01/18/1937i J .. . . . .. . . . .... .. . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . . . ,. . � . .. . � y,� ;. . . .. .. . .. .. _ �: n v � . � . , . . . . . � . . V— �� � .� � }�� � '� . . . . � . q I i 51�1.mE J� I'i.OP�.IDA i Ct�17':^' Ji I�Ii;.T'+�I,T�tia � ; i C LT`;' .,� CI,�3..�;:1'�uR :43e, R. �. Green, Z. .t. i'arsh an� D. �'?>.�chelor, ��a sole:anl�� swe�r t�at v�e �;aill sunpart a:.�. : r�tect the eonstitutian o� the J�iterl S�ates 7y _s.r�erie : anu �ts ��ve�^:L;e.?�, �_��� t.�.e �tste •�� rlaric'_a a�-.�__:�t �11 ene�ies, dome�ti,c a�,c`. ��rei�il; �a�d tk�t �^ae .rill �es�.r true �',:�t:., lo�•alt;; a�nc� .:�lle�ia:�ce t� �he sa_i�, :.�: ti.at vre are entitlec� t_; sal� �f� ice un�:.er ��:e G�nstitut ion ard Ia�;rs .� -, o� tlic otaie ,� .rlorid�.; ancl ti�,at we tiill perform 11 of tYie c�.utie� a� t`�e ofi�ice .��' ::a�;or-��mmisszoner a_sd Cit� C�r.imiu;:�n{i:;rs, res: ective?:;, o� t}�e Cit- �� C1e�wr.:a�:er, Flo�:�id�., u,�on ��rizic� cre �:re �xuau� �o enter, so ,�elp us G-od. � `�. iJ �� I',�- or-Eo�:r,�i�sz�nei O . vOII1:.1.1_81�'�8T" �r.��-�� l � COI"�r:11.8:: l OT1eT' �z�..�rn t� :a.�1d subscribe:: b:f.�re me �:iis tlle 18th cl.;, �i Januar;; , '_9 � 7 . C�� C:i' iu�it�+r �: Cle�k. �� � � ,�.,___�_...__._ . �_._ �_ ._ �._ _ > ..._,:. _._ ,.,.. . _ MINIITE5 OF THF MEETING OF THE CI�Y' CONIMISSION January 18th, 1937. A regular meetin� of trhe City Co�is�ion of the Ci1;� of Clear �rater, wae held on the 18th day of Janu�.ry, 1937. The meeting vrs.s calle@ to order by the �Iagar�Conmai.saloner and upon ro11 call the follo�ti�3ng ans�vered pi�esent: Mayor-Cosmnissiar_er R. E. �reen, Coimn3.ssioners R. L. Baker, J. A. Barry and L. �. Marsh. �he fo11ow3n� wa.� abser.t: Comm3saioner D. 0. BatcheZor. An Ordinanae Noo 418 ent3tleds '�AN ORI9TNANCE TO AMEND SECTIOId 5 OF ORI?IN:QNCE N0. �QO, PASSID ON JANTTAF�Y 6TH, 1�36, �NTITLID '� AN ORDINANC.� PROVIDINC+ I'OR TI3E GONSTRIIC- TLUN OF' :ADDSTIONS AP]D �CTENSIONS TO GAS PLANT AND DISTRI- BUTION SXSTEM OF 7.THE GITY OF CLEARWP.TL+'R, AND FOR THE IS- SIIANCE OF �79�OOOo00 REVENUE 'CERTIFICATES OF T3E CI`irY'OF CLEAR4VATER, FL�RIDA, PAYABLE SOLELY FROM THE REiiENU:�' DE� RIVED FROM THE GAS PLANT AND DISTRIBT'iTION SYSTEM OF SAIn CITY, TO FINANCE TI-IE GOST OF SU�H CONSTRUCTION AND DFJCLAR- ING AI3 EMERGENCY�'� was introdu�ed by� Counniasioner 1Vlarsh and read in fuZ1. A_fter a d3.scussi�r. �i;nereaf Cormnissioner Barry moved sa3d Ordinc�nce be� adopted as xead. Go�nissioner Baker secanded the motione Upon roil ca7.1 the �ollowing�voto Nas polled: Ayes : Magor-Co�issioner Green, Cau�uni.ssioners Barry� Baker and Marsh. Ivays : None. Thereupon the Ma:yor-Coa¢nissioner declared Ord3nance No. 418 duly passed upon :Lts firs�G reading. Commissioner Barry �zoveci �hat Ord3.nance No. 418 be read 3�s seeond time b� tit�.e onl�. Gommi.ss3onex� �ars� secorrled the motion. Upon roll ca1Z, t�e i'ollow�.ng vcte was polled: Ayes: Mayor-Commissioner Green ,ar�l Cou�n.issionera Barry' Baker and Marsh: N8�9 : NOl� s � Thereupon the Mayor-Commissioner declar�d the motion passed an� �a�.d ordinance was read a second time by 3ts title. Go�ni.ssioner 2�Iarsh moved said Ordinance '�e ad4pted as road. Comuxi.saionsr Ba�er seconded the motion. Upon roZl ca11 the iollowing vote � �' "was po3.led: { Ayes: Mayor-Co�mn.issior_er Green, Commiesionora Baker� Barry and Marah. Nays: None. � Thereupon the Magor-Commissioner declared said orcl.iazancc� duly passod upon its second reading, { � j ■ � ;. v s _ ,..3 ry � . . � . i�;� �' . Couaniss3,oner Baker mnvecl Ordinance No. 418 be reaci its third and final time. Covxnieaioner Marsh seconded the mobion.. Upon ro11 Ga11 the ioll.otiving vote wAs polledt Ayes: Mayor-Co�nissioner Green, Go�nissionere Bak�r, Barrg and Marsh. Nags: None. Thcareupon the Mr�gox�-Domm3.saionar de�l.ared tho mo�ion passed and said Ordinance tvas read its thira and Pina1 time. Co�mnissioner Barry moved saicl Ordinance be P3nally adopted a� read, Cummiss3.oner Baker �econded the motion. IIpon ro11 ca11 the following vote was pollad: Ayes: Mayor-Cormnisnior_er Green,, Commissioners Barry� Bal��r and Marsh. N��se None. Thereupon the Ma.yo.r-Commiesio�er d�clared tha motion passed and Ordinan.�e No. 41E3 duly adopted, �a ���.ea said Ordi.nance �nd approval thsreof, as foll��s: ORDINANCE N0. 4�8, AN ORDT�iAPTCE �`PO AMEND SECTION 5 OF ORDINANCE N0, 40Q' PASSID ON JANUARY 6�h� i936� ENTITI,ED: t�AN ORDINANCE PROFIDIIJG FOR T13E CONSiRUCTION OF ADDITIONS AND EXTEN'- SIONS TO C+AS PLANT AND BISTRIBUTION �..'YSTEM OF THE CITY OF CLEAR4VATER, AND FOR TFIE ISSIIANCE AF �79,AOO.QO REVENiTE CERTIFTCATES OF THE CiTY OF CLEAiTWATER, FLORIDA, PAYABLE SOLELX F`ROrd TFIE REVENZiE DERIVED FROIui '1'F� �AS PLANT AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OF SA:ID CiTY', TO FINANCE � THE COST OF SIICH CONSTRUCTION ANt) DECLP_RING AN EMERGENCY, i BE IT ORDAIDTED BY T�E GITY COMM�SSION OF TH� CITY OF ' C��ARWATER, FLORIDA: SEGTION i: That section 5 0�` Ordinance No, 400 of the Gity of Glearerater heretofore i�:11y adopted, be, and the same is hereby amended to rea� as fol].ows: The C3ty Auditor and Cler�s and City Manager are herebg autharized to execute the Cexti:ficates in the name of the City and the Mayor-Co�i.ssioner is hereb� aut22orized �nd d3rected to cow�.tersign and afPix the seal of the � City to the certificates, T�e City Aud3tor �nd C1er1�, City Nanager ancl Mayor� � Coum�.ssioner are h�reby authorized and directed to cause fi,�.e coupons attache�. � �0 9aid certificate� to be exacuted'by their reapsctive iacsimtle signa�tures. The Certificates numbered 1 to 67, bot� inclus�.ve, in the aggregate p�rirzcipal � amount of �67,000,00 sha11. be and they hereby are awarded to the 'Unitsd States of America; the C�irtificates numberod 68 to 79, both inclusive, ag- ; gregate the principal amount of �12,000.00, be, ,a.nd they hereby are atvarded to the First Nationa:t Bank of Clearwater, Floride, at the price oP par, plus � accruec? interest, and tha City Treasurer is hereby author3z�d and direeted to deliver said Ces�tificates to �he purchasers thereof at one time, or from � t3.me to ta.ms,, as he ma� doem advisable, upon receipt oi payment there�or. O ■ � � � i ■ � S�,a'CTION 2. An emergency exists and th�s Ordinance shall 'be in forco and � ;� � � effQct fron and af�er itq passage. PASS�D .�iI�ID ADOPTED ay 'the City CQunnission of CZearwatcar� Floric�ra., i:h3.s the 18th aay of January, A. D. 1q37. (Si�ned} R. E. GREF�1 a�or- o as onar. ATTESTe {Si�zr e�d�_) J. E. SATTERFIELD, �'{ •3�*'Aud�. ar an C er r. ,►--. 2t was mcved Uy Mr. Marsh� saconded by Mr. Baker and carried, that the salary of the Police Seargents be increased �Z.00 per manth, effecti�*e February lst, 1937, It wae moved by Mr. Marsh� seconded'by Mr. Barry and carried that Mr. �}ichols ba appointed �. co�n.i.t�ee of' one, with po�ver to act in the ma�ter �f the misunderstanding with Mr. Paxton 3.n regard to the expixation of the discount period on his ta.aces. .. It was moved by Mr. Barr�, aeconded by Mx. Ni�rsh and carried that the City Manager b� authoriz�d to vmite a letter st�ting i�hat the C3.ty has no objectin�1 to the dredging operations being carried on by Mr. Ruder in the T,logd� White-Skin.ner Subdiv3sion. It was moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr. Pd�rah ancl carried, that an additi.ouai appropriation oi �65.QO b» rnade ta he3p pay for netv vniforms �or the High SG�oI Han1i. It tvas moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr. Baker and carried, that the City Ma.nager be au�orized �o purcha,se �690,00 worth of shop equip- nent to be installed at the City Shed. It vra:s moved by Ntr. Barry, seccnded by Mr. Baker and carried �hat Mr. Ablaet�C be reappointed to �he Civil 6ervice Board. I� ��ras moved by Mr, Marsh, seconded by Mr. Barry and cerr�ocl that the Gity �ommisaion ga on record es �avoring a thorough atudy and re- viaion of the zonin.g ord3nanee' as recommended by the City Bu�.ld.3ng Tnsgector� arut the chair�nan of the zoning board. _ �� v�a� moved by Picr. Barry, se�onded by Mr. �farsh and carriod th.at the follovting adjustu�ents te me.de on the tatal tax bills oF the foZlowing properties: Lov 12 Block 23, �ar3mwnt- reduced to �2,U00.00 valuation, N. 60� of Lota 4 and 5 Blocl� '��'r of Fairmont� recluced to --"' �2100.00 va�.uatiOn• t Lots & and 7 and the W. 15� of Lot 8, S�unaet Point� re- duced baek tAxes to �65.26 each year, pZua interest and coste, Lo�'4 oP Hillcrest Addition,� accept �p350�00 in full :� � � � r set-�lemen'� of al1 ci�y taxea and special assessments tbrough 1.936. Lot 9 Greenwood Hill- Accept $�125.00 in fu11 settle- ment of a11 taxes and special asaesaments through 1936. Lot 6 16ss E. 43�, Miles Subdivssion- reduced back �axes to �50.40 per year, plus interest and costs,, Lot 5 B;s.ock '�C'� of Ea Jol1a Subdiviaion� ac�ept �100,d0 in i'ul1 eettlement o� a11 City taxes and special assess- men.t s through ].936. Lot 1 B1ock ��A" of 3oulevard P3.nes- a.ecept �n225.00 in full settlemen� of c3.ty taxes and spscial assesaments tr,rough 1936. Lot 19 Bloc� "A'� af Boulevard Pines- �ecept �125.00 in ilzll aettlement of c3ty taxes anci sp�cial asaessments throu$h 1936. Lot 20 B1ock ��A�� o�' Soulev�rd Pines- accept �125.00 in iizll settlement oi city taxes and special assessmsnts through 1936. � Lats 16 and 17 Bluff View- aGcept �167,15 in full s�?��tle- ment of city taxes and speci.al assessmenia ��rough 1936. Lots 18 and 19 of Bluf� t�iew- accept �107.46 in full setm tlement of cit� �axes and special assessmen�s tlirough 1936. Mro Frank S, Looth addreesed the Commi9sion and a let�er �rom Frank Tacl� was r�ad, bo�.,h: strongl� recommending that the City u�e ev�,ry e£iort to acquire the propertg on whi�h tho Baptist Parsonage is situated £or gark purposes. It was xuaved by �Ir. Ma;rsh� secondecZ by N'tr, Barry and carried, tY�at Mr: Nichola be appointed as a comm.ittee oi one to ascertain upan y+rhat torms ��e city may acqui.re tbis prapsrty. It �vas u�ved by Mr� Marsh, sseonded by L7r. Barry and carried, tha� special assessments against Lots 1 and 2 B1ock '�A" of La Julla be cancelled, upon reaeipt oi title approved by the City Atto�.�neS, It vr�s moned b� Mr. Barrg, seconded by Idr. Beker and carried, that all the �ppointive officers of the Citig be reappointed for �he year 1937, Mr. Baz'z'y' intro�uced t�se £o31o«ing ro�olution: WF�R�AS, tr.e follorving contractors liave 3ub�tan�ially completed, according �o �he ori�inal plans, specifica�ions and approved ohange orderg all phases of woxk covered urxder their respectiva contracte on Docke� Floi^ida 1202-1-R, Waterv�drka extension, Clearwater, Florida; THEREF'OR,E BE IT RESOLVID BY TFiE CITY' COI�YMISSION OF THE CT_TY OF �LEARWATER, FLORIDA IN REGiTLAR MEE`�'ING ASS�INBLID: That the City Menager be and he is hereby authorizad and instructe�3 to accept as be3ng subs�tantialiy complete according to ortginal �ls�.ns and sg�eci- fication$ and approved clzange orders the work done by the followir.g eontractar� under Clearwater Ws.terworks Exten�ion DQeket Number FZorida 120�2-1-R as i�ilcwse Section A- Boqce Company, Clearwater, Florida- °Extansions to Water Distributi.on System� incJ.ud3ng pigo 13.nes, �ate valves, fire hydrants, spe�ial casting, taking up and replacing of pavemen� and alI other worlc lr.cidental thereto." Qompleted as specifisd October 21, 1935. �� Sect3on B- R. D. Co].e Manufa�turing Comp�ny- Newnan, Georgia - F`urnishing a1Z ma.�erial and lab�r necessary to add one bent to present elovated tank located on z�i�,a to increase he3:ght oF present tank 31.38 �eet, tn.c�.ud:ing csleaning and painic3ng oi ent:ire stx�zeture., Tvro c�ats �oth outside and: � � � � inside. InuZuding ooncs�ete foundations, if necessary. For the sum of �p4, 00Q .00, `� Ir '�The Contractor is �o dismantle the present tanlc arxi. re-erect it on pre�eilt foundations� instal2ing a vertical sect3.on in tAe f3rs� bay, of sufficisn� height to ra3se rthe taiik the xaquired 33.4t .�' C�mpleted as specified Januarg 11� I937. Sect�.on C� Tampa .Armature WArka - Tampa, Florida -�t Two 10'� wells apprax�- mately 200 feet deep. 10" woll casin� set �o bed roal� apprcxima.tely 80"f�et;,�. deep. Two @aep well turbine pumps installed complete, including el,ec�rical equipment and hydraullc conneations to point $#'eet. Two pump housos 1d x 10. For additiona.l tes� pump3ng (Other than 24 hour tes�s) for testing or devel.- oping �veZl, estimated ten hours, present test, For the total sum o� �5900.00.'� Completed as spacified December 15th, 1937,�► Tt rvas moved by I�r. Barry, seconded by Mr. Marsh and carried, that the resolution be adopte�i, and upon roll ca11 the follorving vote we.s polled: Ages: Mayor-CommS.ssiori�r Gresn, Counniss3oners Barry and Mar$ho biays: No::�e. Absent ar_d not �roting: Corims.ssioner D. 0. Batchelor. Whereupon the Mayor declared tho resulution duly adopted,and signed the same. Nr. Barry intrnduced tk�e follo�vix� resolutian: ' 4�IiEEEAS,:.the��:�o1lo�vix�,: con�raatons:.xh&ve- substant�gll:y comple�ed� aceording to ariginsl plans, specifications and approved changs orders all phases of t�e work covered under their respective contracte on Docket F1.orida 120�-1-R, Gaewarks exten s�.on, Clearwater, Florida: THEREEOftE BE IT RESOL rV"� BY TEiE GITY. COIVINIISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEAT34�'ATER, FLORIDA, ?N R.E�UI,AR r�ETING ASSEMBLED: That the City Mariager be and he 3� hereby authorized and 3nstructed to xccspt as being substantiallg com.pleted according to ori�inaZ plans and specifica•cions ar_d �zpproved change orders the work done by the iollowing con- tractars u�d.er �the C1eaz^xater Gasw�rl�s Extension Doclso� Number Florida„��1202-��� R as folloivs • Sec'�i�n G- R. M. Thompson Compar_�, Clearwater, Florida-� °Boiler Houso, the Gas Generator House, th� Shop and Service Bui.lding� Extra Conarete Foundation�: 36- cubic �ards 1-22-5 �tandard Portland Cememt concrete found- ations wi.th drassed fo.rms above ground, includ.in� ar.�ave:�ion, templetes and ii:gt�.11ing anchar belts. For the total sum of �13,685.00m1° Complatod as speciiiod Octobex 27, 1935, Section H� Boyoe Compazly�, Clearvrater, Florida- ��Excavations ta Gas D3stribu�ion Systezr, inr,luding pipe lines, gs.te valves, special cas�in�s, ta._king up and replacing of pa.ve�ent and a1i other vror?� ine3.dental thereto. Co�leted as spec3�isd December 15, 1936. It was mov�d 'oy Mr. Barry� seconded by Mr. ffiarsh and carried, that the re�olution be �dapted, and upon roZl eall the' follo�ving vot9 tivas polled: Ayes : Mayor-Commissi�ner Green� C�mmiasioners Barrg and Riarsh the same. Na�s: None. Absenz and. not voting: Commissioner D. 0. Batchalor. UVHEREtTPON, tYx� �yor declared the resolutian adopted and si�ed ■ ■ i e ■ . . . . . . . . �4. f . Mr. J. A. Barry introducad t�e Yollorv�'.ng resolut3.on: "WHEftEAS, the R. D. Cole h4anufae�uring Company, Nawr�an, Ceorgia, is herewith granted an sxtension oi` time #'rom December 15, 1936 to Januar� 11; 1937 and that all lic�ui�lated damages in the sum of �15,GQ per day (420.00) from December 15, 1936 to January 11, 1937 are hereby waived b� the City o� Clearv�ater, Florida. THE�EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COrlQviISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA, TN REGULAR MEETING ASSENiBLED: That the City Mana�er be and he is hersby autharized to grant the R. D. Co1e Manufacturing Compan� an extension o� tims on their contract Sectio�. B PWA Doc�et No� F`ioxida 1202-'!-R, Clearv�ater VJaterworks E�tension from D'e- ceniber 15, 193o to Tanuary 11, 193'7, and that all liquidated damagea in tha amoun� of �420,00 be vtaived bocau�e of the �ae� that said d.elay P�as at the re- quest oi t:he City in order that the tank be nat disturbed unt31 tre 12f' main across Clearv�ater Bay had been laid and was in operation so that the needs of the Beach area mi�Y+t be adequately served at all times," It waa inoved by Mr. Barr�, secanded b� Mr, h2arsh and carried, that the resulution be adopted, and upon ro:1.1 call the follorrin� vote was pol3ed: Ayes: Mayor-Co�mni.ssioner Green, Cormnissioners Barry,aY�d.::3iarsh, Nays; None Absent and rat voting: Commissioner D. 0. Batchelor. Nlhereupon �he:i�cyor declared the resolution du19 adopted and signed the sau� . Mrp Barry introducod the following resolutions '�WI�REAS, ii� is raecessary in ordor to complete �he �vater piping to be installed under this contrac� to add certain various leng�h.s of pipe, connec- tior_s to old mains, valves, pavings,�unneling, rail�cay crossings and dscluc� certain other lengths of ipes valves and fittings, �vhich erill make an additional cost �o this Con�ract of �p6,189.84, in order to cause the �rork �a be complete an.d whole and ready for use as eontemplated un&er this contract, THEP�F'ORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CIZ'Y COhQ�ISSION ASS'F'NBLED, tha.t tre City Manager be anci he i.s hereby autr�rizfld and ir.strueted to accept these additions:and deductions in the net amount of �6,1$9.84 and inelude them as part of the general Contract of �he Bo�ce Company for this �vor?z. ALSO BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cit� Manager be and he is hereby ai�.th- orized and in.structed to apply for a cl�nge order through tho P1VA, changing the ori�;ina3 contract �o as to include theso e�e.nge orders above referred to in the Contract for thi� work, there being sufficient funds prov3ded in the grant and loan to pay for this aaa�.tiori. It was moved by Mr, Barry, seconded by Mr. Marsh, th�t the resolution ba adop�ed, and upon roll c�ll the fo1lo��ing vo�;e was polled: A yes: Mayor-Conmiissioner Greens Counnissione�s Barry and Marsh. � Nays: None. i Absen� and not votings Go�mni,ssioner D. 0. Batchelor. l � �} Whereupon, t�e Mayo•r dec3ared the resolu�F,i.on duly aciop�ed and signed , the same. The following resalu�ion was in.troduced by Mr. Barr�: � j�WHEREAS� it is nscessaiy 3n order• to completa the gas pipxn� to be f instaJ.led under this contraat to add cer�Aiiz various 1�ngths of pipe, fi�tings, � valve�, tunnelin� and deduct certain other lengthg of pipo, valves, paving and �i�tinl;s, which wi11 mal�e an additional cost �o this contract nf �1,369.32, in � order to aau�e the work to be complete and whole and read� for'use as contem- plated under thia con�ract. ; � � � 9 ,y� ; THER�F'OR� BE IT R�SOLVEA BY TI3�' C3TY CONI�4ISSION ASS]�MBLID, Tha:t the Git� Maneger be ar�d he is herebg authorized and �6ns�ructod to accept these additians a�a aeauc��.�n9 in the net anwunt of �p1,369.32 ancl inc7,ude them �s part af the general con�ract of the Boyce Comp€a.ny for this work. AL,SO BE IT RESOLV�D, that the City Manager be anci he 3� hereby author- ized and instructed �o a�p1y for a cllan�e order through the PWA, changin� the original contract so as to i�clude �hese chan$a orders above referred to in tre contract far this work, there being �ufi�.c3ent funds provided in tha gr�.r�� and loan �o pav for •this ad�itY,on': It w�s moved'by Mr. Barrg, seconded Y�y Mr, llfiarsh, that zho rasolution be adc�ted, ar_d, upon ra).1 call the fo1Zo��rin� vote was polled: Ayesa I�ayor-GpuBnissioner Grean, Commissioners Barry, Bal�er and Marsh. Nays: None. Absent and not-va�ing+ Commis�ioner po 0. Batchelor. i"llzereupon the Ma�c�r-Cormnissioner declared the r�solution duly adopted and signed the same. TY+ere be�ng no further business tha meeting was thereupon adjourned. �_l_�_�n � Mayor- o'�i s ier m