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December 16, �936.
�e City Commi�sion of the City of Clearwater, Florida, met on
the above date as requ3.red by Charter, fo� the purpose o£ cQnvassing the
e].oction held on December 15th, witr the Pollorving membera pra�ent:
_ Mayor-Co�nissioner R. E. Green9 Commissioners J, A. Barry�,
R. L. Baker, and L. A. I�arsh.
Mr. Barrg introfluced the following -��asolution;
°WHEREAS, Tlle City Commission of j�he City of Clearwater, Florida,
is charged by law wi.th the d.uty of canvassing elections, and
' W�REAS, a general electian ior �he elec�ion of a P�iayor-Gomm�issione�
and two Coirunissioiiers to servs for a term of' taro years r�as held or_ December
15th, 1936, and
WHEEREAS, it appears that
For I�ayor-Go�n.issioner
� R. E. Green recoived 188 vo�es
For Commissioner:
D. 0. Ba�ehelor received 189 votes
L. A. Marsh rece�ved 184 votes
���'�1� H� IT RESOLVID, that R, E, Green be and he is hereb�
declared duly electdd to serve as Maynr-Go�mnissioner for a term of two years, ;
and that D. 0. Batchelor and L. A. I,�Iarsh be and they are herebg decla'red dul�
elected to serve as City Couunissianers for a term of tv�o years, ,
Passed and adopted bg the City Connniwsion of the City of CZear-
water, Flarida, this l6tr day of Deeember, A, D, 1936,
�t �vas moved by 1�1r, Barry and seconded by Mr, Ba.ker that the -
resolution be adop�ed, and upon a roll eall the follo�ring vote vras polled;
Ayes: Mayor-Goimnissioner Green, Couunissioners Sarry, Baker and
• Nays: Noneo
Ab�ent and not votin�s Corruni.ss3oner Batchelor,
Whereupon the Mayor.declared the resolution duly adopted and
si�ned �he' sama,
• It was move�. by Mr, Barrg, seaonded by Mr. Baker anci carried
that the work oi" assessing property.for ta.xes i.n the City be turnad over
�o Mr. Sa�terfield, in his capacitg as ex officio tax assessor, snd Mr.
Batchelor be requested to sit in �vith Mr, Satterfield in th e matter of va1-
. It was moved by Mr� Barry, seconc7.ed by P�s�, Bal�er and ca,rried
that the Cit� D4a;nager be author3zed to reduce �he gas rate in the higher
. . . �� . . ��l..A-� L�t+ �+� .
braakets as folloivs:
Restaurant Rates
First 10�000 cu, fte 12.50 (Minimum)
Next 15,000 cu. ft. 1.00
Next 15�f�00 cu. ft. .9A
A11 Over 40,000 cu. ft, ,t35
There be3ng no f'urther busines9, the meeting was thereupon adjo�urned.
Magor- o�mnissi�xer
Attes ;
y Au o & er .
_ ,
��3 ��
DECEMI�ER 21stg 1936.
The City Counnission of the City oP Clearvrater, F7�orida, xnet on the
abave date in regular meeting assembled, �vith the Po:�lo�+�ing members
presentc .
R. E. Green, �yor-Comm3.ssioner,
R. L. Baker,
J. A. Barry,
L. A. Marsh.
Tt was moved byndr. Barry, socond.ed by Mr, Baker and. carried tha:t
1e�ters of appreciation be sent to Pdessr�. Davi�sen and Ra,y, oeme•rs o�
8ilver Springa, and �o the Ocala Chamber of Cox�anerce, tha.ni�ing them
for �Gheir. splendid entertainment of the lVatartotivn Football �quad,
Moved by idr. gal�er, seconded b�y Fdr, I�liarsh and carried that the fol-
lowing members be appointed to tha Barbers� �ami.n�.tion Board, to take
effect ivhen the cost of the 1ega1 publiaation of tne Ordinanee has bePn
paid by the barbers:
A. E11iso�, 1 year
Ralph Shaw, 2 yc�ars
Ben Sutton, 3 years,
It vras moved b� Mr, Baker, seconded by Mr, Barrg and cesried that
three ex�ra mon be authorized for �he pol3ce department, during the
tivinter months, in accordance �ith recomnendation of the Chief oi Police.
I�oned by Nlr. Marsh, seconded by i�r. Baker tYiat the Ordinance entitled
"An Ordin�nca Defining, Regulatix� and Gov�rning Pai�ting Contractors
4Vithin the City of Clear�vater, Florida, eta:,° be passed on its sacond
reading. Upon roll call, the follotving vote was polled:
Ayes: Green, Baker, Barr� and Nfarsh,
Nayss None.
Absentr and izot voting: T. 0. Batchelor,
Mr. Marsli introduced the folZoti�i.r� resol'u�ion: ,
Y-'.�ARS 1931, 1930 and 1929, AND PRIOR YEARS,
WHEREAS, � large amourit �f' taxes for 1935 and prior years, together
wi.th improvsment liens, rsmain unaollected; and
LxIHEREAS, it is desirable that said taxes and 3mprovement Tiens shal7.
be colleated and applied to the payrlent of �he bonded in.debtedness of the
Cit� of Clearwater tivhile its bonds can be bought for considerably less than
par, sl7d.s
4VF�REAS, the City Conunissior. believes that•� tYta credit and future weliare
of the City demands that durin,g the nex� tv�ro year3 ��edua�ion of �500,Oa0,00
be effected ii1 the bonded debt of the City, thus sar,in� sn additional half
mi.11i�n 3o11ars in interost over the period of the �onds; and
WHEREAS, these ta.Yes and improvament ].iens, if unpaid, must constantly
increase in amaunt because of interest charges and decreAsing discounts,
thus ��ecoming a l�aavier burden to the o�vners of delinquent property,
That the folloeving sha11 cons�itute the fina.l tax aaaugtment program
of the City of Clearvra,tsr;
1. Th�t BouIInencing Fe'�xnzary lst, 193'7, and con�iizuing until 4pri1 lst, 1937,
the present discount of 50� on taxes for the years 1931 and 1930 be �hanged
to 40�, and that after �lpril lst 1957, an�3 until June 3rd, 1937, the di�-
cour_t on said taxes 5hall be 30�and then cease;
2, That un Fc�bruary lst, 1937r and continuiizg un�:il April lst, 1937, the
prasent discount of 75� on taxes for 1929 and prior years, and on aIl irrt-
provement lians, be changed to 70�, and t�at after April 1st, 1937, the
discount shall be 65�; this discount to continue enly un�il tha City has
retired its delinquent tax n,ate3 and interest coupons that mat�ared on and
prior to July lst, 1934, and then aoase; but that thsse delinquent tax notes
and intere3t coupons ma.y be raceived for the face amount of said taxos, im-
provemen+ liens and charges at the face amount of said tax�notes or coupons
un.til thsse delinquent tax notes and in�erest coupons are retired by the
C:i.ty, or until suit is braught a41 provi�ed in Pa�agraph 3;
3. That the Ci,ty Atborney �e 3nstruc�ecl to begin foreclosure prqceedings
innuediately after Juxie 3rd, 1937, on a11 worthvahile property on ;vhich tax
and impr�neme�t lien certificates sha:ll remain unredeemed;
4. Th�t the �ity Tax �o11ec��r be 3.nstructed to send to a11 ovrnars o�
worthevhile property no��� dElinquent a s�atament of taxes, imp.rovement lisns,
pent�.lties and interest, as of January 14�, 1937� tog9�her with a copy of
t'rsis resolution; ana. that t��..: s resolU.tion be publ3shed in The Cl�arwater
Sur_ of �ecember 2'7t�., 1936, :n an appropriate place as a display adnort3se-
5. That the City Tax Collector be further instructed to advertise from
tims t� time until J�z�e 3rd, 193'7, the fact that the City has for sale,
,avai3able to an� purchas'er, tax certificates on a11 property advertiss�i
as delinquent in 1935� 193� and px+ia.r- years, and not already sold or re-
6. That in cases where taxes ancl improvement lisns' p�nalties and interest
cl�arges shall. equal or exaeed the value of the property against which they
are assessed, the City �i11 continue to make settlement of srime (based on
an appraisal .of the property) that wi1]. al].ow ovmers a substantial equ3ty
in their property.
Passed and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Clearwater,
Florida, th3a 21st day cs,f December, 9. D. 1936.
( 3igned)' R. E. Green,
. Pdayor -C omr�.i. s s i oner .
J. E. Satterfield,
City Auditor and C1erk.
It �vas maved by Mr. Marsh� �econded by Mr. Barry
ichs.t4said ."resolut:ion be adopted, and upan roll ce.11 �he iollowin� note
was po�led;
Ayes: R. E, Green� L. �i. Marsh, J. A. Bar.ry, and
R. L. Baker•.
Nayss None.
A,b�sx�.t and not votinS;° D. 0. Satc�.h.elor.
Vdhereupon the rlfayor declared the eaid resolution pa.saed
and unanimously adopted, and si�rn.ed tho samr3.
There being: no further businesss the meet3ng was adjourned.
� c�. �;�sn�
y'Au .to an C er�'— Mayor- ommissioner
��,� �� ,
DECEMBER 23, 1936.
The Ci�y Commission o� the City af Clearwater; Florida, met on the
abpT7a da�e in special meeting assembled, wi�h, the foTloE+ring members
R. E. Green, Nlayc,r-�ommissioner,
R. L. Saker,
L. A. N�arah,
J. A. Barry.
Mr. Baker introduced the follotivir� resolu�io).i;
WHEREAS, well No. 15 recently installed by the Tampa As�nature iNorka
as part ot' the3r contract C under pocke� �'lorida 1202-1 R, Waterr•�orka
Eactension� shows, af�er repeated tests, an e�cessive amoun� of chlorides
and there is every reason to a�rect this to contiizue so as to become u�-
usabZe in the near future,
THERLFORE, BE I^1•RESOLVED by f,he Cit� Commission assembled tha�: the
propos3.tian of the Tampa Armature ti�orks of December 21st, 1936� to dri17.
a nevrurell at the same un3.t prices in �he present contract and �vith �300.00
to be paid for moving the equipment and installing same in the new location,
be and the same is hereby accented, subject to the approval of the pbVA and
th:eir providing funds i'or t�e same.
THERE�ORE, BE IT AL�O RESOLVED that the City��,��e� is authorized �nd
i�istructed to reques�c of thA P4VA the approval oP this contract and that the�
provide �znds for payin� the cost of same, whieh funds wi11 be obtainod by
the Government�s �urchase of �Le necessarg amount of the additional water
Revenue Securities au�hvrized an3 issued %r t�is �ur�pose.
_ (Signed) R. E, Green,
Atte st t PJlayor-Covnni ss3 oner,
J. E. 8atterfie].d, �.
City A�itor and Clerk, '
Moved by hir. Baker' Seconded by Mr, Barry that thia resolution
be passod, a:ic7. upon ro3.l call the following vote was polled:
Ayss: Gneen, Baker, Barry and Marsh.
Nays: None.
AUs�nt and not vot3ng; D� 0. Batchelor.
VVhereupon the Ma�or-Commissionor deelared the 9aid resolution passed
and unanim�us]:y adopted, and signed the sr�me.
Mr. Baker in�roducad the xollowi.ng rasolution:
WHIl�EAS, tY:e �ity is in need of havin� the presen� water eupply
softened and purified, ar,d the cost is estimatsd at �p35„�QO.00�
TH�EFORE, BE IT RE50LV�D by �he �it� Coimni.saion that the Git,y
Manager be instructed Lo file an ameilded application �r3.t� t;he PLbIA on
Docket Florida 1202-�-R and request a grant af �16,OOJ.00 and the au-
thc�rization of the use of such portian as may remain of �he �15,OOO,C�
of excesa water re�enue seduritias alread,y authorizod anc� issued and in
the Treasury of the City oi �learwater to p�y ��r this pur�fj,cation
plant, with the City Coxmnission �urnishing such additionml amount as may
be required to complete the pro'�ect. These secw 3ties �o bs saltl b� the
City of Cieartivater e,t private sale and a� a price not Y�elovr par.
(Si�nede} R. E, areen,
Attest: M�'Yor-Cox�ssiorier.
J. E. Satterfield,
City Atx@itor and Clerk.
Moved by Mr. B�ker, secondad by Mr, Barry that said resolut3.on
he passed, and upon roll ca11 the follo�ving vote was polled:
. . ....... _ : .. . _.�. . . .��.. . .....:... . � ... ..... . . .. .. . � � . _ _ ....J
�-` A�es: R, E. Green, R. L. Saltar, L. A. Marsh a7nd
� J . A. BAM',Ye
Nays; None.
Absent and not votin�: D. d. Batehelor.
, Wheraupon the 1�ayor-Coimni.ssioner decslared the said resolti�ion .
passed and una�nously adopted, and signed tlze same.
. Mr. Baker introcluced the follo�ving resolution:
"A resolution authorizing the City Nianager to fi1.e an application
, to the U'n3.ted Statas of Amarica through. the �'edei:al Emergency Adm3.nist-
ration of Publ3c Woi:ks Por a grant to aid in Pinancin; the construct3.oi1
of a Water PLu:ifging Plant and desi�nnating Mr, S. S. Bou3s to furnish
such iniormation �.s the Government may request.
Section 1, That 1�r, A. C. Niclio3s, City Manager, ba and he, is
autnori:zed to execute and file an application on behalf of the City
of Clearwater to the United States of America f�r a grant to aid in
financirsg the cons�ruction of a Water Puriiying Ylant.
Section 2. That Mr. S. S. Bouis be and he is herep�* authorized
and �rected to furnis�: sucr information as the Uni.ted States oi
Ameriea through the Fe�eral �lnergency Administration o.i Public ��orks
may reasonabiy rec�uest i n connection vrith the applie�:ti�n which is
h�reix� authorized to be filed,
' (Signed) R, E. Green,
J'. E. Satterfield
Cit� Audi�or and �lerk.
It was moved by bQr. �aker, seconded by I�r. Barry t�.at the said
resolution be passed, and upon roll call the followir� vote was polledz
- Ayes: R, E, Green, :J. A, Barry, L. A. Marsh
and R. L. Baliero
Nayss None.
Absent and. not voting: D. 0� Batchelor.
1'.�ereupon, the Mayar-corrun:5.ssioner decla.�: ed the said resolution
passed and unanimousT� adop�ed, and signed the same. �
There b�ing no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned.
. � ��11� �
ayor- ommi.ss r
• t� u or an er