06/22/1936 (2)� � _�.f i�" STATE OP FZORI�;�= ) C OIINTY OF PINELLAS ) Before me, tho undersigned authority� personally appearecl, A.. C. NICHQLS, J. �,�,S.ATTERFIELD, and RAY E. GREEN:, reapect3:velY, t�ie City Mana�er, City Auditox and Cler� and Mayor-Commissioner of t�e City of �iearvratera Florida� a mun3cipal cor�oration, to me well �own to be threa of the persons who 6xecutc�d the foregoing contract on behalf oz and in the name�of the City of Glear�v��er, end sev�rall.y acl�owledgefl tha� they so exscuted said contract in the capacit3.es as therein set forth �nd for the uses and purposes therein expressed, and that tre seal thereto attached is the genuine aarporate seal of said Citys and was af�ixed theret� b�* its Gity Auditor and Clerk, TI� P7ITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereun:to set nxy hand and official seaZ at Clearvratera FloridaS tb.is the 23d day of Juneq A. D. �936e LOTTIE E. LTVINGSTON Notary Pu 11c, tate a La�g�e Ky Couunission Expires : 5EP'i'ENBER 11.th, 1939 • ( SEAI, ) i�ISTRIGT 0�' COLUrrTBTA � CI'.PY OF WASHIrI�TON ) Before me, the undors�ned authoritya personall.g appeared H. I3'. BASKIN, to me well knovm and knovrri to me to be one of the p8rsons authox�zed �o and who executed the for8going con.tract and he,as such officer and indi- vid.ua7. stated and acknowledged �ie�ore me that hs was authorized ta and ex- ecuted the same in his official capacity as President of the F'1.oz�3.de. West Co�.st Broadcasting Company� Inc., a corporatian, es the free act and cieed of said co�poration„ for the uses and purposes therein expx�essede IN VirI1^I�ESS V+fFIEREOF, I have hereunto set my harn'fl anct official seaZ, t�.s tbs aa� of , a. n. z936, • o al'�' Pu c . I+?y commission expires ; ■ � .�, �f�,g STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PITTE'LLAS ) Beiore me' the undersigrzed autharity, per�onally appeareda F. Jo LEE, to � wel]. l�ovan and l3nown to me to be one of the peraons author3zed to and v�ho executed the foregoir� contraet, and li6 as such ofiicer and individual sta�ed and aclinov�l.edged before me trit�,t he vras authorized to ancl executed the same in his officia3. capacity as Vice-President o� k'lorida 4Yest Coast Broadcasting Compang, Inc., a coi�aiation, as the free act and deed of said corgoration, far the uses and purposes therain expresoed. IN WITIJESS Wf�REOF, I have hereunto set ray hand and off•icial seal, this the 23ra aay� of Junea A. D. 1936, LO'IT.PIE E. 'LIVINGSTON PTotar� Pu lie, State at Lar�e. My Co�i.ssion expires ; Septembar 17.th, 1939, (SEP_L) Fos� the purpose of join.ing in, assenting to and ratifying a11 anc� singular the terms, covenants donditions and agreements o? the fore- going c�txact, the Chamber oi` Commerce oi CTearwater, Florida, by zts duly authorized officers 1�as caused tha sarae to be signed by said ofiicers for and on behalf of said Chamber af Cormr.erce aforesaid, the day and year first above ivritten. CHAI,ZBER OF -0OP�RCE OF CLEAR�NATER, FLO RLDA o ATTEST: BY R, B. NORTON Preside , �. J. z� Secretar�e STP,TE OF FLOKLDA ) COUNTY OF PINELLAS ) Before r�rei the undorsigned aut�ority, personally a�peared, R, B. �-08TON and F. J. LEE3 3'espeCt3Vely the P�ssident and Secratarg of the Chalnber of Commerce of Clearv�ater, E'lorida� to me Svell known to ba two of the parties who executed the forego3.ng con�ract on behalf af and in the narrE of said Chamber of Commerce, aforesaid, an.d tney severallg acl�nowled�ed that they so executed said contract in the capacities as therein set �orth, all for the uses and purpo�es thore3n expresseda and were duly autharized so to do. IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I have her6u�to set my hand and oificial seal this tY.ie 23rd ,day of Jun.o, A. A 1936. My Co�ni�sion e�,�pire� ; LOT^IE E. L2VINGSTON Sep�ember 71tha 1939,. (SEAI,) �yo;�"�y pu l c� state atr Za��e, � � ■ .,,�., �, ;�.�,�.. � 'a.:. � L � f�� Appro�*ed as to foani and correctness. �'OHN C. PQLHILI� torney or g o Cl+;arw�$�lor3.da. be' and the same is he.reby authorized,, apprnved and confirmed. 3rd; That tho proper ef.ficials of the Gity oi' Clearwater be, and they are here- by authorized to execute forth�rith on behalf of the City of Clearwater the aforesaid contraet. Cormnissioner Maxsh moved the adoption of the aUove and fare�oing Resolution, which motion vaas seconded by �ommiss:;.oner Batchelor . ZTpan ro11 call the follow- ing vote aras polled: Ayes ; Ma�or-Co�anissioner Green. Coimnissioners, Batche3.or� Barxy and Maxsh., Nays ; Commissioner Baker. Thereupon the Ma�or-Counni.ssioner declared the Rasolution dulg adoptedo Mr. Batehelor introduced the follawing resolution; ����- 1. °B� IT RESOL'VED by �he C3ty Commission assembl.ed that the �ontract for the conversion of the navr water-gas set into tre use of heavyo�]..be awarded to C. I. Tenney Engineering Company of Mir�eapolisp Minneso"ta for the swn of �1.}.,775.00, thi� bid b'e;ing most advantageous far tre C�ty to accept, such accept- ance and aatard� hovfe'very being subject to tha appr�va3 of the State D�.rector of PVJA and aiso subjsct to f`u.nds becoming available for such construct3.on`�' 2. BE I'� RESOL�'E� b� the City� Gom.miss3on assembled ths:t tb.e City Man�ger be instructed to apply far a change order to ap,ply �,775.00 n:ow a1].ocated to contingancy =o:c construction only(3c30) as set up iri �.:ho apniication for No, 1. Grant in the Certificate of Punpose� Docket ATo, Flae 1202-�2-R to constructiori and ta be lased in pa�ing for this changeb Pas�ed and adoAted by the Citg Commi�sion af the City of �learvlater, FIm id�t this 22nd day of June� A. D. 1936m (Signed) R, E: Green ATT�'ST: ayor-Co� ssianer {aigned) J'. E. Satterfield C y Au ar & C er e M�vecl by IvIr, Bat�helor= seconded by Mr. Marsh that the Resolution be acloptod an� upon rdll ca7.l, the folloirring vote wa:� pollecl; Ayes ; Mayor-Cox�nissionar Creen ItSr. Batchelor Mr. Marsh lYtre Rarry ?vtr � Baker Naps : �.Tone WYiereupon tre Ma�or declared the Resolutian adopted and si.gned the sama, Pdr. Batchelor introd.uced the �ollowing Re�olution: � .�.Fi;;� 1. i7I3E IT RE50LVID 'bp the City Commi$aion ass�ambled �ha� the con- traet claanging the presen�t two 5-it. Zenney gas generating sets 3nto a double fu.el zane equ.ipment for uae ai' heavy oil be �v�axded to the G. I. Tenneg En�inaering Company oP Minneapolis, Minnesota ior the sum of �4�500.00, this bid bein.g the mogt advant$��ous for the City to aecept, au�h accoptance and award, haqvever, being snbject to the approval of the State Director oP PWA and aZso subject to Punds hecoming auail.able Por such constru.etian." 2. "BE IT 1�ESOLV.�D b�* the City Goumtiisaion aseembled that �he City Managex� ba and he is hereby instaucted to file � amenaea application on PJ'tA Docket Nc�. Fla, 1202-2>R requ,asting that the scap� of this project be enlarged to c�ver changing ths p�esent gas genarating vnits �o dauble zon3.ng equipment and Yor the use of heaQy oil� and tha,t �4,,50fJ.00 Prom the Construction Contingency itznd and General �iscela.an�rnzs Casts in No. 1 Gr�.nt application, Certi�'icate of Purposes aP Docket 1202-2-R be allocated for Constru.ction purposes anei be applied to �the gaymsnt of this work.° 3. As th3s reduces the construction contingent and miscellaneaas iiuld� to practicall.y nathing� BE IT FtTRTHER RESOLVED that such portion oP the lOf bond resarve i'und �.s prov3des� may be used for construction C ar�.t3ngen:C ie s • Passe3 anc� adopted by the City CouBnisaiou of the Gity of Glearwater, Florida this 22nd dag af �'une, A. D. ].936. ATTEST: (Signed) R. E. Gresn ayor- rmn ss on'.0 er` (Signed) J. E. SatterY3eld C.� Au or & C er . Moved by hir. Batchelar� sec�nd�d by Ivir. Marrih that the Resolution be adcpted and upon roll call, the ffllloa�ing vot� ,��s polled: Ayesr Mayor-Cotmn.isai.nner Green 14ir. Batchelor �Ir. Marsh Mr. Barry Mre Baker Idags; I3one. ti�lh.ereupon the hia�or declared the Resolution adopted and sign.ed the sBIrie. Pdr. Batchelor introduced the ioilojs3.ng Resolution: ' ,�. BE IT RF�OLVED by the Gity Consnis9ion aassmbl.ed that the �o n- " tract chan�ing one �ve11 to �e supplied by the Tampa Armature Works from 550?�gallons' per mirnzte to 725 gallons per mirni.te at an additional cQst �or the increased numb�r ai pump stages and in.creased motox� sizes in the sum o� �p284.38 be a�varded to the Tampa Arme.ture 4�lorks, Tampa, Florida, thi.s bid being the moat advantageaus for the City �� sccept� su�ch acceptance �a a��a, hovrever, being subjact to tha approve.l of tha Aeting State Directos of PWA and also subject �o f`unds bein� availab].e for such �on- struction. 2, BE I� RESOLVED by the City Comm3.ssion asaembled t�hat the �it�• Manager iae and he is hers'by instrueted to apply for a change ordar tb applg $�284,38 now allocated to contin�ency for construe'tion on3.g (3d3��1 as set up in the anzauni; of �6621000 from wYiich the amcyunt of �492.D0 has already besn deduc�ed� and this be app3�.ed for the payment .of this work. � ' • � . �.(i�y Passed and. adopted by the City Conmiisai.on of tne City of Clear- svatar' Florida this the 22nd day af June, A. D, 1936. (Signedj R. E. Gx�sen ATTEST� sy�r- ottnn�s on�r (Signed) J. E. Satterfield •'�y ud or erko N[oved by ]1�r. Batchelar� seconded bg �dr, Mars�a that the Resolutlon be adopted �nd upan roll aall, the �olZowsi�i;g vote �raa pelled: , Ayes: P�ayor-Cutmnissioner Graen P�r. Batchelor i+Ir. lt2srsh IrLr« Barr9 Idr. Baker Nays� DTone. �Nhereupon the Mayor daclared the Resolution adopted �azl sign.ecl the salriE. There being; ns� iiu�ther basiness, the meetin.g was adjourxied. a or omm• ssione�-� ATTEST: � or er . 0