08/17/1936� ' � � • 2JfINt7TN� OF THE CITY COMMISSION AU'tf[TST 1.7� 1936 The me►nbers of tha City Cotnmiasion of the City of Clearwater� Florida met on the above date at a. re�u.les meeting asaembled,with the following arembera presen�t R. E. Grean, Mayor-Comml,s�ioner D. 0. BatcheZor L• A• Me:rsh- R• L• Baite� Mr. BatcheZor introduced the Po],lowing reaolutionr RFS OLUfiION RESOLUTIOPi VA�ATTN(i, SETTINQ ASIDE AND HOLDIN4 FOR PtAUaffi' THAT CERTAIN POR`.PION OF A PLAT 0�' MAND9LAY S'0'BDIVISIQN, IINIT #5, RECORDID IN PLAT BOOK 20' PAGE . 27, OF THE �'UBLIC RECORDS OF PINELLAS COIINTY, F'I,ORIDA, PIHICIi IS N04V COVEAED BY TFlAT CIIi.TQIN RE-PLAT RECORDED IN PZAT 800� 21� PAGE 13dOF SAID FfTBLIC RECORI3S, T0- (3ETHER V�'ITH THAT PORTION OF' THE STREET .�R STREETS NOZ' SH01�9N ON SAID RE-PL?.T, .�ND VACATING BUZLDING LaTFS AGAINST SAID RE=PLATTED PROPERTY, AND CONFIRMING ACCEPTANCE AND APPROVAI, OF THAT RE-PT�AT REGORDED TN PLAT BOOY 21' PAGE l�r, AFORESAID. BE IT RFSOZTTED BY THE BOARD OF COPflMISS30NERS OF THE GI�t'Y OF CLEARWATER, FLORIDA: THAT, WIiEREA�, there was du�.y �iled for racord on J'a�ary 12, 1936, a p].at kn.own as hisndalay, gnit #5, which said pZat has been duly recordad in P1.at Book 2Q� paga 27, of the Pub13c Records of' Pinellas County, and whioh said pla� waa anproved �or reaord on the aforesaid date by the City Manager of the City of Clearwater, AND, uVIiEREAB, a portion of the lands included in above plat w�re duly re-p'!atte� on �Hay 8, 1936, and, after acceptance by the Board of Com�iss3oners of the C3ty of Clearwater, said p�.at was Piled Por re-. cord in Plat �ook 21, on page 13, oi' the Public Records of Pinellas C�unty, Florida; sa3d re-plat just above described �overing Lots 7 to 4, inclusive, oi Blocl� 86, and Lots 1 to 8, inalusive, of Block 85, of �andalay, as same is rsaorded in P1at Book 2Q, on pe.ge 27, a�oresaid; and B1oek -85-A and BS�A of a re-plat oi Lots I to 8, 9.nclusive, of Block 83, Lots 11 to 20, inelusive, of Block 84, L�ts 9 to 16, inclusive, of B1oak 85, Lots 5 to 7, inalusive� o� Block 86, and all oi Bloc�rs 76 to 82, inclusive, and 8�, oi Unit #5 of Mandalay, as recorded 3.t� P1�.� Book 20� page 48, of the said Pub3.ic Records. AND, WHEREAS, the original plat oP Mandala� first above described was not vacated as to such re-pla�ted portion before said re-p3at was accepted and fiZed, and by reason thereof sonie coni'usion or misunder- standing tnag arise unless corrected, especially as to the streets as shorm on ori�i.nal ?�].at. AND,WHEREAS, it appea�s that E. T. Rau�' W. T, Regland and aro the owne��a of' e.1Z of the raal estate covered by re- p a recor ed n Plat Book 21a page 13, of' asid Pub7.3c Recorda, situate in the C#.tg Lir.�.�� of the Citg of Cl�arwater, and tha.� said o�rn:ers hare petitioned i�a Board o�' Conan3ssi.oners of eaid City of vac�ta that portion of map or p].at oy Manaaia�, Unit #5� recorded in Pla.t Book 20, page Z7, wh3ch is covered by said re>plat. AND,WA:EI3EAS, ii; appear�,ng to the eaid Board that Clsarwater Street as shativn on said last desaribed re�plat i� 60 feet wide, where�s same sa shown on original plat of Mandalap, IInit #5, aboae described, is 80 feet wide, and that no public use has ev�r been made of the nort�i 20 fee� of said Clearvrater Street, and that no public use has�ever been made of J'uanita Way, and that said property pr3or to lsat re-plat abave described was vacant proper�r, and tlaet the building line� not hav3.ng been recognized and en�'orced on aajoiaing property� same shauld be vacated as to re-platted propert�; � . a . . s 6 !Y � �y NOl'�'9 THEREF��RE, BE IT RESOLVED: That that port�.on of Mancle7.ay Subd3�ision, Unit, '�5� as reoorded in Plat Sook 20� page 27� of the Publio Reaords o� Pinellas County, Florida, whioh has bean ra-pl�tted as shown bg� plat raaord�d in P2at Baok 21, pe.ge 13� of the Rzblic Reaords of P3nellae Counvys FloridaD be, and tho same is hereby vacated, set aside and held for naught, ancl the North 20 feet of Gleaxr>aater Streot as sho�s:i on said plat of Mand�l�v, IIn3.t #5, be and the s�me ir� her.eby alosecl, ancl pu'blia easement and right in. and to same is hereby� relinquished and released; azid that Juanita Way, as sho�vn on said plat of 1kT�ndalayy IIni� �j-`5, be and the same is hereby closed, and Juanita Way as re-p7.atted� as aforosaid, be and the same is hereby aecapted; and tha't bu.ildirig line as shorm on said pla� of Manda]xg� IInit #5� be and tha snme �.s hereb� vacated� set aside and held for na.ugh�. That the City of Clearv�ater•does here�y re-�.ifirm the approv�l and accep�ance of that c�r�ain re-plat af portions n� Manda]:ay Subdivi.sio� Unit �5, shoivn in Plat Book 21, page l3� of said Public Records of Pinel:.as Cw.nty, Floricie.; and does he.� eby soaept for publio use �he strests and a7.leys as shorm on suah re-p1a�t. ADOPTID by the Board ofl Commissianers oi' the Ci� of Clearwater> Florida� this l7th da� oi Augus�� A.p. 1�36. (Si�ed} R. E. Graen • ayor- o � as• oner ATTE�T: (Signedj J. E. SatterPield C � Au .,or ls�� PttOVed b,q 11L.T'• Batchelor, �saoaxded by Mr. Bal�er th.at �he Resolution b�s �dogted aLad upon ro11 caiZ the �ollovring vot� was po].lec3s Ages: &Iro BatcheZor 1Vir. B�ke� bIr, Green Mr. biarsh Nays: None. V7h.ea�eupon the &iayor declared the Resal�t��a.:� unanimausly adop�ted and si�ec� 'cT�:e satne. Mr. Batchalor introdu�6d the follav�ing Reaolution; RES OI�Ui ION Be it resolved by the �ity C�mmissioners of the Ci'cg of Clearvrater, Flor�la, in mesting assembled, tYlat thc� �dayor-Commis�ioner be� and he l�ereby is, authorized to enter into axY agreement �ith the Atlantia Coast Line Railroad Gompan.y, and to s3.gn same on behal.f of said City, whereby the aa3.c3 Railroad Com�any givas and �xant5 untn the said Citg the right and pris3.lege to lay and maintain, for the purpose oP wa�er anfl gas maine, l�.nes of pipe across tha right oi way and undor the traek of the Atlantic Coast Line Rai�.roa� at locations in the City of Clearvrater, a� Pol�ows:- lo �A 4-inah oast iron pipe at a point 2015 feet northvcardlg from mile post 134 {Sanford mileagej; 2. A 6-3nch cast iron water pipe at a point 1400 feat nor'th- wardly from said mile goat. 3. A 6�inch cast iron Water pipe at a point '700 fset sw.thvrardly from said mile past 134; 4. A 6-Inola aast iron gas pipe a-t �. point 1400 feet southwardly �rom said mile pos�. 5. A 10-2nah cast iron water pipe at a point 2223 feet north- wardly from m�.le post Z35 (Sanford �IiSeage); 6„ A 2aincn east iron water pipe s.t a p�int 195 feet nor�hwardly� from said m3.le post 135. 7. A 6-3.nch cast iron wa,ter pipe at a po3n� 1521 feet scxuthwardly Prota said n�:l� post 135. A11 as more particular deaoribec3 �.n sa�.d agreement dated Augus� 3.r3, 1936. Passed �a.nd adopted by the City� Commi.asion of t}a:e City oP Clearwater, F].orids thia 17th day of Aug�x�t� A.D. 1938 ATTEST: (Signed� R. �. areen (S3�ed) J. E. Satterfie7.d $yor-Commi.as oner C ty kudi�or 8c C1or& � � . ■ Moved by Mr. Batchelor: aeconded by Mr, Marah the.t the Reso7.uti.on. be sdopted end upon roZZ oall the foll.owing vote was polZed: Ayee; Mayor-Cammissioner Qreen Mr. gaker Mr. �Ba,�ahelor Nir. Marah Nays; None. Whereupon th.e Mayor ascl.ar�9c1. the Resoiution unanimousl� adopted and signed the same, NIr, Marsh introduced the fbl2orvin� F(esalutioz�: "BE IT R.�SOLVED by the City Commission assenbled '�hat Wi�REA.S the destructiqr_ of the City� owned portion oi the Cle�ar- water Beacsh front on the Gu].f of Maxico thrcnzgh eroa3.nn is procseeding at suoh an aZarming rats as to e�cite the concern of the City Gommisaion and as the Cit? has no funda to proceed to eonatruct the necessarg groins to protec� this Beach arxd atop this erosion� theretore the Commisaion hereby instructs the Pda�dr to request the INPA Diatriat Direcvor to approve applioation for Pro3�et Noe 18 for groins to protect th3.s port3on of the Beaoh that is awned and anntrolled b� the City entire�;�. And that the Commission heretivi.�tlz cert3.i�r tha.t to the best of their kriowledge and beliaf, the groins propoaed to be built under this project ` are now wholly�,and entirel�g on px�opertg o�vned and controlled by the City of Clearcrater, Passed and adopted by the Cit� Commiss3.on of the City of Clear- water, Florida this the 1'7th day of Augtzst, A.D. 1936. {Signed_) R. E. Green ayor- o as• oner ATTEST. (Signed) J. E. Satterf#�e'+d City Aud3 or & er Movod bg ;�[r. Marsh, seconc3ed bq bir, I3a�tc}�.elor t'!aat the Resolution be �dopt�cl and upon roli call the fo].2owing vote was pnliec�: Ayes: Mayor-Commissioner Green. 2vir. Baker Mr. Batche].or Mr. Marsh Nays: None, Whereupon the Mayor declared the Resalution unanimausly adopte3 and sigaied the same. There being no fu�'ther bUs311s88y �che meeting was thereupon adjourne&. � yor o ss one ATTES�: t ud or8eCer ■ e a P , �' . . .. . .... . . . ... .. . . . . i . _. . ...� , . . . . A�� . .. MINUTES OF TH� G".LTY COMIJfI3SI0N �UC�IIST 31, 1936 The mambers oi tha Gity Conarnisnion ot the Cit� of Clsar� veater, Florida me� on the a.bov� data w�.th the �ollowing members pre�bnt: Ma�or-Commisaaoner R. E, Green L, A. Marsh I5. 04 $atehelor R. L. Baker J. "e arsy App].ioation. of Fred Saunders for Ta�s Ad j�Astmen� was preaented. Moved l,�y Mr. Marsh, seconded b� Mr. Ba�ch�lor an.d cara�ied that a coarmi�tee be a�poin�ed to i:�vestigate, end t%t said committae b� empowered ta act �.n ita discretion, The Ch.air appo3nteci Mr. Nichols and Mr. Batchelox� on sa3.d conar.itiee. Moved 1�y Mr. Marah, secsonc3ed by Mr, Batchelor snd carr�.ed t}aat penaltios, co�ts, advertis3.ng, and inte� �st be wa�.ged on propertios cooered by file search rnxmbers 99T1, 9912 and 15484, ��ic3 properties being ov�ned by Ba�kin D, Barbero Moved b�r b'Ir. l�arsh, seconded bp Mr. B�tchslor and aarried that Mr. Raymand Lee be appointed to fill the vaaancy on the Civil Sarvic�s Board. 1�7rr. Batchelor introduced Ordinancsa Nuuiber 413 and uioved its ad�ption o� its Pirst rea�iinga IIpon roZl. ca13, t�s fol.lotving vote v�ras �olled: Ayes: hiayor-Gommissioner Green h�r. Batchelor iRr, I�arsh Mr. Baker Mr. Barry Nays: None. Moved by Mr. Batche7.or, g�donaea bp br�. Marwih and unanimouaZ� oarried that the rules be wai�ed and �he Ordinanee be plaeed upon its second r�ading at onca by title on1y. The Ord3.naace havin� lbaen read by title, moved by Mr. Bat�helor' aecond.ed by Mr. M�rsh that the rules �ie i1�.rther v�aived and that the Ordirianae be passed its second reading. IIpon roll oa119 the fo7.lovring vota wes po3.led: Ayes; Mayor-�ounnisaloner Green l�ir, Batchel�r M.r. Marah BQr. Baker Mr. Barry �iays: None. Mogeci b� �Ir. Batchelars seconded b� Mr-. Biarsh and unan�.m�uslg carried that the ru].es be tlzrther �waived ancl th9 Ordinance be placed upon i.te thtrd read.ing 'at once in �Zllm Mb�ed by Mr, Batchelor� , I j .( : �.- ; �� ■ '•� y seaonaed by Mr. Mas�sh and unanimausly asrried t1�t the Qrdinance be passed �t� third and f3nal reading immediate7.g and upon roll call, the �o3lovPing vo�e wsa polied: Apes: Mayor-Comm3.seioner Green M,re Batahelor Iyir. Mar�ah Mr. Balser Mr. Barxy Nays: rlone. Whsreupon, the Mayor deeZaxed the Ordinan�e pasaed and signed �he a�a.me �s follo�vs: Ordinance No. 413. AN ARDIIdANCE PROVIDING FOR AND FIXINa CERTAiN OCCUPATIONAL AND BIISi�:�'�S LTCENSE-FOR THE C2TY OF J.�LEARWATER, F'I,Ot;.2DA, AND PROi/IDING PENALTY FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY THEREYVITH. BE IT ORDAINID BY TEE CITY COb�+QISSION OF' THE GITY OF CLEARWATER� FZORIDA: SECTION le No persorz ahall engage in or manage the profession, business or occupation h4reinaPter named, withi.n the Gitp o� Clearvaater, unless a City LTGIIVSE shaZl be aecured from the City Clerk of this City, which liaex�sa sha.l]. be issued to each per.�on or persons on reue�pt of �k�e amoun.t ixoreinafter stated, and the same • aha11 bs aigned b� i�he Ci'tp Clerk and the Cit� NIanager, and shall have the Citg Seal affixed. SEGTION'2. Exaept as hereinaf'�er provi@ed no person, �irm, or csorporation shall be required to proaure mora t�aan. one �.icenae for eaeh place of business, Fsnd he shalZ gay therefor the h3.ghest am�u,nt pagabYe hereunder for any oF the occupat3ons' busineasp or profession hereinafter named in v�hici� he uag eng�ge. No liaense shall ba 3ss�a.ad for a period oi' less than six (6) m�on�hs, excapt as herein�tar �pecifically atated, provided that for each license issued betwesa Oatober 1st anc7: Apri1 lst of eaeh �ear the ti�.11 amount of 1laense �ax hereby impoaeci shall be paid: and for e�eh license issixed aftar Apri.l Ist of esala year, a�ae half oP the total amo�u�.t of license shall be pa3.d: exeept that this shall not app3y to licenses authorized to be 3ssued �or a par3.od of one week or less. ' A. T,c�ur'� st campa : l. 100 car aapacity or tzn.der �125.00 2. 7:a1 tQ 300 gar capacit� 250,00 3. 30�. to 500 car capaoitg 400.00 More than 500 carGscapaci#� 500.�0 B. Auto acscessories, demon�trating and sc�llingr per week , � 25.00 Cs BU.'�.�-Ci�Tig and Loe:n associa�t9.ona � 25.00 D. Insurantse agenc3.e�, for each comg�ny re}5r_�esented � 35.00 E. Dry c3.eaners ancl pr9s�ing c].u'�s �$ 25.00 F. Movin� pic�ture theatree �I00.00 Q�. Ice eream m.arn�.factv.rers � 25.00 H. Novelties� han.tseYtold utensils, de�m�netratisag and eellin,�, per wk, � 25.00 I. Ice cream aarts, or wagons,• each veh3.c].e �50.00 � � �.. m 0 �. _ .. _ .� -�v� Al]. ].icenae taxee herab,y oraa�.nea ahal]. be aue and peyab7.�. on the #'irst day o£ October o� eaeh qear, and 3� not paid vrithin thirby (30) da�rs �.h.ereafter, �he same aha.1]. be canaidsred in deiaul.t, and it ehall be, and it ia hereby made �he dutg of the Gitg Mana�er to maka affiday3.t Por the arreat o� any person f�.ilin�, or rofu.sing to pay the 3a�e, anc'i to cauas the samo �o be �rvu�ht before the NfuniaipaZ Cotirt for trial. The r�.ght to revoke an� :licen.se issued under the provisions of thia Ordi�nanee, For cause, 1s reaerved to the C�ty of Clearvaa-ter, and said revoaation shall be made at the diraction of the Cit� Comniission. Any peraon or person:s, firm or corppration, or aseoaiation that shal], carry on or canduct ang bu.s3ness� ooaupat3on, or profesaion, for whiah a Xiaense �.s herebg re�zirad, withaut Yirat obtaix�ing a licen.ae, Ahall, upon convicstion, be gun.3.shed by a iina oi not more then �cvo h�,indred (�200.00) dollars, or be impriabned for not more than sixty (60) days or both.. SECTIAN 3. AZ7. Or�linancsea or parts of Ordinances in confliet here- wi��., be, ancl the same are herebq repealed. Thi� Ordinanae shall take effeat immediately upan i-�s pasaage. Passed and. adopte� b� the Citg Commission of �hs C4.ty o� Clearwater, Florida this the 37.st dag of August, A, D. 1936. (Si�sed) R. E. Green syor- o ss oner ATTEST: {Signedj J, E, Satterfielci �„ . ._ C g Aud tor & C er Nfr. -Batchelor introdu�ed an Ordinance to govex�n vseights �.rid measures in the City of Claar�a�er xor ita first reading and moved its adoptflic�n9 sseozul.ed by L7r. &Iarsh and upon ro11 oe.1Z� the followe arzg vote was polTed: Ayee; Nfayor-Comtntssioner Grasn Mr. Ba'�chelor RZr, Marsh Mr. Bak�r Mr. Barrg Nayst Nano, Moved by htr. Marsh, seconded by I�r. Batchelor and carried tha.t th�, Chair appoint a Come�ittee with porrer to act it� the salaotion oP a doator to make examinat3ons under the Dairg Ordinanc� of the Cit�r of Clearwater, The Chair appointed Mr. Barry, Mr, Baker and Mr, Fioht to serve on said commit�ee. i�oved b�g Mr. Batc�aelor� seconded bg 1,'Lr. Barrp and carried that the sum oP �75,00 aasYt be aacsptad in fizll settlemen� on all taxes and specia7. assessments against Lot 42, Block G, Sunset Point Sub thraugh taxes for th� y�ar 1935. There being no f1lr�her business, the mee.ting was thereupon aci j rnzrned, ago -Cot� .sa' one . ATTEST• "y Au r op � ■ �