07/06/1936, � . _ _� ,�:fi'� MIP1U'PES OF THE CI7'Y COMMISSION Ju1Zy 6, 193 6 The members of �he City Commission of the C3ty oi Clearvrater, Florida met on the above date in �. regular meeting asaembled with the follo�ring mernber� present: Mayor-Commissioner R. E, Green D. 0. L'atchelor L. A. Pdarsh J. A. Barrg R. L. Bake2� A letter from Mr. E. B. Casler, Jr, was read, tor,dering h3.s resignation from ttie Civil Serv3.ce Board. Moved bg Mr. Marsh, seconded by Iviro B3tchelor and carried that Pdr, Casler'ts resignation be accepted cuith regreta, Moved by Mr. Fiatehel.or' second:ed by Pnr. Marsh and carried that Mrm Alfred �arsh�l be appoin�ted as a member of the Civ31 Ser.vice Board in place o� hir. Casler. Moved b�y Mr. Marsh, second.ed by Mr. Batchelor and carried that the proper city of:�icials be authorized to sign a ten-year lease of the V.F.W. Homa in the Cit3* Park to the V.F.iT. bIaved by Mr. Ratchelor, secor.ded by Pdr. Massh and carried that the City accep�:: �3� 000.00 gast due City of Clearvrater bonds in payment of a3.1 outstand3:ng f�axes and assessments against �he proper�ty 7�own: as the "gennicott Grove" on the southrrest corner of Highland. Avenue and Sunset Point Drive. Moved by Mr. �arsh� seconded by Mr. Ba�Gchelor and carr�ed that an addi- tional �1,000.00 be appropriate� ior WPA projec�s, Mr. Baker in�trod.uced the following resolution: A RESOLIITION AIITHORIZING AWARD OF PROPOSAL FOR WATERViT9RKS SYSTENf, "BE IT RESOT,VED by the Ci�ty Commission assemblecl that, It is tha opsnion oi the City Corrnnission that the proposal of Boyce Comp�se Clearvrater, Fla. of J'une l, 1936 to lag the submerged water lines in Section A contract, acrosa C1ear�vater Harbor ar_d across Stavens Creak on the bottom rather than in the bottom for evhieh theg make an allorraxice oi ,�1,000.00, is to the beat interest of ths Citg and �chis proposa7. is a.ccepted. Such accept- ance being subject to th.e al�proval of the Acting State Di�ector of PV`TA. Passed ancl adoptod by -the City Connnission of ths City of Clearvrater, Fla� this the 6th day of Ju3�r A.D,,,,1936. (Si�ned) R. E. Green ATTEST; I�ayor-Gommissioner (Sa.gned) J, E. Sattert`iold c. ity Audit or ' 1e rk.� Moeed by 117r, Bakery secondsd 'by Mr, iiarry tha� the Resolution be adopted an.d, upon roll �a3.1, the foZlotiving vots vras polled: Ayess Mr. Green l�s. Batchelor IvIr. Marsh lt�� . Barry Mr. B ake r Nayst NOT18s Whereupoii the Mayor dec3Lared �l�a Resolut3.on �c�opted and signed �he sam�. N _ � � � � � � �_€i���w � , Ms�, Ba.�Cc�r 3ntroduced the folZowing resol.ut3on y, A RESOI,iJ�ION AUTETORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOS.AL FOR CHANGE IN ZAYING GAS T�INES PWA PRQJECT DOCKET 1202-2-R � ��BE IT RESOLVED by •tl�s Gity Counnission assembZed tha't �t is tYte opinion of the Citg Coxmnission that the proposal of Boyco Company, CiearwTater, Florida of June l� 1936 to 1ay the submerged gas 1;cnes ixL Sect�on "H" crntract� acrpss Qle�rwa�er Harbor and across Stevens Creek on �tY�s bottam rather than in �the bottom� fox �rhiqh they make an allowance of $�500�00= 3,s ta ths be�t intea�ests oi the City �nd �Ghis proposal 3s accepted� Suo� accepf;anco being subject to the approval of the Acting State Directox of PWA. Passed and aclopted by the Citg Commissioi� of the Citg of Cleaxwater� �'].orida this t�.e 6th day of July� A,D,, �.936, (Si.gned) H. �. Green ATTEST: y- ou�n asioner (s3gnea)` J, E. satterfiela C�'�-�y` Audii;or Clerk, 2�2oved by Mr. Baker, �econded bv Mr. Bars�i• that the Resolu�ion be adopted and, upon ro11 ca1.1, t}�e follovJing vo�e tvas polled: �ges: Mr. Gresn Mr, Batchelor Ms'. I�arsr. , I�r, Barry 14Srm Baker Nayst None, . Vdhereupon the niayor declared the Resol�a.tion duly adopted and signed 't�):e s 8L'le „ Ti�re being no furt�er business� the meeting was thereupon �.aJou�nsa. �.� -� ATTEST: a�y-or•—Co �sioner / • Auditor & C7.erk. ,�� _ � - „, , _ _..Wn , ._.:: _ _ ■� ;� , � s . ; � , ' i � �� � �� � � � � ,� � i� � i MINIITES OF THE CITY COMMZSSION + J'ULY 20s 1936 �he members o� t}ze City Cotmnission o� tTze Q�3.�y of Cle�rw�tter� Florida met on the above date at a regular meeting asaembled, with the Pollnwing membe�rs preaent: R. E. Graen, N:ayor-0ommissioner J. A, Barr� D. 0. Hatchelo� R. L. Baker L. A. Marsh Mr. Narsh i.ntroducecl Drc3�nanes 47.2 Po�^ i�8 sseon@ reading witl� the understanding tha.t inspection is to be suriervised lag some person as.iis�actory to �he Sat�3.�.;ary Ins�actor on a�'rae basis. Seconded b� �Ir. Batchelor. Upon ro11 ca11� the �'ollowing vote was pql�eds Ayes: Mayor-Commissioner Green 1�dr. Marsh Mr. Batchelor I�dr. Baker Mr. Barry � Nays; None. �'�hereunon, th� Mayor dee].ared the (?rd3nance duly passeci i-�s se�ond reading. ' P�oved by Mr, N[arsh, secondad by Ivir. Batchelor and unanimously aarried that the rule� be �ra3ved and that Jrdinance Number �l2 b�. placad upon ita third reai33�g 3mtn.ed3.ately in f�z11. �he Ord3nance haviug been raad in ib:�.].j maved by Lir. Marah snd seeonded by h[r. 3atcha2or �hat �the ru7.ea be i�zrther waived and that the 6rdinence be pas�ed i-ts third read3.nga Up�n roll aall, the foilotiv�.ng vote was polled: Ayese Mayar-Commiseionez� Green P1Ix�. Ma.rsh P1Ix�. Batcnelor idr. Baker MZ. Barry Nays e �ior�e. Vdhereupon the �Iayor doclared C�rdinance 412' duly and finsll� gassed as iol].oers arid s{�ned the same; ORDINAIvv^E N0. 412, �,�:? AN ORDINANCE Tc� AMEND SECTIONS 4a 19, 26� 42 and 43 OF TIiE DAIRY CODE OF TEE' CI'P3� OF CLEARWATER, F`T,OKIDA9 ORDINANCE N0. 284� EN'!'ITI;ED ° AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ii DAIRY CODE ; REaDLATING THE PRODUCTION, HAN7�rTNG, DISTRTBIITING� LABELINGg G�iADTN(3 �ND SALE OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS 50LD OR TO BE SOLD IN tL'IiE CITY OF CLEARWAY''k;R, FLORiDA; �LSO REGTJLATTNG INSPECTION AND PERMITS FOR DAiHIES IN DISTEtIBU`!'ING PLANTS AbTD PR0- VIDING FOR THE PAYMENT QF CERTAIN''F"EES OR CNARGES TO COVER A PART OF T�iE COST OF INSPECTION OF DA'iRIES, DATRY FARMS OR DIS2'RIBIITORS SF��I�iG 0$ DISTRIBIITiNG MIT�K OR MILK PRODIICTS IN THE CIfiY OF CLEARWATER, FIXING �'HE AMO'pN'.P TH�R�OF AND PRF¢SCRiBINQ A PENALTY FOR THE VIDLA.- T20N OF THE TEFINIS T$EAE�F,'r BE IT ORDAINID BY THE GTTY COMMISSION OI' THE CITY OF CLEARWAT�t, FLORIDA ; SECTION �. That Section 4 of the �2airg Cade d� the C3tg of Glear�rater� . . . . . _ ,. . __ _ _ , , __ _.. - _ _ _:i A '' ; i 4 Flarida� Ordinance No. 2849 be and tha same is hareby amended to read as foliows. Sen. 4. PERMITS FOR DISTI3IBUTING PLAN'.PS OR PL•ACE WHERE DIIILK IS HANDLED: No m311c ahall be handled in th� City o� Clearwater w�.thaut a . permit 'issued by the Health Offiaer or otherwise t�an in aaaordanoa with the terms of said permit and w3th �he regulationa of the said �er�lth Aepartment, The provisiona of this seation aha11 nat applg ta miJ.k evhen soZd in hotels� rsatattrants snd retail stores whan such milk has been obtained from one already 3n 1awi�.i1 possession of a p�rmit for the deltvery o� milk within the City of Clearrvater, and has not been intermixad in whole or in pax�t, with milk obtained from one not so qualii3.ed. Eaali person desiring a parmit frotn the Heal.th Depar�- ment for haizdling milk sha7.1 make application thArefor on a farm to b�Q frnished by said Health Department. The Health Dep�rtmen� shall not issue a permi.�c Por Ysa.ndl�.ng miZk until aftar th� applivant �herefor has oomplied 3n a11 respects vuith the terms of the Dairy CodA of tho City of C7.earwatar as hereby amended and watil after sn sxr��aina.tion has t�een made b� the Dairy Inspact6r sa to t�e sanitsry cand3tions A� the plaae wi.ere the milk is to b@,so].d and og the place whare• the milk is to be handled in an� ways and' of the � da3.ry farms where said mi.lk is produoed aild tkee HAa2th Dep2x�tmeYat' 'i:,p eatlB�ieC1 tha� the care and treatment af said milk shall bs in accordance with the terms of this code and the regu�.�.tiona of aaid Health Departtnent. There shal]. be no elaarge :�t3r 3astting permits and tkie Cit� Health. OPfice� may, at any time, rewke a permit previausly iasued for Pailure of the hoZder thereof to com�,ly with tY�.e terms of this code. SEGTION II. That Seation 19 oi the Dairg Codd o£ the C3.ty oi Cloarevater, Florida, Ordinanae No. 2849 be and tihe �ame is hereby amended to read as fall.owa ; Sec. 19r LABELING ; .411 milk and cream sY�all l�e 1abeled in a��ordanes with the grad�a hereinai`tor eetablish.ed. Such labels shall state ��ha grade of miZk or cream and whethe� raw or past�rized, and the state 3r_ �vhich mi.l.k or oream or3.g3nated, the nat��re of the product (milk or cream) and the name of th� dairg o.r di�tributing p7.ant i'rom which soi.d, Na 3.abels ahall be used until a satnplo has bean submitted to the He�.l��. Officer and approved bg him. No gx�ades oi milk ar crnam ex�ept those hereinafter provided for ahall be offfi.c3alSg recognized by the C3.ty Health Officer, and no addi�'!ona� statement of the grade oi an,y mi].k or cream shall appear on any label wh�n deliverad to the consumer, unless agprov�d in each case by the City Health OPficero BECTION IIIe That Section 26 of the Dairy Code of tho City of Clea�c- v�ater, F�.orids_., Ordina.�.ce I?o. 284y be and the sane is hexaby amenaea �o read as �'o�.lows : Sec. 26. No persqn having a communicable disease or ca�ing for or coming in con.tact with ang person ao afflietecl, o�° who is a carrier of cpmmun:icable disease, sha11 handle milk, and all milk d�stributors or producers hald3.ng or applging Yar permits un.�;er th9 terma of this aa3e ahall cau�e all peraona employed by them in or abaut t�eir dairies, milk hauses, placea of diatributi�nn snd upon eehi.cles of dis�ributior� who in any manner come in contsct with milk, or exposed or pSaced in poaition to come in contact vPith, milk, to ba earatai.ne� by a resident phgs3.aiatl oP the Gity oi Clearwater, to bs deaig�tecl 'b� the Ci�y Ccs�mis��:o+� �a� ca�nunicable disease e.t 3.east semi�Anrn�allys and at any other time tha.t the Healtii. Officer may direat. Th.oae fovnd free frota. cot�manic&ble diaeaae ahall be Purnished a Health Certificate in accordan�e �ri�h �h:e regul.ations of the Health Departmer.t: SECTTON IV. That Sect�.on 42 of the Dairy Coc�e of the Gity af Clear- water� F'3orida, Crdix►an�a NDe 284� be and the eam� is horeby amended to read as follows: Sec. 42. Whoreas, in the enforcament of the prov3.aions of the Daixy Cod.e oP the �ity of Cloai�water, �'33ricia, relating to the inspeetion of dairies, dairy Yarres or distributors, the Haalth Departmen.t inour� cent�ain expenae� a part of v�nich it is doemed proper ehauld be borne and paid by the d�iries, �:air� farma or diatributora producing or se3.1�.i�g mi7.2� a.�sl mil.k prQdtxcts in the C3�ty oP Glearwatar, it ia he�eby provided that egary person' firm or corgora.�ion �ngage3 in the �roduction or handling oi mi7.1� ar milk producta to be aold or distributed in the Cit3r Of° C�.BAl'�145'Y.OZ' ahall pay to the City of Clearwate-r' througYs its Health Department, an in.apection iee ox� eharge, of five �centa per m3.le each way j i � � � .� ��, « r � from the City Hall in CZearQvater to the poin.t of inagection and return, such i'eae or rsharge� to be paid in advanes oi ea�h inspection made by . the Health Degartment o:� the City thraugh 3.ta proper off�eera and employeos. Inspeat3on of auah d�.iries and dairy �arms ahall be made every months bu� not ofteaer� unlesa the City HeaZth O�Yicer shall deem edditional inspeotion n6asasary to the pu.b3.3.a heaZth.. SFCTION V. Tha.t Section 43 oP the Dairy Code of the City of C1.eax- water� Florida, Ordinance Noe 2�4, be and the same is hereby ame�c�ed to road as follow�s Ssci;3on 43. The City Commissiors shal�_ not hane the right to �,va;?:��e or au�pend any of the r9quirementa or prov3.sions oP �his Ordinance� exc�pt by repoal hereoP. SECTION �: This (}r�3nance shall g�s into effeat upon its publication sa requ3,red bs Section 23 of the Cha.rtsr Act of the Citg of Clearwate�, F�.orida. PASS�D ANU ADOP�ED by the City Couanias�.on of the City of C1A�r�rater� �'lorida, this 20th day of July, AoDs 1935, (Signed)� R. E� Green ayor- o ss oner ATTEST: (S3.gn.ed) J. E. Satter£ield �ty Auditor & C er Pas$ed �irst reading Apr11 61 Z936. Passed seconci and �hird reed3ngs Jtzly 20, 1936, IJf�. Marslz introduced the follor�ing reaoZution: � RESOLIITION Resolved that the C3.ty of Clear�ra�ar, �l.orida, having no recorcl of a�unicipal tax sa�s certif3oate nu�nbered 35, issu.ed on bia;� 1,� 19Q5, for delinquen•h town taxes of' the yoar 1904, in the principal amount of ��7.15, whioh certifiaate was sold ta the "To•sn Treasurer"of Clearr�ater, Florida, and filed for record in the Ta;� Sale Records of the C�.erk o� Cireuit �ourt of Hi].lsboraugY�. Gounty, Florida; is sati.sfiod �tha� saia certificate is na longer a`:lien against the praper�g described therein, wh3ch is "vof�� E and R Gould & Ewing�s 2nd Add.". Therefore, 3t is fh�rther resoZved, that sa�.d certifioate be decZered cancalled� and the Clerk of the Circui� Gaurt oi` Pinellas Coun��r, Florida= is herebg authorized to enter such caneellation of recorci in that o�i'icem Passe� and adogted. by the City Co�ission of the Gity o� C1ear�va'ter, �`larida this 20th day of July, A.D. 1936. ' 4Si�nad) R, E. Green agor- o ss oner AT'PEST : (Signee7: J. E. �atterfield C y u'.�or C ex Moved by Mr. Marsh, seconded by Mr. Batchelor t3sat the t�esolution be adopted and up�n roii ea11 the i'ollac4ing vote �vas polled: Ayea: Mr. Green Mr. Bateholor Mr. �darsh Mr. Be;rry Mr. Baker Nays. NOrie. lNheraupon the Mayur dec].ared the: Resoluti,on unanimously adoptad and s3gned the s�nie. ■ � `i'�:. Moved by' Mr. Marsh and seconded bg Mr. L�arry ana cerriecl tha� Mr. Batahelor and Mr. Nichals be appo3.nted as a aommi�tee to inveatigate the proposed �ax settlement by Mr. Burleson an ].ots in HiZlarc�st 8ub- division, rvith the power to act. A letter f`rom Mr. Alfred R�arahall, dealining the ap*�vi:�tment as a member of the Civ3.i. Serviae Board�was reed. Moved by M.r. Marsh, aeaondsd by Mr. Barry and carried tha.t Mr„ Marshall be requested to reconsider. Mr. E�arsh introduced the PoZSov�ing reeolution: RFSOLIITTC7IV E.STABI;ISHIi�IG THE BIIILDING LINE (?*T �'r�' EAST �IIiE OF SOATH FORST HARRiSON AUENffE BETWEEN' JEFFORDS �TR�ET AN!? P2NELLAS AVENUE i'VF�tEAS 3t is to the best interest oF the City to esiablish a bu3lding line on �he East side oi' South Ft. Harrison Avenue between JeFfords Street and "A" S�reet, City of Cleartivatar, thirtg� one (31.Q) feet East irom the center line of Ft. Harrison Avenuo now e�cistent, therefore BE IT RESGLVID by the C1.ty Cammission no�r assemb3ed that the buildjng line be established as �bave. BE IT F[TRTHER RESOLVED that the City Manager be instsu�ted to have this line eatablished by permanent markers at each end within the boun:�:s above descri've3. Passed and adopted by the Ci�ty Commission o� the City oi Clear�ua�er, Florida this 20th day o� July A.D. 1935. . (�igned� R. E. Green ATTF�T: • Msyor- omm ss oner (Signed� J, E.-�attei"`seld � y ud or C er Moved'by Mr. Marsh� second�d by Mr. Batchel.or that the Resalution be adopted �n.d, upott roll ca11, the follo�3.ng vote was polled: Ayes: Mayor-Commiasioner Green Mre Marsh Mr. Latchelor Mr. Barrg Mr. Bat�er Nays: None. Whereupon, the �ayor declared the Resolution duly adopted and signed the same. Mr. Bateheior introduced the fo].lowing reaolution: RE9.�I�UTION WHEREAS, the city taxes as$eased Por th:e years 1930 and 1�31 were nearl� one Ynzndrad percent hi.gher than the ta�sea before or since those yeara, tMis pra3uc3ng a high rate o� deZinquenc�; THr"�iEFORE BE IT RI� OLVID, by the City Commiasion of the City of G'lee:rwater' Florida� the.t disecru2ts on delinquent taxes for these years be d.ontlnued until 5arnzary l,, 1937, but reduced to �iftg� percent from ti�e higher percentagea h.eretofore exiating. And BE I'i' RESOLUID, That dise�un.ta on dellnquent taxes for 1929 and grlor qeara, snd on all apecial asaeaemen�s, be cson��.nued far the same period as above, tnzt decreased to eeventy-five percent from tha higher percentage he�e�tofore oxisting. And � $� IT FIIRTI�R RESOLVED, T2aa.t a previau,a resolution oP thi.s boara be conf�.rmed, aontinui.n.g until Januarg 1, 1937� the old discoun'c rates on delSnquent property on which the �taxeg o� Z934 and 1935 wers paid on or bePore Ju1y 6, 1936. Paased and adopted by the Ci.ty Gomra3.ss3on oP the Citg of Clearwatex�, Florida thi.s 20th da�t oF �'uZ,y A.D. 1936. (Signed) R. E. Green ayor- o as oner ATTEST• {�igned} J. E. Satterfield �`''i�'y�'ud 'or 3e� Moved by Mr. Marah, geconded by Mx�, Eatchelor that the Reaolntion be adopted ana, upon ro7.l ea7.1� the foll.orring vo�e vras palleds Ayes: Mayor-Commissioner Green Mr, Marsh Mr. Bat�helor 3Lr, Barry Mr. Baker TTaya; None,. Wheraupon, t'he Mayor declared the Resolut3on aul� aao�tea and signed the same. There-.baing no f`urther busin�sa, the meeting was thereupon adjourned. ATTEST: G yAudtor cC er � Pdayo -Comm as one