AT'TYIL 19, 1937
The City CoYrunission of the Cit� oi Cloarr•rater, Florida, met on t�.e 19th
da� of April, 1937, i� regular r.meeting assembled, t��i�tl� tlie follo�ving members
�. �. Green, T,ia�-or-Cormn; ssioner
R. L. Baker
J. A. Barry
D, 0. Batchelor
�t ti�aa nioved by iY,r, Barr�, seconded by bir, Batchelor and carried that
taxes on Lots `�'hiri�y-three ( 33) and Forty-six ( 46) of Court Squaro Subdivi�ion
be rem,itted, as long as this property is used as a par� by �he Garden Club.
It v�as �oved by T;ir, $arry, secondecl b� !,Zr. Ba�Echelor and carried that t�:e
ta:� adjust�ents recormnended b� the Coimnittee be a�prove�:.
�rr• $ayly, representin� the Yacit Club a
, gpeared before the Connn�ssion,
notifyin� them t�at the Yacrt Club �vishes to exercise its op�ion to lease tre
balance of the trac�t of land at the Cit� Park, as provided in its �ease.
ltir, Barry introduced the follov�in� resolution;
1"�REAS, The cluties of Charles G, Cro�ley no longer entail the direct
h�ndlin� of any mone�s of tLe C_ty� an�{ '
y'��AS, the accountS of the said Charles G. Croerley �.ave been found to
be in order, and aeceptaUle to the City Commission of the City of ClearFrater,
TFtEREE'ORE, BE IT F�SO�,VED, T�+�t the N10,000.Q0 bond of the said ChArles
B. Crotivley as Assistant Czty A,aditor and Clerir be discontinued, and that the
amoiuzt of his bond be plac�d at N5,000.00, as Cler� �nd 9ssistant Tax Assessor,
Attest: R• E. �reer., i,.ayor-Cormnissioner
J, E. Satter�'i:eld,
C;ty Auditor �.nd Cler��,
Tt 1^ras moved by I�Tr, Ba1�er� secon.ded by t�ir. Barry, that t�e said r�solution
ba adopted, and upon roll call the folloti�i.n,� vote �ras palled:
Ayes: R. E. G-.�en, I��a�or-Coim�v.ssioner
R. L. Baker
J, A, 3arr;r -
D. 0. Batal-ielor
lTa=rs: None
Absent an,d not votin�; L. A� u�s�
Vl�liereupon t1?:e Itiayor-Commissioner declared the said resolution duly passed
ancl un�a.3.me�ailJ.y adopted, ancl signed the same.
The follotiv�� resolution tivas introduced by T�Zr, Barsy: '
[VE, T11e Citg Co�nnission of the City oi' Clearc�ater, Florida, at a re„ular
meeting duly callecl and authorized, on t1Ze 19th da„r of April, 1937, have paesed
the follorr�.� resolution in connection tivith the praposed t�Jorl�s �ro�ress Adminis-
tration airport project; _
Tl�e C1�� Clerk zs instructed to forv✓ard a certi�ied cop3r of this resolution
to the VVorl�s Prograsa Administration in l`ua.sYti.ngton � the S$�te �Jor�s Pro�ress '
`•-�,. Administrator of b�lar3da, and the Secretsry of Gozmnerce in LJashl.n��on.
RE�OLVED, Thflt for and in consideration of the Federal F'�u1ds made
available through the 4Jorks Pro�ress Admini�tration under o�'ficial Project
N'o. 52-27�.7 for �he improvement oi' our municipal airpoit and landii�
iacilit�.ea, rre pled�e that said airport tVill at a11 times be oper�ted an.d
maintai?�:ed as a municipal aa_rport far the public bene:fita �^ri�hout unjus�
discriinination a�aa.nsi; or ii� favor of any aircraf't operatar, inc7.udin�; any
sclaeduled airl�ne o�erator.
IT TS FUATI�R C�RTiFI�D t'nr t the fee simpla title to tkie 1and utili'zed
as the municipal �:ir�ort is in the City of Clear�vate�:
R. E, Gree�zs P,iayor-Coimui�sioner
J', Ea Satterfield,
City Auditor and Cler�.
1� �ras moved by l,i.r. Ba3�er, seconded by P�ir. Batc7a,elor, the said said
resol�ztion be adopted, and upon ro11 ca11 the iollo�ring votP was polled:
Aye,s: R. �, Green, Eia?jor-Co?mnissioner
R.L. Baker
J, A, Barr�
D, 0., Batch_elor
Ivays: None
9bsen-t and not zTot3-n„�: L, A, �arsll
VVhereuroon t�.e �,iayor-Cor�zissic�ner declared the said resolution cluly passed
and unan�nously adopted, a�.id signed the saLne e
There beir_; no iurther busir_ess, the meeti.ng .,as �hereupo� adjourned.
�� �._.L� _�
IVayor- o �is ioner
' A�t st•
�y Auditor �d Clerk
,�� 9s
, �r • o
�. � � , � ' - � � .
. _ __ ,..�� ....
� � �i
April 21 st, 1937
The C3.ty Coimnission of -Ehe City of Glearwatei, Floride., met on
the abova dato, in spAc��>1 meeting assembled, Vr�.th the follotving members
Mayor-Co�nissioner R. E. Green,
�ommissicners D; 0. Batchelor and J, A. Ba�ry,
IVIr. 3atchel!or introduced t�.e follovai:ng resolution:
VJ�EFtEAS, the �ity Couunission of Cles.rwater, F'lorida, has been
advised of Senate Bill No. 322 which would place all gas and electric
corporations under cantrol of the Stats Rai3,road Comniesion, and
WHEREAS, the Cit� has otivned and operatad its gas plsnt since
1924, w�'cth satisfaction to itseli' and its cnstomers, and
INHEREAS, fi?Ze Flarida Power Corporation ha.s been serving
�learwater under franchisa for many years, at rates that compare
favorablg with oth.ers in the 5tate,
NOY7 THEREF012E, BE IT RESOL'VED by thE Ci-t� Commisvion of C1�ar-
water, Florida, at a special meeting,
First: Tha-t there is n o need or occasion Por passage of such �.
Second: Z"hat service ar.d rates are at a11 �imes subject to
con�rol of campetition, which has resulted in, steadily decreasing cost
to consumers of bo�h gas and elec�ricity,
2'h.ird: Tha.t public utility control should not be removed from
local units wher•e it now is,
Fourth: That due and direet protest be made t'o the passage of
any such bill by thia Florida Legislature nosv in session, as undesirable
and unnecessary, ar13 not in the interest of` 1 ocal government.
Passed and adopted b� the City Commission of the City of Clear-
�Nater, Florida, this 21st day of April, A, D, 1937.
Attestt �igned) R� E. Green, i�ayor-C�mmissioner.
J, E. Satteriiel.d,
City Auditor and. Clerk.
It' was moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconded by Mr. Barry and carried
that the said resalution be adopted, and upon roll call the follorring vote
was pblled:
Ayes: R. E, Green, I�fayor-Comuiissioner,
Commissioner D, 0, Batcheloi and J. A, Barry.
Nays: None/
Absent and not voting: R. L, Baker and L. A. Marsh.
Whereupon, �he Mayor-Comm�.ssioner daelared the said rasolution
duly passed and adopted,, and si gned the same,
There bsing no fu��ther business, the meeting was adjourned.
Attestt Signedj_ R. E, Green,
J. E, Satterfield.
City Auditor and Clerk.
� �,znaU��s oF �z� z�.���T�z,rG oF T� cz� corr�:�-z�szor� . �
APRIL 28, 1937 �
Tho City Commiasion of the Cit� o#' Clea�*ria-ter, �'lorida, met on ihe
28�h da� of A��il, 1937, Yn speci.al meetint; assembled, ��ith the f_o1lo�ving
membera preaerxt :
R. E, Green, I:iayor-Corrmiissioner
J. A. Barry
D. O.:Batchelor
Yyir. l3arr� 3ntrod.uced tk�,e follocr�n�; reaolution:
l`JI�REIiS, The City Cos�mission oi the Git� of Cleartvater �as been ad.vised
of Senate Joini: Resolution Tto. 19, placing an overall limztation of xiot ex-
ceedin�; lu mi11s on real estate for operatior_, and
V7I�REAS, Such a limitazion �rould further handi;car the citiea ix� their
stru��le to provicle funds i'or essential citg services ancl maintenance, and
L"TtLFEiEAS, Such a limitati.o,n seems unealled for and un��ise, and.
tiJ�RE�S, Experience in other s;a�es �rith real estate ta;i l;m��ation has
c�used cities serious trouble, `
IT017 THER�'FOR�, BE IT R�SOLV�D BY T=�TS COP:!�.:ISS'�0?T, That � t disapproves
such an act, protes-�s its pass�ge, and requests its representatives in the
Zegislature to wor�> ior its defeat.
' R, �, Green, i`ia�or-�'o�.nr.�issioner
J, E, Satterfield,
Cit� Aur]:i,tor and C�erI..
It,tvas mot*ed by PvTr, Batch�lor, seccncied b� :�:r. �3arr�, tLat the said
resolutian be adopted� and upo�. roll call t�e follotvin� vote t�as b olled:
Ayes: Fi. �. CTreen, i:ia; or-Co�m?�isaionex�
J, A, Barr�
D. q, Batcllelor
Na�rs: I�one
Absent aizci not votin�: R, L, Baker ancl L, A, I:ars�
tiahereupon the P:ia�vr-Comriiss?oner declared �che sa�d resolutio�* �ulv passed
and unanimously adopted, and sisned the same.
l�ir, Bari�,� introdur,od tlze follo�r�n�* resolution:
t"r'HEREAS, the C�,ty Corrmlission of the Cit� of Clear�rater, Florida, has been
advised that there havo bean. introduced -into the 1937 L��islature o�' Florida,
Civil Service bills that ivould apply -co this c3.t� on a populati�n b�.sis, and
ti'JNERH,AS, The turn�ver of em�lo�ees of our cit� has been rema���ably sma11
far many �rearu past, znci
Z��.REAS, This city is too sma11 to pi onerl� ma?�e use of such a lat� ior its
er�!plo�y�ees �;enerall,y, and
1J�E6S, in relatzon to its publi.c tttility i'�u�ctic?ns it is beli2ved such a '
2az�r vrrnild hand�can ti�e cit�,
`. .__....._.._... _.,_�.,.,��,.,,o...�:___,........ : . � � � � . .
, -._,...., ,._._`_._.,... _' ...,:,�..._:.._� .,..+r.,�..:.�..,, �._.�.:...,.�.._.. .�...�....», ��_�_,�...�.�.........<:._.... . ....._...�.�.,.,_...
First: It re�;ister its disapprova�. of suc�a ai�, �.ct reln�Zn� to a c�.�g of this
size, and in particular to this city, as uri.necessAry and uncal7,ec� for, Eu.zd
Second: That this resolut.ion be �'orsvarded to our Le{;�.slatore, the heads of
the respective holises, and to t?se Govori�or.
R, E, Green, Eiayor-Coirmissianar
J, E, Sat'terfield,
Ci�y P.udi'r.oi an� Cler?:.
It ivas moved by i�ir, Batclzelor, secor_ded by �u�. Tarr��, tliat saYd resolution
be aclopted, and upon. roll call the follar�inF vote ivas polled:
A,es: R, E, Green, i;ia�cor-Corn:iissioner
�, A. BarrS
�. 0. Batcl�elor
Tdays; Idone
Absent a�.sci no� voting: R, L. Ba1�er and L. A. P.iarsh
�;Tr?�R��.:PON, the 2.:azror-Co�issioz�er �eclared �he saici resolutian d.uly passed
and uizanimowsl� adopted, axid si�.ed the sam.e.
T�rr, Bai�r� in-troduced the follo�in�; resoluti�n�
1'1t�R�AS, Our City is operating under a corr�issioil foian of gover�lmen.t, and i�as
been, to the evident satis�action of our people, since 1923, and
;u!-�REA.S, Varioti�s s�udies of other u?unicipal c1�:arters show such zvide variations
as zo be irreconcilable, aizd '
1"Vt�KEAS, Ef�orts to ma"�a cit�, charters uniform, even br �roups, yvould �eriously
interfere �r�th pro�ress of r_eeded re.iundin� operatinna in man,y cities, and
G�iE?�EA:�, General cllarter chan�es over the state woulcl be unsettli.n�; and dis-
ttiY'b=n�, �a.d
���3E�:A.S, eve-n_ in t�ro cities of anproxzmate equal population conditions are so
diierent as �o make it t�ell ni�h impossible �o satisi'y either trith tlle salne rYiarter,
j;`tE�A�, Flor�da �.as not reached the point o#' developmen-t vrhere �,uliiorm
charters crnzlcl be nroperl;r consictered,
2.01'd TL�FFORE, BE IT RF.S!'�LVED, ^lhat tris Com�nission p�tt itself �n record as
opposed �o any action relative to w�iform charters for municipalit;es at tlxis
sess�on oT the Legisla�.re, and ur�es �i�at nothix� be c�oize with reference �o the
R. E. Green, liIa�or-CommTasionei
J. E. Satterfield,
City Auditor and C1erk.
Tt was moved b� T�ir, Batchelor, seconded b;g I::r. Barr�, that tY�e said resolution
be adopted, and upon ro11 call tre follotiving vote uras pol.led:
Ayes: I�. �, Green, I��ayor-Commissioner
J', A. Barr•�
D. fl, Batchelor
i�ia�*s : I�3one
l�bseizt an.d n.ai� votint;:: R. 7:. pr�:er ar_d I.. !a. T�+a:csYi
1,'JT�1�;T?PO??, the T.?��or-Com�lissioner declared tk!e saicl rosaluti�n d1�7.� passed
and un�a�imc�us7.; a�.optec7, and. sa.;�^ried tiz� sanie.
�'hero l�e7n� no furtrer busines�, tho�etin�; �,vas t�,ereuporz adjourned.
�lttc�s _..(�r�C� oner__�_____.__.�”
i � �ucl.ito and Clerl�
. � . . . _ . �: • \.