12/07/1936 (2)m. x � � �� '�t�^ � The fees for examination, ns iid¢vit trl�ich iy required by thy t'on� Glasslfled nncl definod in tliSn registering oP bnrbera, as reqUir- herein pxovided, shall Ue puid m provisions o: tl�t- Ui•dinance, qr Q��1�nanae, or wHo wha prlor t.o ed by this Ordinance; or— a�Vance to t1�e SeciMary of �he by }}ie provisions of flny ;•ule or tl�e first tlay oF Tunuary, A. D. (b) Who cun prove by aworn Board, w110 shall pay over to the regulution prescril�ed by tt�e ifla7, grnduated fi•om a barber afPidavits th¢t he l�t�s pract(ced City Auditor and Cler'- all moneys 13oard, pchool, shnll bc grqnted a ccrtifi- ao a bnrber in another county, so collected monthly, nnd khe (i) Conviction in tl�e TIuniclpal cate o[ tiogistrntion tn the l�nctic- atatie or city for ut leaat aix (6j Cit;, Auditor and Clei9c shnll Cogrt in' tlie City oP Clenr�vater, ular brnnch or brgnches oP �he manths immedlately prIor to mak- credit said moneys to tbe General por uny violation of tf�is OcdL;- UjuStnesaes, occupatio�s or profes- in^. appllcation in this City; �hall, Fund of the City. axice, or u on conviction in sntd s on= in whtch he slinll be guntf- u on q S�CTION 11, REFUSAL AND P � fled, :n aacord[tince with tl�e P PaYment oY the re uired ex- �Courb for � the violatiqn oP. ¢tiy . P�'0• amination fee, be issued a tem- ' � �. REVOCATION � OF CERTIFI- senitary la�v, ivle or regulution . viaions oP tlils Or�inance, with- porary certiEicate �f �registrntion CATES OF REGISTRATION, covering the� sanitation oF bat•Ue1° out ex¢mination �by the Board by to praetice �ns a barher nppren- � � The Board map eitlier Fefuse s$ops and schools, maldng applicatlon to the Board tice, until he or ahe is culled by � to renetv or may suspend or re- No cei•tificate oP � registralion � and furnisl�±ng sntisfactory proof the Bpard for examination to rt,�- - � ,... .. 'voke any certificate of registra- sh¢P � be ravoked u* ess ���ritten pf auch facts. termine his or her fItness to� re- �tr'�e issued in ac�ordnnce �Yi[l� chnrges under oath siiall be filed j Any person who on or prior lo ceive a certificafe of registration • � pravisions .of this Ordtnance witl� the Secretary of��suid �Bo¢rd I the first �ny oP Junuary, A.. D. to� practice�� barbering, Should he �� fo; any one or combination of :the against the holder bP�. said. cextif- I 1;137, was practicing .barbering as fail to pass the required examin- �� � �. follo�ving reasons; icate, and unless t1Se holder pP an .¢pprentice under the supervis- Ation, Ue will�. be �able to practice � (a) Conuiction�of�felony sho�vn ��uch certificate oP��reb stratien so� � ion �oP a practicing barher in this as a harber� apprentIce untIl 8e by a certified copy of � tUe record accused sl�nll be given a.t least City, sl�¢]1 be granted a certiPi- is called by� the Board� for the �� �. of the court of �conviction. ten (10)� days notice in writIng�of cate of registration� `,c: practice next esamination. Should. he or �� � � (ti)� Gross� malpraetice �or groas '�e charges� preferred against him - as a Uarber appcentice, hy mak- slie� faii� at @ie ihird examination �� incompetency. or her, and n hearing byr ssid lne $PP��cation to the Board and he must cease to practice barber- (c) Continued practice :by a Board� which shall be at least ten furnishing satisfactory proof oi ing in the City of Clearwater, � - person kno���ingly havin� an in- (10) days after the time of the such fact, and auch applicant shal] Florida. fectious or contagious disease: �service of said notice. Upon liear- be gtven credit for fhe time pre- S�CTION 14. FXEMPTION. � � � �(d) Advertising by means of �ng oE any sucli proceeding, � the viously spent in such practice. 1. Tlie Pollowin � �OW�e�Y :false or dece tive Board may� administer oatlis and g persoi�s are ex- � P ma- From and after the first day empt from the provisians of this � statements. � procure� by �its� subpoena at- � � � �(e) AdveTtising, praeticin �. or tendance of witnesses or produc- of Sanuary, A. D. iF337, �no per- Or;linance wHile in the proper dis- g son,.firm,. corporation. or associa- chnrge. of their professional du-' � attempting to practice under a ��on of relevant books and. papers. tion shall he. issued any certifi- ties; � trade name or name other than � Ninety (�JO)�days after the revo- cate of registration to practice, (a) Persons authorized .by the one's own, catioa of any certificate of regis- pursue .or conduct an of the bus- laws of this State to }' y prac,ice (f}.Habitu¢1 drunkenness and/ tration, upon application and sat- inesses,.proPessions or.occupations medicine and surgery and �the , or�Labitua] addiction ta the use of� isfactory proof by the applicanY defined and classified. by this Or- branches thereof. � . � morphine, cocaine or other .habit .�at. the disqualific.^ n or fault �dinance. without �complying fully (b) Commissioned medical or forming drugs, . for Which said certificate o£ reg- � with each and every proviaion�. of surgical officers oP the United (g) Immoral �r .unprofessiona] istration .shall� have been revoked� �this Ordinance. States arm na conduct �vhich sl�al] tend tu en- 1�as been removed, the certifi�ate Y� vy or marine hos- danger� tbe health or safety oP �oP registration rna �be re ranted SECTION 13. TEMPORAR.Y CER- pItal service. �_ patrons. �of the businesses, �y g � TIPICATES OF REGISTRATION. (c) Registered and .student . profPs- � by the Boarcl. � . A perspn who is� at least eight- nurses and hospital attendants. �sions. or occup: ;`;ons classified a:nd SECTION 12, pRESENT PRAC- defined in� this� Ordinance, or� �TITTONERS�. � een (18) years�of age and �of good 2• �This Ordinance shall not ap- � which shall tend to degratle tlie Any person rnsident of this City moral character and temperate P�Y to beauty culture or beauty businesses, professions or occupa- who either for a. period of six habits, and— cu]turists and beauty culture tions classified and dePuied in months imme�iatel (a) Who has a license �or certiP- sHops and/or besuty culture � this Ordinance�. - �- Y Preceding�the .icate� of reb stration as a schoola � ' first day of January, A. D. 1937, practic- (h) The making oP any false was continuously engaged in the �ng barber from another county, S�CTION 15. OCCIJPATIONAL statement as•to any materia] mat- practice oP one or• more of ��the stat� or city, �yvho has aubstantial-� �LICENSE FEES. �� � ter in any appiication, oath or af- businesses, profesaions or occupa- �Y �e same requirements for the Upnn exhibiting the proper cer- 8 � � _ (The above Ordinance was published under the number 217 in error.) ;, There being no iurther business, the meetin� was thereupon adjourned. � �r ayor- on s ner . � ' ATT T � ,. yAuzo. a^� 0 . . - ■ � b ' i tIficnte Prom the Bonrd, tl;e City punishments nnd penalties impos- repeal uny other Ordinance, ex- Passed and adopled by the City Auditor and Clerlc shail furnish ed by nny other lAH� or regul¢ti�s, cept where the prorisions conflict Commiasion oP the Clt oP Clear- U�e certificate holder with a Clty SECTION 18. Ench and evei• y license u on ti�e a ment of the Y with the provistona oP this Ordin- WuLer, F1orlda, thie 7th d¢y oE F P Y act of violatlon of the provisions ance, but thi}� Ordinnnce ahall be December, 1936. ��occupational license fee therefor. �pp � tl3is� Ordinnnce or eitl�er �.of aonstrued na�� ��. cumulative to auch � � The annual fixed fee of license them. shull �consCitute n� sep¢L¢te ��� other Orclinanee. �-� RAY E. GREEN.. . � �� shall be as set forth in that cer- and diatinet ofFense, punishable SECTION 22. This OrdInance M�Yar CommissIonez. tain Ordinance qf the Citp of as l�ereinaPter provided. C1earNater, Florida, 6ein� Ordin- ��� �� is l�erehy �decinred to be an emer- ATTF,ST: � . � � . ar.ce No. 265 enGtled "An Ordin- SECTION 1'J. PENA.LTIES. gency meusure �on the ground oE �� ur ent ublie need Yor� the r T. �• SATTERFIELD � ance Providing and FIxing Oc- Any person ���ho sl�all prnctice, � g P P e9' City Auditor and Clerk. cupntion, Business and Profes- pursue or conduct any of tve ervation of peuco, health, saEety .sional� License for Uie �City pf � businesses, professions. or� occu- � anU property, und� shail go into � � Cleznvatei, Florida, and Prqvid- pations classifted nnd deflned in etfect immediately upon its pas- Pasaed first read'ing Nov. 16, 1836. ing Penalty for Fnilure to Comply this Ordtnance, npd/or maintsin j sagr, and adoption and puhlication, Paased second reading Dec. 2,1936, There�vith," and no person, part- and oper2te a bnrber school, �r � required by ]aw. Passed third ceading Dec. 7, 1986, ner8hip, firm or..corporaUon shsll act in�nny capacity where a�cer- � � � . � � � � engage in any of�� the busineases, t3ficate of registraYiun ��is requir- � � professions or oceqpations, ¢s �le- ed �vithout first obtninin� a cer-� . � :iried .nnd set Yorth in this Grdin- tificate of regstratton as provided � � � �.. ance, without first paying to the in this Ord(nance, or who shail City the required occu�,ational 1I- in any other manner whatsoever oense fees. . � violute any of �tl�e provisions cf � . .. this Ordinance, shall upon convlc- SECTION 16. APPEAL, tion in the Municipal Court, Ue Any person �vho ma feel a Punished by a fine �f� not ]ess . � � � � 3' g" than $25.00, nor more than $500.00, grieved by reason of any deci- or by impri�onment not to exceed 'sion, action, order or judgment sisty (60) days, or by both such of the Board may appeal to the fine and imprisonment, in the .�is- City Commission of the City of cietion of the blunicipal Judge. ' Cleanvater,. Florida. All such.. ap- SECTION� 20. In the event an � � � � peals shall be in writing and must � y � � � be taken within ten (101 days af- �ection, sub-�ection, sentence�, �. � � ter :Lhe making �or entry of the clause or pHrase of this Ordinance , deci�ion, action, orde- or judg- shall be declared or adjudged in- � � � . �ment complained� of and flled� w�th valid or incompetent, auch adjud- I� �� �. . the City Auditor and Clerk; such ication shall in no manner affect � appeals shai] set forth �e �e� other sections, sub-sections, " - � � . grounds of the agpeal and must sentences, clauses or phrases of 1 bz�signed bV such a�grieved�.per- this Ordinance. Which shaff be in � , � � son, or lus duly suthorized agent. full force and effect, as if the I� _ section, sub-section, sentence, . SECTION� 17. The. orovistons of cause . or phrase. so� declsred or � � � � .this Ordinance and the regula- adjudged invalid .or unconstitu- � . ticns herein unposed shall. be in tional was not originalIy a part i� � � � � addition to all regulations no�v in thereqf. effect, and Ordinances enacted SECTION 21. All ]aws or parts by the City Commission or the of laws in conflict with the pro- P laws of this State, and the pun- visions of thi� Ordinance are I ishments and penalties herein im- hereby repealed; but this Ordin- posed ahall be in addition to any dinance sball not be construed to I � 1�� _ 1, � - i _- __._ _ _ _ ._ _ __ _— t (The above Ordinance was publi�hed under the number 2J.7 in errar.) ��� There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. �ayor- o s . ner " ATT T , ., , y Au o an , er �