T,ZA.Y 3 � 1937
The C3�t� Cor,mus�ion oi t��3 Gitzr o� Clear�ra�ker, F�orida, met on T.ay
3, 1.�J37, in. re�;ular meetint; assembled, �rith th.e follo�rin�; members presen,t:
R, E, GrPen, T.a,yor-Comr,Lissioner
�. P.. Barr�
'R. Z. Baker '
Z. A. T;rarsh
D, 0. Batcre7.or
P;Ir, C, E, ,�a,re addressecl tre Cormnission t7i�h a propoaal to lease 50
fee� oz the City Parl� roropert� for a re&1 estate oxfice. lhe r�atter vras
de�'erred until a later meeting.
I?r, 'srare furtYser addressecl the Connnisszan com.nlawn.;n� abo�?t the
alle�ed nuisa._nce of tk�e open dra�naF�e ditch_ from the gas plarlt, stating
that his clients had aut�h.orized hin� to brin� suit if tire nuisance is no�
A petition tvas presented requesting the Cox�m.ission to cause t1_2e sicn
board at Fort Harrison I�venue an.d Georgia Stree� to be rar3oved, lre r,�atter
��as re�erred to I•s, Pol1�iT1 to see i� �r_� �,ctier_ coL�ld be tal-�-en.
It tras movecl by I�r. P:iarsr, seconclecl b� i�:r. Ba1Fer arrl. carried that i•ir,
i'hn, FI, �',roli'e be appointed Cit� �'ti;d�;e for -��e une�.nired term oi irr. Satte�-
It ti°ras nioved by L�r, Batcr_e1or, seconded b?; I'=r, i='arsh and carried that
D"r. I-�arolc� Adams be appoin:ted a member oi' �the Recrea�iAn Eoard for a term
o�' five ��ears .
I� tras u�oved bf T,'r, Batch.elor, �eeonded by �::r, T.?�rsh and c<.rried that
the folloti��an�; members be anpointed to tre Zon.in.g Board:
Dr. �, S. Iiitcher_, Chairman �
I�ir, L. S, l�uder
iur. ln . G . �1air '
T�fr. Geor�;e LJilson ;
r�Tr. l�m. I�, Alley �
It wrzs moved b� P.Zr, Ba1;cLelor, seconded by T.ar, I._arsh and cesried that
the Tax Assessor be authorized to gurchaee a set of snaps showing t�.e outlines ?
anc?, owners of unsubdivided properties,
� .
� � F �
It �ras nzoved hf Tkir. Latchelor, secondod by P+1r. I3al�ar and carrl od that
t�±e proper city officials be authorized -�o si�;n a con�ract rrith i'•-r. Arm��on
for the uavang oi' street s at ttiren�y-zive cents ( 25C:�) �er sc�uaro gard, All
potiver to be ilzrnisl�ed by tiie cit�,
It �z*as moved by P,ir,. Balcer, `secc�ndod lay T�ir. P�r;r and carried tihat the
coxmuittee �omposed oi T%r. Batchelor and T;?r. Sattexfielcl be anpainted to con-
s3der and recorr3iend properties to be foreclosed for delinquent ta:�es and
special assess�zent liens.
� It rras moved by i�r. Batchelor, seconded bq P;ir, I3aker artd. carried that
ta,Yes of Lir. �.igazzi on three traots oi' land, i.e., 'ir"ar�ont, Arclr,Yore Placo
�.nd a�rea�e on Ei�hl�:p.cl Avenue, all nor� out�ide the cit�T, be cancellec�, in
consideratien oi property here�o�ore cleeded to tlie City b� P�ir. f�az2i in
h7ar,ymont Subdivisiox�:.
It was moved Uy T�r. I;:arsh, seconded bg l�ir. Bal�er and carrie'd that the
paving lier_ a�a�lst pr�pertv o�' T:�rs. Felon E. Fla�g on I�'orth Osceola Avenue
be cance]1ed, ,
Tt lvas moved by i�:r, Larry, seconded by ��lr. Batclzelor and carried that
t�e tax. adjustments reco�ended by the cormnittge be approved.
The follorJ�nm letter ti�as read:
I4Tay 34d, 193'7
^10: The I;ia?�or �nd: Cit� Cormniss?oners
oi Clear�riater, Florida.
Gent 1 es.nen :
In ref.erence to a�torney�s fees for the foreclosure of city ta..x certi-
ficates arid special asaessmen.t�, I de�ire to submit the follolvin� pr�positiori;.
lst: The City r�ill pa,y to me as attorneyi s fees tlze sum o�' 10;a
oi the �mount collectecl or_ d�:l3nquent taXes and special
assessments. T�is applies, hoV�ever, only to those delin-
quenti taYes anr3 special assessments ��ainst �roperties
ti�hich ha�re been placed ira. m� hands for foreclosure. If
the foreclosure proceeding is be;n,� filed tiinder the pro-
visions of �931 Foreclosure Act, the attorney�s fees of
lOj are to bc cLarged on and after the thirty days
cau�ticmary notice i�a.s been sent to the prapertg ov�mer.
If it is desire�. b� the Citg Ooms��ission, the property
o��ner can be required to �ay the attorne��s �'ees under
the rorovi�ions oi the 1931 Foreclosure Act, in additiar�.
to the ainouni� due for delinquent ta.xes and special
assess�ients. In the event the foreclosure proceeding;
is being ins-tituted under the General Liens La�rrs of this -
state, th�nn. the attorney�s foes of 1J� are to be charged on -
ancl after tY?e filin�* of the suit.
2nd: Should the filin� of an�r foreelosure suit result in
tho City acquir:ing the ti+le to tha pr�pe�ty, then
the city is to pa� as attorr_e��s fee� 5% oi' the arriount
v�hich Prould have been required hacl �±�e pronert� ovrner
so elected to pa� his taxes or special assessments.
Ii; is understood tLat thig propos�.tion sh.�:11. be subject
to reva.e�v a�'ter the lapse oi a reasonable tinie. It ' i9
my deaire to i�.il1;� cooperate at al1 times �vith the City
Corrnnisqion a�1d should fii.tvxe events determine that the
attorneys� fees should be readjusted, I wi11 be glad
�'or ti�.e Ci.t,,� CoLunissaon io act accordin�;1�,
Respectiull� submitted,
(Signed) John C. Polhill,
�ity Attorney.
Tlze above prciposition hereb� approvecl, this the 3xd day oi T,"a�, A, D.
(Si�ned) R, E, Green,
" D. 0, Batchelor
« I�. A. P�arsh '
° P. L. 3a�er
�� J, A. Ba_r1,y
City Commissioners,
1'rir, Barry ;ntroaucea the follovrir_g resolutions
F���FtEAS, The follotivinm contrac�ors haue completecl, accordir_g to ar� ginal
plans, specificationa and approtTed el�an�e orders to datie, the i�ork covered -�m.der
their re�pective contracts on Docket �lorida PTo. 1202-1-R� tJaierv+orks .�xtension,
Cleartirater, F�orida, ��iarch 30, 1�37.
Trat the Gity �iana�er be �nd he is hereby authorized and in.structed to
accegt as beint; eomplete accordin� to original plans and speci2ications and
approved clz�e orders to date, tY�e vTork done by tre follo�ri.ng Contractors
under Cleartvater t�a-�er�rori�s E��ension, Docket iJo. Fla, 1202-1-R, as fo11ov1s;
Section A- Boyce Co., Clear�ater, Florida, - 1Ya•ter I,'ains. �
Section B- R, D. Co? e�Ianufacturin� Co., ATe�vnan , Ga. - Re-erection
of Elevated ?'ia.�er TanL on Cleas�ater Beach.
Section C- Tampa Armature :r3orks, Tan�a, Fla. - iVe11.s.
R. E. Green, P;rayor-Couunissioner
J. E, Sa-tteriieid,
Cit� Auditor and Gler1�.
It H�as nioved by bir, Batchel.or, seconded by Pir. Eaker, �hat the said
resolution be adopted., and upon ro11 call the follorring vote yzas polled:
Ayes: R, E, Gree�, ITayor-Goms.issioner
D� 0. Ba�chelo.r
L. A. T4:ar'sY?
J, Aa Barrv
R. I,. Ba��er
Na�Tsc None
l�'�hereupon the P;iayor-Co�,�sioner declared the said resolution du1�
passed and tuzanimously adopted, and si�ned the sauie.
�1-'he fo11o»in�* resolution tivas introcluced by 11Ir. D�iarsh;
tiJL�EREAS, trie folloi�in�; cantractors havo completed, accordin�; to
original plans, specifica�ioz�s ancl approved cham�e orders the work covered
under their respectzve cantracte on Docket Florida 1202�2-�t, Gasrvorl,:� Exten-
sion, Clearv,ater, Florida, P.iarch 30, 1937.
That the Citg T�Tana�er be an� he is hereby aui;horized and instructeci
to accept as bein,�; carnplete accordin� to or;i�inal plans ancl spec�'ications
and approved change orders the V�orl� done l�y tl�e follovain, Contractors uilder
Clear�rater :�asvrorks Extension, Docket A�o. k'la. 1202-2-R, as follows:
Sectic+n D- Babcock & PJilcox Co., Ptlanta, GA, - GVaste Heat Boiler.
Section E- C, Z. Tenneg En�;ir_eering Co.; 2�iir.neapolis, T�Iir.n.,
1'dater Gas A�prar�us.
Section F- C, I, Tenney Enr�ineer:ing Co,, P>'inneapolis, L�linn.,
c'tasher Cooler
�ectioi� G- R. T,I. Thompson Co., C1ear��rater, Fla, - Buildin�s.
Section E- Bo�ce �onpany, Glea.r•rrater, Fla. - Gas niains,
Section I- Gameron �: Barkley Co:, Tanipa, �la. - Gas Compressor.
R, E. Green, I�.�agor-Commissioner.
J. �'. SatterTield,
City Auditor a��d Cler�.
It was moved by i�ir. Batchelor,' seconded by I�ir, Barry, that the said
resolutior be ac�opted, and u_pon roll call the follovr9.ng vote was poll�d:
Ayesi R, E, Green, Pdfayor-Commissioner
D, 0. Batchelor
L, A. P,Iarsh
J, A. Barr�
R. L. Bak.er
Na�s : TJone �
��liereu�on �Ehe I;'.ayor-Cox�nissioner deciared the said resolution passed
and tmanimousl� ado�pted, ancl si�;ned the same e
The follolring res�lution �ras in.tmra'uced 'hy n�r. I�farsb.:
�'r�ft�AS, from Fort Liyers on the soutZi, and at the trrest end of the Cross
State Canal, to Tarpon Springs on the nort�, trere ?s a large number of small
pleagure anci commercial crafi operating daily, particti_larl,y boats enterin� the
�vest coast tlzrough i;he Cross State Canal, as vaell as those entering tlze Cross
State Canal frox� the west, ��ogether tivith many boats of that eharacter plyir_g
bettiveen rort P,iyers and Tarnon Springs an.d intermediate ports, and
;�i-�REAS, All of tLese boats exteneivel� ia.se the anland wai:ea�ays betvreen
said cities and �ave frequent occasion to enter or go thtou�h the 3everal passes
between_ uhe islands along the raute betv�eeri saicl cities, and
��IiERF,AS, The markin� of the varioua channels hetween tl�e islands an.d along
said course are inaclequate to furnish the operatore of said boats sui'ficien.t
n�avigat3n� information to enable them to travel these waters safel� and con-
venientl�, an.d �r�,t ti�ithout adequat� markers aaic� boets are aub jecterl to great
incnnv�nience and dela,y and some�imes dan�er;
TfIEREE'ORE, It is request�d and nr�ed that you 'brinfl; thi.s m�a.tter to the '
early attention of the Zi��.it �ouse Department, or other proper branch of the
lTar Department, earnestl?r desirin� it, or them, to investigate the mat�ors
herein �e-E fortia. anci to modernize and brin� up to �tanda:cc� tho markin�s of' our
island watervrays and passes betvreen the poir_ts abova submittod.
R. E. Green, Icia�or-Commissionor
J, E, Satterfield,
Gity Auditor and Cler�. ,
It vras moved �7 �iir. Batchelor, seconrled by Ivir, Barry, tha{; the sa:id
rego'lution 'be aclopted, arid upo�a. roll call the i'nlloUr3.nm vote tivas pollecl:
_._,_, _ � _ _ . _ ., ..._ .. _ _
A�es: R. E, GroEn, T�a�or-Commisaioner
D. O. Batchelor
�. �. P,iarsh
R, L, Baker
L. _q. �;iarsh
i�ia,ys : None
�`+rh.ereupon the E?ayor-�oimnxssioner declarsd the said. resolubicn passed
and un�.imously adopted, and si�ned the same.
The follnxrin� resolution -�as introduced by .:,r. i"arsh:
ii '
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2t �^�as moved b,� T�ir. T,iarsh, secar�led b� I:s, B��� anc? carried, tY,at the
aaid resolti�tion be adopted, and upor_ rall call tl�e foll�o�in� vote rras po11e�.:
Ayea: R, E, Green, T,iayor-Co�nnissioner
D, 0, Batc�l,elor
L. A. Tararsr
J. A. Ba.rr�
R. L. Pa?�er
Nays : I�; one
1�'hereupon the i;Ta;�or-Conm:issioner de�lared sa3a resalu�ian passed and
uizanimousl.,p adopted, aizc� si,�n;ed the same.
Thore being n,o further business, �he mee�ing was thereupon adjawrned.
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