12/07/1936_--� � 1 � ���� r�r�uumEs or m�F cz� cor,�,szsszorr �ecembe r 7 , 1936. The City Commj.ssion o� the City of Olearv�a-'ter, Florida, met on th e ab ove dat e, in re�ul.ar me eti�g ass embled , wi th th e�a llowing members present• Ray E Green, 2dayor-Commiseioner, L. A. P,4arsh , R. L. Baker, ` J, A. BarrJ. • A petition was iiled by Dr. �"lyatt and Val Syerson, asl:in� for a lease on dock s�ace on 6leaxvrater BeacYt. rdoved by i�r. Iiarry, secoilded by P�4r. r�+arsh, and carried, thut the space be rEnted to tnem, Urithout lease, at �2.00 ner month each, �until ii?rther action by the City Comnission. iY%ved by I+:ir. T�arsh, eeconded by 1Cqr. �arxy, and c�rried, that the �ollovain� adjustments be ma3e on taxes: Lots 28 � 29, B1k B, Iiassadena: Valuation reduced -F'rom �3020 to �2060 thru 1Q36. (Not to ap�ply to 1957) Zot 3 Block 13, Country Club: Valuation reduced froTa �2690 to �2450, v��ith a corresAondix� reduction in present total tax bill of �293.67. Schae3'�er property on Hi�Yrland �venue: 9ecept �500 in cash and a deed axici abstrac't on Lots 43 and �, �lock D, Bassadena, � �ree and eLea� oi State �.nd County Taxes, in g�,ymEnt o�? a�sessr�ents: �iove� by is�. I3arry, seconded by P11r. "uarsh, and c�rriecl, thfit the City tifanager be anthorized �o acce�t the '�id of' ?�est CoGst T+ardware Co, for a earload of pipe and �ittings �or tiie 'i�ater � Gas Dept. I�Soved by Pdr. �arr�r, seconded bg I�,�r. i-'a�sh, and carried, that the City �42siager be authorizad �0 5pend�2500 Tor brass fittings. Moved by I:Ir. �arzy, secandzd by 2.s. Marsh, and carribd, that an a:iditional �;1500 be a;,�ropriated 3c�r �. P. 9. s;ork, Lioved by Tir. �3aker, see�naed by P:ir. Barry, anc� carried, that J. �. Cromartie Ue appointed Clerk, and Floyd ;rlallace, n;iss Corrinne Buell, and PSrs. t"l. ?3. R. Ifimbrovgh Ins�oec�oss ior the �`�enerai �leeticn to be licld �ece:nber 15th. PiIr. Barry introduc.ed �he �'ollo�ring resclutionc 1�1HEREAS, there has beon presented to the City Counnission of tha City o� Clearwater a Petition bg Sherman McVe3gh, the owner of �he �, legal title �o a11 of the property embraQed in Terra A1ta Subdivision, � in Clearvrater and Pinellae Cotxnty9 Florida, to vacate the sa3d Plat ; i i j � \ '� � and to close a11 of the s�reets and alleys embrace3 3n the said Plat, and WHF'R�AB, it appears to the City �omwission of C1e�rwate�r, Florida9 that ths said Shermar. McVei�h is i;ho o�mer and holder of a11 of the gro- . perty embraced by the said suUdivision, and WtI�?EAS, there is no one other tha.� �he said Petitioner who has or cla3ms any right, interest, equity or tit3.e in and to any of the p�o- perty embraced in the saicl subdivision, and �'VHEREAS, the cTosing of the said streets and a1l.eys will not affect ' ang surrounding property owner or property� andwill onable said praperty to return to acreage, and «lHEREAS, all taxea have been paid on the said property. NOL�1 THFRI4FORE, it is hereby resalved by the City� Cammi:ssion of the Citg of Glearwater, F1o��ida, that the P1at of Terra Alta Subdivision� ' being a subdivision of the Sauthwest Qua.rter (SVa) of �he Southeast Quarter (SEa) c�f Section 15, Township 29 Sou�h� Range 15 East, as re- corded in ��at Book 12 page 54.of the Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida, l�e and the same is hereby vacated and the said propert3 is here- by returned to acreage. Be it further resolve@ i;hat any and al1 streets, avenues and alleys embraced in the -sa3d subdivisi.on �e and the sam.a. are hereby ��o9ea, ana � the Git,y of Clearwater does hereby relinquish and release all right� title and interest in and to the aforesaicl streets in said sub�.�vision. PASSED AIa) ADOPTID by the City Coimnission of the City� of Clearwater, this 7th day o� Decem.ber, A, D. 7.936. Attest: (�igned) R. �. Green, Mayor-Counnissioner. J. F. Satterfield, City Auditar & Clerk. ' It vra� moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr, Marsh and carried that the resolution be addpted, and npAn soll ca11, the following vote was poZled: Ayes: R. E. Green� L. A. Marsh, J. A. Barry and R, L. Baker. Nays: None. �Nh.ereupon tne Z�ay-or-GoffinissL oner declared bhe resolution adopted and signed the same. Mr. B�rry introduced an ordina.nes Por the regulation of the painting trade in the Citg of Clearwater. for i�s Pirst readir�, and mo�ed its . adoption.on its first reading. Upon ro11 call, the following vote was polled: Aye�: R. E. Green, I.. A. Maa�sh, J'. A. Barrg and R. L. Bakex�, Nays: None. Absent anti. no� voting� D. 0. BatcheZor. V,lh.ereupon the P��.yor-Co�ruaissioner declared the �rdinan.ae passed on � �' � its iirst re�ding. Tb was moved by bir. Ba,rry, se�onaea �,� r�, Ma,rsh and carried, that the �rdinance be refersed to the Buildixig Inspector for report,. It was moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Baker and carriezi. �hat a resolution be sent to the Board af Army Engineers enclorsing their £indinga with relat:Lc;n �o the Cross State Cana1, Mr. Marsh introduced the following resolution: V7HEREAS, D, 0. Bateh�lor has during the past two years devoted a grea� deal of his time and energy to th e working out of the difPicult problems with relation to municipal taxes in the City of Clearvrater, and i�THEREAS, his iello�� coimn3:ssioners have a deep r�nd a�'fec,tion�.te regard for him for his indePat3�.ble efforts and for his personal charm, and ' S�IHEREAS, he has been forced by illness to be absen� from this mee�ing, being. hie i3rst absence from a meetin� of this Connnission during the period of his term in office, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLL'�D by the memtaers of the City Commission and the �fficers af the City, that we extend to Mr. Batchelor our heartfelt hope that his illness will be slight, and that he ma.g soon appear again at our council table. PASSID AA�D ADOPTED by the City Coannission of the Cit� of Clear- water, Florida, this 'T�h day of December, A. D. 1936. (Si.�ned) R. E. Green, Mayor-Coimnissioner. Attest: J. E. Satterfield, �i,ty Aud3tor and Glerk. It was moved by Mr. Basr�, seconded by Mr. Marsh, that the resolution be adopted, and upon ro11 call the follotring vote g�as polled: Ayes: R. E. Green, R. L� Baker, L. A. �arsh and J. A. Barry. . Nays: None. Whereupon the Mayor-Counnissioner declared ihe resolv.tion unanimously adopted, and signed the same. Mr. Barr� introduced Ordinance No. 41�7 for its third and fir�l read- ing. Sec�ncied by Mr. Marsh. Upon ro�i call the followin� vote ws:s polled: Ayes: R. �. Green, L� A. Marsh, Ro L. Baker and J. fi. Barry. Nays; None, WYiereupon the Mayor-Goimnissioner declared the or�inance passed and adopted, and signed the same, as Pollovrs: � r • . .. . . . . . . . ' � �� �ry. � . . . . . . . . �� ` . . �i ° i . . . . . . . i. . rl y , �.� ,_ � ������._.��._.����,_ �� ; ,, ri� ;��,� � � ,� � �, ; �'", , ORDINA.1'vCE , `; ; **��****�* i � , �� An Ordinance to Protect the �Ieal�h, Safety j and Welf�re of. the Peoule of the City of Clearwater, Florida, by Defining the � Busia�esses, Professions and Occupations , of Ba,rbering and Barbe� Schools, etc. � ' ORDINANCE IV4. 2 7 - ^ ; � �� � , ���� ; � Passed and Adopted by the City Commission ; of the City of Clear�vater, �lorida, 'the '�th j.. � Day �f I)ecember, A. D. 1R36. i �, ; i' (The above Ordinance was published under the number 217 in erro-r.} There '�eing no �ur�her'�usiness, the me�ting was thereupon ad3ourned. —' .ayor- o s ner ATT T � 'y Au z o anci" er n �,.,..., ' , f — e. � � e � �� � �v�� � fvlslon fa) hereoP, dhall be tnught it shnll be unlawPul for any per- . O�DII�ANCE NO 217 uY registati�ed inatrue+ore. son, firm, col�poration or asaocia- i • (�) "Board!' Wherever tha tion to ogerate und conduct a word "Bonrd" is uaed in U�is Or- barber achool in the City oE Clear- AN ORDINANC� TO PROTECT practices (when done on the up- dinnnce it ahall he consteued ae wf.[e:, Florid¢, without Yirat ap- i �THE HEALTH", SAFETY AND per part �of the ]iumnn body for meaning� tlie �Clearwator Board oP pyy'�in�; for und.receiv3ng Prom. tlie� 4��ELF'ARE OF THE P�OPLE cosmetic purposes and not Por tlic� Barber PSaminers, as crented by Boary� a. �cert�fficn.te� of registra- � OF THE CITY OF CLEAF2WA- treatment of disease or physical this Ordinnnce. .C{on aa�. a school � for tUe teaching ! � T':R, �FLORSDA, BY DEFIN- or mentnl silments anci When done �,� ig) "Feraon" or "Persona." vP the occupations and�profeasions� �i ING THE BL'7SIN,ESSES, PRO- ��for payment either dtrectly or in- I SVhere the words "person" or "per- classified� und defined within ±hia ��� FESSIONS AND OCCUPA- 4irectly, or witliout payment dor � sona" uze used herein, Llie same Ordinance, and paying to the City TIONS OF BARBERING AND� tl�e public. generally) constitutes � � . ,91ia11 be construed to:embrace an�. of Clearwnter the required occu- � � � $ARBER SCHOOLS; ESTAB- Fhe practice of barber3ng. 3nclude a corpor[ttton or corpora- pational �licen�e fee. �� TSSHING RULES AND REGU- I. Sl�av3ng or trimming � ihe ti4ns, or a partnerstiin or nartner- (d) That feom and. after the �. . T.ATIONS FOR THE PRAG � bea.rd or cutting the hnir. �9hins, or an ussoc�nt+on ns wel] as Pirs� Qay of Sanuary, A. D.� 1937, � � TICE, PURSUIT AND CON- 2, GIving�iacial und scalp mas- �� �n indiv(dual or individuula� it shsll �be unlawful�to�.operate� oi - DiJCT �TAEREOF; PRO�ZD- snges or treatments With 'o31s, C��pN �2�. R�G�LTIREMENT OF conduct a. barber shop in the City i ING FUR TH� � DREATION � � F���I. REGISTRATION, of� Clearwa�.er, Florida, unleas it � Ai�ID APPOINTMENT OF A crenms,. lotions oi .other prepars- (a) Thnt from nnd nPter t:he is � at all times . under the direct � � � tions, eiU�er.by hand or �mechan- Pirst dav �of Janunr � A. D. 1937, su ervlsion and mana ement a£ �a� BOARD� OF EXAMII4ERS OP ical appliancea � a� � y� p g � � PERSONS� �NGAGING IN � it sl�all �be unlawifu] for any per- registrred bnrber, � SAID BUSINESSES, PROFES- 3. Singeing or shampooing� the son � 3n {he Cit,y of �Clenrwater, Nothing In this Ordinance shall . � SIONS AND OCCUPATIONS, to ir or � applying hair �.tonib there- Ploric�a, to enguge in, follow or be construed �as preventing• ..nny ' AND� DEF.ID7ING AND� �PRE- � PI•actice, or �to attempt to engage person, firm, cofporation � or asso-� SCRIBING ITS POyVERS AND , 4. Applying cosmetic prepara- in. fotlow or practice the busipr,ss, ciation irom owning, operating DUTI�S; PEtOHIBITING THE tions, antiseptics, powders, oils, nroPession or oecupat3on of bnr- and/or conducting any barber � . PAACTICE, PURSUIT AND clays or loCions to the scalp, face, bering, unless such person ahal] school or barber sho�i or estab- � � � �CONDTICT JF SAID .BUSI- neck or upper part of� the body�, hnve first� obtained a certtficate lishment in the City of Clearwa-� ' NESSES, PROFESSIONS AND �b� ��Ba?'her". ?ny�person who .oP registr¢tion as a registered ter, Flari�la, prpvided the em- � � OCCLTPATIONS 4VITHOUT A is engaged in the business, pro- � hurber, issued pursuant to the ployees thereof •�tually engaged in CERTIFICATE OF R,EGIS- fession or occupation of barber- nrovisions of this. ordinance b,y t.he �the practice �of� tne. various �occu- - TRATION ISSiTED BY SAID ing, as defined�� �in subdiyisian (a) Board of Exam�ners liere3nafter Pations ¢nd professions classified BOARD OF EXAMINERS hereof. � � estqblished, and shall. have paid and defined. in. tHis Ord�nance� are � �� AFTER AN EXAMINATION (c) "Barber Apprentico" A to the CiEy �f Cleacwatei, the re- �uly registered In accordance with AS �PROVIDED FOR. HEREIN; barber' apprentice� shall mean. any 9U'T"� occupational license �ee.. the prov!sions: hereinafter provid- � DECLARING AN EMERGEN- person who is engaged in learning �( .��b) That from and after �the ed, and have puid to� the City � oP � Pirst da of Tanuar � A, D, 19R7, Cleaiwater tlie re uired occu a- CY TO �XIST AND PROVID- and acgviring the �knowledge oE � v Y� 9 p . 1NG PENALTIES FOR �THE� �practicing, .6arbering, �as defined I 1t �shall be uniacvful..for any per- Yonttl �icense fees. � . VIOLATION OF ANY PROVI-� in subdivision (a) hereot, i son to serve p: attemnt to se+��e S�CTION 3. � CRFATION� OP � . SIONS OF THIS ORDINANCE. as an apprent9ce undee a re�is- CLEAR\�ATER BpA:RD O F � � �(d) ."Barber Shop," A bar- iered barber unlesa � such person BA�BLI?t EXAMIPTERS. ber shop in any building or part �E� IT ORDAINED BY THE shall have first obtained a ce�tif- (a) There� is hereby createcl a � CITY COIvIIvIISSION OF THE. �ereof whereIn the � prsctice o� icate of registration as a register- Clearwater Board of Barber �Ex- barbering is practiced or conduct- pprentice issued p CITY OF CLEARWATER, FLOR- ed � bazber c nur- aminers, com osed of tHree mem- � �A� � �� ed' suant to the provisions oP this bers, al1 of whom sha,ll. be duly SECITON 1. DEFINITIONS. The �e) "Barber� School:' A bar ��Or�inance� by the Board oP Exam- qualified, practicing and register- � following words and phrases when ber school� ahall be deemed to be iners hereinafter estab:iahed. and ed barbers. One member of said � � � �used in. this Ordinance shall be �any building or any part thexeof � �hall have paid to the Git.y .oY Board shall act as Secretary oi' � � � construed as fallows wherein, acting under proper reg- Clearwater the required occupa- and Inspector Yor said Board. The ulation as provided by � this ordi- tional license fee. � ' m8mbe^s� of said �Board are hereby �� (a) "Barbering". Any one or nance, the practice or profession (c) Th¢t from and after the authorized to issue to themselves 2ny combination of the following of�barbering, as defined by subdi-� first day of 7anuary, A.. D. 1937, proper qualiPying cerYificates�im- �. � . 2 3 ,, . _ (The above Or3inance was published under the number 217 in c.rro:�.) ;` There being no further business, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. � ,� �1��. Mayor- oir • s ner ATT T � y uzo an .er !' . _ � �� L�.., ,L,. v medtately upon U�eir respective nesa, pigce of ��ztplo,yment n+1d appoIntinents. Ti�e memb0fs .of res:tlenca of �acli registere[I' 6ar-� �PHl:oat'oa on binnlc forins��pre- tinue �as an apprentice until u said Bosrd sUnR Le gppointed Uy �er mtd b�rber npprenHec, nnd Fn�red and futnishe� 6y tl�e Board succeeding exummution conduete;l . � tlie Ctty Comnrss!on immedintely .tl�e dnte und nuqiber of his. or her� L'oC sue$ applicnt:ons, to con:a'n� by C�e Bonrd. Shoul� the appL- npon . t23e taking e.ffect at tl�is � certificatc o4 re�3str¢tion. � Said pi'ooS undcr the � npplicant'.e onth cunt Pnil �to pass three examina- Ordinance, and shall serve for one, rer�-�� ahnll be ouen tp puplic in- ot the particular qualiPicattons of tions eondueCeci by the Board, $e t�vo and three yenrs respectively, spection at all r'ensonable times, tlie nppllcant. or ehe shall cense to practice bar- suUject to removal by tl�e City �'P�ie 5ocretn^y ot snid Board s�ltt�t (b) Tlre npplicunt shull also bering in the City of Cleazwatec, ComnYission for cause. No person zlso issue� �nll noticea, registi•ation furntsh io the Bonrd two 5 x 8 Florlda. J.; shall be appoLited to membersUip. . ec�rtificates,. cards�,.attest all Sueh �signetl �hotogrnp0y oF tl�e a li-� � � � thereon who. s1�&11 not l�nve Hnd. papers nnd orders as snid Board ��ant, one ho accom an ��ePP� S�CTION 6. QUALIPICA�TONS�� at least tliree �(3) yenrs n�;,��tice sl�nll clirent, � Y P' FOR C�RTIFICAT� OF R�GIS- � . � P � tv�d nerfoxm sunti pth- n��ention �nnd one to be returued �TRATION AS A REGISTF7RED as a UQi•Uer, as defined in Uiis er dnties c�s shall be designnted by �o the applicant to he presented ,. Ordinunce, and . such members the said Bonrd. It al�¢Il he Uie � LP the Board when tl�e upplicanh � B A BER APPq ENTICE. . �, shat] be� actively enga�ed in.. �8�e r'utV o' the Insnector of� saicj aPPears Por exnminat;on, person is . ual�ied to receive practice of tile�r respectiye occu- Board to regularly inspect each ' � �(�) Pay. to the Bourd. the re- �a certificute�.of regiatration: as. a pations or professions at tl�e time and every bai•ber shop, andJor t �1u red fees. registered barber apprentice: nf sucli annointment, Each mem- place �:�l�ere the occupation or ia) Furnish to tUe Board a cer- �a� �a is at ]east sixteen and . ber of SRilj BOAT� Si1flII AI90 have p:ofession of barbering �or aHy � tlficate of� phyaica] examinatlon, one-hutE years oP .age. ��� � � been u. citizen and resident of tl�e� br, nn�� ��hereaf ��sliall Ue .tau�hE, deciaring the applicant to be� frae (U) Who is oE good moral char-� �. State of� Plo±tda and Clty �of practiced; pui•sued� or condueted i from .aay contagious,. infect�ona. acter and temperate� habita. � � � Cleaz�water for�at least three years� Uy uny Pel•soi�, pirri, cnrPorstio� or communicab.e disease, sucl� �ex-. (�) Who has entered upon_ the� � immed�a`ely prior� to tlieir np- or association for the purpose oE � �aminution�i�aving taken place� a�id. study of barbering under a regls- pe'ntment. Thev sUa.l] tal:e tlie enforcing� �the provis�ons. �f U�iis �certificate issued �vlthin the pre- tered barber. oath prov:ded for the officefs of Ord+'nance. I ceding thirty days. tlie City of C108TN8Y81•. S81d � �,SBid B02i'd shal. renort. unnual- SECTIUN 5. REI�TTtSITES FOR ment oP the r qulired Pee, eeissue 1 Soard shall Uave a Chairmnn and I,y to the City� Commission in the I ADMISSION TO EXAMLNAT.ON a Permit to woYk as an appren- a Sectetat,y anci Inspector. The month �of� Sanuary. � and .:tit such AN.D REGISTRATON AS A R�G- tice until called by the Board for Chairman shal] be elected annual- other times as the � Commission I ISTERED EAR,BER�.. examination. to��determine his or her � � 1y by the membePs from tlieir own shall desigteate, a. detailed .state- A. person�. is qualified to r2ce:v.a fitness to reCeive a certificate of uumber, and shall have the power ment of the rer.eipts and disbursr- a. certificate of registration t� reeistration as� a registered barher. to admin'ater 03C$9. TWO (2) ments of the� Board, �together with practice barberin . � � members. of Yl�e Board shall con- a statement of its �accounts� and � g' jn case of ihe failure of an stitute a quorum for the transaa �� roceedin � � (a) W�o� is at least eigliteen. aPPlicant to satisfactorily pass � P . ge and such recommen- ,years of age, � the examination as a balber, the � tton of business. The Board. sha11 dations as.it.�ma� Ideem proper. (b), Who is� of good moral char- applicant shall be required to com- bave the �power to make such by-� Anp memlier af� the� Board shall � acter and t�mperate habits. plete a Purther course of �atudy ]aws, rules` and regulations gov- have authori,y to enter upon and (c) Who ; erning the Uody as it may deem to inspect any barber shop or bar- registered barber apprentice for a completedswithin th�ee (3)rmonthse necessaiy, providing same do not �Uer�,school at zny time 'durin � � g period of eighteen months unde: of not more than 8 hours in any conflict cvith tne ]aws o� the �Citq business hours for ti;e. purpose of the immediate persona] supervlsion �one worlcing duy, in a� .school of :of �learwater �and the. SYate af inspection. and for the j� upose oE I� of a. registered� barber, or. w:�o� hss. harbering or barber shop, approv�d Florida. enforcing the provisioris of tliis been The office of Secretary and 7n- Ordinance.� � .graduated from a. reg s=erad by Uie Board. - . � school of barbering, approvzd by� In case of the. failure of an spector shall be occupied by� one SECTION �4, APPLICATION F013, � the� Board: person. The Seczetary of said� �YANIID7ATSON. � apprentice to pass the examina- � � " . Roard sHall keep�. a complete� reo- . Each.. person who �desires to I tory) xaminationas c nduct ae£ b tion as �a� barber, the applicant. . ,..� ' of its proceedings, with spe- practice, pursue or concluct any I the Board to determine h�s or her manat on nwith n tone yea� t5ere- reference to �the issuance, re- of �the businesses, profess3ons oroc- fitness to practice barbering. � after without the payment of .any f4sa1, rene�vai, suspension :.and .cupations classified �and defined�� � An applicant for a certificate� additional fee�, and such sub3a- � revocation� of certificates. of reg- within this Ordinance, .shall: � � � of registration to practice as� a quent �examination shall be only Istration. Sai.d record shall, also, (a) Make and file.� with the , registered barber �who fails to �in such subjecf in wl�ich the ap- . _ontain the name, .p7ace of busi- Secietary of .said Board a written P�s a Qatisfactory examination plicant failed in the first � es- �4 .� � � � � conducted by the Board must con- amination. � � � � 6 � ,_ .. . _ `. � r _ (The above Ordinance tvas publ3she� under the number 217 in error.} ;, � There being no further businass, the meeting was thereu�r,n adjourned. � -_�ayor- o� s �r " ATT T � y u i o an . er �' ... ,� � t � , � 0 1 � � �� .z � u , � ; �; I�To registere3 apprenUce mny ce>tes atinll Ue con5picuously d!s- SatenUPic Punclamentals for bar- and ma � independenUy pracuce Uar�ermg, pl¢yed in antd practitioner's prin- , berin h lene, b¢eterlolo Y Procere by its aubpoena � regIstered upprentice may, liow- clpea] office, place oP buc�ess o;• g' Y� gY� hls- attendance oP witnesses or pro- � ecer, under the immediate per- employment at ull tlmes. �� tology of the hnlr, sldn, nails, mus- �uction oY relevant �booka and sonal supexvision oP a i•egistzre3 eles and nerves, structure oY the papers, bnrber, assist a registere� bnrber� ��bj TUe� holder oP a certtflcate �l�ead, fssde and necic, elementa.y S�CTION 10. F�ES. ' � in the practice of barberIn ro- °f 3•egistraGon iasued by tl�e chemtstry relnUng to ateriLzat.o.i (a) The fee to be paid by an �� P Board, ns provided in thls Ordin- and unt,septics, dlaeaseo oP th� appllcant Por an examination to . vided however, that no registered �yce, avho conUnues In uciive .. ek(n, huir, glands.und nuils, mna- determine hls or her� Yitne,s to barbec rosy receive from such practics or occuputi�r., qqnp an- enging nnd' manipulating 'the mua- receive a cerUPicate oP registra- � registered npprentice aY�y money nually on or before tl�e SOUi day cles of thc upper bod °r anYth%ne of value foi• auch y; l�air cu:- Clon to practice as a registered assistance. of September, renew his or her ting und shaving. Such courae oP barber shall be Five Dollara � Only one �registered Uarber ap-� certlPicate and pay the zenewal. study ahall �contnin practical dem- (�R5.00) � � prentice sl�all b� employed in aziy Pee, as ]�ereinaf �r provided. A onstration, �yrItten and oeal test� (b} The Pee to be paid by an barher� shop. � � certificate oP re istratlon �vhicl� � and theoreticui nnd practfcal � fn- �appllcant� for a certificate oY �reg- hae not been rene�ved prior to � atructions � In. sanitation, ateril:za- tstration for a 6arber school ahall �� � SECTION Z��Fxnr,rrNATION�. the 30th day oP September in any �`y tion and tl�e use oP antise ttes, be Pift Dollars � p Y ($50.00), whicS . The examinatSon of appllcants �Year shall expire on. the 30t1� day � cosmeUcs. nnd electrical appft- shall inclade � the Pee� for the is- . �for certificates of�. reg•istration to �f Septemlier in thnt year. T&e � anaes, t�.nd ahall � always be sub- suance oP the certificate. . . practice.under this Ocd.nance shal! �older oP .the expired certiPIcate I� ject to tlie �approval oP the saicl .(c) The fee to be be conducted under rules pre- of registration may wiQhin one t�� Soard. Pa�d for the scribed by said��. Board�, a: such Year from�. the date of ex Iration � � iasuance� of, or the� renewa] of a ' � thereof, ]iave the� certificate re- su d� a certifica e��ot s eatistratioil. �t ce tihete of registrution �to prac- . times ana places in the City of g professien. or �occupation � Clearwater as�the Bosrd� shall de- 31ewed upon the pnymenE of the until ih.el�a11 have� been a termine, and such esaminattona required renewal fee and upon b,y the Board and shull haverpaid � d na�nce, w;th t einexception hof shalI include both practical dem- satisfactory prooP of his or her the regIstrntion fee hereinafter barber schoois, shall he One Dol- onstrations and written and oral 9ualifications to resume practice provided. Certificate3 of registra- lar ($1.00), and for the restora- test5 in reference. to the prscfice of his. or her business, profession tion issued b said.�Board shall tion of an e � � for whicb registration �is a lied, or occupaGon: � � Y Xpfred certificate �of • � PP be given for one year from t5e registration Two Dollars ($2,00). and such related studies or sub- (c) No r,ertificate shall be is- date when iasued unless sooner (d) The fee to be paid fos th� jects � as� the Board. may deter- sued for a longer�period than one revolced. Such certificates may, renewal oi a�certificate of regis- � mine necessary for the proper and year. The renewa] of each certifi- so long as such school continues tration for barber schoola sha11 be . efficient performance af such cate shall be contingent upon th� to meet the approval of �said �ty Dollars ($50.00), and for practice, and sLall not be confined payment of a fee equal in amount Board, be renewed from year to the restorafion of an expired cer- � to any specific system or method, to the original registration Pee. year upon paymer,t of the �re- tificate oP registration Seventy- � and �suah� esaminations shall te SECTION 9. BARBEA SCHOOLS. �'l�,. newal fee hereinafter provided for five Dollars (�75.00). � � consistent with the practical and �y� each renewal. The Board�may re- (e) All certi£icates oP registra- � theoretical requIrements of ��e No barber�� school. shall be� .ap- Rt voke any such .certificaYe at any tion issued under the proviaions� classifications, occupations or pro- PTO9ed by tne Board and granted time for cause, rovided however, of this Ordinance shall e:cpire on . fessions as classified und defined a certificate of registration until x, P � �- it shall attach to its staff a regu- r� that. before any such certificate� the 3Qth. 9ay of September ef within this Ordinance. ]arly licensed physician and em- sball be revokeQ written char es eaoh � SECTION 8. CERTIE'ICATES OF � . g . year Pollowing the'sr issto- � ploy and. maintain � a sufficient under oath shall be filed with the ance. Any � certificate holder� may� REGISTRATION. � � number oP competent. registered� Secretary oY� said �Board, and the renew� his �certificate �oP� registra- �� (a) � the applicant for exam- barbers as instructors, nor unless holder of said Certificate of RegIs- tion wituin thirty (30) days from ination shall pass such examina- it shall require as a prerequisite tration ao accused shall be giYen the date oE expiration without ex- tion to the satisfaction of said to at least ten (10) days notice in aTnination, by obtaining a certif- graduation :a course of instruc- writing of the .char es � � Board, and shull have paid the tion and training of not less than g Preferred icate from the Baard sHowina required f.ees provided for herein, 1000 hours to be completed with- agfiinst said achool, and a hearing that he is in good standing and : the Board shall thee issue a cer- in sisc months of not more than by said Board, which shall be set that his certificate af regIetra- tificate to that effect signed by eight hour� in any one vc�orlcin at least ten (10) days aftier the tion has not been suspended or g time of service thereof. Upon revoked, and paying to tHe City its Chsirman and Secretary a�d day; auch couTse of instruction to bearing op any such proceeding the requireH occupational license attested by its seal. Such. cectifi- include� .tLe. following subjects: �� � the Board may administer oaths fees. . 6 _ 7 (The abova Ordinance was published under the number 2].7 in error.) � There being nc further business, the meeting was thereupon �djourned. � ayor- oi .s ner � " AT`1' T � y Au�o an . . er.�k —� � m