10/19/1936�' ;
OCTOB�R 19•th, �,936.
A re�ulur meetin:g of the Citg Comm3,ssion o:f the City of C1ear�
wator was r� ld on the 19th day of Oc�obe•r, 1936.
The meeting was called to order bg the Mayor-Coirnnisaioner and
upon ro11 call the fo11o.��in6 anst�ered present;
iYIa.yor-Counni�3ioner Green, Co�anissioners Bo.rrg, }3atchelor,
and Marsh.
It was movod b� Mr. 3arry, secon�ed by Mr, Batchalor and
carried t�.a� the proper City Ofi'icl.als be authorized to execute an agreemsnt
wit7.z the 19ast Qos�t Broadcas��.ng C�mpany, ex�e�iding the agreement to sall
Radio S�ation WF�l,li to J'une 1s1;, 193'7, and also t0 B�@GU�9 an escrov� agr�ement
wheraby �15,000.00 sh�11 be de�osit9d ir_ ths �'irst Na�ional Ban� to guarantee
the carrying out of' the agreemen-�.
It v�ras moved by Mr, Barr�, ssco>ided by Mr. Ba�cizelor and carr�ed
that the City pa� �75.00 �o Pd. F. Ha].l to defray a part of the cost oi' bus
service to Clear�iater Be�ch.
It was moved by i�fr, 3arry, seconded b� Ivir, Marshc.and carried
that a�25,�0 discount be allowed upan taxes of Eu1a McMullen,
, Mr. Barr� introduced Orlinance ��a],5, and moved its adoption
upon its first reading. Seconr3,ed by I�Lr, 2�arsli, and after reading, tha fol-
iorring vote was pollod:
Ayes: rQayor-Comnissioner Green, Counnissioners 2�arsh, Barry
and Batchelor.
Nays: None.
Abaent and not votl.r�: Connnissioner Baker,: _,
Wherau��n, the Mayor declared the Ordinance passad upon its
first seading,
It was movecl by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr. �4arsh and carried
i;hat the rules be cvaiued a�-id t�a.e rrdinar�ce be passed upon 3ts second reading
inunediately by title only. Whereupon, the title o#' Oriiina.nce ,�415 was reada
it tvAs znoved by Mr. BarrSs second�d by Mr. Mars�. t�:at the ordinance be passed
on its second reading� and upon r�1Z ca11 the follovri.ng vote was polled:
Ay�s: Mayor-Comm3ss3.oner Green, Comm3.ssioners N,a.rsh, Barry
and Batchelor.
�days: None,
Absent and, no�t voting: Commissioner Belser.
1Vhereupon, the YJIAyor declsred the ordi.nance du7.y pas�ed upon.
its ascoiid reading,
It wRs moved by Mr, Barry, seconded by Mr, tdarsh and
� ;
__ ,: __...: ....._._. : '
ti •
unsa.iimousJ�y' carriod •that tha ruZes be further �vaivad, and Ordin�nce ��415
be placed upon its ttii.rcl and �3ns1 read3.ng iumiediatoly; WY�.ereupon, the
Ordinancs vras read in fu11. It was movad b;� Nir, Balter, seconded by D�Ir.
Marsh and carriod, that the Ordinanco be p�ssed at its third and f3na1
reading, and upon ra�1 ca�l the fol�ovrii� uo�� t��aa polled;
Ayes: Mayor-�Jom�ssioner Greon, Commissioners Marsh,
Barx; and Batchelor.
Nays; Non.e.
Abse�t and not vo�ing: Commissioner Baker.
Whereupon, the Mayor dee�ared the Ordinance duly and fuZlg
aao�tea, as follov+s, and signed the sarr�:
SECTTON �. No person or persons, associatian, pArtne�°ship, f3.rm, or car�
porarion s�la.11 hereaf�er in the City of Clearwater, Florida, keep, conduct,
or maintain any building, structure, yard or place for thg �eeping,; storing
or piling in corumercis.]. quan�ities aither temporarily, regularly or eon�inu-
ally, or for tlie buyung or selling at retaizz or wholo�ale or deal3ng �n any
old, used or second-hand materials of any �Sind, incltu].ing scrap bui.lding
materialf �crap contractor�s equipment, tanks, casks, c�xns, barrels, boxes,
drums, e3oth, rags, r.,lot�ing, paper, ruUbish, bottles, rubber, hair, iron,
brass, copne�^ or other metal, mattreases, beds or bedding, old and dilapidated
automobiles, trucks, traetors, or other sza.eh veh.icles, or the parts thereof
or other article� e��ch �rom its v�orn cond3.t:Lon renclers it practically u�eless
for the purpose �or which i� wag ro�ae �r,.a �vhich is corrnnonly class�d as junk,
whether with a�'3xed place of business or as an itinerant peddlar rvithout
iirst having obtained and �+a� d far a licsnse, as hereinQ.fter provided. One
earrying on the a_foi�ssaid business is hereb;� defined and shmll bo referred
hersin to as "Jun,k Dealers."
SECTION 2. Evezry applican� for a license to e�ngage in the bu:s3.ness of junk
ea er s 11 iile w3.th the City Co�lectar and Treasurer a writ�en application
upon a iorm prepared and pro�iided by the City si�ned 'by the applicsnt or ap-
plicants. Said applica�ion shall stato; �
(a) �he narnes and res3den�es of the applicants, i�
an individual, partnership or �`irm, or the names
of the principal oificers and their rosidences,
if the appliesnt fs an association or a corporation.
� (b) The de`cai,led nature of the business io be conducted
and �he kind of materials to be collec�ed, bought,
sold or othe�°vrise handled.
' {c) The pre�ises a�here sueh buainess is �o be located
or carried on,
(d) That t?�ia applicant accepts the lieenso, if granted,
upon.the concLtion that it may be suspended for cause
a� �ny time by the Ci-�y Coimni.s3ionersa.
SECTION 3, Every applieation for �. licenso to engage in the business of jun3t
ea or s 1 be 3igned and acY.noviledged before a notary public or athcr officer
authorized to administer oaths in the Ci.t�, in�luding the City Colloctor and
Trea�urer and his deput3es.
SECTIOPT 4. The entire prem3.ses used for carryin.g on the businoss of junit
e�l n� s all be so envered, fenaed and surrounded as to make �he eam� Kater
��� �.,
r� �
proof and mosquito pr-oof and to prevent an uns3.gh.t].y appearance, and said build-
inga or structures and fence sha11 be mainta3ned in �oad condition at all tirm s,
saicl fence to he a tigh:t and solid fence and not less �han seven feet in height.
It sha11 be the dutg of the City ColZector and Trea,surer befora
isauing license provided �or her�in to soe that the prem:.sea designated in t12e
application comply with the pravisions hereof, provider3, hovtevara the provisions
of' this section shall not ap�,lg to ary promises �u.sed for carrying on the busines�g
o= junk ciealing 1Qcated at a distance of m�re than one thousand fpet from a main
thoroughfax�e of' the Ci�y.
SECTIOI3 5. IIpon �he filing of tY,.e appl3Cati.on as provided for Y,.erein, �:he
�'i�"'�y�G'o�lector and Treasurer shall, upon his approval o� such application a#'ter
invest�gation and the payment to the Czty of the licenso �ereinafter provided,
issue to the applicant a licenae to ongage in busi.nags as provided 3n Section 1
heroo£. No license sha11 be refused except for a specified reason, A11 licenses
sha11 be nwnbered in the order in +N�zich they are issued, and sha11 state clearly
the loc�.tion oP the junk business, the date oi' issuance and expira�3on of the
13cense and the name and a�,dress of the lieensee. No applicant to v�kwm a li-
censr� has been refused shAll me,ke further appliaation unti]. a period of a� least
three months shall have elapsed since the last pr8vious revoc�.�ion, un.].ess he can
shn�v �th9 rsason £or such revocation nolon�ar exis�s.
SECTION 6o Ev�ry 3,�x aeaier sha11 pay an annue,l lioezise fee of Fift� DoZlara,.
-�TT'�`�'censes sha11 be issued as of Octaber 1 ancl shall continue in foree unti3.
Sep�ember 3Q next succeedi�g the date of isauance unless sooner revoked.
SECTION 7. Every jvnk dealer�s license shall designate the place of business
� or rom which the �unk dealer roceiving such license snall be sathorized to
�arr7 on such business. No 13:cense8 shall remove y�.i,s pr it� place of businesa
from the place designated in tha Iicense until a written perr�it has bean secured
from the Citg Collector and Treasurer, and the sa�ne shall have been end.orsed
upon t?�,e ].icen�e.
a�CTION 8. (a) No jun�s dealer ak�.11 carry on tla.e businass at or �rom any other
P a�o hari tY� ona designated in the 1.3,cense there£or, nor s3�a.I:1 saic'!. businesa
ba carried on after such licsense has bean revoked or has expirzd,
�� ib) The cont�nts oi the premises o�' every junk d�aler shall be ar-
rsnge in�a.n orderly maizner with all simi.lar t�3ngs located together so as tQ
facilitate inspection by the proper author3.tic�s. The premi.ses of every junk
dealer sha7.1 be s.ibject to inspection b� tha proper municipal au�horit3es at
any time,
SECTION 9. Each junk dealer sha11 keep in. such manner as chief of police may
prescr e, and written in ink or indelible pencil, a dr�ily record in the �glish
language of articlas purehessd, including an accurate description, tha nav�e and
and add.resa of persors from whom eae3�. article was purchased, the n.e.me of the em-
��pl.oyer of such person, if any; also the day and hour of such purchase and the
price paid. i'Y3.e records shall at all reason�.ple times be open to tY�e inspection
o_f any police offic�r, or an� person duly authorized in vrriting £or such purpose
bp the Chief of Police who shall exhibit suc:n authorization to the junk dealer,
his agent or employee. No entry 3n s�.zch records shall be changed, erased,
obliterated or defaced,
In the case of motor vehtcle or parts thereo�, there shall be kept
in additian t� personal descrip�ion of the person from whom purchased a�omplate
description of the pureha.se whicYl sha11. include the trade name and tlie motor and
other serial numbers, and the s�gla o�' body, model, color and license number.
The records �3xavided for in i�his section sha11 lae made at the t3me
of ths purc�iase of the material described thereon.
SECTION �0, No person shall Irnovii�ly buy, sell, recei�e, dispose of, c�neeal
gr ava n his possossion any motor vehicle, part or acc�ssory from �hich the
manufac�urer�s ser3.a1 numbor or any .otYxer number or ident3fication has bee�n re-
movoa, defaced, covered, altered or des�royed s^or the purpose of concealin� or
misrepiesent3ng the identity of such vehiel�, part or accessor�. Every person
to whom is ofFarod for sale, storage or tvreclfage any motor vehiele, part or
aecessory from which has been removed, de�'aced, covered, altared or destroyeld
th.e mfuZuEacturer�s 3er3a:! n�umber, or any oth�r number or ident3�ieation m�.rk,
shall 3mmadiatel.y notify the Chief of PoZice of sueh offsr.
0�6.� �k cj'�
5ECTION 2I. It shall be unlawful for any p6rson to ai�n�tia, tesr do�vn or
p�ce any motor veh3cle whicY�.has been wrocked ar disnnrclod from use for any
pu-rpose upon any �.oL or ��^em3.ses w3.th3.n tY!e City of. Clearwater except tho pre-
�3.ses of the rcgularly licensed junk dealer.
SECTIQN 12. It sh�.11 be unlawful i'dr any person to Y�ave upon or about }�3.s pre-
;3es or aizy property under hia control or superv3.sion, any� ��xik, trash, debris
or nther itaiu which does csr might 3n the opiniozl of the hee�l�h officera of tha
City of Clearwatex be or beaome hPzardous to the good health of the City o�
Glearwater end ia�s residents longer than 24 hours after notice of its exidtence
is given by the City health officer, or his duly� aut�rized daptx�ies.
SECTIOI� 13. It shall be the duty of each and every jtu�c dealer licensed here-
eun'c"i�o remove or es�.use to be removed from h3s preraises to a po3.nt bayond the
]:�.mi�ts of tha City o.r tc be buried at such plaae anci under such condi�ions as
shall be designr�.ted by the �ity health officer, al� rubbiah, trashs dsbria or
otk�r worthless art3cles once each mon�h af�er the issuance oi' such 1ice�se or
oftener, if directed so to do by such health officer�
SFCTION 14. Any person, persons, �irm, asgociation, partn�rship or corporation
rv o,'�y�3mself or itself, or by his or its clerk, agent or omployee, sha11 con-
duct the business of a junk dealer as herein defined w3.thout the ].icense required
by this ordinance or shall v3olate any of the provisions of this ordinance or
who, having had his, its oz their license re�crl�ed, shall continue as a junlz
dealer, sha11 upon conviction thereof in tha Municipal Court be finad not ex-
ceeding tha swn of �lOQ.00, or imprisoned in the C3ty Jail not exczeding thirtg
(30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in th.e discretion o� the Muni-
cipal Judge, and each @ay of duration of such v3olation may be considered a
separate offense. In addit3.on to the pena.Zties•3.mpased herein the license of
tche offender may be cancelled or revokad by the Cour�.
SE�TION J.S. That ang Ordina.nce or part of Ordina.nce conflicting witii �he
'prov s ans oi this Ordinance be, and the same is hereby repeale�., so far as
the same affects this Ordii�ence.
�ECTIOI�T 16. T'nis Orciing.nce sY�all take effe;;t immedi.ately upon its passagev
Passed and adopted b� the City Cormnission of the City ��' Clpar-
vrater, thi.s i�Eh day o�' Octob�sr, 1936.
R. E. Green,
Attes�: Mayor-Commissioner
J. E. Sat�erfield, .
City Atzditor & Clerk. ' `
There being no further business,, the meetin,� was thereupon.
aa3ournea. .
Attest� ayor- o�mi.ss:.o
or an r .
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OCTOBER 28, 1938.
The member� of the Cit� Comm��ssion oi' the Ci�y o� Clearsvater, Florida,
met on the above date, vrith �he following membere prasent;
Mayor Commissioner, R, E. Green P, Z. Baker
L. A. Maa.��h D. 0. Batehelor
J. A. Barr�
Moved bg Mr, I�Iax•ah, secondsd by �. Batchelor ancl carried that the
proper officials be atitYiorized to sign �ease with Z. H. Patteraon for
property on Clearwater Beach, ad�oinin� propertg leased to Drnzglas Bailey.
Mr. Bari�y voted no,
Moved by Mr. �atcheZor, seconded by Mr. Baker an�: carried tha t the City
Manager be ampo�aered put gas rates into effect, ta extend optional gas
rate to include customers using gas re�rigerators; a3so to establi�h a
heat3ng rate of 90� �er thousand cubio feet oi gas for central heating
systema, with the requirement that �15.00 be paid in �dvanee to guarentee
that mucls usage of gas for the season, and a. deposit of d,�"10,00 on me�er,
Separate meter to be required for contral heating, in orde.r to secure this
rate.. -
Mr. Marsh introduced the follotiving Resolution:
I�EAS, it is to the beat intexests of the city to provide the ad�3itional
puri�'ty�ng and other equipment necessary to' comA7.eta the vrork at the gas
plan� and put it 3.nto operatable condition so as to be abls to use tho new
equi�ment now being provided tznder P42Acontract,
FIRST: That the city manager be 3nstructed to request the Aeting State
Director o� PWA for authorization to use the �12,000,00 of ex�ra revenue
certificate,s provided �nder the project 1202-2-R fo� the purpose of
guaran�oeing the total construction of the gas plant work now under con-
tract; for the purgose of financing the censtruction cost of the puri�ying
eystem, eto. required to complete tho gas plant,
SE�ONDc BE TT RESOLVED that thecity manager be 3.ns�ructed to proe�eed with
the installatian o�'f;he necossary puri�yizg and othor equipment required
to c anplete the gas plant, the cost of which is to be provided out of i'unds
obtained from private sale of tha certificate� above referred to.
PASSED AND ADOPTID by the City Commission of the C3ty of Claarwatar, Florida
t}i.is the 26�h day of Uctober, A. D. 1936.
{Si ned) R. E. Green
inayor-Comm sa oner
� Attes�;
' (Si ned) B. H. Thornton
Acting City A�3ditor ai�d C1erR
iVtoved bg IvIr. 14Iarsh, aec onded by Mr Batchelor and carried that the fore-
r going resolutian be adopted.
' . .. . . . . .. .... .. _ �.... ... . . .�. _....... . .. . . � _ .. _.�.�.., ..-...5...._.. � � �
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. ., .._ . _
_ ��� .
NToved by hSr. Marsh, second.ed by IvLr. Baker and aarried that adjuat-
ment on ta.xes on Mills propertg be referred to the Tax Qomniittse
for investigation and report baak to ComuLi.ssion.
There bsing no further business, i;hs �eei;ing r�a� adjourned.
. �j . "'�.-� !.�
Attest: —1�syor- omrr ssioner��
i y Atzdi' r and C l e�k