�.: .
Septembar 23, �936
The City Commission o� the City o�' ��eart^rater, I'lorida, met on the
ab:�ve date, iii special meetin� assembled, join�tly vrith the Bivil Service
Baard o� said City, ��rith the �ollo�•,ring members presente
o� the City Commission:
R, y. Green, i7�:yor Commissio�er,
R. Z. Baker,
D. 0. Batchelor,
J. A. Barry,
Z. A. RRarsh.
of the i;i�til Seivice Board:
Z. G. Abbe-tt,
Raymond Zee,
Reade Tilley,
Gqrdon Dicks,
Guy P��. Hollo�;vay.
lEiatters concernin� ti_e Civil �erviee Eoard were discusssd, but no
action was taken.
r,7essrs. idotschnan, Collins and Sasser, liquor �ealers, petitioned the
Cit3- Commission to permit �heir st�i>es later closing hours durin� the lvinter
T3oved by r'Cr. Baker �hat closing hqur �or ? i�uor stores be ch4nged to
12 o'cloek �or period Oet:,ber lst to PNiay 1st, 2+Iotion lost f�r trrant �f a sec�d.
Isgovecl by I.�tr. Batchelo•r, seconded by llis. Barry, that bill o� counsel
o�� the Flo-rida Zeague o� i:sunieipalities, �75.00, i�r work on Q�ar��rater
pro�ect � 1202-2R be approved for payment. Carried.
I�doved by P��r. I;Farsh, seconded by I4ir. Barry, and carried, that an
additional sum o� �500.00 to Clear��aater Chamber o� Connerce �or- billUoard.
advertisin� be appropxiated.
Piioved by T�Tr. I,iarsh, secandea b5 P,ir. Batchelor, and carried, that the
Ordinance an l4'eights and P�easures be tabled.
hiovect by I,Sr. I.tazsh, seconded by IsIr. Batchelor, and carried, that the
matter o� Brumby lease be turned ovex �o the City Attorney �or preparation
of a rie�v Tease.
I�ioved by �Lr, h'farsY , sec�nded by I�Sr. 3atchelor, and carried, that the
proper Cit3� O�ficials be authorized to execute the follov�ring cantr�et
with tinellas County, rvitl� regard to the Poliee Radio;
Mr. NIarsh introducE�d Ordinanca T�o. 414 3or its �irst reading, ancl
moved its adoption on its first reading. Secanded by P,4r. Batchelor.
� Upori ro11 ca11, th� followin� vote yras pollecl:
Ayes; Green, Barry, Batchelor, ?iaker, P��rsh.
Nays: Nona,
A3oved by P:ir. IRarsh, seeonded b�r hir. Batchelor, and unanimcauslsF
oarried, th�.t Orclinance "�o. 414 be placed upon its second xead.ing
immediately and passed, the rules being waived. Upon roll call, the
�olloti,in� vote was polled;
Ayes;: Green, �3arry, liatchelor, Zaker, l:iarsh.
Nays; None.
T:iove` by ?ir. I.ars'ri, sec�n�ied b� 2>ir. Tiatchelor, ancl un:�nimously
earrie�., tnat the rule� be further vraiveci, and the Ordivance t�e placed
us`�on its third and iinal readin�, in full, irsmediately.
The Jrdinance havii�� been read in iull io-_ its third reading, moved
vy %s. lIarsh, seeoncled b�� i;�r. �atchelor, tl�at the rules be �urther tvaived
a�d the Or�inance be passe� its third and final reading. Upon ro11 ca11,
the lollowing vote ti°,ra.� polleu.:
Ayes: Green, I3arr;;-, Batchelor, 3aker, ?'arsh.
l�Tays : None .
Glhereupon the i.Sayor-C�mmissioiler de�l:ared that Ordinance Tdo. �14
was duly passed and adopted, and signed the same, as Yollovrs;
_ _ , _ _ _ __:. . __ �
�T�TPIli2dC7:', �:0. 47.4
�3 01i17I�3l�3JCL FtW'l.L�:'a'T:dG '�'D TEi«F'�`IC isi�S3 :�Z;GULe?'1'Ii'i� �i'IiE US� QF F'�BI,IC
.�`�ezz�r.'.`iis :l��n xxG�3e'?�.�r"s cir ��,'�rn', ri.�`.e� 0�'4 ri��'t�r1 s`i��.�'`�, �,o�m�. j��c}v�:'.
�}�nyp���q/�FOR�,, �'Fro'r�i�;� icP7ST��.L�,T,Tt?TT7�yT�Q.��p�, Tu��;�tGU�qL.�rTmT�/tt��Tt �/i�/PiD�+) CO�hit'�%�jUUZm,�}0�'�' T� yU���7ytfl{yF�
Ci.�l1�1���'Lnr.�J:Lf:y9 ilL'�4.4.11��1'jG �L'�t/�LJ. VL' U�ll�i�•l L'.�13, 157P� �� �J:� �i<�.L�C��.-�Om
PrL�Tl:�i$ 41TdD I'a1F7i�tFCr T"I.,`i;�sf. �Cii`T.�';Sa £'?'tO;F�II'�G T'.��'.,ZTI�L`i'� �� `P��F', iPTDIi�`1'TO1TS
TIi�:ii�Ol+� .ti��T? Pf3k�UTDxZffr` ���.ta`.C' �?'�'Yi 7�2DS9.'X` OTt' I'�i?'7? �IGi�4T+' S1LIeT,T, 2dOT
a�E+'�`1:CT tr:,L��TY DI�` ;'T;`€�i's�:77}ER.
.'�_TS:, i`�' 02?'.3�-"a2?`7k� s3�' �.'zL G25?Y �t��!'I::SI��� Ob' '�`�Fs �'I`€'Y OF �Z,E,'�,�'ti.3��fis;t3, E�Q�''i�171�:
Se�t3.o� lo. i'��.e �rrc�rd 'fveh�:clen as used here3n s:�Ii mecua an.y de�ice
in, uno� .os� t�y t�rhi�h ciny ;�araon or pr�+pax�t� is ar mff:y be �r�ns�or-�ed
upoxs a ni�.c��y, �:scc3pt t�.ose oner�ted o:ei rai�:s or �racks.: .
�ec�3+�n 2a R�.a� �ho�e ce�talu �i�scribed p�.r�s o£ streats in �he
��:t�r of G1e�r�tator, Floz�3.da, a.e ia�:;� fron t,�.me t� t�i�ne be desi�sted by
r�s�Iution of �he C��� �omaiss�ont �re hereb� ostsbl�a%.ed �s parki�g.
�neter zonae, end tho �3:t�r �Saz�er shai.l cau�e �o be irsstalled park�.n:g
metara and sht�ll/pa;r�3.n�; me�t�r 3paces t� 'b� ctosi�atocl 3.n aca�rd�:n.00.
�73.th the nrovisgolas af �c13i3 ordizx�nce,
Soctzon 3. t�a� t�io Cit� £,�',�sM�.�Qr xa hare�y �:u��r5�ed �Go �+sta�l
or p1��o p�r�� meters in sucYs �arL�n� �ae�or zones �zs: ulsa� bQ cre�t�d
a� �esolut3on oi the C�tg �a�nj.ssiona SucL p�rk3n� �eters sha1.1 be pl�.^�d
zapon tho cur'b �:Ton�s�:de af or rxoxi; �Lo ind��'idia.al p�rk3.r�;; sp.aces t� �e
dos3�nated as prov3aed b.� s�aeh �^esolui�iflns, �nd encYr. said parki.n� �eter
sh�11 Ue so s e� �.s trs sYa�:� or �13.sp1ay a si�0:1 that tlze parkir� space
aZc�n�sicle af sa�e is Qr is x�,ot in use,
�f Tlae Gxt *tgna '°er shall
� �. �; provicle f�r �he 1115'�3�I.S��10€Iy 2'8€;y1ZQ'��012y
eon.�rol, opa+�a�ion ancl use of" �}�e I�Qrl€i�.� �etars p�a�vided ior in tt�is
, ord3r��nea and sh3Zl mt�intain sa3.c1 metars in �ood �aarkable condi�ion and
oa�a ��.id parkY.n� �,�eQter shr�ll ��e so set us �a �li�pl�.y A si�nal shovin�
legal P�r�kin� upon tla,o depasi� of' a five e�zit coizi �� the IIi3.i.te� St�te3
�Y�e�e�n £or a perioci o� tima eonEornir��, to �he parl�'�..�; ].im�.t novt or h8re-
af �er prov�.dad t�y ordin�nces, reaolutic�ns� or �olice �z�ulatio�s o� LLze
C3.�y o� G1ca�kFnter �o� the ��rt o£ �Lee st�se� ugon raYrie2� ga�� me� :�s
�lacocl; €�a��3 me�er s�s3� b� its c�evico �learl;� se� Utt� and c�ntinud i�
o�or�a�ion �'rom tha i�imo o�' depo��.tinG �uch coin ian�il t�c� e�gi:r�z�ion nf
tht� tirae �i�;ed �a9 se3.ci ord�:nunces., �eso�.u�ions or p�li.c� r��u2�t3.nns �zs
the p�.r1�3.n� li�:�.' �or �e pe,rt o� th:e s�re�t upan r�hieh s�id ms�ar ��
plAceu�. S:acia se� �ca�er sl�s1:L �i1�o ne so arran�ed ��� u��n G�e d�pd,ra-
�ioFx �g saici p�.�.tl�.r�� 3:ir�3.� 3.t rr3.l� inci3:oate b� ��rtec�nic�l operatiot�
�ziac� �hn clroppin� of ��ge� �3.�na.� t��tt t�.e Za��ta.1. �us�I�3n� pariod as f ixed.
�y • • '
_ . __ :. _ _ ,.,_„_.._� ,, , ..,. _� ....,.._.., �.. _w ,. .._...,,_,�,
l �,�t
. �y
�a� tiae ord3nnnces,. �osolu�iaM� ar palice reE;u:lUtians o� tha C2ty cif
C1o�s�c��.tax� Y.uis oxpi�od.
��etio�l fsa ":':?�en �zng vali3.�lQ �h�ll bo pc��}�aci in auy sp��co fx].an�-
�ide �� or nQ�c� to rr3.�.a�. �;here is loe��oc�, undor �1�3.s ordinanea, �
p�.^,�3.n�; �o�c;r, �hQ a��naQr, opax�a�or, rastin��.�or, or dr�ves� af s�id �roYa3.clo
s'�a1..i up�n entor�n� tne said ��r��� 3pr�ce 3�:>�edic�i:aly da�osit � s"ive
coui;`ooin of i:'s�,e 7niteti� ��atos in �iza pfzr?�1.n�,; zaa�t��.� al,nng.sids o� or n�xt
t�o, sai.d p�.�1�3�.�; sp�e� ar�d, �GY�a s�::id parl�3.n� spaco rnay t?ze�n 'Ua used by
sue� vei2i:cle c3uris��; tihe �ar'k3n�;; tim3:�G �ro�3.ciad 'bg the o�tiinances, a^eaaZu-
t3o:1s a�d g��.ica rau 71 a�ions o�'' the Czty of �1o�rt�ut�r foi'* the p�:rt+ o�' tlae
st�oat 3.n: �rizie�.t sa�d pt�rl�3.n�; spae� i� 1uc�tecl� �� saicl voh�cle sh�11 ro�
,�in y�:�.r2�oc1 ii� anJ suc� par2�3ng; spr-�ca i�e�ond �Iie par�.n� l�.mit f3xec� b�
i;��e o.��cl3:n�u�ess, rescs�.u�ioals €snd palico re�ulat3.oa.1s of �Zxo Cii:g of G3e�r-
cra�e� �or aue3x p3rl�in�, s�nce, t�ao P�rle3.n� �ote� �ha11. c��ap?ay a s��rs sho�r�-
�ng �:l:Lega�. par-kixzg, a�ad in thaL euent, suctz vo�3cle shall �e co�Qidered
as n�rked ovr�rtin� and beyond the b3.cie �z��d by tlze ordS.raancas, r4so1�.��G3�oixs
and pol3.ce re�,ula�iorss of the City of Cleaa�ra�er, and �he pmrlcing c�i' a
vehicle overtima or, �oyo�a. the p��ioc1 0�' t3ma �'i�ee3 aao�a or horoa�ter b�
�e o�dinax�cas, rasoiutions and �oiice z�e�u]:ation�. of t?aQ G�.t� of C1ear�
r�a�G�r 9.n ang �ac� pa.r� o� a s�re.ct ���ere a�y suck�. metor is 3oc�ltEci s}.�al�
be a v3al�tion ai tihi� arclir_anca arad put�is}�.esci as hore�n�fter set o`ut< Zt
sysall �e un2c�1��i1 �or �n� person 1;o c�.use, a11or?, per�ua.� or sia.ffer an�
suc�. vehiele re�isterecl 3�n his nazue to be pai>Isec3 ovor�im� or �Qyond ��;ae
2arr£�a1 period oi' ti�e as �.trove c�e�crii�ed.
� Seci,ion 5. I� sh�:11 bQ vs2la�r�u�. and An aff'anse Yor any person to
&epos�:i: or crxuse tfl t�e deposi�Ged in a parl�3.ng; raetor e. �'ive cE:nt coi� for
��� purpose o� gx�end3.ng the p�r1�x� time bej*ond ��e t3.nie �ixed by tl�.e �
ordinances,; resa3:u��:on� ancl poliee raga.7.atiores Qf t'ha Gity o� Clearra�ter,;
�o� pnrkin�; in �h� p�ru.3ng spaco alon�s5.c�e o£ or next to �vY�iciz� �niri p�rl� :
in� me�er is plAced.,
�ectio�z �a. Tt s12a17. be unla���u1 and. an o£fen3Q foi any person to
�er�t a ve�aiclQ to remain or bo p7:aeed 3n anJ pnr3s5.n� nlace a2onga�.cle; of
a� noxt to c�Ysi�,h any p�rkl.n�; xr�oter 3.s �3aced s�hi1� sa�.d met�i is diaplay� �
in� a sign.�7. shas,r3.xz� that� s�.xtsh voh3.�1e �hal�. h�Tre alroacly pnrkpd be�ond �
ti�.e poriod of �i.me fixed by -the nrdinAncvs, re�olu�3an9 and no:1.3:ce re�u�.�z- :
tians of t'��e �� t�,� of" C1Qarcy�'ter �for sue:a, ��arkin�, 3�ace.
Section 7. �.t �ha7.Z i�� the dut� ot each �rmf�ic p�ztrolm�n, or :such
. �;
o�hor of,�:tcor as sh.a.13. i�Q so �nstru.eted b� the GhiQi' oi` pc�lice 3r� I�.ls
bet�i; or ciietric�,, to i:r�lie the nvmt��r of �n.y ��er at uhich an� veh.��10
i8 oy7�1^pEil�lred a� pravid�ci 3.r� t�3s or��3��nc@, �;nd ��a.e ,���to voka.i.cic� ta�
numbor o1' ;�ac� vc��.c�o �nd rapor� �he �ci�n.� to tha po�.i�a clQpartme�:� a�d
ma.}e �ox,;:�lrain� �o� �:ny vio�.�.t�on �.rr. t3zo �iun2ez}�al Cou�t o� ;s�.d Gi��,.
�ect3:on �. n ve'4aiclo Pai king �+ .
�� parked in any,�,�nace � Any parlr:f.n� m,c��e�
zone ��17, ia� nnr��ed c�itkt �he 3�.aod o�' ��zcY�. vc�ii3:e1� r�.Ion�,side oP or next
�o t��.e ��c�1�inU raat�r alon�sido of' �ucl� p�r?:3n� space in p�rc�3.le1 p�rk�
in� �paces, anai riith �h� r�di.�ztcss direcuec3 a� t?�� sca3� meter �n �:ia��naZ
nnr�2r� spmccs, �nd i� sithez vvent �hr�Il l�c� par�Zed �ritYfa.xa th� 13.n.as
mrz�kod an t�.e stro�rt �or such par�n�; �gncQ as prov3.d�d heresit�r:,,
�' :�ect�.a� 9 0. T'x1e �i�� �'�n��;or, ar s�c�i eifieers oi er�p7..oyoes a� tla�
City �.s �i� ak�.I3 sQ�ac:�, sh�11 place 'lines or �a.r?�s on t32e cu�i� os� on
the s�reet ai�out or a1o��side of 6ACL narlsia��; met��� �o deIIi�:z�a�e �he �a_rl��-:
3n;� �p�co �ox wh3.ch �a�d �e�er is to '�e zxseii and e.ach vei�.ic:t� par�.ed �.10��
�id� of or izoxt �o �axzy ��r�n�, �ter :�?�ai �. par� cri.t�.n. t�o 13nes or ma_�k-
i.n�;� so estabgisherT, Ii shn:3.1 be ianla.crf'ul and �n oP�ensa to �a�_r� sr�;� �8-
�7:ic�.o Across auy such 1�.no os� �x� or �o pc�N� s�ic� �eh?cIe in such lra�
tliat t�h,e sa:.�.e s�:all no� oe zvithin th� r��e� so desi�a�ted i.�-,� �u�h 13nes or
�ec�3.on it7�, Tt Bha1:1 l�e ��:�rfu1 and €z� e�ffen.se to dago�i't or c�ase
to �e deposi�ec� i� a�,y p�.ri�in� mster ang slu�, dev�ce, ar r,�et�.��ic s�a�s-
s�:Ltu�a for ��ive c�n� voin o�' �Y�a 'f�n3.tad 5��.t��„,
S�ct3.on 13.. It sLa.11 be �.tnl�.�a�u:t r�.nd mr_ o�fense �c�r ar�y perso� �o
def�zce, :3.n�ure,; tn�ages c�3,th� Qper,z or z�i.�fi�;3:1y brea}�, clest-s�oy,. o� i3npair tlie
�.tsofulZr�es� of an� p<s?ti�ig raet•=� :Lnstal.ZQd vnder tYse tes�c� �f' tl�is Qrd3nancEa:
Sect�.oa 12e �?�� f3va cent co3ns r�qui,rec3 t� i�a deposi�eci �s pra�ideci
�Yer�in are ?�e3 eby �euied �i� pollce rs�x].a,�3o�s a�d iaspection �'ses to eove�
ta3a eost� af .ins�ec�iori �d re�uZ�tian irr�al�red in i;l�a inspoctios�, installa-
i;ion,,, o�serati;�nx ccntro3. anc�. use of �Faa parizizz�; sp�-:cos and parkin� mca�ors
descri"bec2 �ierain r��ci involuod in cl�ec:��;n� up �nd re4�a�3ng �iae pg�king nf
vei�i.cles 3.n the p�rZ�3n� mflte� zones are�.ted hereYa��.
�ect2Gn Z�. .Any �erson «hp shall. �iolAte an� Qf �}ae prov3sions o�
tT13�s ardinan.ce sa::�1�. apon �onviction in �i� :,iuxs�ciga]. Gourt be deeme� q�i2-
ty of �xa a�faa�xse and �'rnod, no�; to sxc�ac3 �.'.xe s�m o�' � 10t��:QQ a� �.mgrison-
�d no� oxceedin� �h:t�ty dA.ys ar by bo�ii such t3�� and 3:r�pr�.sonm�nt i� thQ
d3acretion oi" �he �3uni���a1 Juclge.: I1n� pai son �rho �ha31 �id, g abet or
a�si�t i.n thc� vialation o�' t�.ny prov:Ls3.ans o�` t1�.3s o�fliz�a�ce sha1.1 be quilt,y
,� ,, , o� an t���c�ns�a encT �ha11 be :iined: no� to sxc��ed � i�.00,' ,�x� 3,mpr3sor�.�
� �en� r�o� exceeding thirty d�.�s or by k�oth .$ui�h fine txn� impz'isontYtc�n� 3:xx�
��te da�cration. o�' �G�i� �funic3.p��. J�.ic���,.
� S�ction Z�., I�' any �oc�S.on or prav�.s3.on. or p:crt t�.arooi if� t1��3
i ord3riance 97�.a21 oQ adj�c7:�od invalici or uncon�titu�ion�T l�y a cQv.rt a�
4� co�}aotent ��Tisdic�::ic�n, ;such adjud3.caticsz�: sha�.� no� af'fec� �Yxs vr�lid3ty
of t'�e ardinas�ce mN a�vlxole a� oi �,n� sectionS �t��vis3.on or par� ��zoro-
oi, not ar3jud�cad �nva7.3.d o� uriconatituti�nal:,
! Sectinn 1.5.. lhi.s ord3naneo is �ioreb� da�l:arad tq 1�e €�n emer�eneg
measura on t'�3e �und o�' va.��,ent puttl�c need for �?�e pro�er°,ta�;ioi�, a� pouce,
health, sa�e�y and property,. �
Sect3on IF. This �rci:.nance �h�11 �ak� o�Soc� �:r�smediaL-a1� upon its:
� psssed and adop�ed by tiie Gity Co��ssi�n oi t�e City oi Glear'�as�e�
K �h�.s 23rd f3a�� c�f Septe�bor,. 29�fi.
(Signed) Ray E. Green,
Pray�r- o .�� ona�
� (Signed) J. E. Sat:ter�ielcl
I�y Au err an C erx
'� (P�.ssed �irst, �econd and third readings'unanimously, Sept. 23, 1°36.)
TY�ere being no iurther business, the meeting was tYiereupon �.djou?�nec1.
r �`��
f �?�.yar-Commi�sioner
slttest: '
� Ci y Auditor � C erk
, �
�'1 t''
.... _ , ,, .._.. . ._.�_..,,�. .__._,_�_.�_._.__.._.��...,�..�.._-.-_-..- _�-�..,_._�.�._„�,
� � , , ,� -
r : : �T7
� OCTOBER 5� 1936
� �
� The members �i' �ho City Corrnni.ssion of the City of Gleare�rater,
Flor3da me� on the above da�e in a re�ular meetXng assembled, with
the follo�ving membere present:
Mayer-Co�issioner R: E. Green R, L. Baker
L. A� Marsh J. �. Barry
D. 0, Batchelor
Application of Z. H. Patterson for lease of dock space
on Clearvrater Beach Island v�as presen�Ged, hioved by Mr. MarsY,.,
seconded by Mr. Batchelor and cArried that the ma-�ter be referred
to the Ci,�y Attorney to draw a lease for �he approval of the City
Nir. Tllarsh introduced �he 1'ollo�ving resolution:
Resolution of the Git� of
C1ear�r�ater, Florida
NTl3EREAS The City of Clearwater, on t_ne 7�h day of Au�ustr,
1935, entered into a 1.ease vrith Harry P. Talbot, which said lease
was recorded on the lOth day of December, 1936, in deed book 732,
page 513, which said lease con�e�s an interest in tlze foll.cvring
desciibed property, to-witt
3ogin at easi: iine of property under lease to
Everingham, run e�sterly to this line one hundred
and fi�'tg (150) feot to oppos:Lte�_`sid.e of street
right-of••��rayp �henoe northerly and along aaid street
right-of�iva� to its intersection wiih a'.lir_e fif-
teen (�5) feet south of sou�h edge of conr;rete
high�vay approach reserved for straet pur��ses from
causetivay to point of aeginning, thence t��o hundred
(200) feet easterly parallel to said concrote highway
a�proach, t�ence southerly on a line paralleZ to
st�eet right-of-=��ay en west channel in Cove or
�ta�Eers of. Cleartivat�r Bay, thence �vesterly t��o hundred
(200) feet to street right-of-�vay on west, the�ce
northerly al�ng said atreet right-o�-��tay to po3.nt
of beginningi and
t�REAS the said Harry P. Talbot assigned the said lease on
�lu�ust 2�th, 1935 to Dou�las B�i1ey and Ed Br.andenberg, and
�"13�REAS �he saic3 Ed Brandenberg and Pauline Brandenberg,
his wi£e, assignecl their :.�tereat in the said lease to Douglas '
Bailey, l�y their Assignmen� dated the 15th day of Noveuiber, 1935,
which said assignment is attached to the original lea3e, and re-�
corded in boo7; and page number given above� c�nd
N�EREAS the sa3d Douglas Ba3�ley and Bailey,
his wife, by their assignment, aonveyad all o t eir n erest
under Ghe said leade to the Siizclair Oi1. Company insofar as it
af=ects the follo�ving described propertg, to-rrit:
Begin at ea.st line oi property under lease to
Everin�ham, ancl run eastes�ly' at right �ngles
fi,o th3.s line 150 feet to opposite s3:de of
street right-of-tivay, thonce northerly a1on�
the said etreet right-of-�r�y to its in�Gers�ction
with a line paraltel �o and 15 ft. south of
cancrete approa�h to the causeway, thonce eas�er-
ly 100 ft. alon6 saicl line to point of beginn3ng,
th ti 1 id li t 1 100 ft
once eon nue a on� sa ne eas er g ., ,
thence southerly and to the right 100 degrees
40 minutes 75 ft., thenco to the righ� 79 degrees , j
� � � � �� �,
20 �3.nutes �.00 ft., thenco to the r�ight l00
degrees 40 mi.n�:?tea 75 �t. to �he po3nt of
be�inn3ng, i:o�i.ther with certaiil proper�Ey
of Lessor nouv located thereon, or to be
erected and installed �hereon, as mora apecific-
ally described and procTidod for tn �h.e Ar�ic].e
entitled "Lessoiis Img.�+vtveme�.ts° appe�zring
in assignment of laase from sa3d Douglas Baileg
and wife to said S3.nclair Oi1 Comprzn.y, o.nd
t']HEREAS it is the desiro of Z. H, Pattorson to sublease
from the said Dou�las Bailey tha� portio�z of the lands not
conveyed by thL Lease from Douglas Bailey to the Siiiclair Oi1
� �COlripallss� .
BE IT R�SOL'VED, therefore, that the City of C1loarwater
hereby approves oi �he asaignments above desc.ribed, and reaognizes
the right oi Douglas Bailoy �o sub-loase or subrlot �o Z. H.
Pat�Gerson that portion o�' the lands heretofore leased bg the Ci�y
af C�1ear�vater to Harry P. Talbr��E, and not othertitise ,:onveyed�
and reco�izes that �he said lease is sti11 in foree and effect
with�ut l�reach.
3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in the event of a Ureach o�'
the saicl lease by the Lessor, Dougl�s Bailey, or his a:ssigns,
tY�a.t the City of Clearcvater �rri�1 give to the Said Patterson at
least ttventy-five (25) days notice before declar3ng the said lease
in default in oi:der that he, or his Lessor, m�:y perform under the
covenants of tha said lease,
Passed and adopted this 5th day of October� 1936, by the
City Co�ission of the City of Clearwater.
(Signed) R. �„ Greon
a'FiCyor-�`o `mini.ssion`er
(Signed) J. E. Satterf ield
Ci y Au tor & erk
Moved b� Mr. ?Yfarsh, seconded by Mr. Barry tha'� the Resolution
be adopted. U�on roll caz1, the sollowing vo�te was polleds
Ayes: Mayor-Co�mnissionei Green iVir. Mars3�.
I���r. Batchelor Mr. Baker
• Tdr. Barry
Nays : I�ione ,
I'Jhereupon, the Mayor declared the Resolution. duly� adoptad
and signe� t;he same.
Moved b� Mr. Ntarsh, seconded by 11�r. Batehalor and �;arrie�.
that the Contractors Fxau�i.ning Board be authorized to re>d�af�
the buitding aode for the i;onsideration of �he C3.ty Commission>
T�4oved bg Mr. I�ars�., second�d by IJir. Batchelor and carried
th.at the C3.ty accep� a proposition b� Mr. Z. S. Ruder for -�he
excliange of two lo-ts 3n Z�o�d-t�ih.ite-Skinnar Subdivision and a
strip of property 35 feet wide� north o� Mr. Rudert� prapert,�,
for �wo lots directly on the Gulf adjoining the Git�►s gresent
holciin�s .
Njoved b;� Mr. Barry, seconded b�f I�r. B�.tchelor and carried
that NIayor Green be designated by the City Cormnission to work
with the F'lorida League of .Municipalit3.e� Legislative Conm�i.t{:ee.
t `��
:�Ioved b�f Mr. Batchel�r, seconded by Nfs�, ��ker and carried
that ��.e City Manager be au•thorized to purchase a new car for the
Police De�r�rtment.
A?et�er f'rom Mrs. Eclith Homor was -read asking for more
of' the Ci�y� � insu.rance bus3.noss . The mattor tvas referred to
the Tnsurance Gomm3.�tee far recommendati�on.
Movecl by Nfr. Barry, seconded by Mr. Marsh and carried �hat
�tY�.e City Man�,ger be autl�.orized to purchase materials and have
work done to re-suriace Cleveland Street from Osceola Avenue wes�
to the brid�e at an abproxi�ate cost of �1,550.00,
Moved by IVfr. �+Iarsh, sec;anded b� Mr. F3aker and carr? ed that
tla.e Cit� Co�ssion approve the r�port of the co�rrmittee reoo�mnending
extension of �he Library faci.lities b� using tho basement space,
Movec.by NIr� Marsh, seconded b� Mr. Barry and c3rried that
t�.e City PTianager be authorized to purchase a second-Y�.nd road-ro11e�:.,
Movod by Mi:�. Baicer, seconded by Nr. Nf�rsh and carried that
�500,Q0 valuatzon eYempt3on be a1lo�red IvTr. Roy Blanton on account
of disability.
Moved b� iVlr, P�arsh, seconded by P,�Ir, Baker and carriad that
the Ci,ty Attorney bs uuthoiized to associate an attorney, reportir_�
the dairy-men of the City of CZe�rvrater, to aefena a suiti att�:el�i.r_�
the da3.ry �rdi.nance, at no e.�ense to the City,
There being no further,business� the meeting vtas thereupon
� �� �
ATTEST : ���Ia yo r- o� s s on�er
� '
Ci y u-t i� er