11/16/1936� t � . � ��/ ���� � MINiP.EES OF mHE MEETING OF THE CI7.'Y COMMTSBION NOV�3VIBER 16th, 193f „ The City Commi�s3on o£ the City oP Clea�$�er� ��lorida, met on the aUove dats in regular meeting assembled, with the iol.lowing members present; R. E. Gre�n, fl5ayor-Coannissioner, Co�nnia�ipners R. L. Baker, J. A. Barrg� D. 0. Batchelor �.n.d L. A. Marsh. Tt �vas moved by Mr, gatehelor, seconded bg Mr. N[arsh a��. carried, that Mr. John Polhill be paid �2�A00.00 on account oi` rePund�ng oP Clearrqater bonds. It w�as moved by Mr , BarY•y, seconded by Mr. Baker and carried, that the City grant a temporary peddler�s license to C. J. Benton, Mr, 14iarsh in�roducad Ordinance Number 41'7 i'or its first reading, and moved its adoptdron on its �irst reading. Seconcied "ny Mr, Barry, and upon a�oll call the following vote was polled: Ayas: Green, Bal�er, Barry, Batchelor & Marsh. Nayss None. l7izereupon, the Mayor-Co�i.s�ioner declared the said Ordinance passed upon its iirst reading. ( Notes This ordinance was erroneously published under the number 21? . ) L � � ri � ,. It cvas moved bg Nir. Bal�er, second.ed by Mr. Marsh and Qarrisd, that ,�,; ,. . the First National Bank be appointed Exeharge �gent for the reFunding " � o� Clearwater� I3onds. � P+ir. Marsh introducod the follo�ving resolution: WF�RF.�AS, it is necessary to replace Gertain present gas mains that are in poor candit3.on, and Wl��EAS, Boyae C�., have submitted a proposal �o r�eplaca these gas mains at the sama unit prices for 4 incsh gas mains as is sub�nit�ed in their contrant with the City of Clear�vater� TI3EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED �Y' THE CIl^Y COPHtdTSSION OF TAE CITY OF CLEAR4V�TER TN REGIILAR MEET2NG ASSEtv1BZ�U: That the City Man�ger be and he is hereby afzthbrized an� instrueted to accept the ahange in contract as proposed by Boyce Co.y Cleax�svater� Fla., as per the lisi; set out beloiq, to lay bhe Pollowin� gas pipe: A CFIANGE IN TIME ONLY, A7DING 60 days. .1:�50 �'t. 4'� Universal eaat iron gas pipe on Beltrees Street from Douglas �venue to Edgewater Driv�o, Class 150, pipe @.75 1012.50 1425 ft. 4" C1�ss 150 cast iron gas pipe on Edgewater Drive from.Beltrees St, to Presiden.t St. �.7� 1068.'i5 Said change wi11 ma.ke a ehange of 60 days in the time required �s set out 3n the con�rac�, and the additiona.l Eunoun:t of money required as within the fuuds allowed by the project. Passed and adopted by the �i�g Comm3.seSon of the C3ty oi C1ear��ater, Floride:, this 16�h dt�y of November, 1936, (Signod) J. E. Sat�erfield, (Signed:) ft. E. Green, City Aud.itor & C1erk, Mayor-Commi.ssioner. _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ._ _ : _ . . . ._,, : . �i � � � �� 4 ' � ✓ n,� The follotiving resolution was introduced by Mr, Marsh: WHEAEAS, S. S. Bou�.s has been in aharge of the Docsi�et Florida 12D2-1-R and 1202-2-R PJ�ter and Gas Distribu�ion Clear�a{;er, Florida, for the Ci�g, and it is desired by �he PWA that a resolutioil shouJ.d be passed approv3.ng his previous actions and author:Lzin.� any additonal actior_ in regar:i to change orders or o�her neques�s con�orning Same. `�IiEREFORE BE IT RESOLVID by the City Commi� sion of the Ci�y o� . Clearwa�er, Florida� in regular meeting assembled that the City Manager be and. he is hereby authorized and instructed to designate �lie sa.id S. S. Bouis to �a.ke such additional cliange order and other request as may occur in the above caption dockets and to approve his previous request for change orders up �o and including change order 5-A-3� docket 1202-1-R and char�e or�.ex= 9-H-S, Docket 1202-2-R. Passed and adopted by the City �ommission of th e City of Clearwe.ter, Florida, this 16th day of November, 1936. (Signedj Attest: J. E. Satter.field (Signed) R. E. Green� Ci�y Auditor and �1erk. Ma.�or-Coimnissioner, The follouving resolution was introduced by Mr, Marsh: P7H�tEAS, Boyce Company have submitted a proposal to add water ma3ns at the same unit prices set Porth in their contrac� Section "A'r T�Rr'�'Ox"E BE IT RESOLVED BY TF3E CITv COMn�fISSION OF THE CITY OF CLEARI�IATER IN REGIILAR RqEETING ASSENIDLED: That �he Ci1:� Manager be and he is he�eby au�horized and instructed to accept the ai�.ange in cor.tract Section °A" as proposed by Boyce Compan.y� aa follo�vs: 400 ft. 6" C1ass Z50 cast iron water pipe� on the North side of Gleveland St. from �15 we11, to connect to 14" main @ 1.0� ft. 400.00 54a ft. 8'" Class 150 cast iron water p3pe, on the North side of Cleueland St� from #12 well Eaat to end of 14" main �.nd connect to 8° main @ 1..50 i't. 8].0.00 2260 it. 10° C1ass 150, cast iro n water•pipe eross- r'.;in� Cleveland S�reet at Betty Lane and on South side of C1eveland Street �rom Be�t� Lane to 12'� main at ra.ew ta.nk G 1.67 ff;. 3774.20 � Said change will make a�hange in the time of 90 days required to �oinplete th3s contraet, and the additonal amaunt oi money requ3red to make tLis change is within the funds a1l.owed by the projeet. Passed and adopted bg the City Commission of the C3ty oi Clearwater, :Florida, this 16th day of i�ovember, A. D. 1936. (Signed) Attest: (Signed) J. E. Sattex�Yield, R. E. Gr�en.y City Auditor an;d Clerk. Mayor-Cou�nissioner. The following resolutian waa introduced �y Mr. Marah; @TfiEREAS, the C. I, Tenney Engineering Compas�y have made every ef'fort to supply -�heir apparatu� nnder con.tract wi.th the Citg an.a liave it now ready Por deliverg and. wi:ll erect it �ri th a11 expedition and put it into operation to make gas, but wi11 not ha.v@ it complote as per the require- ments of a•ar eontract, but wi11 require additional. time to enable thom ta eomplete this without intoriering wi�h the oporation of ths apparatug itsslP, � -i � J� � �` THEREFORE� i3E TT RES�JLVE� by,the'Ci�� �o�mission_assembled �hat the con�racts ot' �he gas generatin� and v�asher collar of the C. I� menney Company �f Nl3.nneapolia, NLtnn:, be ehanged b� extanding this date 90 d'ays .from the date set in the contract, providad the C.I. Tenneg Engr, Co� ��,fill their agreementa $s set ou� �.n th.�ir Ietter of` November 16th. THEREFORE BE IT ALSO RESOLVLD tha� tha Cit�J Ma.n.ager be hereby authorizec7. and instructed to request of the P.VJ.A, that �he time of said contracts above referred �o be extencl,ed 90 day� �rom the date oi' com- pletion set f�rth in tY!e contract, be a�proved. Passed and adopted by the City Commission of tho City of C1eax- �v�ter, �lorida, this 16th dtzy of November, 1936. (Si�ned) Atte�t: �(Si�ned} J. E. Satterfield, City Aud3tor and Clerk. R. E. Green, �yor^Commissioner. There �Jeing na gurther business, the meeting was adjourr�ed, Atte i� u °r er �or-Gounnies o �, � ■ �