03/05/1937T�ZPNTES OF TH� I:TEyTTi`TG OF TNE CITY GOP:�,TISSIOIv IYfARCH 5, 1937, The City �ommission of the C;.;,S of Cleai�,aa�er, F'lorida� met on. liarch 5, l�?37, in special meetinp assenbled, �rith the follol�inr� members ' present: R. E. Green, 1,Zayor-Commis�ioner R. Z. Bal�er L, A. TdTars�h. It vras moved by I�r, Baker, seconded bg P,�r. I,iarsL and carried that `vr100.00 additional appropriation be made toti�ard the e�enses of thP Gu1f Co�ast Hi�hvray Asgociation, � It was moved by �'lr, Baker, seconded b� L=r, �arsh ancl carried that the City l�ttorne� be au-thorized t'o negotia-�e a snecial agreement to the Bank of Bon�.��'� for the exchan�e of their• bonds. . I-� tivas �moved bg ��ir, Baker, seconded by Tir. I+iarsL and. carried that ' the City buy the lot in the Countrg Club o�mecl bg i�r, i�7esson, tahich ia uader ' 1`tigation bettveen the citg and. Iar. 17esson, at a price ol 4,:800.QOa It v�ras moved `by� i,ir,, iiars��,, se�onded b5 T,ir. Ba?�er and carried tLat the tax. adjustanents reaommended by the co�rittee be approved. , ' �r, i�i��gr �,troduced �tLe follorrin� resolution: V1I�''REAS, the rrork covered b� Section � axxi Section F, C. I, Tenneg .�n�;ineer?ng corapany, Gas Apparatus, is substantia.11g corspie-�e accorcling to , original plans and specizicatiens and approved cLange orders, ��os. 3-E-1 2sid '7- E-2, ancl performance test shotivs both cabaci�ty and economy performance better_. than coni:ract requirements, T_�iEREFORE, BE TT R�SOI,Vr,D SY T_� C2�Y 00�';i T_SSIOI'- OF' TI� CITY OF , CLEF:R"v`dATEFiJ FLC?RIDA, 7I�1 SPEC79L 1;EF'TIt?C A�SE`L�LE�: That the �i-t� 2siana�er be and he 3s hereb� a�zthorized and instructed to accept as being aubstantially complete according to ori�inal plans and specifications and approved charz�e orders, Tvos. 3-�-1 ar_cl 7-E-2, the work covered by SEctio;,s � and F! C, I, Tenney En�ineerir_� Compar�y, Gas Apparatus. R. E, Green, T.:ayor-�or,r�issicner Attest: J. �. Satterfield, Git� Auditor and Clsrke It tras moved Uy i:'r. Baker, seconded by- I::r, iaarsh, that the said resoluticn he adopted, and upon roll call t31e folloti�ir�r vote rras polled: Aye�: R. F. Green, t.:a�or-Gor.�issioner R, L. Baker � � � � � I�. A. I4�Iarsh � � Nays: None Absent and not voting: D, 0, Batc"helor ' J', A. Barry • ��.iereupon the "1�iayor-�omniissioner cleclared the sai� resolul:ion pa�secl and un�.imotzsly adopted, and ai�ned the sauiee The follo�rin�; resolution yras introduced by i'�ir. �Tt�rsh: , �,� � ���.� IJIiEREAS, the rrorl;. covered by Sectioxz D, I3abCocli & 4�rllcox CompFzny, Ylasta �eat Boilor, is sui�stantiall,y� comule�e accordin� �Go or3.�inal plans ax�d specificata.oi7s, TTiEREFORE, BE I'I' 1��SQLUED BY Tf3E GI2'X CQP�°I�SIQT? OI' TN� C7TY OF r,ZEARV7ATER, FLORID�1, �IvT 3.<�TIT;Cr ASSEI;.BLED: TY?at �he Ci•t5 r=ttna�er be ar_rl lie is hareby authorized and inatx�acted to accept as laeing subs�antially complet� accardir� to orig;inal plan� and spec3fications �he vrorlt covered by Section D, Babcock 8: �dilcox Cpmp�ny, 1Jaste Heat Bo�,1er. R, E, G�een, L�Tayoi - C ommi s s ioner Attest: J, E, Satterfield, City Atiiditor a�d C1erL. it was raoved by T�ir, Ba1�er, secanc�:ed by i�+ir� I�tar�sh, tY�a.t tlle said resolution �ne adopted, and. upon roll call the follovring vote tivas polled: �lges: R, �, Green, I��ayor-Qoi�miasioner R, T , R�,lr�r L. A, P,'tarsh Absent and not votin�: 77. 0. 3�tchelor J. A. Bari�,y ti+hereupon the Priayor-Counnissioner declared the said r�solution passed and un�nimousTy adopted, and si�,�n.ed �he sauie. , There bein� no ftzrther bus�iess, tre raeet%n�; wa� thereupon adjourned. � � �� Ma,yor- o�issia3ier Attes . C' y Au�:itor and Cierk i i, ,l. �. . . . . . . � . .. . .. . . , . . . '. . 0 r � bIIl�NT�S OF 'J'HE 11L'ETIT�G QF T�IE CI'I�Y' COIa1t:iISSION P�IAftCII 12, 1�J37 T1i.e Czty Co�rnnis sion of tYze City oi' C��ar��ater, F1,orida, niet on Tviarch 12, 1937y in regula� meetin� assembled, vrith tY±e follovring m�mber3 present: T,. A,. r,�arsh J. A. Ba�r� R. L. Baker It tiTas move:d 'py 2+:r, Ba7ser, seconded by fy:r, Barry and carried that the foll.ot�ing memberg of the Pa�"ing Contractorq �xaminin.g Soard be appointed. for �errns as indi cated; John Tucker - 3 yeara Emil 1�etz 2 years J, T. Hill 1 gear It vvas m�ved by �ir. Barr�, seconded by i:"r, $aker and carried t�at the transfer of func�s frorn the 1"iater anct Gas Depart�ent Fund to the Ger_eral Fund heretoforerrade be approved, I� tizas moved by rar, BarrS, second.ed by I,:r'. Bal�er and carried th�.t a_�-�. addit ional appropri ation of u,=1, 000 .00 be made �'or tY�e Qiti� � s shars of i�TPA expen�es. It rras moved b f i4fr, Barr�, seconded by F.�i . Baker and. carried, zrat tre Oia.:g accept quit cla7m dee� fram T;ir. Fislier coverin� right-o_-r+ay oi �sceola Avenue, It �vas moved by I�ix, �arry, secon.ded by I.�r� Baker and carried tha� the C�ty Attorney be instructed to drativ up a leaso to the C1earF�ater Co�u�.try Clul� cover'u1g the golf course. It was moved by r�ir, Barr�T, secondecl by� rJ:� � Baker and carried that the City I,Zanager be authorized to gurchase 1000 feet of Eureka �'ire gose at '71� P er foot. It Fras moved by Ir�r, Eairy, seconded by P�ir. �aker and carried that tlze j C12ief of Polzce be in�tructed to cause house car trailers to be remove�.vrhere trie� are par�ed and occupied in lcc ations not in regular �ourist camps . St �rras moved by T�ir. Barr,y, seconded by hir. Balcer and r arriecl that the - ' ` __ _..._ _,i ,. t , �f , L. � :, City N:anager be authorized to purchase a carload of pipe. Ii; �vas maved bg �r. Barry, aeconded by I4�r. Baker and carried that the � ' tax adjusianents recouunended by the Colrunittee be approved. There bein� no furthez� business, the meetin� �vas thereupon adjoariled, Attest: _ � t I�Tayor-�ommi ssioner � City guditor anc? C18rk � _ _ _� _.�..� �.:_..__ .. . ��. _. � i � N1TT1U'T�'S (7F THE �;F.�ETIATG OF TfIE CI'1TY` COPJ;Zr?TSST.OIJ � � 14�CH 15, 1937 � The City Gorrmiission, of tk�.e Cii:y of Clearr7ater, Florida, met on r�larcli 15, 193'7, iri special meetin�; assembled, �ri-Eh the follotving memb�rs �resent• R, �, Green, TuTa�or-Cormnisgionex� J. A. Barry R. L, Baker Z. A. P+,arsH �ir, �arry introduced the follairine� resolution: 1"�EAS, a certain quit cla3m deed from tI. C, and Elizabeth Fisrer to the Cit� of Cleari�rater•, Clearvrater, Florida, l�as been examined bg the said niembors of the Cit� Coimnisaion of the City of Claarti�ater, and in conforrnance vrith said quit claim deed clo rereby establish the ri�_h.t-oi-vra� of Qsceola Avenue a'�utting the property of VI. C, ar_d Elizabeth Fisher as e�tondin� 25 fL, east of the ceni;er Zi.ne of �h_e present t�aver�.ent as it riol•r exists, abut- tin� the north 50 it. of �at One, Blocl� Tti�ro, Joz�.es Subdivis3on c�f I4ic�.olsan� s Addi.tion to Clear��ater, as recorded �n the Hillsboro Piat Book One, page Thir�een, of r,*hich Pinellas County v�as formerl� a gart. TE�'EFiEFOIi� BE IT RESOLVED BY 1^� CITY COT:a''�SIO�I OF T� C?`P'� Or CZEAR�iATER, FLORIDA, Il? P'�F'TIl`TG ASSE�1+^;PLED: That trie Cit�- P��anager be and re is hereby authorized and instru.eted to accept the above described riglit--of-�rray in the name o= the City of Clearsrater, Flerida, with the distinct understandi_ng tLat said ri�ht-oi-�va� is to be u�ed onl� for street pnrposes. R. E. Green, i,`a-�ror-Coi:nnissioner Attest: J, E. Sa�terfield, Cii,y Audito� and C1erk. it ��as moved by i�,:r. Ba�;er, seconded b� l,ir. T,�arsh and carnied t�at tha said reso:lution be adopted, and upon ro?? call the follorririt* vo�te er2.s polled: Avea; R, �, Green, I.�ayor-Cor¢nissioner J. A, Barr;r R. L, Ba�t�er L. A. P�arsh Tda�sc I�one Absent and not votin�: D, p, Batchelor «l2er�upon tre I,�ayox-Co.z�sa:ssioiler declared tre said resol�:tior_ passed and unanimously adop�ed, ard si�nEd the same. The follorJin� resolution �ras inti�duced by Plr. Barr�: Z"VF.fEREAS, tlie Gity of Cleartivater izas established and maintains in the Cotiu�ty of Pinella� a i�?vnic;pal Airport, and .�'+2iER�AS� In order �o acc�uire su.fficient- land for the con:>truction of said Airport said Gity of C�ear�•�ater recently instituted zn the Sixth Judicial Cireui-L- in, and for Pinellsa County, Floricla, a condemnation proceeding, vrherein tlze Gity ot Clearrvater was Plaintiff and Jan .An P1 ti�as Defendant, beir_g La� Ca3e 7F8633, and �' GIF�REl�S, said suit has been amicab7.y settled an� the seic� Jane Angel has by deed clated Febru.ary 1�37, and duly recorded in the Public Records of Pine].las County, Florida, conveyed the heresnafter described land to th� City of C].ea����ter, F1.orid�, and sai�. land �s no�v bein� used by said C;ty� f'or �eronautical. purposes and canstitu-�es a par� of tre T.�unicipal, Airport of �he �i�t� of Clear�rai:er. , ,.�mr ,-�--„ : ..�,x�.r.._.e-P-�.�.�,....�_,.,_ _ iVO�Y TFIEREFORE, BE ?:T RESOT�VED BY TN� CI1^Y COP,���zSSIQN OF TH� GITY' OI' CI,EAFil"r'ATEtZ, PLQRTDA, TN P,�ET2IVCT F�SSEP�ISLED: 1. `�hat tre follo�vin� descril�ed propertg situate 3n t}ze County o� Pinellas and State oi Florida, to-wit: The Soi�thsast QuArter (SEr) o� the North,1�est �uarter (N4�'�) of Southe�st C?uarter (SE?) in Sectiaiz Tuvonty-tyvo (�2) Totvnship Twenty-nine { 29) 'Soutl�, Rat�ge Fifteen (15) East, is hereby set aside and desihnated for aeroizautzcal gurposas. BE IT FITRTP:ER RESOLVED: 2, That a copy of this Pesalution be furnished te the Brard ol Cptinby Go�lissioners of PirLalla� County, Florida, �vi�h the r�quest that they adopt the pro�er resolution in orc�er �or the State Compi;roller ta satisf� and cai�cel the outsta:_ndinr; Sta-te and Coi:.n�v ta�Yes .a�air_st said land, in oon�irmity ti��iti1 Chanter r17426, Zay�s oi' Florida of 1935. BE T.T E`IIRTz_'F�'R RESOI,VED: 3. Tl�at taxes �h�ch are sougl�-t to lae cancelled are embracod 3n Tax Certificate i3o, 938, sale of Septemb er 2, 1935, for �a>es for the year 1934, in the prlrzcipal sur,i of 5;�26.15, f�, E. Green, iiayor-Comnissioner 9ttest: J. E, SatUerf ield, Cit� Auditor and Clerk It �- 9 moved. by I_r. $a��er, seconded by I�ir, T��arsh and carried that the said reso'1Lttion be adopted, and upor_ roll ca11 tha follotrin�; vote ivas polled: Ayes: R, r,, Creen, i.�ayor-Oommissioner J. A, �ari�y R, I,, R�ker Z. A. I;iarsh Idays c i�tone Absen_t and not voting: D, O. Batchelor '�Jhereupon the �.:agor-Co�issioner declAred the saic� resolution passed and adopted, and s��;ned the saan.e. Tnere bein,,� no further business, the meetin� was thereupon adjournod. �• ��'�.Y �� �-� Atte��� I�layor-Coramiss ion.er P� �J �