07/31/1936� � i" " MINUTES OF THE CIT�'COMMTSSION ' July 31s�, 1936 T�.e City Comm3.ssion of the Cit� of Glearv�ater, Florida, met on the above date, in special meet3n� assembled, with the iollo�ving membors present: Ray E.Green, Mayor-Cov�nissioner J. A. Barry, R. L. Baker, �i. 0. Batchelor Moved by Mr. Barry, seconded by Mr.Batchelor, and Garried, � that Mr. Polhill be paid ��2000.00 on accoun�, applicable to the Re£unciing Expense . Mr. Barbqur addressPd the Commisgion relative to tra�t of Iand oP�ned by Gre�ory, Moore & Barbour on the island, asking that the city �.00k into th.e matter of repai��ing the seawall, as the property along the seawall has been c�edicated as a street, The matter v�as refsrred to the Enginaering Department for a report. Moved by Mr, Batchelor, seconded by Pdr. Baker, and:carried, tha� the city charge ��1.00 cost for satisfaction upon redemption of tax sale certificates which are filed at the Court House, and �1.15 cost on Special Assessment Certificates. Moved by Mr. Batchelor, seconcled b� Mr. Baker, and carried, that �50.00 additional discour_t be allowed in settlement of taxea on Lot 7, B].ock F�, Country Gluo. 1l2ayor Green design.ated Mr, Batcl��lor to act as Acting ivia�or Coimnissioner during his absence irom the City, Mr, Barry i:ztroduced the fallo�aing resoTution: C i _� _._ ,�... .., ,.._...,�,.., _,...._ �,__ __ _ _ ,-..,.._,. �..�.�_..�... -___ ... . �.__ .. _._..__.. . _ . , , .. , � ._.,,�,n.� - ,, r..._�..__ _._.. ___ ... RESaLU2'TaN OF TFiE CI'i'Y CO�itdT5S�0Id OF' THE CI'.�3i' 0� GL£ARI�'�A.T�Rp FLOR�DA. 4V�,.'REA.S �hera a�geax�� upon tha te.x rolls of th�s Ci�y taxos assense� aga�.nst th.a Tr�mp�a a.x1� G� Cs�a.s� Rai'�roacl ComPan�s and wzpa9.c1 i'o� �-.�e yegx�s 19�1s 193�� 3.933 anel 1934d tig�Y'A��'�,�.T.l� 'fiY1Ca �U3�1 O� �°�A`��'Ja��g 0.31G� V�HEREAS: � e3:�12 R. Powe�.1� T.�.� �-zncl �onr�r Nl. Ancica��ona Rerseivers o� �he Sembea.x°c� Air I�ine Ra3.yw$� Compan� Yiav6 qu���• t�onc�d. �he �a3.?c13:�y of �he auwun� ofl' �sa�.a t�xas, anc3 i�.avep purs�xan.ic �o an a�ree�nt r�a�hed t�3:'�n, �c�s b€�c3.�a aa�3.��£�.orl antl discho.x�god the lien o� sa2d taxesx �nciud�.zag �.rstero�t arad pena���eg t�ereonA and he.ve been g9.vex� rece�p� �ho�efo� as �03.10�: ,eCle�rwa�er' Fla. �'u].�r 31� 39 ;�; : - :Re�eived o�' T,e�.�,t�. R. �ov�o�ls Jr., as�.d Henz��r W, . 1�.Y2derson, a.� R�tse�.ve�s ��' t%.e Soaboexd As'.r I,3na Rs.�.lw�y Compa�� �1y353.37 i.n s'�i.�. sa�tZer,zent� r13.�cI1a��e �nd satiaf'e�.c��.on of �13. �a�es t�� ever� �c�� chara,c�er and desc��.pt�.flnD. inc%tc3.9.ng 3.n�e�e�� aiad/or pana3.��es tho�ean, a�sessed a�a3.ns� thP Tampa & Gu3.f' Coaat Ra5;3ras3 CoYapany f'ar �ho yeara Z93�.p 19�e� �.933 anel 393g'P NO�, �i3II�'OREp BE Il RESOLVED �Elsa� iche sa�c� set�l.ement j b.�re3.nbe�'ore rafeayreci �a bos a�nd �he s�as �sD hes�o'�� conf'�.x�ec3; :•�<. 3E IT F'tJR�fi RE�OLVED that �he D3s�rici: Cour� a�' th� ` Uz��.tad S�ates �n s�ncl fnr �hfl �ou�kar�s� D�a�fc�iet o�' F�nr3da bo , la.eroby t°eq,ue$to3 t� o��ex� an o-rcler ixz �h�.� cause s�yZed Be�h3eh;e� . S�ee1 �orporat�a.on ve-r�u� the Soa'boa�ai A�r I,3na RaS.lwaq Compa�a;y� �ca3.x� egnity ease No, 700s pend9a� �.n s€i�.c1 Gottrta d@�ree�,n�; the apprava3. arrd rsongl.rm.a.�ian p�' the se�tle�en� o� the taace�s o� tho Tampa arsc� Gu7.� Cc,ast i�ra.3.lroad Company abnve x�ofer-r4d to as maclo by Lo9.�1a. R� PoweZ1� Jr. j and Honry �rJ. A�de�sony Recoivdr� nf �Lhe Se�ab�axd A��+ Bine RailPray Cor�pany, and reatraining and praverr�ing ` � .� _ _._ ,_ _ .,,. . _. :_ ., �: �� � 0 .,._ , , . „ _ ._ ,. , _. , � . ,., _ _� _ �, ..� .�.:�,� � ; The C3.ty� o� �'! ear�ra�er, T'larida :'rom herea�t4r �.n, a�y rn�r�,ner att�mp��n� ��s co3.leest f'ram the lampa �s�.c•1 Gt�Zf Coast Ra3.;lr�ecl Caffipany an,a the Seabonrd Air Line i�a3.ic�ay Gorm,�axi;p� ar�d 2�s �oco3.�vo�s� mn� fwrt;k�o� ac3.dit3ona.7. �vm ith�.n tha� vrla�eh raas bsen pa9.d. 3r,. se���.offiex�t o�� or ori. e.ccovx�t ca�� th� �ax�.� hereinb�fore �Ci9'. t3u1'.. . P.(4SSL� and ADOpT�D �hh�.sa �he 3�:t�t day' ,o� �i�.l,�ry 3.936. (Si_gn�d) R. E. Green ;�Ol' o1ffiCl SFS�OZIQY' ,-.:.. A��Ta (Signe�) J. �. Satte��i.a3.d p u or er Moved by Mr, garry� seconded by lJfx�. Baker, that the resolution be adopted, and upoi� roll ca11, Ray E.Green, J. A. Barry, R. L. Baker and D. 0. Batc��elor voted aye, so �he resolution Hr>,.s adopted unan.i.- mously. Iuoved by 1�Ir. Eaker, seconded by Mr. Barry, and carr•iad, that the proper City Officials be authorized to sign a contract Prith A. G. Vdright for collection of delinquent insurance licsisss, as fo�lotivs: GONTR'CT OF AGREERiENT STATE OF FLO$IDA COUNTY OF E'TNELLAS A contract employing A. G. Wrigl�.t af Atlanta, Ga., to iaake an inveat3.gation and collect unpaid delinquent pri�ilsge license �axes including licenses due Oct. 1st, 1935 but not subsequent thereto from Insurance Companies or Corporations doing business in the CITY OF CLEARV�IATER. � 1. It is undPrstood and a�reed that the City does not incur any expense or liability in connec- . tion with the above other than the rate oi commis- sion hereinafter specif3,ed. 2. It 3s understood and ag�eed that the City will allow the use of its of'ficial stationery and the City Clerk wi11 approve and sign le}`�ers drsftecZ to such companies or corporations. 3. Only Companies or Corpora�io��� due to �ay license or piivile�e taxes under the State Zaw an3 under the City Ordinance of C1eai�water shall be approacla.ed and the names of such local agents representing such companies shall be duly furnished to the CitycF Clearwatei. 4. It is distinc-�ly understood that the co1- loction of such priv3lege or liconse taxes will in no ��ray affect any local ci�izen. 5. Al,l paytuents of euch �rivi7.ege tax sha11 � . ,: , ; � be paid direct to �Ghe City Clerk, and the commission as 9et out '�• below sha11 becoi�� due a.n,d pe,yable to sa3d Wright when pay�nent °�r�. is received by the City. ,.,_. 6, The cormnission to be paid shall be an amounb equal to fifty (50�) per cent oi the money received. This contract can be term3na�2d and c�ncell,ed aftor sixt� - days from da�e k�.ereof ry the Citg of Clearwater givin� tnirty days notic� in writing to A. G. �9right. (Si�ned) A, C. Niahols, Attest; Cit� Manager, {Signed) J. E. Satterfield, City Auditor & C1erk. {Signed) R. R, Catlin, rep. A. G. �,�!right, 415 8th Ave. PT E,, St. Petersbttrg, �.dapted July 31st, 1936. Address; Station '�A°, Box 33, Atlanta, Ga. There being no .further busineas t�ie meeting vras thereupon adjourned. Attest; Mayor-c,o�.ssioner C y u itor 8a .Ler r. i 9 1 d� . ( a 4 s . . . . . . � '��� . . . . �. i t"1 � .. MCNtT.L'�S OF THE CI`�Y COMMIS�ION AIIi�IIST 12, 1936 The membera oP the City Comm3asion of the Citgr of C].earwater� F`i.or3da met on the arav� date at a spocia7. meeti.ng assembled� with " the followix�g members presen�; D. 0. Batchelor� Aating Mayor-Commi.ssioner Ro L, BaT�cer L. A. Marah Moved by Mr. �iarsh, seconded by h2r. Baker and carr3ed that tha City Commisaion approve an ar�sigizment oY 1ee.se held by Mr. Hatz on the Park-Inn property on the Ielanrl �o Park-inn•In�orporated. Moved by Mr. Baker� seconded by Mr, Marsh an.d carried that the City- Auditor & Cierk be authori^ed to cancel all city taxes and speaial asses�meniG liens againat the prnperty o� the Be].mont Nuraery School. Mr. Marsh ,'Lnta�oduced the follovring resolutiou: RESOLIITION OF THE CITY COIv�CSSiOPT OF THE CITY OF CLEARIVATER, FLORIDA, MAKING AN ADDITIO�iTAL AP�'iiOPRIATION FOR THE FISCA� YEAR ENDING APRIL 30th, 193'7. WIiEREAS, no provis3.on was made in the anrnxal budget for the pay- ment o� �50�.00 to apply on iaxes of Mr. E. T. Roux in consideration o�' his deeding to th.e City his interest in the right oP way oi �ilaart^ater �traet and WI�itEAS, no provisias� was made in tlze �iity 'trtzdget for ;pagment oP �reight on clay used .for improvement of the Bal1 Park i.ti the preceeding fiscal year and WHEi?EAS, said amouni;s are noer due and payable. Ti�REF'ORE BE IT RESOLVID by the Ci�y Com�i�si.on of the City ni Cloarwater, Floricia, firat' that an appropriation of �500.OQ be, and ia hereby,made to cover the eos� oi Mr. Roux�s posseasion of the righ� of way to Clearuvater Street, � TT F'tTR�HER RESOLVES the.t the amcunt oi �51E3.06 be and 3.s here'by e.ppropriated for the payment of ireigixt bilZs on e1ay� used in the ' previous fisca7. y�ar for the Ba11 Park in Ciearwater. Passed and adopted by �he City Cotmnis�ion of the City� of Clear- water, F].orida this 12th day of Augus$, A. D. 1936, AT TEST : ( Si gn.edAoting�MayoreC otmmi s a3.oner (Signed) J. E. Satter�'3.e1d G g Aud or G er Acting -Comm3ssioner W:aereupon, T�e/1�ayor/deaYr�rad the Resolution duly adopted and si�ned the same.' ■ - Moved bg I�r. Iialter� seconded try Mr, Marsh end aarried that the City Manager lae authorized to spend up to �6�OQ0 for the purohase and �;-- instsllation of an eleotrioal generator, together wi.th the necessary switch boards� ete. for use with �he waste hea� boiZar being inetall.ed in the i�ainerator. Commissioner Marsh introduaed the folZowing resolution: - . . RESOLIITTON T(7 VACATE A('ERTAIN PART OF' ROGKAWAY STREET 4YITff1�t THE CORPORATF Z.,.Pt�[TS UF THE CITY �Lt' CLEAFi1�JATER. PIHEREAS, on the 27th da� of Febru.ary, A.D. 1931s a oertain ma.p or plat w�.e recorded in the offiee of the Glerk of the Circuit Court in and for Pi,ne'!las County', Florida, in P1at Book Z9� page 96� entitled "A Re-Su'b oi' Blocks 10 - 11 and Lota 2 to i5 inclusive lBloek 9,, oP the R�v3,sed Map of C7.earwater Beach, as reoordod in Book 1T, page 5, Pinel3.as Countg, Florida recorda" ; and WHEREAS, 3n and by said ma.p Rockaway 3treet as ahown on sa3.d ma.p is shown to be a s'�reet 80 ft. in �vidthy running east and'weet �rom the 3.rsteraea�ion of saisi I�ocka�vag Street with I�andalay Road on th:e easi anrl interseeting the Beaeh Drive on the west ; and. i�FQ�, prior to the recording,of th3.s map the City of Clear- wat�r has always uaed the north 40 f�e o� thb said 80 fy. oP R�ckaway Street as shov�n. on said. map; ata3 U7AEREAS, the C3.ty of Clearv�ater lias not� since tha filing of said map, appropr�ated and u�ed for street purpases the south half of Rockav�ay Stree� as shov�n on said map; and W1�REAS, th.e sa_:° �itg of Clearwater has never accepted th.e dedl- cation offered for the �iling of sa3d map and no persons within �Ghe City oi Clearwater ha.ve uaed the south porti�ns of RAckaway Street, that is to sap, the south 40 �t. oF RockaRag Street, as a roadwag and publi.a thoraughfare; and WHEREAS, the C3�y of Clearvaater, b� a certain Ordinance, being; Ord3.riancse No. 294, duly adopted on Octobar 25, 1934, 3n and b� sa3d Ordinance cloaed limbler`Stree� as shown and d�sigaated iri Plat Book 5, page 2, of the Axb1.3c Recoras of Pine].1as County, Florida, and as shown an Plat Book il, page 5, of the Pu�13c Recorda o�' Pinellas C�unty, rior�.aa; and WHEREAS, subsequent to the Gl'oaing of said Ambler Strset tha said st;reet Y�as been continuausly used by the public generally as a pu,blio street or thoroughfare; azr.d WHEREAS, the ovrz�.er oP the land abut�Eing Ro�kaway Straet and the ovmer of the land ahuttin� Amb7.er Street has agreed that if the City a� Cl�arwater will vacata the soutl� 4Q ft. of Rockaway Street, as 3hocPn„ on tne mag recorded in Plat Book 1J, page 96, that he wi11 secuxe a dediaa- tion of the north 20 it� of Ambler Street as shom�. an F?��.t Book l•Z� page S, of the Public Recorc�s o� Pinell�.s County� Florida asid in addition thareto v�i7.l pay the City o� Clearrrater the sut� oP One Than�:sand (�l, 000.00 } Do11s��s,� BE IT RESOLVEDs TIiEREFORE, by the Git� Commission of 'the CitS oi C�.eararater that tha soru�h 40 ft, of that aertain str�et aeas�atea on Plat Book 19, a't page 96, as the same sppeara of reaord in tiie oPfice oi thA Clerk oi the Gircuit Crnzrt in ar.d for Pine:lls.s Caunty, Florida, shovrn.to be Rookawag Stree�, be ana �he s�me is hereby vacated and the City oP Clearwater by this resolutian reZeaaes and re73ttqu3.ahes all rtglst� �itle and inte•reat in and to the 8auth 40 ft. of said street, whether said interea� has or mi.ght have accnu.ed by reas�n of the dndication appearing on the aaid plat or other�vise, � U,� �; VPhfieh waa react in i`u].1 an.d after discuasi.on thereoP, Qotmn3.ssivner Mar$h moved t�he:t the Rasalu�ion. as nead 'be adopted, which. motion was seconded b�* Commisainner Baker. Upon ro11 c�.11, the fal].owing vote was po�.le&: Ayee; Acting Mayor-Commiasioner Batahelar Cormnissioners Marsh and Baker Nagr; Nona. Absent and not voting: Mayor-Gor�nn.tssioner Green and Cotmnisaioner Barry. Thereupon the Acting 7�tayor••Commissioner dec].ared the Resolutlor� duly adoptecl., Paseea and. �.dopted bg the Cit9 Comm3.esionsrs of the City oP Cloarwater, Floria�., this 12,t�. day 4� Auguat, �1.D. 1936. (Si e�.) D. 0. Satchelor Ac g ayor- o ss oner ATTEST: {Sigr�ad) J. E. SatterPield y Aud or & C er Whereupon� the Acting Mayor-Coum�.iasioner declarsd the Re3olution duly adopted ancl. signrd the same, Mr. Marsh introduced t�e �o11o�v3.ng resolution: BE IT HESOZVED by the City Commission of tha City oi C7.ear�nater, Florida' Thats The City Man�:g�r'�e and h� is hereby auth�rized and. inatructed to accept the change oP Zocation of gas mains at �he f�2lov�ing location9; 225 feet of gas mains �hich it is csalled for to r�u�s i'r�m the cornor of Sunset Drivre and Macomber Ave. East on Sunaet Drive to Betty Lane� ta be ohangad t� run Norti� on Macot�ber Avanue Prom the �.bove namad interssc� tion. . Qhange 850 f9et of 2 inch gas main on Sunadt Dri,ve bs��reen Sunburst Cour� and Riarshall Streei; frotn the East side of tha street to the Weat side of the street. Change 80 feet of 4'inch gas mai.ns to 6 ineh gas main on Hart St. from East Ay�ue to the Se�board Airline railroada Change 200 �eet of. 6 ineh gas main on East Avenue South �'rom Har� St, irom the West aida of tne straet tc a diagona.l 13ne across and on the East side of the atraet. Pasaed and adop�3d by the C1ty Commission oi' the City of Clearvratery Florida this 12th day of August, A. D. 1936e {Signad) R, E, Green Mayor-C omm.�'CCs�oner ATTEST s (Signe�) 3. E. Satterfie].d City�c� o� r �i.e"T— Moved b� Mr. Marshr seaonded by 2�Ire BatchsZor that the fieaolution be ado�ted and upon roll call, the folloRing vote was polled: Ayes: Mr. Bal.iex Mr, Batahelor,Acting Mayor-Commi.ssioner IvIr . Mar sh Nays: None, 1Yhereupon the Acting Mayor-Couani�aioner dsclared th� Reaolution duly adopted and �tigned the same. The��e bei.ng no Purther businass, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. , ; � � /� �=, , i , � .� . . - r � • c n� ayor-Co�nn ss oner —!� �