�niesion.er D� 0. Batchelor Z, ? . P�ars� R. T,. Baker J, A. Barr� Ii; was moved by I`�Zr. Batchelor, seconded by �r. Barry and carried that i;he pe�nit be granted for rebuilding the Str��d.ard Oil Filling Station at the Corner of Osceola and Cleveland Street, with a 45 faot dri�e�ay on �le�eland Street and a 38 fi�pt drive�ay on Osceola., pro- vided that Osceo].a Avenue is ��idened 5 feet on the Eas � side at ao e�sr_se to the Gity, it �as moved by T,ir� Batchelor, secor_ded by f�Tr. P�_arsh anfl carried that the reco�endation of -�I�xe Zoning Board that Lat 1 Block 4 of `i'urner�� Second SuUdivis-�on be included in tLe erea zor_ed ior business, be approved. There being no iizrt'�er busir_ess, the msetir� �ras t�ereupon aa3ourn8�.. , Kayor-Commission At t 's t . i y Auditor d lerk • ; ,, ._ _ � r�zrrUZEs oF Tr� czmY cor��Tisszorr JUNE 7, 1937 Ti�.e G��y� Cormnissiov, of the City of Clearl�ater, Florida, met on the 'i�h d�zy of 5une, 1937, in regular mesting assombl�d,. wi�h tne follovr3n� members present: P�r. L. A. Marah IV�r.: J. A. Barxg T�r. R. L. Ba�er 2�r. D. 0� Ba�chelor Mr. C. Eo VTare, attorn,ey, addressed the City Commission flzrt�.er in relation to the drainage ditch at the �as plant. PTo actian was t�h.en pencling the dFjterminatian oi' th.e premises by the City Gom- mi ssion. It tvas moved bg Mr, Batc�:elor, seconded by- E'Ir, Barry and carried �hat the lease of .dock spa�e on the Nor4h �ide of ihe CauseFrag jus� west of +he second bridge be ehtended to cover a period oi' i'ive ( 5) �ears, from t�.A date of the lease, axsl, that I�r. Datvson. be allovred to orect a building, :.�ub j eet to the approval of the �ity Trl�ager, on the docl�. Prir. Mars� voted no, It rvaa moved by Bf�� Batcl�.elor, seconded by bir. Baker and ca�^ried that the Citg hianager be authorizdd to i�s�itute the folla�ving ri.eating rate for gast 4�15.00 deposit, of which �10.00 shall be reiZi.nded at ths end of the aeason; �'irst 5000cu. ft, at 9(JfC Second 5000 cu. s't. at 85 Th3.rd 5�00 cu, ft, at 80� A3:1 over 15,000 cu. ft, 75� It was inoved by Mr. Ba,tche].or, geconded bg �lr. Barry and carxied �hat supplemental appropriations be made as zolio�rs: For ' iVPA $�2, 000; for Har�or 9p500. Pet�tion was presented requesting thai Irir. �'. R. bicPfiullen be appointed as City Detectiva. It �vas moved by hIr, Batchelor, seconded b� Mx. Barry and carried that the mattar be indefinitel� postponed. _ � . ±� f � � � � h�r. Batclze].or introduced tb.e fal:lovr3n� resolu�ion: s�R�SOLU`�ION OF THE CI�i'Y CONIlI7ISSION OF THE CITY OF GLE(�h"vJATER, FL0�2IDA, DECLARING INTELVT ION TQ INSTALI� S IDEt�rAI,I�S Ol�r GERTAIN STREETS. � WiIER�A5, The City Coimnission of the City o�' Clearwa-L-er, �'lnr3da, deeins 3:� advisaUle, neces�ar5= ancl to �he bes� intorests of �he Ci�ty o�' Glearrva�er �o install sidev�alk:� on the fo7.l0�v?n� streots, to-�rit: Sota:th side of Pierce Street i rom �sceola Avenue 155 f'eet 8astwa.rd; ti�le3t side of Green��rood Av�iue from Glevelancl Street , to Laura 5treet. BE IT FC3RTHER RESOLV�'D That tr� City Cozmnission af the Cit� of Clearc�ater, Flor ida, doea deam it advisable, nece�gary end to the besi interesta of th:e City of ClearwQ:ter to install said sidetiwalks. Ancl the said City Coamnissi�; does hereby declar� its ix�ten- �ion �o install said side�valks on said portions of said sti�eets. B� Il FiTRli�i P�SOLV,ED thAt the City Auclitor and Clerk do publisb. a notice to all persons interested that �lze City Coinmission intends to insta'! 1 sidevral?�s on said portions of said streets to ahov� cause, if any t_h.ere be, s�hy said improvements should not Ue inade on the 21st day of June, 1937, and to f31e �heir ob'jeetions on said date. Said notice to be r._;-�lished once a weel� for two (2) eon.- secutive w�el�s. A. E. C�RE�iI, P�agor-co�nis sianer Att est : � J. E. Satterf'ield, Cit� Aud3.i:or and �1erk, It raas inoved by rLLr. Batc�.elor, se�ona�a Us rfrr. Ba.rxg and carried, t�aat the sa,id resolution be adopted, anr]. upon ro7.l call the follocvin� vote v,ras polled: Ayesc J, A. Barry L. A. Triarsr D, p� Batchelor R. Z. Ba'lier Nays: None ' Abseiz� and not voting; R, E, Green., Ptayor-Coirnnis sioner . L�ereupon ��r. Plfarsh, Act;ing I;iayor-Cormnissioner, declared the said resol�.tion passed and unanimousl� adopted, and signed tk�.o same. iYOTICE OF II�ITE`iQTIOIa TO INSTALL SIDEt'IAT:;I�S 01�]` CERTAZI�T PORTIONS OF CERTAPi1 STItEETS IN THE C�'I'Y OF CLEARI;IATER. TO ALL PERilOPIS II�"i'ERES^i�D AT?,D Ok+1'�IP3C PROPEI3TY ABITTT�.3C TFTE PORTIOPtS Ok' STR�TS OR AVE'�IUES HE`REI?�? DESCRIBED; 1dOTICE IS iiEREB�' GIVEI�, That the Ci�y Commission oi the City oi' GlearryiatEr, F'lnrida, c5n the 7�h aay of J'une, 1937, passed ancl adop�tod a resolution deelaring 3.nterition to instal7, sidewalks on the follotving portions of the fai.lov�ring streets, to-wit: South side of Pierce Street �rom �sceola Aver_ue 155 feet eastvrard; �J�st side of Greenv�oad Avenue from Cloveland Street to L�.ura Street. YOU PR� FUNTI.�R I�3�TI�'�D to shovr cauae, 3f any you k�.ave„ arxl. to file your rc�bj4etions to s�aid i�nprovements on the 27.st day o:f Tune, 193'7, as to vrhy said improvements shauld xia� be made 9n accord- ance witb. ga-ld resolution of the City Comm3.ssion oi' tla.e City of �learwater, Florida. DATED this 12th day of June, 1.93'7, J. �. SATTERF'IELD, City Auditor and Clerk. Mr, Barry introducsd the fol7.oprin� resolution: BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CI�P3,' COL�':?I�SIOPT A.SSEI�BLED, that VT�iERE1�S, The C�ty of' Clearv��ater has applied to the 1s�orks Pragress Administration fpr a pro�ec� propossi.l to construct san3�tary sewers on Cleartvater Beach Island, and V�REAS, i� is des3ra'hle to construct these sewer lines on the easements prov3,ded for same at the back of the 1ots, etc., and WliEREAS The 4�PA reqizires evidence of the xight to ao eonatruct tre setiaers on these ease�nen-�s and the City has obtained author:Lzation from all property o�T�ners affected, t�us establishing the Cit��s right to use these easement3 as laid out on the abproved setiver plan. THEI3EFOR�, BE IT R�SOLVED tl�:at The Cit� Commission certify to the �'dorks Progress Administration that, to the best o� tb.eir knorrledge and belief, these se�vers, as shotim on the app�>otied plans, are on praper�ty aeaicatea �or this purpose and ovm.ed and controlled 'by the Gity of Glsax�- �^rater, F'lorida. I;. A. rTiARST3, �ctin.g Idayor-Commissioner Attest: J. E, Satterfield, �ity Auditor and Clerk. It c�as inoved by Lir, B�ker, seconcled b� T+lx. Barz� that tha ssid resolu:tion be adopted, and upon roll, call tl�e follo�ing vo�e �ras uolleds Ayes: L� A. h2arsh J. A. Barrg R, L. Baker D, 0. Batchelor Nags; PTone Absent and not voting: R. E, Green, �+�ayor-Co�ai: asioner i"�her�upon b7r, Marsh, Actin.g Mayor-Commissioner, cteclared �he said resolution passed and unana.mously adopted, and aigne@ �he same. `�he folloti�ring resolution rras introduced by hire i�arsh: 1'VHEREAS the P1�A requests a clZange ordar reallocating the tl.uida in Project Dacket rlorida i�To. 1202-1-R, as per the follotirmg items, to u�eet the statement of the final audi•t on this Dr�eket: Classiiication Fina1 costs Incurred I. 1'reliininarv ��'P 1,1�`7 . 61 2. Land, etc. x� 3. Gonstruction 138,685.�4 4. �ngineerin� 5,518.63 5. Legal 2, `705. 59 G, Interest 1,276.00 7. Miseellaneous xxx 149, 333 . 2'7 ■ 0 �' r �'HEREFORE .3E IT RFSOLVED by tlie C3t?� Connnission of i:he City of Cleart�tai:er, rlorida, in msat�;ng assemb�.ed: That the City �anager be ctnd he is hereby authoi�ized to anply for a cl�ange order reallocating tY�.o i'u�ds in Project Docke-� Florida No. 1202-1-R, as per the abova ite�ns, to meet the sta�emen�t of tlse fi�al au�it on thi� docket. �r. Baker maved the said said resolution be adopted, �u2d upr�n roll ca11 the foilo'�vin�'vo�e was pqllod: Ayss: 'L. A. b4arsh R. L. Baker J. A. 3arry D� 0, Ba�ck�elor Nays: None Absent aud. no� votin�; R, E, Green P,�ayor Commissioner tifhereupon �ir. lTarsh, Acting I�iayor�Cor,uuissioner, declared the said resoluvion passed and unanimously adopted, and signed tlle same. There being no f'ur.ther business, the meeting vuas thereupon adjourned. n Rr&y01'- OIm71is 3 i0�11e1Y,' C� Atte, . / Cit uditor and Zerlt �