05/10/1937� ; e � e� �} 3 x� � a r,z��r�l��� �� �� r,���T�r�r o� T��� cz��' co���.�z�szQz� I�ia� 10, 1937 ' `��.o city Co�rmii.as;.on. of the Qit� of C1ear�vatar, Florida, znet on the above date, in apecial mest�n�; assem':,led, ti�ith tYi.e fo11_oti�in; mombers preaent: P;Sa�or Commisszaner P, �„ Green J . �1. Barr� R. L. �al�er This date havin� been aet to hear objectioTs to t?�.e ta.g assessment ro21 and bud�;et f'or the year '1937, tb.e P,:ayor called for �ny dnjectioizs to the ta� ro11 or the bla.d�et . There beixz�� no objections, the bud�et as �do�ted �"a7 3 au�Eoi;�atically " became in i'ul1 ioxce and effect. TTr. L'aker introduced t�a-.e follo�rin�^ resolt�tion: RESQT,UTI01�? HE�UE;T�a'G � C�Ai?GE ORDT�'�t P�,A��LOCAt�3?G T���' F[fT,TDS Ii:z PROJEL"R' DG1CI'�3' F'I,ORIDA N0. 1202- 2-P� TC T WET T_'qE STATEP."�iiT �?�' mF� F'T+'AL a?Tr�TT 03? T�.IS � DOC�� . tiT£iEti�AS, The Pi�tA �=eques�s a change order reall;ocatir� the funds ?n � lroject Docl�et Florida T:o. 1202-2-R, as per the folloti�in� i'�ems, to meet tLe statement of tl�:e iinal audit oa this Docket: Classifications kinal Costs Incurred l. Pleliminar� ,� 1,554.42 ' i 2. Land, etc. �� � 3. Construction 111,856.32 ' 4. Engineerir� 4,632.'72 � 5. I,egal 2, 555.03 � 6. Interest 1,545.7'7 `7. I3iscellaneous xx� � � . 122_—__-_.ldg____-_—,26 1 TF�REFOPF BE TT' FtESOZV�,P B� "'?'�, C�1^=' �'Cd �;^,_T� -��,_, �,�u-� �T�-- .�,-, ' �L �',?i':9TZ�{„ FZOAI�A, Ir? �,�ETTr4G ASSIl:iEI,ED: _ _ � That the Citv t,:a�za�er be anc� he �,s �a.erc�b-, a�.ithorizec� �o ar�pl� for � a ch��n.�e order reallocatinr the i'unds in Pro3ect .�oc��et Florida �To. 1202-2-H, as per the above iter.2s, to meet the statsment of tlze .iinal ' aud� t on �Ghi s Dec�r�, t, � 4ttes�; isi�n�cl} R, �, Greon, ?�Iayor-Coinuiissioner. � �. E. Satterfield, � Ci�y .Auditor and Clerk. i- I I�; tvas znoved by iar, Bai;.er, seco�zd.ed bT- Eir. Barry, that the said (+ resr�lu�:ion be a�opted, �ncl upon ro7,1 call tlne fe1lo��in�; vote i�ras polled: t � Ayes: R, E. Green, �iafor-Cp�z3syonor � R, L, Bal�er J, A, Barry Nays: 1�7one � � .Absent anc� not �otinm: D, 0. Batchelor � L. A. i<<arsii l''Jl�.eiaupon the Iriayor-Coirunission�r dec�ared the said resolution �assecl � and unRnii�oualf adopt�d, and si�ned the same. � � ,: _ Gopies of Certi'.'icates f�led �^J1LYl 'tA,Y roll: S�ATE OF FLCRIDA ) COIITTTX O�a PII��ELLAS ( STATE OF` FLOftzD9 ) I, J. E, SATTERF2�LD, City �luditor and C1exl�, and ex-o�'�'icio �ax Assessor of the Ci+y of Cleartivater, do liereby cei�tii`y �h�t the �'ore�;oing is the asseaszuent ro7.l of the �ax�.blo property in the Citq o�' Clearl�ra;�er, vaTued at not vaore tlla�z its full cas�1 value, and that it contAins a truo statemant and descriotion n� a11 persoilal and real propert� in the sai3 City of C�:oarvrater suUject to taxation by s�id City, ��.a liabie to be assessed therefor; and tlie listin�, and valuat9.on as correc-ted 1��- the Equalization Board and as approved and adop�ed by the City Coum.�ias�on, and �t�.at a11 rs�,uirementa of la��r and ordinance re�u.latin.�; the makil�; oi the assess�ent roll for the City oz Claarti^�ater have been complied with. Tl�_is -the lOth day of I,:av, 1937. Gity Auditor and Clerk, Ex-oi'i'icio T'ax Assessor Sti�orn to a..nd subscxibed be�'ore r�e t�his 10th da3� of I,Iay, 1937. Sm�mE OF �'I.,4RIi�A ) COUidTY OE' PIYil�'LL_9S ( Ci�' OF CLEAR',+ATER ) 1Te, the undersigned memUera of the Board �f CYtg Commiasioners of the City� of Clearrrater, Floricia, do hereby certify that tive lza.ve exanlined the talc roll tl�is date sub�itted to �,is b� the City Auditor and Clerk and �x-oiii.cio Ta:c &ssessor of tLe City of Cleartra:ter and find tY�a�t it ie correct. � Copf of Order filed �r�i�h T� Rollr STATE QF rLORIbA ) C0�[Tt4TX OF PINELLAS ) C'ITY GF CLEAR;JAT�R ) To J. E. Satterfield, Ca.t� Co1lecLor, Ci�1 0� Gleari�ater: You are hereby cormnande�. to callect out of the proberty and frorn each of tlie persons, corporations a.nd firms nar.led in the annexed roll tY±e taxes se-� dovm_ in such roll opposite each n�e, person, corporation or firrn, or parcel of 1 and ci.escribed; and in case the taxea are not paid at t1_ze tixee nrescribed b� la�r, you are to collect the same in such manner as is provided by law, anc� a1,1 stiu�s collected �ou are to j liold and account �or as provicled by la�v and orctinance, � # Given under m� �a.and t:nis �he 10th day of i��ay, I93'7. � � � � � � � » i 0 , ,, Ci iLor and C er1 ,'x-offzcio � Ta:c Assessor f � � 1 There beizz� na f�.irther busi.ness,� the meeting was t?zereupon adjourned. � ' �.�_ � ayor- o ss oner Attest: � � � C y u or G r . i . � I 1 � � { � � � � . �� � ! � , , � , ., . ., , ��...�_ . -____�_�,.:_ �..., .x�.�...,. :._.,..... __�__. . .�.._ .�...._:_ _.�-___..�_,..,..=.�:��:....�.��.�::...._,�.�_��.::_.�.:�..�.�:..:.L..3.._.._�.... � , — - - _...�..�.:..., � � s t., � i �� �� r . ,' �` , ; � � ;��r_r�.rir��s oF ��r� cz� corW�zwsTor? � P.iay' 13, 193"! The City Coiwnission of �he Ci-ty of. Glearvlater, Florida, met on T,i�.y 13, "1937; in special meo�in� asseml�led, �^rith the follovr:.ng members preaent: T;iayor-ConnnissionPr R. �'. Green J� A.. Barry D. 0. Batchalor It v�as moved by T;�r. Batchelor, seconded b� i,:r. �arry and earried that tne Ci�y anorove a sub-lease bet��een Dougla� Bailef and i.r. I�an�ford, coverin� the use of the w'�'est 100 feet o� the gropar-L-y leased to i."x. Bail.ey on the Tsland. The•re bein� n.o flartk�.er Uuyiness, �he meetin� tizas thereupon adjourned. �� laayor-Coimni ss io n�r Attestc C t P.uditor an�. lerk � �= � ,I i� � °o i.iINUTES OP TI� CITY COI'�u,tISSTQTd � T;�AY 17, 19'�'7 �'he City Corr�nission oi' �he City of Clear,^ra'Eer, Florida, met on T«a,y 17, 1937, in re�ular n�eetin�; assembled, �ri-�h the �'ollorrinp� members present: P�ayor-Commi�sioner R. E, ^Treen T. A. Barry R. L. Baker L. A� �Tarsh It ti�ag moved by T�tr, T,iarsh, seconded bg I;ir; 3aker and carried �7a.at the Police I'orce be set at one C�:ief, seven first-class policEmen, and tti�a �robationers, and tla.at the Fire Degart�ent be set At one Chief and sig �'ir�t-class i'iremen. rir, i3arsh introd.t?ced Oraiizan:ce ior ite i'irst readin, and ?noved its adontion, Seconded by T,Ir, BarrS, and upon roll call tre f'ollo�i� vate rras polled: Ayes; r'ayor-Conmissionex� R, �, Green J. A. Barr,�r L. A. Z<arsh R. L. 3aker Tvays: iTone Abseni; and no� votinm• �. 0. Ba�chelor It tvas moved by T;ir, T;iarsh, secorded bg i3r. Barry ar.d unanimousl� ` carried that the ordinance be read and nassed its secor�d rzacling irn�ediatel�, by title onlg, t�aivin�: tho rules, a�zd upon ro11 call the follotsin� vo�e tivas polled: Ayes: 3,:ayor-Counnissioner 1i, F. Green J. A, Barr,y L. A_. T,:arsh R. L. Saker T� ay , : Iv one Absent and not voting; D. 0. Batchelor It vras moved by P:ir, r?arsh, seconded by Ts:r: Barr� and unar�imously carried that the rules be further rraived �nd the ordinance plaaed upon its third a��d fir.al reading iitnnediately. TY�:e ordinance havin�; been read ior the trird time in full, it vras moved by P„r. Iaarsh, seconded by P.ir. Barry, tYzat the ardinance be passed its tllird and iinal resdin�;, ar�ci upon roll ca7.l the . ... � } � � ; • ; follol�rzng vote tvas polled: Ages: R. E. CTreen, Paia�or-ComU�ss:i�oner cT. �1. �.3A1'T'V L, A. P,.arsli R, I,. Ba�er ATa�s : .�i7one Absent and not votin�: D, 0. I3atchelor l�Jhereupon tre T�i�ycr-�oiumissioner cleclared tlxe ord�.nance dul� pas„od �zd adopted, and si�ned the sa.Y�e, as follov�s: ORDTI�ANCE TIO. 420 .AT7 ORDI?;A.�TCE TO .AT1�I�TD SFCTTOS �S 9 AND 12 OF ORDIAIAI`JCE iVG. 418 OP T�+ CITY OF CI�EARtiTATER, FL�RIDA, �T]TITLED: °ATd ORDZT?AS7CE DEFTIJITZG, PEGUL9mIIIG AIvD GOVERsVII�ry PAZIIT.-�:1�TG CONTR1iCTORS 4;'ITHIT? Tf� CITT' OF CL�'ARi�lAmER, FLORTI)A: RE- �?I�IRI�?�; EXAIiIIdA^i0�: OF AI,L SITCH PAII��TTTdG COi�TTP.ACIQRS: F�ESCRI$IP.TG 2I�`�i�' TIIs� �irliEl�l SUCH EXA::2T?ATICP� SHAI�L BE CQP?DTTCT��D: SPECIE�TYI�,•G AiiD FIXIiVG T��� FEE FOR EXATi�IATION: SPECIF`Y'TtTG A.1�D FTXI�TG T'IE A,:QLTi?1' OI+' OCCUPA'SI01`?AL LICEIJSE FEES FOR SUC�I PAIS'.TIT?(" COl`?TRACTORS. CI�,AT�TG A BOARD OF' EXA"1'��'?�`RS FC7ti PAITdTIIItG CO�T7,'R9CTORS: SPECIFYl3?G Ai` rROVIT)�;G PEIZI�.LTI.�'JS F�R T�IE VIOLATTOIr OF T�IS ORD:Ci.A:GE. ° BE IT ORDATITID BY i`I�- C1Z"�' COi,��:ISSI0IT QF T_KE CITY OF CI�E11RT1JA'Z'ER, FLORIDf1.: 5EClI0TT l. That Se�tion 9 of Ordinance 3do'. 418 of tlze City af Clearti�ate.�, Floiida, be an:d t11e sar.le is hereby amended to read as follot*rss° �rEXEA;�iPTTOI+TS . ° Section 9. This Ordinance shall not at�ply: ( a) To 2n. aut�arized represeiztative of the United Sta-�es of America, the �tai;e of Florida, tlae County of Pinellas, or the City of Glearvrater, cloin�? paintiiz�; contractin� in their o'fi'icial capacities upon their o1^m properties. {b) To oti�mers do�ng painting upon their otivn propertiea.° SEGT20I� 2, That section 12 of Ordinance IvTo. 418 of the City of Clea��rater, rlorida, be and the sarne is hereby amended to rea:;; as follovTsa °PEI3T�iITS. ° Before the prosecution of any ti�ork as n?ore specii'i cally herein described, �rhere:in t�?e cost of said 'Nrork or paant- ing exceeda ,�50,00, a permi.t sha11 be pr�cured from the Builclin� Ina�ector, such permi{;s for tvork shall be iasued b� the Building Inspector only to dul� licenaed Painting Contractora under the provi3ions of t]a.i4 Ordinance, by paying to the Buildis�g Inspector a fee of 50fG for the . for the first h�100,00, and 25¢' for each :;;�100,00 thereafter.° , _ , _.. .._. . , _ ..._,.�„, � �t°� � � , I� l • � 0 SECT20�d 3, All Orcl,inances or parts uf ordinances in conilict 1�erevrith. are hereby r.epealed. SECZ'IGr1 4> This Ordinance shall becoxue efiective ir,arcediately upo_n. its pa�sa�e, PASSED AND ADOPTED by t1� City Commiss?_on of �he City of Cle arr�ater, Florida, i;lzis the 17th day of riay, A. D, 1937. Attest: P, E. Green �'. E, Satterfield. L1ayor-Co�m.n_ ssioner City Auditor an.d Clerk _,..,,�`__ T1�e follotivin� resolutio!�. tivas introduced by T:ir. �7arsh: RESOLi,T'�IOT? OF ^�+ G32*y' COT;�',iISSIO! TO EXT�t�TD TIi,�.�' OF CQ1,iPI,ETI02T OF SEGT201_`7 D, BA$CO�,'I� AT?j� ,7TLCOX CO., VJASTE HE9T BOIL�t�,, DQC�ET FLORTD�? ?d0. 1202-2-R� GAS'yJQ�S I+.'�TEI;SIOIT, �'POP,i DECE'1;`$ER 15� 1936 '�'0 JAPITjARY 11, 1937 . ti1I�I���S, The �abcocl� and :7��lcox Company have made every efi'ort to supply their apparatus under contract i�rith the City o2 Clearv�ater and have ;_t ready for operation and in operation �n.a it is norr ��n. satisi'ac�or� operation and it performs satisfactoril� a�l of the require�ients of the co�.tract. TFi.�REPQRE, B� IT RESO;�V�D bg the City Co�ission, t.hat t�.e Contract of the Babcoc� and 17;1coh Co., b'+aste Heat Boiler, be ex�erded from December 15, 1936 to January 11, 1937. TI3EREFOF� BE I'� 1�Z50 RESQL�FD That �he Gity Z,iana�er is _h.ereby authori zed and i,nstructed trat tre t3r�e of said Contract 'pe e>tanded irom the date of the Contract coinpletion f�8 the date set =qrt:n above. Attest• • �Signed} R. E, GreP�r � i,:a�or-Go�issioner J, E,�Satterfield, Cit� .4ud.itor and Clerk, T� ivas moved by T�,r, Barr�, seconded b� 3Y;r. Baker, that th� said resolut3on be adopted, and upon roll ca11 the folloiving vo�te was polled; Ayes: R. E. Green, 2�ayor-Qem�uissioner Ja A. Sarry R. L. Baker L. A. Y;iarsh T7ays: None Absen� and. not votin�; D. 0. Ba�chelor � �Thereupon tlae T�?avor-Couunissianer declared t;he said resolut;�on paased f and u_�nana:mously adopted, and signed the same, # There bein� no f'urther business the moetin� ti�as thereupon adjourned. Y - C��Srt,e�—�, a .Eit �sts�� �,Iayor-Conunissioner �C� r t, � udi tor and '1er�� � � � I;ili`;LTTFS �F' "PZiE CITY COEa?ISSIOTv I;:AY 20, 1937 Tla.e City CorrIlnission oi' the City af Clear�rater, Florida., rnet on itiiay 2U, 193~, in gpecial meetir� a�sembled, t�rith the i'ollotivin� members present: P�iayor-Commissioner R. E, Green L•. A. Pr;arsh J. A. Barr� �, 0. Batchelor IH!r. P,iarsh introduced t:h.e follor�:ing resolution: RESOLUTTOi? OF 'II3E CITY COT��:ISSI�P1 OF TI� CIT:'� OR CT�A�t41ATL�'� FT�OftID.4� APFROVTI''G _41iD 9CCEP�'ir;G ^t]E PLAi.TS �R�PAPED B'�_7' RS. S. $OUIS, CI'I74_i �.7�;C�1yEEP, I+'OR A SANITARY SEE':�ER SYSTII' OT3 CLEARiiATr,R ��,'AC�� ISLAi�tL' 1�i TF'E C IT� Or CL�AR:7�! T�� R, D�TET7 I:�`�'v 20, 1a37 . ZTfiEREAS, tlle x�ed of a ganitar� sev�der s�stem on Cleari•rater Beach Island is prossin� ar_c� it is impera•�:,ive tri.at ac�ior. must be taken irn,ned�atel� to provide for the s�ne and due to tre advancirm cost o�' labor anca �.,,aterial tihe P'rdA Project for a sei�er s�stex� �or the City of C1ea�.�crater �Zas overrun the estimated fx�ures and allotment request. THE?�EF013� BE IT RESOL`JED b tlle Ci that the lans for a�anitary� �T Co:lr�ission in meeting asse�led, P sev�er s stem on t11e most 1aonl..lous p�rts �i Clear.water Beach Island as laid out b„� S. S. Bouis City� En�;ineer„ under date o� I�iag 20th, 1937, to,et�er t�3:th te�zparary se-�a�e disposal plans, be hereby approved and a�cepted and the City T.:anager be i-n_s�ructed to �'i1e r�ith the rlorida State Board oi Eea1t��-. ar_ appl�ca�ion for a per•r!?it b� the City of C1ear�^�ater to construet tl�is partion of i�he sasver s�rs�,em ti�ith th.z understan.d,in� and a�reer,lent ila.at tr� use of seuti� ta�-;ks as sho�rr_ or_ the plans is temporar;r, 'iThe Cit� plans to either corr�pletel7 modernize its present disposal pla.n� or build a nerr modern plant and aband.or these septic tanks and eons±ect this s�*ytem. �rith the modern dis�osal plan� above rient ioned . 4ttest: (Si�med) R, E. Green, I:Ia�or-Co�nissioner J. E. Satterfiel� ��ty At�c�.itor and Clerl�. It �ras moved b� ?,:r. Barr�, seconded b� i.:r. r�atchelor, that trse resoltatior_ be adopi;ed, anc� t�pon roll ca1� tHe folloti,�n�; vote laas polled: Ayes: i;ia�or-Cor,L�.yissacner R. �, Green �T. i�. $2x'1�;; �, O, P,a�CY!81.OT' Z. A, 'T�arsh. i�i a�s : I?c�ne Absent and no� voting; R. T;. �a��er �u'hereupor. t�e T::ayor declared the said resolution passed and un.�.ni�ously � aclo�tod, and si,�ned t1�e same. There beinr; no fur•tt� e� busii?ess, the mee�inr� v�as trereupon adjourned. Atze �'����'`��� P�Ta�or-Co�is�io ar i �'� C. ty' Auditor nd C erk